Books > Money & Finance > Insurance
The Manual will help in obtaining a license - or startling your own
company. CLAIMS ADJUSTING is haunting, challenging, and every case
is of woven complexity, where TRUTH and JUSTICE is your ultimate
The relatively young theory of structured dependence between
stochastic processes has many real-life applications in areas
including finance, insurance, seismology, neuroscience, and
genetics. With this monograph, the first to be devoted to the
modeling of structured dependence between random processes, the
authors not only meet the demand for a solid theoretical account
but also develop a stochastic processes counterpart of the
classical copula theory that exists for finite-dimensional random
variables. Presenting both the technical aspects and the
applications of the theory, this is a valuable reference for
researchers and practitioners in the field, as well as for graduate
students in pure and applied mathematics programs. Numerous
theoretical examples are included, alongside examples of both
current and potential applications, aimed at helping those who need
to model structured dependence between dynamic random phenomena.
Investing in Life considers the creation and expansion of the
American life insurance industry from its early origins in the
1810s through the 1860s and examines how its growth paralleled and
influenced the emergence of the middle class. Using the economic
instability of the period as her backdrop, Sharon Ann Murphy also
analyzes changing roles for women; the attempts to adapt slavery to
an urban, industrialized setting; the rise of statistical thinking;
and efforts to regulate the business environment. Her research
directly challenges the conclusions of previous scholars who have
dismissed the importance of the earliest industry innovators while
exaggerating clerical opposition to life insurance. Murphy examines
insurance as both a business and a social phenomenon. She looks at
how insurance companies positioned themselves within the
marketplace, calculated risks associated with disease,
intemperance, occupational hazard, and war, and battled fraud,
murder, and suicide. She also discusses the role of consumers-their
reasons for purchasing life insurance, their perceptions of the
industry, and how their desires and demands shaped the ultimate
This guide explains the answers to questions most commonly asked by
consumers about automobile insurance in New York State. The author
offers tips, many never before revealed in print, to help the
consumer, whether they are a new driver who has never before owned
an insurance policy or someone more experienced, purchase the best
possible insurance policy.
Medicare is a nation-wide health insurance programme for the aged
and certain disabled persons. Over its 32 year history, it has
provided important protection for millions of Americans. However,
the programme is now facing a number of problems. The first and
most pressing concern is whether Medicare's financing mechanism
will be able to sustain it in the long run. Many people are also
concerned that the programme's structure, which in large measure
reflects both the health care delivery system as well as political
considerations in effect at the time of enactment, has failed to
keep pace with the changes in the health care system as a whole. A
related concern is whether the programme's benefit structure
adequately responds to the health care need of today's aged and
disabled populations. This book addresses these and other related
In der Haftpflichtversicherung bilden die AHB als Allgemeine
Geschaftsbedingungen die Basis der jeweiligen Vertrage. Seit
Jahrzehnten ist jedoch umstritten, welcher Vorgang fur die
zeitliche Abgrenzung des Versicherungsschutzes in 1 Nr. 1 AHB
massgeblich ist. Ist es der vom Versicherungsnehmer begangene
Verstoss oder das unmittelbar zum Schaden fuhrende Geschehen? Der
Autor zeigt auf, dass diese Fragestellung Wesentliches ubersieht.
Denn 1 Nr. 1 AHB verstoesst in mehrfacher Hinsicht gegen das in 9
Abs. 1 AGB-Gesetz verankerte Transparenzgebot. Zudem ist das
Verstoss- oder das Folgeereignisprinzip in der Allgemeinen
Haftpflichtversicherung generell nicht geeignet, einen
Interessenausgleich zu bewirken. Dies ist aber mit der Einfuhrung
eines Claims-Made-Prinzips in den AHB moeglich.
Mit Hilfe der agentenbasierten Modellierung (ABM) lassen sich
komplexe Systeme wie Finanzmarkte, Gesellschaften,
Infrastrukturnetze, Organisationen oder ahnliches detailliert
darstellen und anschliessend realitatsnah simulieren. Aufgrund der
zentralen Fahigkeit der ABM, das Zusammenspiel einer Vielzahl
heterogener Agenten miteinander sowie mit ihrer Umgebung recht
einfach zu modellieren, koennen Phanomene auf der Makroebene durch
Ereignisse auf der Mikroebene verstandlich erklart, zuverlassig
prognostiziert oder auch in experimenteller Weise erkundet werden.
Diese computergestutzte Methode bietet zahlreiche Vorteile, weshalb
sie heutzutage bereits in vielen Anwendungsbereichen erfolgreich
eingesetzt wird. So kann beispielsweise, abhangig von der gewahlten
Modellierungsumgebung bzw. der verwendeten Software, eine
grundlegende Einarbeitung ohne groesseren Zeitaufwand und vor allem
auch ohne entsprechende Programmierkenntnisse autodidaktisch
geschehen. Diese interdisziplinar angelegte Einfuhrung ermoeglicht
einer breiten Zielgruppe einen Einblick in die Grundlagen der ABM.
Dieses Sachbuch bietet privaten Anlegern eine erprobte Methode,
Aktien mit einfachen Mitteln in drei Dimensionen zu analysieren, um
eine fundierte Kaufentscheidung zu treffen. Chancen und Risiken
werden aufgedeckt und abgewogen, so dass Anleger gemass ihrer
eigenen Risikobereitschaft handeln koennen. Im ersten Schritt wird
anhand einer einfachen Kennziffernanalyse die finanzielle Situation
der jeweiligen Aktiengesellschaft beleuchtet, um schnell und
moeglichst treffsicher finanziell solide Unternehmen zu finden.
Darauf folgt die Bewertung der Analystenschatzungen mit selbst
definierten Risikoparametern anhand eines einfach zu handhabenden
finanzmathematischen Modells. Schliesslich folgt die Bestimmung des
Kaufzeitpunktes mithilfe einer Chartanalyse. Mit dieser Methode
bilden sich Anleger in drei Dimensionen zu Chance und Risiko der
Aktie eine Meinung. Damit steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die
Chancen die Risiken ubersteigen. Das stets mit der Geldanlage in
Aktien verbundene Verlustrisiko lasst sich auf diese Weise
verringern. Solche Aktien koennen tendenziell einige Zeit im Depot
ruhen. Damit eignet sich diese Methode sehr gut fur Anleger, die
selbst uber ihre Aktienanlagen entscheiden moechten und nicht
taglich ihr Depot uberwachen wollen oder koennen.
Risk Modeling for Hazards and Disasters covers all major aspects of
catastrophe risk modeling, from hazards through to financial
analysis. It explores relevant new science in risk modeling,
indirect losses, assessment of impact and consequences to insurance
losses, and current changes in risk modeling practice, along with
case studies. It also provides further insight into the
shortcomings of current models and examines model risk and ideas to
diversify risk assessment. Risk Modeling for Hazards and Disasters
instructs readers on how to assess, price and then hedge the losses
from natural and manmade catastrophes. This book reviews current
model development and science and explains recent changes in the
catastrophe modeling space, including new initiatives covering
uncertainty and big data in the assessment of risk for insurance
pricing and portfolio management. Edited by a leading expert in
both hazards and risk, this book is authored by a global panel
including major modeling vendors, modeling consulting firms, and
well-known catastrophe modeling scientists. Risk Modeling for
Hazards and Disasters provides important insight into how models
are used to price and manage risk.
"Risk Management under UCITS III/IV" shows how asset managers, fund
administrators, management companies and risk departments can
satisfy the various financial regulators, which govern European
markets, that they have adequate risk monitoring procedures in
place for the funds they manage or administer.
The book explains all the requirements for risk management under
the new UCITS III/IV regime, as well as the universe of financial
instruments which can be used by portfolio managers, and identifies
their associated risks and possible mitigation strategies. It is
therefore required reading for anyone trying to fully understand
and comply with UCITS III/IV requirements.
In the 1990s, large insurance companies failed in virtually
every major market, prompting a fierce and ongoing debate about how
to better protect policyholders. Drawing lessons from the failures
of four insurance companies, "When Insurers Go Bust" dramatically
advances this debate by arguing that the current approach to
insurance regulation should be replaced with mechanisms that
replicate the governance of non-financial firms.
Rather than immediately addressing the minutiae of supervision,
Guillaume Plantin and Jean-Charles Rochet first identify a
fundamental economic rationale for supervising the solvency of
insurance companies: policyholders are the "bankers" of insurance
companies. But because policyholders are too dispersed to
effectively monitor insurers, it might be efficient to delegate
monitoring to an institution--a prudential authority. Applying
recent developments in corporate finance theory and the economic
theory of organizations, the authors describe in practical terms
how such authorities could be created and given the incentives to
behave exactly like bankers behave toward borrowers, as "tough"
Dieses Buch fu hrt mathematisch pra zise in die stochastischen
Modelle ein, die bei der Bewertung von Schadensbetra gen fu r
Versicherungen von besonderer Bedeutung sind. Abgedeckt werden
Modelle fu r kleine und grosse Schadensbetra ge, Modelle fur
extreme Ereignisse, Risikomasse, sowie die stochastischen Prozesse
der aktuariellen Risikotheorie: Za hlprozesse, zusammengesetzte
Prozesse, Erneuerungsprozesse und Poisson-Prozesse. Zentrales Thema
ist die Bestimmung der Ruinwahrscheinlichkeit des Versicherers. In
diesem Zusammenhang werden analytische Loesungen, asymptotische
Approximationen sowie numerische Algorithmen wie die
Monte-Carlo-Simulation vorgestellt. Gute Grundkenntnisse in der
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie werden vorausgesetzt, doch ein Anhang
mit den wichtigsten Resultaten erleichtert die Lekture dieses
Buches. Das Buch ist geeignet fur fortgeschrittene Bachelor- oder
Masterstudierende der Mathematik oder Statistik mit entsprechender
Vertiefungsrichtung. Daruber hinaus richtet es sich an Kandidaten,
die das Diplom der Schweizerischen Aktuarvereinigung (SAV) erwerben
oder sich auf das Diplom der Society of Actuaries (SOA) vorbereiten
moechten. Auch praktizierende Versicherungsmathematiker, die ihre
technischen Kenntnisse vertiefen wollen, werden angesprochen. Die
vorliegende zweite Auflage enthalt theoretische Erganzungen,
insbesondere Resultate uber die Fluktuationen der Summe und der
zusammengesetzten Summe, d.h. des Gesamtschadensbetrages einer
Periode. Daruber hinaus erleichtern nun neue Aufgaben verschiedener
Schwierigkeitsgrade und mit ausfuhrlichen Loesungen das
Throughout history, innovators have disrupted existing financial
services norms to change the landscape of the marketplace.
Disruptive Fintech briefly traces fractional reserves, the creation
of bank currency that traded at a premium to bullion value, central
bank regulation, securitization of assets and loans, the current
state of digital currency and electronic payments. The author then
looks toward the future of fintech and the forces of disruption
that will change the landscape of financial life as we know it.
Using over 100 interviews with thought leading CEOs, this book
develops a methodology to identify financial services that are ripe
for innovation and discusses how innovative thinking can be used as
a disruptive weapon to attack incumbents and create effective new
fintech models. The book discusses How to relate historical
innovations and disruptions in financial services to the current
landscape How to follow a process to identify the threats facing
incumbent processes and businesses, and how innovative thinking can
be used as a disruptive weapon to attack incumbents and create
effective new fintech models How many fintech innovations will be
constructed by re-arranging or re-purposing existing core processes
In this insightful book, author James Deitch, CPA CMB, argues that
some of today's high-flying fintech innovators will flourish, but
many may perish as the fire of innovation consumes those fintechs
that are slow to monetize their promises.
Real case studies on insurance fraud written by real fraud
examiners Insurance Fraud Casebook is a one-of-a-kind collection
consisting of actual cases written by fraud examiners out in the
field. These cases were hand selected from hundreds of submissions
and together form a comprehensive picture of the many types of
insurance fraud how they are investigated, across industries and
throughout the world. Entertaining and enlightening, the cases
cover every type of insurance fraud, from medical fraud to
counterfeiting. * Each case outlines how the fraud was engineered,
how it was investigated, and how perpetrators were brought to
justice * Written for fraud examiners, auditors, and insurance
auditors * Other titles by Wells: Fraud Fighter and Corporate Fraud
Handbook, Third Edition Edited by Dr. Joseph T. Wells, the founder
and Chairman of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
(ACFE), the world's leading anti-fraud organization, this book
reveals the dangers of insurance fraud and the measures that can be
taken to prevent it from happening in the first place.