Books > Business & Economics > Business & management > Management of specific areas > Management of real estate, property & plant
Improving Convention Center Management Using Business Analytics and
Key Performance Indicators presents sound practical advice from an
author who successfully lived the experience. Transitioning from a
traditional business model to one that is data driven and
entrepreneurial can be difficult. This book explains the rationale
and importance of each indicator along with data collection issues
and presentation advice. It guides you through that process from
launch and trial, up to making analytics an indispensible part of
your management strategy.
Process industries have a particularly urgent need for
collaborative equipment management systems, but until now have
lacked for programs directed toward their specific needs. TPM in
Process lndustries brings together top consultants from the Japan
Institute of Plant Maintenance to modify the original "TPM
Development Program." In this volume, they demonstrate how to
analyze process environments and equipment issues including process
loss structure and calculation, autonomous maintenance, equipment
and process improvement, and quality maintenance. For all
organizations managing large equipment, facing low operator/machine
ratios, or implementing extensive improvement, this text is an
invaluable resource.
Process Plant Layout, Second Edition, explains the methodologies
used by professional designers to layout process equipment and
pipework, plots, plants, sites, and their corresponding
environmental features in a safe, economical way. It is supported
with tables of separation distances, rules of thumb, and codes of
practice and standards. The book includes more than seventy-five
case studies on what can go wrong when layout is not properly
considered. Sean Moran has thoroughly rewritten and re-illustrated
this book to reflect advances in technology and best practices, for
example, changes in how designers balance layout density with cost,
operability, and safety considerations. The content covers the
'why' underlying process design company guidelines, providing a
firm foundation for career growth for process design engineers. It
is ideal for process plant designers in contracting, consultancy,
and for operating companies at all stages of their careers, and is
also of importance for operations and maintenance staff involved
with a new build, guiding them through plot plan reviews.
El libro muestra un estudio de la empresa socialista cubana,
demostrando que el Estado no aplico el modelo adecuado que
propiciara ser eficiente y pivote fundamental para el desarrollo
del pais. Como base de referencia para el analisis se utiliza lo
escrito en la obra "The Practice of Management" del autor Peter
Drucker. Se presentan los principales errores del sistema
empresarial, estructurales y funcionales, que han provocado el
empobrecimiento de Cuba asi como la influencia del desempeno de los
dirigentes empresariales. Presenta, ademas, las malas practicas en
los principales sectores economicos que son las verdaderas causas
del mal estado de la economia de la nacion, desmitificando la
propaganda de las autoridades que los achacan al "bloqueo
This report seeks to inform the debate over the extent of U.S.
military presence overseas by providing a rigorous estimate of the
costs associated with maintaining U.S. Air Force installations and
units overseas rather than in the United States.
U.S. Army Special Operations Command asked RAND Arroyo Center to
determine whether its Tactical Human Optimization, Rapid
Rehabilitation and Reconditioning (THOR3) program is effectively
utilizing the resources provided and to identify opportunities for
improvement in the program s planning and implementation, staffing,
leader development and education, facility and equipment
requirements, and ability to support participating personnel.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are
not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or
access to any online entitlements included with the product. The
Most Complete, Current Guide to Every Aspect of Maintenance
EngineeringExtensively updated to cover the latest technologies and
methods, Maintenance Engineering Handbook, Eighth Edition offers
in-depth details on identifying and repairing faulty equipment.
This definitive resource focuses on proven best practices for
maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO), inventory management,
root-cause analysis, and performance management. This thoroughly
revised edition contains new chapters on: Reliability-based
maintenance Preventive maintenance Sustaining maintenance
Ultrasonics Operating dynamics Simplified failure modes and effects
analysis Criticality analysis Process and value-stream mapping
Featuring contributions from noted experts in the field, this
authoritative reference will help you to successfully reduce
excessive downtime and high maintenance costs by detecting and
mitigating repetitive failures. Comprehensive coverage of:
Organization and management of the maintenance function * Best
practices for maintenance and predictive maintenance * Engineering
and analysis tools * Maintenance of mechanical, electrical, and
facilities equipment