Books > Professional & Technical > Veterinary science > Veterinary science: large animals (domestic / farm)
Laminitis, a horse-centred approach describes in depth the current
mainstream thinking on laminitis and suggests ways of reframing our
understanding of this challenging condition. New thinking based on
putting the horse at the centre of the problem is presented,
allowing a better understanding of the biomechanics of laminitis.
The book suggests ways in which damaged feet can recover, and also
helps the reader to understand the pathological processes within
the horse as a whole that lead to laminitis occurring, starting
with an understanding of the horse's innate ability to heal itself
and working towards interventions that create an environment that
is conducive to healing. The book also explores the concept that
laminitis, rather than being a disease in its own right, is merely
a symptom of a range of underlying health problems that affect the
whole horse.
'Understanding the Horse's Feet' sets out to explain the complexity
of this subject in terms that the lay person can understand, and
helps the horse owner to have confidence in discussing foot-related
issues with their vet or farrier/trimmer. The perennial problem of
laminitis is examined in depth, together with other conditions that
commonly affect the horse's foot.
The third in a series of four books produced for college students
on equine degree courses. Designed for clarity and ease of
reference with a list of aims and objectives preceding each
chapter, the book deals with complex issues on a step-by-step basis
and provides detailed explanations of technical and scientific
terminology. Question boxes act as reminders and revision aids
throughout. The contents include: first aid, wound management,
controlling inflammation, causes of infectious disease, diseases
infectious and non-infectious, management of the sick horse, and
Lameness is one of the major ailments of dairy cows. The distress
it causes to the afflicted animals is reflected in decreased milk
yields and an increase in infertility. Over the past twenty years,
there has been a continuous programme of research in Britain and
overseas into all aspects of the disease. In particular, our
understanding of the changes in hoof growth around the time of
calving has greatly increased. This enlarged and completely revised
new edition takes into account all the recent research findings and
presents the results in a readable manner. The highly illustrated
text is fully referenced for students who wish to enquire further,
but above all it is a straightforward manual for the practical use
of those dealing with dairy cows.
Holistic practitioners have been using contact reflex diagnosis,
muscle testing, and dowsing to improve human health for centuries.
For lifelong alternative medicine practitioner Carrie Eastman,
applying these methods to her goat herd was just common sense. All
living things are made up of electrical energy. Learn how to
harness this energy to work with your goats in a way that is
convenient, inexpensive, and safe for your herd. The Energetic Goat
provides step-by-step instruction on the basic techniques,
including common variations, as well as guidance on how to adapt
other techniques to suit your personal preferences. Newcomers to
alternative veterinary medicine will find the many photographs,
diagrams, and sample case histories particularly useful, while
veteran practitioners will discover new tricks and techniques to
add to their repertoire, from the never-before-in-print human
reflex point chart (used for surrogate testing) to the
cross-reference chart of common goat health problems and popular
treatments. This book also includes a timeline for transitioning
your animals from conventional to holistic herd management,
including tips on minerals, nutrition, and dealing with parasites.
If you're ready to see your herd thrive without the use of harmful
chemicals, just keep an open mind, examine the success stories of
the techniques, and explore how these tests can be used to improve
your own herd, right now, with whatever philosophy you follow.
Lambing can be a challenging prospect whether it's your first or
31st season. This practical manual takes you through the period
approaching, during and immediately after lambing. Advice is given
on how to deal with a range of situations, including normal and
malpresentations; the sick in-lamb ewe; abortion; pre- and
post-lambing prolapses; the health of the newborn lamb; and
problems and emergencies in the first few days.
Back to Work provides a foundational plan for returning a horse to
work after an injury or extended time-off. Some of the industry's
top veterinarians explain several of equestrian sport's more common
surgeries, injuries, and illnesses and then provide a practical
guide to the basic steps one should take when bringing a horse back
to work. Readers are then inspired by true stories of riders and
horses from various equestrian disciplines, injuries, climates, and
ages, as they share tips and advice on what did and did not work
for them. Additional riders who have succeeded in rehabbing horses
join other equine experts in a special chapter featuring
recommended tips, therapies, and treatments. Finally, an inspiring
group of stories explains riders' struggles to get back in the
saddle after their own injury or illness, including the
frustrations and challenges they faced, and the successes they
ultimately experienced. Readers will not only find valuable
practical information for specific rehab scenarios (both horse and
human), they will also find inspiration for their daily equestrian
Harry Faibish studied under Egon von Neindorff, Nuno Oliveira and
Hans Reigler and has worked in Europe and the USA at highly
prestigious stud farms, training centres and competition yards.
While he has vast experience of working with horses of different
breeds and types in all stages of their development, his chief love
is helping to rehabilitate horses who have been disadvantaged,
mentally or physically, by inadequate or inappropriate handling. In
"Healing Horses the Classical Way", he explains why riding and
training rooted in the classical tradition is the only sure way to
prevent such problems developing and how, if they are inherited
from previous handlers, it can remedy serious and ingrained
problems. These ideas are illustrated by a number of detailed case
histories from the author's own work. The case histories are
supported by a brief autobiography and a section in which the
author reiterates ideas and practices which lie at the foundation
of classical riding. "Healing Horses the Classical Way" will be of
great value to those involved in remedial training. It also
highlights the dangers inherent in 'quick-fixes' and provides
valuable guidance for all who wish to train their horses along
correct, progressive lines.
Over thousands of years the horse's teeth have evolved to be
hard-wearing and efficient in biting through plant material and
grinding food to make it digestible. However, man's domestication
of the horse has resulted in numerous potential problems in this
area, with ill-fitting bits and inappropriate diet, as well as
natural factors such as disease, parasites and old age all posing
potential hazards. Understanding the Horse's Teeth and Mouth
explains in accessible terms what equine dental care involves, why
good dental care is important for the horse and how oral conditions
can affect not only the way the horse eats, but also its health,
behaviour and movement.
The only visual guide to equine ultrasonography based on digital
ultrasound technology. Atlas of Equine Ultrasonography provides
comprehensive coverage of both musculoskeletal and
non-musculoskeletal areas of the horse. Ideal for practitioners in
first opinion or referral practices, each chapter features normal
images for anatomical reference followed by abnormal images
covering a broad range of recognised pathologies. The book is
divided into musculoskeletal, reproductive and internal medicine
sections and includes positioning diagrams demonstrating how to
capture optimal images. With contributions from experts around the
world, this book is the go-to reference for equine clinical
ultrasonography. Key features include: * Pictorially based with a
wealth of digital ultrasound images covering both musculoskeletal
and non-musculoskeletal areas and their associated pathologies. *
Each chapter begins with a discussion of normal anatomy and
demonstrates how to obtain and interpret the images presented. * A
video library of over 50 ultrasound examinations is available for
streaming or download and viewing on-the-go. Access details are
provided in the book.
Disease is an inevitable everyday risk for all those who keep
cattle and very often it has a huge impact on the animal's welfare,
as well as its productivity. This clearly written and
easy-to-understand book covers the principal diseases and
conditions that occur in cattle and is essential reading for all
those who own, or care for, cattle. Enables the reader to clearly
identify all the common cattle diseases Presents a practical,
step-by-step description of how to examine an animal Examines all
the body systems and the important diseases associated with each
one Details the underlying processes involved in many common
diseases in order to facilitate a logical approach to their
treatment and prevention Helps the stockperson to decide whether
they can treat a sick animal themselves or need to seek
professional advice
Equine Color Genetics, Fourth Edition presents a detailed
examination of the color variation in horses and donkeys and the
genetic mechanisms that produce color variations. * Thoroughly
covers the basic colors in horses, including bay, chestnut, black,
and brown * Details the genetic basis of the colors built from the
basic coat color, including dilutions and white patterning *
Provides an explanation of genetic mechanisms that determine coat
color * Presents a thorough revision and update, including new
advances in molecular genetics, biochemistry, molecular mechanisms,
genetic loci, coat colors before domestication, and more * Offers a
new introduction describing the principles of genetics and genomics
research to help outline how knowledge is discovered and to assist
the reader in understanding concepts covered in the book
Completely updated, revised and redesigned in colour throughout,
this classic bestselling text continues to provide a concise
introduction to the important fundamentals of animal behaviour from
genetics, physiology, motivation, learning and cognition, through
to social and reproductive behaviour, abnormal behaviour and
human-animal interactions. - Concise but comprehensive coverage of
all the fundamentals of animal behaviour in companion, farm and
laboratory animals. - Expert authors and key opinion leaders from
around the world provide the latest evidence-based information on
animal behaviour and welfare. - A revised layout and design, means
it is easy to find key information at a glance, making it an ideal
rapid revision tool. - New for the third edition: new chapters on
fur animals with the inclusion of more species and expanded
sections on canine behaviour. This text remains a highly respected,
essential resource for both students and lecturers in animal and
veterinary science, animal welfare, zoology and psychology.
This book has been written to appeal to all relevant audiences,
i.e. in the tack-room, the forge and the surgery. It is easy to
read and understand and above all, the book is informative and
thought provoking. The gulf of understanding between owner, farrier
and veterinary surgeon is bridged, by bringing together all
interested parties to share a common pool of knowledge and
understanding of natural biomechanics, technique and systems
practiced. A different perception of Farriery has long been
overdue. Foot balance is the main quintessential aspect of farriery
and the questions of what is normal and what is undesirable have
teased farriers and veterinarians for generations. A number of
authors have set down their opinions but none have explored hoof
balance in such detail. This book looks at anterioposterior and
mediolateral hoof balance, not only defining what is normal and
ideal but explaining how, through the forces imposed by the weight
of the animal and the levers which make up the limb, the hoof can
change shape. Lameness and shoe loss are often considered a
reflection of the competence of an individual farrier. This book
will help provide the confidence and the evidence to help all
parties involved in farriery to understand how form and function
are inextricably linked. This book is essential reading for those
who are looking to expand their knowledge and for those who seek a
more philosophical approach to this ancient craft. It starts as a
journey of inquiry, reviewing the past and examining the present,
objectively introducing to the reader the wider perspective of
farriery; not just about 'shoes on horses' but as a benign
manipulative therapy, which forms an integral part of the whole
horse concept.
Horses perceive the world differently from humans because their
senses developed differently through evolution to cope with
different ways of living and surviving. Horses are essentially
prey/flight animals. The horse's senses therefore determine how the
world appears to him and how he reacts to it. As the horse's
perception and understanding are very different to ours sometimes
their reaction to events and their surroundings seem strange to us.
In this book the author compares the horses sensory organs with
those of humans to avoid misunderstandings as lack of knowledge can
lead to many problems when dealing with horses. The five senses are
covered in this book: hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch. Each
section explains how the horses' sense works and then this is
related to care, behavior and riding, explaining why some practices
are appropriate and why some are not. The behavioral aspect of
dealing with horses is emphasized throughout. The author is founder
of the Equine Behaviour Forum and author of over 40 books on equine
topics. She has an HNC in Equine Sciences and Management, is a
Classical Riding Club Gold Award Holder and classical trainer, an
equine shiatsu practitioner, and an Associate Member of the
International Society for Equitation Science. This book is useful
for all horse owners, horse breeders and trainers who wish to gain
a better understanding of how the horse's senses function, and for
veterinary students and practitioners.