Books > Professional & Technical > Transport technology > Automotive technology
Author Daniel E. Williams, an industry professional with more 30
years of experience in chassis control systems from concept to
launch, brings this experience and his unique approach to readers
of Generalized Vehicle Dynamics. This book makes use of
nomenclature and conventions not used in other texts. This
combination allows the derivation of complex vehicles that roll
with multiple axles, any of which can be steered, to be directly
predicted by manipulation of a generalized model. Similarly the
ride characteristics of such a generalized vehicle are derived.
This means the vehicle dynamic behavior of these vehicles can be
directly written from the results derived in this work, and there
is no need to start from Newton's Second Law to create such
insight. Using new and non-standard conventions allows wider
applicability to complex vehicles, including autonomous vehicles.
Generalized Vehicle Dynamics is divided into two main sections-ride
and handling-with roll considered in both. Each section concludes
with a case study that applies the concepts presented in the
preceding chapters to actual vehicles. Chapters include Simple
Suspension as a Linear Dynamic System, The Quarter-Car Model, The
Pitch Plane Model, The Roll Plane Mode, Active Suspension to
Optimize Ride, Handling Basics, Reference Frames, New Conventions,
Two-Axle Yaw Plane Model, Rear Axle Steering and Lanekeeping,
Two-Axle Vehicles that Roll, Three-Axle Vehicle Dynamics,
Generalized Multi-Axle Vehicle Dynamics and Automated Vehicle
Architecture from Vehicle Dynamics. "A fresh and more inclusive
book that lays out much new material in vehicle dynamics." - L.
Daniel Metz, Ph.D.
Considering the ever-rising costs of traditional fuel paired and
the increasing scarcity of its resources, it s easy to see why
exploring renewable fuels has become an increasingly critical goal
for engineers, researchers, and end-users alike. However, due to
the great diversity of technologies, policies, and attitudes, it
can be difficult to gain a good well-rounded understanding of these
types of fuels. "Renewable Motor Fuels: The Past, the Present and
the Uncertain Future" presents an opportunity to gain an insightful
understanding of all the key aspects of alternative automotive
fuels in one book. Author Arthur Brownstein describes various
sources of renewable motor fuels (including ethanol, algae,
isobutanol, natural gas, and battery power) and their production
processes, specific properties, and economic
advantages/disadvantages. This comprehensive coverage of such an
important topic is crucial for anyone with an interest in renewable
fuels, from researchers to engineers to end-users.
Presents a clear overview on a variety renewable motor fuel
technologies, balancing history, technology, and policyProvides the
status of current and developing renewable motor fuel technologies
and their uses worldwideDiscusses the competitive economics of
renewable fuel processes and their respective market interactions"
Haynes offers the best coverage for cars, trucks, vans, SUVs and
motorcycles on the market today. Each manual contains easy to
follow step-by-step instructions linked to hundreds of photographs
and illustrations. Included in every manual: troubleshooting
section to help identify specific problems; tips that give valuable
short cuts to make the job easier and eliminate the need for
special tools; notes, cautions and warnings for the home mechanic;
color spark plug diagnosis and an easy to use index.
This book is a compilation of the recent technologies and
innovations in the field of automotive embedded systems with a
special mention to the role of Internet of Things in automotive
systems. The book provides easy interpretable explanations for the
key technologies involved in automotive embedded systems. The
authors illustrate various diagnostics over internet protocol and
over-the-air update process, present advanced driver assistance
systems, discuss various cyber security issues involved in
connected cars, and provide necessary information about Autosar and
Misra coding standards. The book is relevant to academics,
professionals, and researchers.
There is a Haynes manual for most popular domestic and import cars,
trucks, and motorcycles. By conducting complete tear-downs and
rebuilds, the Haynes staff has discovered all the problems owners
will find in rebuilding or repairing their vehicle. Documenting the
process in hundreds of illustrations and dear step-by-step
instructions makes every expert tip easy to follow. From simple
maintenance to trouble-shooting and complete engine rebuilds, it's
easy with Haynes.
Energy Efficiency of Vehicles educates readers about energy and the
environment and the relationship between the energy we use and the
environment. The world is at a point in time when people need to
make very important decisions about energy in the next few decades.
This book enables readers to utilize our scientific knowledge to
make good rational decisions. Energy Efficiency of Vehicles
provides information on: Calculations related to energy, power, and
efficiency, and the impact of using different types of energy on
the environment. Environmental consequences of consuming energy.
Models related to impact of city driving on the energy efficiency
and fuel economy of cars and trucks.
Haynes disassembles every subject vehicle and documents every step
with thorough instructions and clear photos. Haynes repair manuals
are used by the pros, but written for the do-it-yourselfer.
This book summarizes research being pursued within the Research
Unit FOR 2089, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the
goal of which is to develop the scientific base for a paradigm
shift towards dimensioning, structural realization and maintenance
of pavements, and prepare road infrastructure for future
requirements. It provides a coupled thermo-mechanical model for a
holistic physical analysis of the pavement-tire-vehicle system:
based on this model, pavement structures and materials can be
optimized so that new demands become compatible with the main goal
- durability of the structures and the materials. The development
of these new and qualitatively improved modelling approaches
requires a holistic procedure through the coupling of theoretical
numerical and experimental approaches as well as an
interdisciplinary and closely linked handling of the coupled
pavement-tire-vehicle system. This interdisciplinary research
provides a deeper understanding of the physics of the full system
through complex, coupled simulation approaches and progress in
terms of improved and, therefore, more durable and sustainable
This book focuses on the principles and technology of environmental
perception in unmanned systems. With the rapid development of a new
generation of information technologies such as automatic control
and information perception, a new generation of robots and unmanned
systems will also take on new importance. This book first reviews
the development of autonomous systems and subsequently introduces
readers to the technical characteristics and main technologies of
the sensor. Lastly, it addresses aspects including autonomous path
planning, intelligent perception and autonomous control technology
under uncertain conditions. For the first time, the book
systematically introduces the core technology of autonomous system
information perception.
This book presents select proceedings of the International
Conference on Advances in Sustainable Technologies (ICAST 2020),
organized by Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India. The
topics covered in this book are multidisciplinary in nature. The
primary topics included in the book are from the domains of
automobile engineering, mechatronics, material science and
engineering, aerospace engineering, bio-mechanics, biomedical
instrumentation, mathematical techniques, agricultural engineering,
nuclear engineering, physics, biodynamic modelling and ergonomics
etc. The contents of this book will be beneficial for beginners,
researchers, and professionals alike.
This book presents the most recent description of rubber
reinforcement, focusing on the network-like structure formation of
nanofiller in the rubber matrix under the presence of bound rubber.
The resultant filler network is visualized by electron tomography
applied to rubber. In the case of natural rubber, the
self-reinforcement effect is uniquely functioning, and new template
crystallization is suggested. Here, the crystallites are also
believed to arrange themselves in a network-like manner. These
results are of great use, particularly for engineers, in designing
rubber reinforcement.
State-of-the-art airbag algorithms make a decision to fire
restraint systems in a crash by evaluating the deceleration of the
entire vehicle during the single events of the accident. In order
to meet the ever increasing requirements of consumer test
organizations and global legislators, a detailed knowledge of the
nature and direction of the crash would be of great benefit. The
algorithms used in current vehicles can only do this to a limited
extent. Andre Leschke presents a completely different algorithm
concept to solve these problems. In addition to vehicle
deceleration, the chronological sequence of an accident and the
associated local and temporal destruction of the vehicle are
possible indicators for an accident's severity. About the Author:
Dr. Andre Leschke has earned his doctoral degree from Tor-Vergata
University of Rome, Italy. Currently, he is working as head of a
team of vehicle safety developers in the German automotive
The book provides background information about technical solutions,
processes and methodology to develop future automated mobility
solutions. Beginning from the legal requirements as the minimum
tolerable risk level of the society, the book provides
state-of-the-art risk-management methodologies. The system
engineering approach based on todays engineering best practices
enhanced by principles derived from cybernetics. The approach
derived from the typical behaviour of a human driver in public road
traffic to a cybernetical based system engineering approach. Beyond
the system engineering approach, a common behaviour model for the
operational domain will show aspects how to extend the system
engineering model with principles of cybernetics. The role and the
human factors of road traffic participants and drivers of motor
vehicles are identified and several viewpoints for different
observers show how such mixed traffic scenarios could be assessed
and optimised. The influence of the changing mobility demands of
the society and the resulting changes to the origination of
producer, owner, driver and supplier show aspects for future
liability and risk share option for new supply chains. Examples
from various industries provide some well-proven engineering
principles how to adapt those for the future mobility for the
benefit of the users. The aim of the book is to raise awareness
that the safety provided by a product, a means of transport or a
system up to an entire traffic system depends on the capabilities
of the various actors. In addition to the driver and passengers,
there are also other road users, maintenance personnel and service
providers, who must have certain abilities to act safely in
traffic. These are also the capabilities of the organisation, not
only the organisation that develops or brings the product to
market, but also the organisation that is responsible for the
operation and the whole lifecycle of the products. The book is for
people who want to get involved in the mobility of the future.
People, that have ideas to become a player who want to help shape
the future mobility of society and who want to bring responsible
solutions for users into the market.
The latest edition of the leading automotive engineering reference
In the newly revised Eleventh Edition of the Bosch Automotive
Handbook, a team of accomplished automotive experts delivers a
comprehensive and authoritative resource for automotive engineers,
designers, technicians, and students alike. Since 1936, the Bosch
Automotive Handbook has been providing readers with of-the-moment
coverage of the latest mechanical and research developments in
automotive technology, from detailed technical analysis to the
newest types of vehicles. This newest edition is packed with over
2,000 pages of up-to-date automotive info, making it the go-to
reference for both engineers and technicians. It includes detailed
and simple explanations of automotive technologies and offers over
1,000 diagrams, illustrations, sectional drawings, and tables.
Readers will also find: 200 pages of new content, including the
electrification of the powertrain Additional coverage on new driver
assistance systems and the automated detection of vehicles'
surroundings Updates on the on-board power supply for commercial
vehicles New discussions of autonomous vehicles, as well as
additional contributions from experts at automotive manufacturers,
universities, and Bosch GmbH Perfect for design engineers,
mechanics and technicians, and other automotive professionals, the
latest edition of the Bosch Automotive Handbook will also earn a
place on the bookshelves of car enthusiasts seeking a quick and
up-to-date guide to all things automotive.
This research review discusses the most significant papers to have
been published over the past fifteen years on the use of Global
Positioning System (GPS) devices to measure person and vehicle
travel. The carefully selected papers track developments in the use
of GPS devices to record travel and document some of the latest
applications in which GPS is starting to replace conventional
self-report surveys.
This volume of the series ARENA2036 compiles the outcomes of the
first Stuttgart Conference on Automotive Production (SCAP2020). It
contains peer-reviewed contributions from a theoretical as well as
practical vantage point and is topically structured according to
the following four sections: It discusses (I) Novel Approaches for
Efficient Production and Assembly Planning, (II) Smart Production
Systems and Data Services, (III) Advances in Manufacturing
Processes and Materials, and (IV) New Concepts for Autonomous,
Collaborative Intralogistics. Given the restrictive circumstances
of 2020, the conference was held as a fully digital event divided
into two parts. It opened with a pre-week, allowing everyone to
peruse the scientific contributions at their own pace, followed by
a two-day live event that enabled experts from the sciences and the
industry to engage in various discussions. The conference has
proven itself as an insightful forum that allowed for an expertly
exchange regarding the pivotal Advances in Automotive Production
and Technology.
The book includes the best articles presented by researchers,
academicians and industrial experts at the International Conference
on "Innovative Design and Development Practices in Aerospace and
Automotive Engineering (I-DAD 2018)". The book discusses new
concept in designs, and analysis and manufacturing technologies for
improved performance through specific and/or multi-functional
design aspects to optimise the system size, weight-to-strength
ratio, fuel efficiency and operational capability. Other aspects of
the conference address the ways and means of numerical analysis,
simulation and additive manufacturing to accelerate the product
development cycles.Describing innovative methods, the book provides
valuable reference material for educational and research
organizations, as well as industry, wanting to undertake
challenging projects of design engineering and product development.