Books > Medicine > Nursing & ancillary services > Physiotherapy
The third edition of this convenient pocket guide presents a
comprehensive collection of clinical tests for all the major
musculoskeletal structures. New tests have been added and existing
tests fully revised to include the most practical, relevant, and
up-to-date information for the effective evaluation of the
musculoskeletal system. The book is organized by body region, with
chapters devoted to the spine; shoulder; elbow; wrist, hand, and
fingers; hip; knee; and foot and ankle. Each of these chapters
opens with a figure depicting range of motion and an algorithm that
provides a quick overview of symptoms, tests, imaging, and
diagnosis. Additional chapters on posture deficiencies, venous
thrombosis, occlusive arterial disease and neurovascular
compression syndromes, and disturbances of the central nervous
system complete the book. For each clinical test, readers will find
a step-by-step description of the procedure, followed by a concise
discussion of assessment and possible diagnoses for that test.
Special Features: Succinct descriptions of initial tests,
functional tests, stress tests, and stability tests More than 600
precise line drawings augment the text and reinforce key concepts
Helpful tips and guidance for the clinical examination, from taking
patient history to selecting the appropriate tests and further
course of action Extensive bibliography of recommended literature
for additional reading The third edition of Clinical Tests for the
Musculoskeletal System is an essential tool for the physical
examination and diagnosis of functional impairments of
musculoskeletal structures. This user-friendly handbook is ideal
for orthopedists, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists,
physical therapists, osteopathic physicians, and residents in these
Prepare for practice with the book tailored specifically for
physical therapist assistants! Physical Rehabilitation for the
Physical Therapist Assistant provides a clear, easy-to-read,
evidence-based guide to the PTA's role in patient management,
covering the core concepts related to physical rehabilitation and
emphasizing the PTA's role in intervention. A treatment-oriented
focus addresses each of the four categories of the American
Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Preferred Practice Patterns:
musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary.
The final section of the book addresses interventions which overlap
many practice patterns. Written by rehabilitation experts Michelle
Cameron, MD, PT and Linda Monroe, MPT, in consultation with Susan
Schmidt, a practicing PTA, and Carla Gleaton, the director of a PTA
education program, this text will be a valuable resource both in
the classroom and in professional practice. Comprehensive,
evidence-based coverage of rehabilitation includes sections on
pathology; examination; evaluation, diagnosis, and prognosis;
clinical signs, and intervention -- emphasizing the PTA's role in
intervention. Unique! A consistent, organized approach covers
physical therapy intervention by disorder, with full discussions of
each condition found in a single chapter. Format follows the Guide
to Physical Therapist Practice, 2nd Edition so you become familiar
with the terminology used in therapy practice. Clinical Pearls
highlight key information. Unique! Full-color illustrations clearly
demonstrate pathologies and interventions. Case studies with
discussion questions guide you through specific patient
interactions to build your clinical reasoning skills. Glossaries in
each chapter define key terms to build your clinical vocabulary.
Unique! Student resources on the companion Evolve website enhance
your learning with vocabulary-building exercises, boards-style
practice test questions, examples of commonly used forms, and
references from the book linked to Medline.
Relief for your patients with musculoskeletal pain... This unique
guide takes an in-depth look at trigger point therapy. Divided into
two sections – Functional Muscle Chains and Trigger Points and
Their Treatment – this book combines detailed theory with tried
and practical techniques. The text covers the basics of functional
muscle chains and the origin of myofascial pain arising from the
musculoskeletal system, for example, due to poor posture. The
reader will learn how various stretching exercises augment the
myofascial therapy methods. Anatomic drawings and liberal use of
photographs in this book will help the reader to localize the
trigger points and the associated pain areas. Praise for the first
edition: "The information is brief but to the point; there is
little wasted space so that the book is packed with information
that can immediately be put into action." Doody's Review Key
Features: Various models of muscle chains introduced and described
Detailed explanations of trigger points and their treatment New
chapters about posture and influence of gravity, as well 46 new and
redrawn illustrations, now totaling approximately 300, included in
this new edition "Ticklish" and erogenous zones mapped out to help
prevent unintended side effects of treatment Trigger Points and
Muscle Chains, second edition, is an essential tool for osteopaths,
physical therapists, and all practitioners involved in pain
therapy. This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy
on https://medone.thieme.com.
The definitive guide to performing vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, and
implant augmentation from national and international experts
Vertebral compression fractures (VCFs) result from trauma or
pathologic weakening of the bone and are associated with conditions
such as osteoporosis or malignancy. Worldwide, VCFs impact one in
three women and one in eight men aged 50 and older, with more than
8.9 million fractures incurred annually. Copublished by Thieme and
the Society of Interventional Radiology, Vertebral Augmentation:
The Comprehensive Guide to Vertebroplasty, Kyphoplasty, and Implant
Augmentation provides a practical, clinical discussion of these
minimally invasive spine interventions. Written and edited by
Douglas Beall along with associate editors Allan Brook, M. R.
Chambers, Joshua Hirsch, Alexios Kelekis, Yong-Chul Kim, Scott
Kreiner, and Kieran Murphy, this richly illustrated book presents a
multidisciplinary and international perspective. It features
contributions from renowned experts in interventional radiology,
neurosurgery, pain medicine, and physiatry. This resource fills a
gap in the literature, with extensive updates on a vast amount of
new information and techniques that have been introduced during the
past decade. Thirty-five chapters address treatment of spine
fractures, starting with a history and introduction to vertebral
augmentation, discussion of VCFs, patient assessments, physical
exam findings, pain management, and much more. Key Features
Procedural chapters cover vertebroplasty, sacroplasty, cervical and
posterior arch augmentation, balloon kyphoplasty, and vertebral
augmentation with implants and for challenging pathologies Special
topics include radiation exposure and protection, post-procedure
physical therapy, osteoporosis treatment, postural fatigue
syndrome, the effect on morbidity and mortality, and cementoplasty
outside the spine Treatment of complex cases are also discussed
extensively, including chronic vertebral compression fractures,
neoplastic vertebral compression fractures, instrumented spinal
fusions, and severe benign and malignant fractures The final
chapter features 16 subchapters from global masters of vertebral
augmentation, with personal tips, tricks, and pearls they use in
their own practices This is a must-have resource for interventional
radiology, neurosurgery, interventional pain management, and
orthopaedic surgery residents and fellows, as well as seasoned
clinicians who wish to incorporate these procedures into practice.
This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on
Dieses Nachschlagewerk richtet sich an Studierende von
gesundheitsbezogenen Studiengangen sowie Wissenschaftler im
Gesundheitsbereich und bietet fachgebietsubergreifend und
interdisziplinar das gesamte Wissen im Bereich Pravention und
Gesundheitsfoerderung stets top aktuell und gebundelt in
hervorragender Qualitat. Die einzelnen Sektionen behandeln sowohl
die Bedeutungen und Grundlagen, Konzepte und Methoden, als auch die
wichtigsten Akteure im deutschen Gesundheitswesen. Berucksichtigt
werden dabei die sozialen und umweltbezogenen Determinanten, die
verschiedenen Risikofaktoren und Risikoverhalten, sowie die
rechtlichen Grundlagen und die gesundheitspolitische Umsetzung. Das
Standardwerk richtet sich an Studierende, Wissenschaftlerinnen und
Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen im Gesundheitsbereich
sowie an Expertinnen und Experten aus der Praxis.
Proven and effective orthopedic therapy techniques for
musculoskeletal disorders Orthopedic Manual Therapy presents a
systematic, step-by-step guide to manual therapy for disorders of
the extremities and spine. Readers will find detailed examination
and treatment techniques, the newest scientific and clinical
advances, and updates on pain physiology, biomechanics,
neurodynamics, and the biopsychosocial model of disease as the
foundation for manual therapy. Special Features Describes every
procedure in well structured, logical sequences of assessment,
classification, and intervention, including core questions for
patients Covers examination and treatment of all joints, from the
toes to the shoulder girdle, with new information on the
sacro-iliac joint tests, as well as additional new techniques for
the wrist and the hindfoot Provides more than 500 full-color,
step-by-step photographs that illustrate every technique for
treating functional disorders of the locomotor system Explains the
important topic of arthrokinematics (movement of the adjacent joint
surfaces) and its role in the mechanics of manual therapy Offers a
practical documentation template for recording each articulation
and communicating findings to colleagues or physicians Access to 20
instructive videos on the Thieme MediaCenter that demonstrate
procedures in real-life clinical situations Complete with case
studies, checklists, and study questions, this practical, didactic
book is ideal as both a textbook and a reference. Students and
practitioners of physical and manual therapy will find it essential
for gaining the knowledge and decision-making skills to treat any
musculoskeletal disorder related to posture and movement.
The first neuroanatomy text written specifically for physical
therapy students Written by recognized experts in human nervous
system development, Neuroanatomy for Rehabilitation provides
physical therapy students with a thorough understanding of the
anatomical localization of brain function. Approximately 200 line
illustrations and photographs teach students how to accurately
interpret the wealth of new human brain images now available. The
text opens with an informative section that discusses the
structural and functional organization of the nervous system and
includes coverage of functional neuroanatomy and response to
injury. This is followed by sections covering: * Vascular Supply of
the Central Nervous System (arterial supply, venous drainage,
response to injury) * Cellular Organization of the Nervous System *
Development of the Central Nervous System * Functional Neuroanatomy
by Ascending Region * The Brainstem, Cranial Nerves and Visual
Pathways * The Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia * Diencephalon * The
Cortex Each section opens with a case study and an overview of key
concepts, and concludes with case discussion and review questions.
No other text provides physical therapy students and instructors
with such relevant, authoritative, and well-written material
designed to enhance understanding of the human nervous system as
Neuroanatomy for Rehabilitation.
Pat Davies' Anleitung zur Behandlung von Patienten mit Hemiplegie
ist seit Jahren weltweit anerkannt und aus der neurologischen
Rehabilitation nicht mehr wegzudenken. Mit allen praxisrelevanten
Fortschritten und neuen Entwicklungen ist die Neuauflage wieder
rundum "up-to-date"! * Von Bobath-Konzept ausgehend werden
Befundaufnahme und Therapie im fruhen und spateren Stadium der
Neurorehabilitation detailliert beschrieben. * Die Probleme von
Patienten und Angehoerigen im Alltag werden Therapeuten,
Pflegekraften und AErzten anschaulich vermittelt. * Therapeutische
Gesichtspunkte und Massnahmen, die die funktionellen Fahigkeiten
foerdern und zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualitat des Patienten
beitragen, werden von Grund auf erklart. * Insgesamt 740 zeigen
reale Behandlungssituationen, die das therapeutische Vorgehen im
Bild verdeutlichen. * Gut verstandlich geschrieben und grosszugig
illustriert: Ein exzellenter Ratgeber auch fur Angehoerige, die
aktiv zur Foerderung der Fahigkeiten des Patienten beitragen
koennen. Neu in der 2. Auflage: * Praktische Vorgehensweisen, wie
Patienten mit gestoerter Wahrnehmung bei der Suche nach Information
und in der gespurten Interaktion mit der Umwelt unterstutzt werden,
mit dem Ziel, wieder Selbstandigkeit im Alltag zu gewinnen. * Eine
detaillierte Erklarung der Handfunktion * Eine fundierte Analyse
des normalen Gehens * Aktualisierte Kapitel uber therapeutische
Aktivitaten, u.a. zum Erarbeiten selektiver Bewegungen und zur
Vorbeugung von muskularem Hypertonus * Neues uber die Aktivitat der
Bauchmuskulatur, die wichtig ist fur Gleichgewichtsreaktionen,
Sitzen und Stehen * Ein Kapitel uber die Anwendung von David
Butlers Konzept der Mobilisation des Nervensystems als Teil der
Behandlung * Hilfen zur Vermeidung von Sekundarkomplikationen wie
Schmerzen oder Bewegungseinschrankungen und zur UEberwindung
existierender Schwierigkeiten * Anregungen, wie Patienten nach Ende
der Behandlung ihre Beweglichkeit bewahren, weiterhin Fortschritte