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Books > Professional & Technical > Civil engineering, surveying & building
The weathering of historical buildings and, indeed, of monuments and sculptures of natural stone is a problem that has been encountered for hundreds of years. However a dramatic increase in deterioration in the structure of our built heritage has been observed during the past century. To understand the complex interaction that the stone in a building suffers with its near environment (the building) and the macro environment (the local climate and atmospheric conditions) requires an interdisciplinary approach and the application of many disciplines. Climate change over the next 100 years is likely to have a range of direct and indirect impacts on many natural and physical environments, including the built environment. The protection of our architectural heritage has both cultural and historical importance, as well as substantial economic and ecological value. Large sums of money are being spent world-wide on measures for the preservation of monuments and historical buildings. The past few decades has seen an unprecedented level of research activity in this area, the result of whichis often difficult to access and are summarized in the new edition of STONE IN ARCHITECTURE. The 4th edition of Stone in Architecture: Properties, Durability, is a sophisticated and thorough exploration of stone its properties, performance and conservation in monumental contexts. The current editors, Siegfried Siegesmund and Rolf Snethlage, note the pioneering work of Erhard Winkler who wrote the first edition in 1973 when so little information could be found in the literature on the subject. This new edition, also published by Springer, nearly doubles the size of Winkler s 1994 effort. If you are familiar with the field and need to know little more than this statement, you can put aside this review and go buy the book. George Wheeler, Department of Scientific Research, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York."
This book presents a study for the determination of environmental load factors for Jacket Platforms in Malaysia and a methodology to determine the life extension of aging platforms. The simplified methods described here could be used for determining not only structural reliability but also safety factors. Its content is particularly interesting to design and maintenance engineers who are working in offshore or onshore industry.
Growing populations and rising standards of living exert stress on water supply and the quality of drinking water. Some of these pressures can be reduced by demand management and water and wastewater reuse. In wastewater management, new challenges are caused by new chemicals of concern, including endocrine disrupters, pharmaceuticals, hormones, and personal care products, which often pass through wastewater treatment plants unabated, but may cause serious impacts on receiving aquatic ecosystems. Thus, there is a need to address the sources, fate and transport of these new chemicals. Advanced wastewater treatment leads to production of biosolids, which are processed in various ways, including on-land applications in agriculture. Again, there are some human health concerns regarding these practices. Municipal effluents, combined with increasing withdrawals of water, lead to the worsening of receiving water quality. Expert opinions indicate that the only way to deal with the current urban water management dilemmas is by integrated management and innovative delivery of water services. This book is based on the discussions and papers prepared for the NATO Advanced Research Workshop that took place in Senec, Slovakia, in October 2005. This book presents important aspects of Challenges in Management of Urban Water Resources, Challenges in Urban Water Supply, Urban Drainage and Water Bodies, Wastewater Treatment and Security, and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse.
Non destructive testing aimed at monitoring, structural identification and di- nostics is of strategic importance in many branches of civil and mechanical - gineering. This type of tests is widely practiced and directly affects topical issues regarding the design of new buildings and the repair and monitoring of existing ones. The load bearing capacity of a structure can now be evaluated using well established mechanical modelling methods aided by computing facilities of great capability. However, to ensure reliable results, models must be calibrated with - curate information on the characteristics of materials and structural components. To this end, non destructive techniques are a useful tool from several points of view. Particularly, by measuring structural response, they provide guidance on the validation of structural descriptions or of the mathematical models of material behaviour. Diagnostic engineering is a crucial area for the application of non destructive testing methods. Repeated tests over time can indicate the emergence of p- sible damage occurring during the structure's lifetime and provide quantitative estimates of the level of residual safety.
This book provides readers an understanding of the implementation of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) for international construction operations. In an extended case study, it primarily focuses on Chinese construction firms (CCFs) based in Singapore. In this regard, the book explains the differences and similarities between Risk Management (RM), Project Risk Management (PRM) and ERM in the construction industry, and examines their linkages for international construction operations in a broader context. The explanation elaborates on how companies may adopt and implement RM, PRM and ERM as appropriate in their various operations, both in their home market as well as in overseas host markets. The book also reviews the whole spectrum of work relating to organizational behavior (OB) as one of the key underpinnings for companies to evaluate and implement ERM. It will benefit practitioners from the industry as well as academics interested in the implementation of ERM practices in international construction operations.
This book provides an introduction to the theory and numerical developments of the homogenization method. It's main features are: a comprehensive presentation of homogenization theory; an introduction to the theory of two-phase composite materials; a detailed treatment of structural optimization by using homogenization; a complete discussion of the resulting numerical algorithms with many documented test problems. It will be of interest to researchers, engineers, and advanced graduate students in applied mathematics, mechanical engineering, and structural optimization.
The 'Engineering Materials' series provides topical information on innovative structural and functional materials with applications in mechanical, civil, and medical engineering. The individual volumes are complete and comprehensive monographs which usually treat the structure, properties, manufacturing, and applications of these materials. Besides materials scientists the series is intended for engineers in research and development. This book is an attempt to consolidate the published research related to the use of Supplementary Cementing Materials in cement and concrete. It comprises of five chapters. Each chapter is devoted to a particular supplmenting cementing material. It is based on the literature/research findings published in journals/conference proceedings, etc. Topics covered in the book are: coal fly ash, silica fume (SF), granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), metakaolin (MK), and rice husk ash (RHA). Each chapter contains introduction, properties of the waste material/by-product, its potential usage, and its effect on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete and other cement based materials.
Monitoring of public and private sites is increasingly becoming a very important and critical issue, especially after the recent flurry of terrorist attacks including the one on the Word Trade Center in September 2001. It is, therefore, imperative that effective multisensor surveillance systems be developed to protect the society from similar attacks in the future. The new generation of surveillance systems to be developed have a specific requirement: they must be able to automatically identify criminal and terrorist activity without sacrificing individual privacy to the extent possible. Privacy laws concerning monitoring and surveillance systems vary from country to country but, in general, they try to protect the privacy of their citizens. Monitoring and visual surveillance has numerous other applications. It can be employed to help invalids or handicapped and to monitor the activities of elderly people. It can be used to monitor large events such as sporting events, as well. Nowadays, monitoring is employ d in several different contexts including transport applications, such as monitoring of railway stations and airports, dangerous environments like nuclear facilities or traffic flows on roads and bridges. The latest generation of surveillance systems mainly rely on hybrid analog-digital, or completely digital video communications and processing methods and take advantage of the greater of flexibility offered by video processing algorithms that are capable focusing a human operator's attention on a set of interesting situations.
Residential Property Appraisal, Volumes 1 and 2, are handbooks not only for students studying residential surveying but also for those involved in the appraisal of residential property. Volume 1 has been updated and covers the valuation process as it relates to residential properties, particularly when valuation is undertaken for secured lending purposes. It addresses the basic skills required, the risks posed in a valuation, the key drivers of value, emerging issues that impact valuation and the key legal and RICS regulatory considerations that a valuer needs to understand. Volume 2 of the series goes on to consider the practical aspects of the survey and inspection of residential properties in more detail. Not only does this include updated sections on the most common defects (for example, building movement, moisture problems, wood rot and wood-boring insects), it also covers emerging challenges, including assessing personal safety hazards, modern construction technologies and materials and invasive plants. The volume also takes account of the Home Survey Standard recently published by the RICS and the changes resulting from climate change, the energy crisis and concerns about fire safety. Building services in domestic residential properties is another area of rapid change, especially with the development of low-carbon and renewable technologies. To ensure that this aspect is covered in sufficient detail, the content is to be included in Volume 3: Assessing Building Services. An essential book for students studying to enter the residential survey and valuation profession and for existing practitioners who wish to improve their knowledge of current practices.
The mechanics of structures with initial stresses is a traditional part of structural mechanics. It is closely related to the important problem of stability of structures. The basic concepts of elastic stability of structures go back to works by Euler (1759) and Bryan (1889). Later, it was found that the problem of deformation of solids with initial stresses is related to variational principles and nonlinear problems in elasticity; see Trefftz (1933), Marguerre (1938), Prager (1947), Hill (1958), Washuzu (1982). Historical detail up to the 1940s can be found in the book by Timoshenko (1953). Observing the basic concepts of the traditional mechanics of stressed structures, we agree that these are suitable for uniform structural elements (plates, beams, and so on) made of homogeneous materials, but not for complex structures (such as a network plate or a lattice mast) or structures made of composite materials (such as fiber reinforced or textile materials). Many concepts of the classical theory, such as a cross section or neutral plane (axis), correspond to no mechanical objects if we consider an inhomogeneous structure. As a result, we come to the conclusion that it would be useful to have a theory of thin inhomogeneous structures developed on the basis of 3-D elasticity theory with no simplifying assumptions (with no a priori hypothesis).
This book covers the basics of the hydrodynamics and vibration of structures subjected to environmental loads. It describes the interaction of hydrodynamics with the associated vibration of structures, giving simple explanations. Emphasis is placed on the applications of the theory to practical problems. Several case studies are provided to show how the theory outlined in the book is applied in the design of structures. Background material needed for understanding fluid-induced vibrations of structures is given to make the book reasonably self-sufficient. Examples are taken mainly from the novel structures that are of interest today, including ocean and offshore structures and components.Besides being a text for undergraduates, this book can serve as a handy reference for design engineers and consultants involved in the design of structures subjected to dynamics and vibration.
Advances in Urban Engineering and Management Science contains the selected papers resulting from the 2022 3rd International Conference on Urban Engineering and Management Science (ICUEMS 2022). Covering a wide range of topics, the Proceedings of ICUEMS 2022 presents the latest developments in: (i) Architecture and Urban Planning (Architectural design and its theory, Urban planning and design, Building technology science, Urban protection and regeneration, Urban development strategy, Ecological construction and intelligent control, Sustainable infrastructure); (ii) Logistics and supply chain management (Warehousing and distribution, Logistics outsourcing, Logistics automation, Production and material flow, Supply chain management technology, Supply chain risk management, Global service supply chain management, Supply Chain Planning and Inventory Management, Coordination and collaboration of supply chain networks, Governance and regulatory aspects affecting supply chain management); (iii) Urban traffic management (Smart grid management, Belt and Road Development, Intelligent traffic analysis and planning management, Big data and transportation management). The Proceedings of ICUEMS 2022 will be useful to professionals, academics, and Ph.D. students interested in the above-mentioned fields. Emphasis was put on basic methodologies, scientific development and engineering applications. ICUEMS 2022 is to provide a platform for experts, scholars, engineers and technical researchers engaged in the related fields of urban engineering management to share scientific research achievements and cutting-edge technologies, understand academic development trends, broaden research ideas, strengthen academic research and discussion, and promote the industrialization cooperation of academic achievements. Experts, scholars, business people and other relevant personnel from universities and research institutions at home and abroad are cordially invited to attend and exchange.
This book highlights current research and developments in the area of Structural Engineering and Construction Management, which are important disciplines in Civil Engineering. It covers the following topics and categories of Structural Engineering. The main chapters/sections of the proceedings are Structural and Solid Mechanics, Construction Materials, Systems and Management, Loading Effects, Construction Safety, Architecture & Architectural Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Foundation engineering, Materials, Sustainability. The content of this book provides necessary knowledge for construction management practices, new tools and technologies on local and global levels in civil engineering which can mitigate the negative effects of built environment.
This book provides information on the generation and the effects of hazardous substances that are produced during welding and allied processes. These processes are thermal cutting, thermal spraying, soldering and brazing. The book offers guidance on the determination of hazardous substances and it simplifies assessment of the hazard due to hazardous substances. In addition, the book explains tests in order to understand the concentration and intensity of key hazardous substances. Last but not least, the book suggests several possibilities of avoiding the risk to worker's health as a result of exposing them to these substances.
This book discusses the development, types and application principles of portable air purifiers in China. It analyzes the theoretical characteristics of air purifiers under various operational conditions, and points out that the term "Clean Air Delivery Rate" cannot be used to precisely reflect the problems that occur under various operational conditions. By comparing theoretical and measured data, it highlights the mainfeatures of air purifiers and key points in the design process for different applications. Calculation methods for the indoor particle concentration and the self-purification time are also provided. The book describes the conditions for window opening in smog and for selecting air purifiers, and proposes a newmethod for improvingtheir measurement. In closing, it includes a new assessment index.
Irregular engineering structures are subjected to complicated additional loads which are often beyond conventional design models developed for traditional, simplified plane models. This book covers detailed research and recent progress in seismic engineering dealing with seismic behaviour of irregular and set-back engineering structures. Experimental results as well as special topics of modern design are discussed in detail. In addition, recent progress in seismology, wave propagation and seismic engineering, which provides novel, modern modelling of complex seismic loads, is reported. Particular emphasis is placed on the newly developed rotational, seismic ground-motion effects. This book is a continuation of an earlier monograph which appeared in the same Springer series in 2013 (http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789400753761).
This book compiles and critically discusses modern engineering system degradation models and their impact on engineering decisions. In particular, the authors focus on modeling the uncertain nature of degradation considering both conceptual discussions and formal mathematical formulations. It also describes the basics concepts and the various modeling aspects of life-cycle analysis (LCA). It highlights the role of degradation in LCA and defines optimum design and operation parameters. Given the relationship between operational decisions and the performance of the system's condition over time, maintenance models are also discussed. The concepts and models presented have applications in a large variety of engineering fields such as Civil, Environmental, Industrial, Electrical and Mechanical engineering. However, special emphasis is given to problems related to large infrastructure systems. The book is intended to be used both as a reference resource for researchers and practitioners and as an academic text for courses related to risk and reliability, infrastructure performance modeling and life-cycle assessment.
The volume is devoted to the dynamics of rods, which is a branch of mech- ics of deformable bodies. The main goal of the book is to present systema- cally theoretical fundamentals of the mechanics of rods as well as numerical methods used for practical purposes. Linear and nonlinear equations governing a rod's oscillations are p- sented. Methods of determining eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in conser- tive and non-conservative problems along with numerical methods dealing with forced, parametric, and random oscillations of rods are given. Some - sues of interaction of rods with air (liquid) flows and the dynamics of spa- curved rods containing flows of liquid are considered. The book consists of nine chapters and appendices and may be conv- tionally divided into two parts. That is, Chapters 1 to 6 contain, in the main, theoretical material, whereas Chapters 7 to 9 illustrate the application of the theoretical results to problems of practical interest. Problems for self-study are found in Chapters 3, 5, and 7. The solutions to most of the problems are given in Appendix B. The monograph is addressed to undergraduate and postgraduate students and teaching staff of technical universities. It may also be useful for scientists and mechanical engineers working in a wide range of industries. I wish to express my deep appreciation to my colleagues, Dr. S.A. Voronov and C.B. Danilenko, for their help in preparing the manuscript.
Submarine mass movements represent major offshore geohazards due
to their destructive and tsunami-generation potential. This
potential poses a threat to human life as well as to coastal,
nearshore and offshore engineering structures. Recent examples of
catastrophic submarine landslide events that affected human
populations (including tsunamis) are numerous; e.g., Nice airport
in 1979, Papua-New Guinea in 1998, Stromboli in 2002, Finneidfjord
in 1996, and the 2006 and 2009 failures in the submarine cable
network around Taiwan. The Great East Japan Earthquake in March
2011 also generated submarine landslides that may have amplified
effects of the devastating tsunami. Given that 30% of the World 's
population live within 60 km of the coast, the hazard posed by
submarine landslides is expected to grow as global sea level rises.
This elevated awareness of the need for better understanding of
underwater landslides is coupled with great advances in underwater
mapping, sampling and monitoring technologies, laboratory analogue
and numerical modeling capabilities developed over the past two
decades. Multibeam sonar, 3D seismic reflection, and remote and
autonomous underwater vehicle technologies provide hitherto
unparalleled imagery of the geology beneath the oceans, permitting
investigation of submarine landslide deposits in great detail.
Increased and new access to drilling, coring, in situ measurements
and monitoring devices allows for ground-thruthing geophysical
data, provides access to samples for geotechnical laboratory
experiments and unprecedented in situ information on strength and
effective stress conditions of underwater slopes susceptible to
fail. Great advances in numerical simulation of submarine landslide
kinematics and tsunami propagation, particularly since the 2004
Sumatra tsunami, have also lead to increased understanding and
predictability of submarine landslide consequences.
"EHV AC Undergrounding Electrical Power" discusses methods of analysis for cable performance and for the behaviour of cable, mixed and overhead lines. The authors discuss the undergrounding of electrical power and develop procedures based on the standard equations of transmission lines. They also provide technical and economical comparisons of a variety of cables and analysis methods, in order to examine the performance of AC power transmission systems. A range of topics are covered, including: energization and de-energization phenomena of transmission lines; power quality; and cable safety constraints. "EHV AC Undergrounding Electrical Power" is a guide to cable insertion planning and the operation of power networks. It will enable readers to make performance comparisons between power transmission systems, which will be valuable for postgraduates, as well as engineers involved in power cable manufacturing or electrical transmission systems.
These proceedings include most of the available information on this major seismic event and its consequences. With an estimated moment magnitude of 7.7 and a heavy toll in terms of human and economic losses, it ranks as the largest intermediate-depth earthquake in Europe in the twentieth century. Nevertheless, because of the difficult conditions in the 1940s, the lessons learnt after the Vrancea earthquake were not extensively shared with the international scientific community and thus, this book fills a gap in the literature discussing the knowledge acquired after major disasters. Past experience together with current understanding of the 1940 Vrancea earthquake are presented along with the latest information on Romanian seismicity, seismic hazard and risk assessment, and seismic evaluation and rehabilitation of buildings and structures. Moreover, it includes excerpts from Romanian post-disaster reports and textbooks concerning the earthquake.
This work illustrates how the Analysis of Controlled Deformation in Rocks and Soils (ADECO-RS) is used in the design and the construction of tunnels. This is a very new and effective way of tunnel construction. The ADECO-RS approach makes a clear distinction between the design and the construction stages and allows reliable forecasts of construction times and costs to be made. It uses the advance core (the core of ground ahead of the face) as a structural tool for the long and short term stabilisation of tunnels, after its rigidity has first been regulated using conservation techniques. |
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