Books > Humanities > Religion & beliefs > Christianity > Protestantism & Protestant Churches
Trollope and the Church of England is the first detailed examination of Trollop's attitude towards his Anglican faith and the Church, and the impact this had on his works. Jill Durey controversially explodes the myth that Trollope's most popular characters just happened to be clerical and were simply a skit on the Church, by revealing the true extent of his lifelong fascination with religion.
This enlightening book examines the physical objects found in elite
Virginia households of the eighteenth century to discover what they
can tell us about their owners' lives and religious practices.
Lauren F. Winner looks closely at punch bowls, needlework, mourning
jewelry, baptismal gowns, biscuit molds, cookbooks, and many other
items, illuminating the ways Anglicanism influenced daily
activities and attitudes in colonial Virginia, particularly in the
households of the gentry.
For at least the past two decades, international Anglicanism has
been gripped by a crisis of identity: what is to be the dynamic
between autonomy and interdependence? Where is authority to be
located? How might the local relate to the international? How are
the variously diverse national churches to be held together 'in
communion'? "A Still More Excellent Way" presents a comprehensive
account of the development and nature of metropolitical authority
and the place of the 'province' within Anglican polity, with an
emphasis on the contemporary question of how international
Anglicanism is to be imagined and take shape. The first
comprehensive historical examination of the development of
metropolitical authority and provincial polity within international
Anglicanism, the book offers hope to those wearied by the deadlock
and frustration around questions of authority which have dogged
Samuel Rees Howells, A Life of Intercession: The Legacy of Prayer
and Spiritual Warfare of an Intercessor by Richard A. Maton, Paul
Backholer and Mathew Backholer. Hardback and paperback edtions have
39 black and white photos interspersed throughout the book.
Rees Howells, a powerful intercessor, taught his son Samuel the
principles of intercession and commissioned him some weeks before
his death, stating, "Whatever you do, stand and maintain these
intercessions." For the next fifty-four years, Samuel Rees Howells
exercised a powerful intercessory ministry as he focused prayer on
gospel liberty, in order for the good news of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ to be given to every creature.
With the mantle of intercession weighing heavily upon him, Samuel
spent decades participating with others in their own countries, in
profound spiritual struggles that shook world events and shaped
history for God's glory Discover how Samuel was led by the Holy
Spirit to exercise authority over the principalities and powers,
and to 'pray through' until God's purposes were fulfilled in many
lethal world conflicts. Learn how God still intervenes in world
history, from the Korean War to the Cuban Missile Crisis, and from
the Six-Day War to the fall of the Soviet Union
Beginning in the days of Rees Howells, this book continues this
powerful story of intercession and traces its effectual legacy into
the twenty-first century. Filled with principles of intercession,
faith and spiritual warfare, this book provides a fascinating
insight into what is possible when the Holy Spirit finds an
individual, who will stand in the gap and become a channel for His
intercession. Ezekiel 22:30, Romans 8:26-27, Ephesians 6:12.
Richard A. Maton worked under Samuel's ministry for forty-seven
years and provides us with an eyewitness account of Samuel's life
of intercession. Richard is married to Kristine who joined Rees
Howells' Bible College in 1936 and prayed alongside him. Together
Richard and Kristine spent more than 120 years at the College
La necesidad de ligar y conciliar el mundo espiritual con el
universo donde habita la armon a de Dios como piedra angular de la
belleza, lleva al poeta a establecer "su mundo" desde donde inicia
la construcci n de su propio edificio para abrir la ventana de las
oscuridades a la luz, y la elevaci n de lo cotidiano a las comarcas
de la belleza celestial; as en el principio era el Verbo, de qu le
sirve ganar al hombre hasta el mundo entero, la fe confirma la ley,
si hablase todas las lenguas, qu cosa ser el amor, c mo lo puedo
entender, si a Dios quisieras pintar, tanto amor jam s he visto,
adoro a un Dios que no veo, la salvaci n es un hecho, el amor, el
odio, la muerte, todas las peque as y grandes cosas que hacen de
cada hombre y de cada mujer, en las manos de Dios, seres
irrepetibles. El aporte que Joel Suarez ha hecho para la difusi n y
conocimiento de nuestra doctrina luterana, quiz s ha pasado
desapercibido en gran medida; su car cter humilde y altruista as lo
ha querido. Los poemas que se presentan en este libro, adem s de
reflejar el alma de un poeta, tienen una amplia base doctrinal
centrada en la Palabra. Joel conoce las circunstancias hist ricas
que se daban hace quinientos a os, cuando Mart n Lutero emergi como
un gigante para preservar la verdadera doctrina de Cristo y
librarla de las garras que la hab an deformado y de qu manera.
Ahora estampa a nivel de d cimas la esencia del cristianismo. Su
lectura, entonces, a trav s de la diversidad de voces y
tonalidades, puede deparar inesperadas sorpresas al recuperar o
reencontrar esos parajes del esp ritu que alguna vez perdimos. Es
muy grato redescubrir a trav s de este libro la sensibilidad
espiritual de un hombre especial; una sensibilidad que merec a ser
presentada de la forma apropiada, para compartirla con muchos
creyentes m s.