Books > Money & Finance > Insurance
Frank Muller vergleicht verschiedene Kombinationen aus Fondsanlagen
und Lebensversicherungen mit dem Ziel, dem Anleger eine moglichst
hohe Mindestrendite zu garantieren. Er zeigt, dass einfachste,
durch den Anleger zusammenstellbare Produkte teilweise bessere
Ergebnisse erzielen als fondsgebundene, eine Mindestauszahlung
garantierende Lebensversicherungen.
In the 1990s, large insurance companies failed in virtually every
major market, prompting a fierce and ongoing debate about how to
better protect policyholders. Drawing lessons from the failures of
four insurance companies, When Insurers Go Bust dramatically
advances this debate by arguing that the current approach to
insurance regulation should be replaced with mechanisms that
replicate the governance of non-financial firms. Rather than
immediately addressing the minutiae of supervision, Guillaume
Plantin and Jean-Charles Rochet first identify a fundamental
economic rationale for supervising the solvency of insurance
companies: policyholders are the "bankers" of insurance companies.
But because policyholders are too dispersed to effectively monitor
insurers, it might be efficient to delegate monitoring to an
institution--a prudential authority. Applying recent developments
in corporate finance theory and the economic theory of
organizations, the authors describe in practical terms how such
authorities could be created and given the incentives to behave
exactly like bankers behave toward borrowers, as "tough"
How much is a human life worth? Individuals, families, companies,
and governments routinely place a price on human life. The
calculations that underlie these price tags are often buried in
technical language, yet they influence our economy, laws,
behaviors, policies, health, and safety. These price tags are often
unfair, infused as they are with gender, racial, national, and
cultural biases that often result in valuing the lives of the young
more than the old, the rich more than the poor, whites more than
blacks, Americans more than foreigners, and relatives more than
strangers. This is critical since undervalued lives are left
less-protected and more exposed to risk. Howard Steven Friedman
explains in simple terms how economists and data scientists at
corporations, regulatory agencies, and insurance companies develop
and use these price tags and points a spotlight at their logical
flaws and limitations. He then forcefully argues against the
rampant unfairness in the system. Readers will be enlightened,
shocked, and, ultimately, empowered to confront the price tags we
assign to human lives and understand why such calculations matter.
Antje Musil verdeutlicht den engen Zusammenhang zwischen der
Eigenverantwortung des Patienten und der Arzt-Patient-Beziehung.
Sie entwickelt ein Vergutungssystem, das die Entlohnung des Arztes
starker an das Leistungsergebnis knupft und so fur eine starkere
Patientenorientierung des Leistungserbringers sorgt.
Torsten Grzebiela identifiziert spezifische Risiken des Internets.
Auf der Basis eines komplementaren Ansatzes zur Handhabung der
Internet-Risiken untersucht er technische Sicherungsmassnahmen,
vertrauensbildende Massnahmen und oekonomische Instrumente zur
Uta Elisabeth Hagen untersucht Zielsetzung, Methodik und
Einsatzmoglichkeiten von Portfolio-Insurance-Konzepten. Sie
prasentiert umfangreiche Erkenntnisse zu speziellen
Portfolio-Insurance-Strategien auf der Basis von
Monte-Carlo-Simulationen und eines Backtestings fur den deutschen
Finanzmarktmarkt anhand des DAX30-Performanceindexes sowie der
Martin Johanntoberens analysiert das Zusammenspiel von Underwriting
(Risikozeichnung) und Risiko-Management
(naturwissenschaftlich-technische Risikoabschatzung) bei
Entscheidungsfindungen in Fragen der Versicherbarkeit. Seiner
empirischen Analyse zufolge orientieren sich
Industrie-Haftpflichtversicherer primar an wirtschaftlichen
Gesichtspunkten: Risikomanagement scheint uberwiegend der
Aussendarstellung und der Gewinnung von Legitimitat zu dienen.
Reinhard Lahusen entwickelt drei eigene Modelle, die er mit
vorhandenen Modellen vergleicht, wobei grundsatzliche Kriterien des
Asset-Managements sowie Anforderungen des deutschen
Alterssicherungssystems und der Praktikabilitat berucksichtigt
As almost all newspaper or magazine readers know, Canada figured
prominently in the turbulent U.S. debates over health care reform
in the early Clinton presidency. Furthermore, future news analysts
and policymakers will undoubtedly again use Canada to cite the
"good" and the "bad" aspects of single-payer national health
insurance. Beyond the debate about the desirability of
Canadian-style health care reforms, Antonia Maioni sees another
question: Why did the United States and Canada, alike in so many
ways, part "at the crossroads" to produce such different systems of
health insurance? She answers this previously neglected query so
interestingly that her book will hold the attention of anyone
concerned with health care in either country or both.
The author explores the development of health insurance in the
United States and Canada, from the emergence of health care as a
political issue in the 1930s to the passage of federal health
insurance legislation in the 1960s. Focusing on how political
institutions influence policy development, she shows that Canada's
federal structure and its parliamentary institutions encouraged a
social-democratic third party that became pivotal in demonstrating
the feasibility of universal, public health insurance. Meanwhile,
the constraints of the U.S. political system forced health care
reformers to temper their own ideas to appeal to a wide coalition
within the Democratic party. Even readers previously unfamiliar
with Canadian politics will find in this book important clues about
the "realm of the possible" in the uncertain future of U.S. health
Die Notwendigkeit eines Customer Value Managements in
Franchisesystemen resultiert aus der Tatsache, dass der Erfolg des
Franchisegebers uber die Franchisegebuhr bzw. Handelsspanne an den
Erfolg des Franchisenehmers gekoppelt ist. Geht man davon aus, dass
der Franchisegeber primar an einer angemessenen Verzinsung seines
in das Franchisesystem investierten Eigenkapitals interessiert ist,
sind alle Aktivitaten des Franchisegebers zur planmassigen
Gestaltung der Beziehung zum Franchisenehmer an diesem Ziel
auszurichten. Folglich sind die einzelnen
Franchisegeber-Franchisenehmer-Bezie-hungen jeweils als
(Teil-)Inves-titionen zu begreifen, deren Vorteilhaftigkeit sich
anhand des Partner Value (PV) bemisst. Eva-Maria Gust entwickelt
ein Konzept zur Franchisenehmer-Bewertung. Zur Ermittlung des
Partner Value wird auf das Modell des Vollstandigen Finanzplans
(VOFIs) und Markov-Prozesse als Verfahren zur Prognose der
originaren franchisenehmerbezogenen Zahlungen zuruckgegriffen.
Anhand des Partner Value lasst sich fruhzeitig erkennen, ob sich
die Franchisenehmer hinsichtlich der obersten Zielsetzung des
Franchisegebers optimal entwickeln werden und welche Ansatzpunkte
fur wertsteigernde Massnahmen existieren.
This book, the second one of three volumes, gives practical
examples by a number of use cases showing how to take first steps
in the digital journey of banks and insurance companies. The angle
shifts over the volumes from a business-driven approach in
"Disruption and DNA" to a strong technical focus in "Data Storage,
Processing and Analysis", leaving "Digitalization and Machine
Learning Applications" with the business and technical aspects
in-between. This second volume mainly emphasizes use cases as well
as the methods and technologies applied to drive digital
transformation (such as processes, leveraging computational power
and machine learning models).
Actuaries have access to a wealth of individual data in pension and
insurance portfolios, but rarely use its full potential. This book
will pave the way, from methods using aggregate counts to modern
developments in survival analysis. Based on the fundamental concept
of the hazard rate, Part I shows how and why to build statistical
models, based on data at the level of the individual persons in a
pension scheme or life insurance portfolio. Extensive use is made
of the R statistics package. Smooth models, including regression
and spline models in one and two dimensions, are covered in depth
in Part II. Finally, Part III uses multiple-state models to extend
survival models beyond the simple life/death setting, and includes
a brief introduction to the modern counting process approach.
Practising actuaries will find this book indispensable, and
students will find it helpful when preparing for their professional
Risks can be identified, evaluated, and mitigated, but the
underlying uncertainty remains elusive. Risk is present across all
industries and sectors. As a result, organizations and governments
worldwide are currently experiencing higher levels of risk and have
had to make risky decisions during times of crisis and instability,
including the COVID-19 pandemic, economic and climate perils, and
global tensions surrounding terrorism. It is essential that new
studies are undertaken to understand strategies taken during these
times to better equip business leaders to navigate risk management
in the future. Global Risk and Contingency Management Research in
Times of Crisis examines the impact of crises including the
COVID-19 pandemic, which has tested organizational risk and
contingency management plans. It provides significant insights that
should benefit business leaders on risk and contingency management
in times of crisis. It emphasizes strategies that leaders can
undertake to identify potential future risks and examines decisions
made in past crises that can act as examples of what to do and what
not to do during future crisis events. Covering topics such as
auditing theories, risk assessment, and educational inequality,
this premier reference source is a crucial resource for business
leaders, executives, managers, decision makers, policymakers,
students, government officials, entrepreneurs, librarians,
researchers, and academicians.
Die demographische und gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung erfordert
eine neue Konzeption der deutschen Alterssicherung. Anke Steenbock
entwickelt eine solche Konzeption, indem sie Anregungen aus dem
Ausland aufnimmt und Ruckschlusse aus theoretischen Analysen