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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > States of matter > Condensed matter physics (liquids & solids)
Ferroic materials are important, not only because of the improved understanding of condensed matter, but also because of their present and potential device applications. This book presents a unified description of ferroic materials at an introductory level, with the unifying factor being the occurrence of nondisruptive phase transitions in crystals that alter point-group symmetry. The book also aims to further systemitize the subject of ferroic materials, employing some formal, carefully worded, definitions and classification schemes. The basic physical principles leading to the wide-ranging applications of ferroic materials are also explained, while placing extra emphasis on the utilitarian role of symmetry in materials science.
One of the first books to cover advanced silicon-based technologies, Advanced Silicon and Semiconducting Silicon Alloy-Based Materials and Devices presents important directions for research into silicon, its alloy-based semiconducting devices, and its development in commercial applications. The first section deals with single/mono crystalline silicon, focusing on the effects of heavy doping; the structure and electronic properties of defects and their impact on devices; the MBE of silicon, silicon alloys, and metals; CVD techniques for silicon and silicon germanium; the material properties of silicon germanium strained layers; silicon germanium heterojunction bipolar applications; FETs, IR detectors, and resonant tunneling devices in silicon, silicon germanium, and d-doped silicon; and the fascinating properties of crystalline silicon carbide and its applications. The second section explores polycrystalline silicon. It examines large grain polysilicon substrates for solar cells; the properties, analysis, and modeling of polysilicon TFTs; the technology of polysilicon TFTs in LCD displays; and the use of polycrystalline silicon and its alloys in VLSI applications. With contributors from leading academic and industrial research centers, this book provides wide coverage of fabrication techniques, material properties, and device applications.
This book will introduce advanced concepts and topics of solid-state theory.
This thesis presents analytical theoretical studies on the interplay between charge density waves (CDW) and superconductivity (SC) in the actively studied transition-metal dichalcogenide 1T-TiSe2. It begins by reapproaching a years-long debate over the nature of the phase transition to the commensurate CDW (CCDW) state and the role played by the intrinsic tendency towards excitonic condensation in this system. A Ginzburg-Landau phenomenological theory was subsequently developed to understand the experimentally observed transition from commensurate to incommensurate CDW (ICDW) order with doping or pressure, and the emergence of a superconducting dome that coexists with ICDW. Finally, to characterize microscopically the effects of the interplay between CDW and SC, the spectrum of CDW fluctuations beyond mean-field was studied in detail. In the aggregate, the work reported here provides an encompassing understanding of what are possibly key microscopic underpinnings of the CDW and SC physics in TiSe2.
This practical and unique textbook explains the core areas of molecular spectroscopy as a classical teacher would. The author carefully explores and explains each concept, walking side by side with the student through carefully constructed text, pedagogy, and derivations to ensure comprehension of the basics before approaching higher level topics. The author incorporates both electric resonance and magnetic resonance in the textbook. Uses boxes to explain more difficult topics and provides derivations to demonstrate "how and why". Includes coverage of electronic and NMR spectroscopy, both in sufficient detail. Discusses the density matrix method and its use in electronic spectroscopy before addressing it in NMR. Includes a chapter on Vibrational and Rotational Coherence Spectroscopy. Each chapter ends with problems with varying level of difficulty.
Choice Recommended Title, January 2020 Providing a vital resource in tune with the massive advancements in accelerator technologies that have taken place over the past 50 years, Accelerator Radiation Physics for Personnel and Environmental Protection is a comprehensive reference for accelerator designers, operators, managers, health and safety staff, and governmental regulators. Up-to-date with the latest developments in the field, it allows readers to effectively work together to ensure radiation safety for workers, to protect the environment, and adhere to all applicable standards and regulations. This book will also be of interest to graduate and advanced undergraduate students in physics and engineering who are studying accelerator physics. Features: Explores accelerator radiation physics and the latest results and research in a comprehensive single volume, fulfilling a need in the market for an up-to-date book on this topic Contains problems designed to enhance learning Addresses undergraduates with a background in math and/or science
Low-dimensional semiconductor quantum structures are a major, high-technological development that has a considerable industrial potential. The field is developing extremely rapidly and the present book represents a timely guide to the latest developments in device technology, fundamental properties, and some remarkable applications. The content is largely tutorial, and the book could be used as a textbook. The book deals with the physics, fabrication, characteristics and performance of devices based on low-dimensional semiconductor structures. It opens with fabrication procedures. The fundamentals of quantum structures and electro-optical devices are dealt with extensively. Nonlinear optical devices are discussed from the point of view of physics and applications of exciton saturation in MQW structures. Waveguide-based devices are also described in terms of linear and nonlinear coupling. The basics of pseudomorphic HEMT technology, device physics and materials layer design are presented. Each aspect is reviewed from the elementary basics up to the latest developments. Audience: Undergraduates in electrical engineering, graduates in physics and engineering schools. Useful for active scientists and engineers wishing to update their knowledge and understanding of recent developments.
This volume is devoted to the theory of superfluid quantum liquids, describing the Landau theory of a neutral Fermi liquid in order to illustrate, in comparatively elementary fashion, the way both quantum statistics and particle interaction determine system behavior.
Just as the circle number or the Euler constant e determines mathematics, fundamental constants of nature define the scales of the natural sciences. This book presents a new perspective by means of a few axioms and compares the resulting validity with experimental data. By the axiomatic approach Sommerfeld's mysterious fine-structure constant and Dirac's cosmic number are fixed as pure number constants. Thanks to these number constants, it is possible to calculate the value for the anomalous magnetic-moment of the electron in a simple way compared to QED calculations. With the same number constants it is also possible to calculate masses, partial lifetimes, magnetic-moments or charge radii of fundamental particles. The expressions used for the calculations, with few exceptions, yield values within the experimental error limits of the Particle Data Group. The author shows that the introduced number constants give even better predictions than the complicated QED calculations of today's doctrine. In the first part only experimental data from the literature for checking the postulates are used. In the second part the author explains electrical transport measurements with emergent behaviour, which were carried out in a professional environment.
Soft matters differ from hard ones essentially due to former's relatively weak interaction which is comparable to kBTrm (Trm = room temperature) - this results in the major characteristics of soft matters such as 'strong reactions upon weak actions'.Developed over a period of 10 years through soft matter physics lectures for both graduate and undergraduate students in Fudan University, this textbook not only concentrates on the basic interactions inside soft matters through a reductionist approach, but also introduces the exploratory works on the complexity of soft matters in methods of system science.Other important topics in soft matter physics which are included involve static and dynamic electrorheological (ER) effects - an important 'model animal' in the subject, granular media - which explains the thermodynamics of sands and its dynamics, and the Onsager principle of least energy dissipation rate which has been adapted in this textbook to see how it governs the optimal paths of a system's deviation from and restoration to equilibrium.The subject of soft matter physics is still in its infancy, making it highly exciting and attractive. If you like a challenging subject, you will most certainly fall in love with soft matter physics at first read!
Granular materials are an integral part of our everyday life. They are also the base material for most industrial processing techniques. The highly dissipative nature of the particle collisions means energy input is needed in order to mobilize the grains. This interplay of dissipation and excitation leads to a wide variety of pattern formation processes, which are addressed in this book. The reader is introduced to this wide field by, first, a description of the material properties of granular materials under different experimental conditions that are important in connection with the pattern formation dynamics and, second, by further details given later on in the description of the specific system.
In the past twenty years, new experimental approaches, improved models and progress in simulation techniques brought new insights into long-standing issues concerning dislocation-based plasticity in crystalline materials. During this period, three-dimensional dislocation dynamics simulations appeared and reached maturity. Their objectives are to unravel the relation between individual and collective dislocation processes at the mesoscale, to establish connections with atom-scale studies of dislocation core properties and to bridge, in combination with modelling, the gap between defect properties and phenomenological continuum models for plastic flow. Dislocation dynamics simulations are becoming accessible to a wide range of users. This book presents to students and researchers in materials science and mechanical engineering a comprehensive coverage of the physical body of knowledge on which they are based. It includes classical studies, which are too often ignored, recent experimental and theoretical advances, as well as a discussion of selected applications on various topics.
This volume on Ultrafast Magnetism is a collection of articles presented at the international "Ultrafast Magnetization Conference" held at the Congress Center in Strasbourg, France, from October 28th to November 1st, 2013. This first conference, which is intended to be held every two years, received a wonderful attendance and gathered scientists from 27 countries in the field of Femtomagnetism, encompassing many theoretical and experimental research subjects related to the spins dynamics in bulk or nanostructured materials. The participants appreciated this unique opportunity for discussing new ideas and debating on various physical interpretations of the reported phenomena. The format of a single session with many oral contributions as well as extensive time for poster presentations allowed researchers to have a detailed overview of the field. Importantly, one could sense that, in addition to studying fundamental magnetic phenomena, ultrafast magnetism has entered in a phase where applied physics and engineering are playing an important role. Several devices are being proposed with exciting R&D perspectives in the near future, in particular for magnetic recording, time resolved magnetic imaging and spin polarized transport, therefore establishing connections between various aspects of modern magnetism. Simultaneously, the diversity of techniques and experimental configurations has flourished during the past years, employing in particular Xrays, visible, infra-red and terahertz radiations. It was also obvious that an important effort is being made for tracking the dynamics of spins and magnetic domains at the nanometer scale, opening the pathway to exciting future developments. The concerted efforts between theoretical and experimental approaches for explaining the dynamical behaviors of angular momentum and energy levels, on different classes of magnetic materials, are worth pointing out. Finally it was unanimously recognized that the quality of the scientific oral and poster presentations contributed to bring the conference to a very high international standard.
This title covers the fundamentals of carbon nanomaterials in a logical and clear manner to make concepts accessible to researchers from different disciplines. It summarizes in a comprehensive manner recent technological and scientific accomplishments in the area of carbon nanomaterials and their application in lithium ion batteries The book also addresses all the components anodes, cathodes and electrolytes of lithium ion battery and discusses the technology of lithium ion batteries that can safely operate at high temperature.
This book covers the important contributions of the Chinese during the development of high-temperature superconductors (HTS). The study of Y-based HTS, which was the first to be reported internationally at a liquid nitrogen temperature above 90 K, has retained the world record for superconducting transition temperatures. The book covers the study of superconducting energy gap, microscopic electron non-uniformity, ARPES research, 'kinks' research, eHigh-T . In order to provide a comprehensive introduction to the physical properties of condensed matter, this book also includes studies on the thermodynamic properties of high-temperature superconductors, low-temperature heat transport, and Raman spectroscopy. In addition, this book includes important topics in theoretical studies, including the study of the magnetic and superconductivity of iron-based materials, the non-diagonal long procedure in condensed quantum phases, and the creation of oxygen sites in the CuO2 plane. Rotational fluctuations lead to the study of superconducting states. This book is suitable for researchers and graduate students in condensed matter physics, materials science, optics and other fields.
This book provides a new understanding of the large amount of experimental results gained in solid state physics during the last seven decades. For more than 160 different materials, data analyses shown in terms of atomistic models (Hamiltonians) have not provided a quantitatively satisfactory description of either excitation spectra or dynamic properties. Instead, the experimental evidences have elaborated that field theories are necessary. However, most experimentalists are not familiar with field theories, and realistic field theories of magnetism are absent.The book illustrates in an empirical way the elements of future field theories of solid state physics with special emphasis on magnetic materials. In contrast to the many available textbooks on quantum field theories that emphasize more on algorithmic formalities rather than referring to the experimental facts, the approach in this book is pragmatic instead of abstract theoretic. This methodical concept considerably facilitates experimentalists to get acquainted with the basic ideas of field theories, even if a ready field theory is not provided by this experimental study.
This book addresses the physical mechanisms involved in the characteristic electrical properties and the geometrical structures that are observed from dipolar monolayers composed of organic molecules by using dielectric physics, electrostatics, the physics of liquid crystal, and soft matter physics. The orientational order parameters, introduced to quantify the orientational structures of monolayers, guide us towards this goal. Dielectric polarizations are spontaneously generated from monolayers because of their orientational structures, and electrostatic energies due to these dielectric polarizations play a key role in forming the geometrical structures that are observed from monolayers. Free energy minimization is a powerful tool to understand the physical mechanisms that stabilize these geometrical structures because of the soft matter nature of monolayers. The approach makes this book unique among the literatures of monolayers.
Geometry and topology have been a fascination in physics since the start of the 20th century. A leading example is Einstein's geometrical theory of gravity. At the beginning of the 1970s, topological ideas entered areas of condensed matter physics. These advances were driven by new seminal ideas resolving a serious contradiction between experiment and the standard interpretation of a rigorous mathematical theorem which led to the study of new exotic topological phases of matter. Topological defect driven phase transitions in thin, two dimensional films of superfluids, superconductors and crystals have provided great insight into the mechanism governing these topological phases present in those physical systems. Moreover, many of these topological properties remain 'protected' against disorder and topological distortion perturbations. An example of possible applications of such robustness to perturbations is in the search for encoding information in quantum computers, potentially providing the platform for fault-tolerant quantum computations.In the past four decades, the discovery of topological phases engendered great interest in condensed matter physics. It also attracted the attention of researchers working on quantum information, quantum materials and simulations, high energy physics and string theory. This unique volume contains articles written by some of the most prominent names in the field, including Nobel Laureate John Michael Kosterlitz and Professor Jorge V Jose. They originate from talks and discussions by leading experts at a recent workshop. They review previous works as well as addressing contemporary developments in the most pressing and important issues on various aspects of topological phases and topological phase transitions.
'Written by two professors emeriti with a long and distinguished career both in research and teaching, the book clearly shows the wide experience of its authors ... This is a good book, carefully prepared, full of details and appropriate for its scope. Those who will profit the most from it are the students who are obliged (or prefer) to study independently. They will appreciate the clarity of exposition and will find the numerous problems both stimulating and rewarding. What sets the book apart are undoubtedly the detailed solutions to all of the problems.'Contemporary PhysicsThis is an introductory book on solid state physics. It is a translation of a Hebrew version, written for the Open University in Israel. Aimed mainly for self-study, the book contains appendices with the necessary background, explains each calculation in detail and contains many solved problems. The bulk of the book discusses the basic concepts of periodic crystals, including lattice structures, radiation scattering off crystals, crystal bonding, vibrations of crystals, and electronic properties. On the other hand, the book also presents brief reviews of advanced topics, e.g. quasicrystals, soft condensed matter, mesoscopic physics and the quantum Hall effect. There are also many specific examples drawn from modern research topics, e.g. perovskite oxides relevant for high temperature superconductivity, graphene, electrons in low dimensions and more.
Certain small solid particles are surface-active at fluid interfaces and thus are able to stabilize materials previously considered impossible to stabilize in their absence. Liquid marbles, particle-coated non-sticking liquid droplets, represent one of these materials. Preparation of liquid marbles was described only about 15 years ago and they are now widely studied by many research groups and numerous applications of liquid marbles have been advanced. The book is written for postgraduates and researchers working on the area who are training to become chemists, soft matter physicists, materials scientists, and engineers.
The book includes a thorough description of a wide range of physical properties of organic superconductors of reduced dimensionality. The authors start with an overview of the field followed by a background discussion and selected experimental topics. A critical discussion of theoretical proposals is presented under the constraints of experimental observations and exciting possibilities for the symmetry of the order parameter are presented, including the cases of inhomogeneous superconducting states and triplet superconductivity. The possible origins of Cooper pairing are explored and tests to detect experimentally the pairing symmetry are described in detail. The book ends with a discussion of important open questions, where the search for their answers will keep the field alive for the next decade.
The theoretical methods of quantum chemistry have matured to the point that accurate predictions can be made and experiments can be understood for a wide range of important gas-phase phenomena. A large part of this success can be attributed to the maturation of hierarchies of approximation, which allow one to approach very high accuracy, provided that sufficient computational resources are available. Until recently, these hierarchies have not been available in condensed-phase chemistry, but recent advances in the field have now led to a group of methods that are capable of reaching this goal. Accurate Condensed-Phase Quantum Chemistry addresses these new methods and the problems to which they can be applied. The book begins with an overview of periodic treatments of electron correlation, with an emphasis on the algorithmic features responsible for their computational efficiency. The first section of the book: Describes the Laplace-transform approach to periodic second-order perturbation theory (MP2) Examines local and density fitted schemes for MP2 in crystalline systems Presents test calculations for a variety of systems with small and medium-sized unit cells The next section focuses on methods based on treatment of the periodic solid in terms of fragments. This part of the book: Explores the incremental many-body scheme for electron correlation in solids, and describes progress towards metals and molecules on surfaces Describes the hierarchical method as an alternative fragment-based approach to electron correlation in crystalline solids, using conventional molecular electronic structure methods Examines electrostatically embedded many-body expansion for large systems, with an emphasis on molecular clusters and molecular liquids Explores delocalized and localized orbital approaches to the electronic structures of periodic and non-periodic solids Lastly, the book describes a practical method by which conventional molecular electronic structure theory can be applied to molecular liquids and solids. Along with the methodology, it presents results on small to medium water clusters as well as on liquid water.
This thesis presents the discovery of a surprising phase transition between a topological and a broken symmetry phase. Phase transitions between broken symmetry phases involve a change in symmetry and those between topological phases require a change in topological order; in rare cases, however, transitions may occur between these two broad classes of phases in which the vanishing of the topological order is accompanied by the emergence of a broken symmetry. This thesis describes observations of such a special phase transition in the two-dimensional electron gas confined in the GaAs/AlGaAs structures. When tuned by hydrostatic pressure, the = 5/2 and = 7/2 fractional quantum Hall states, believed to be prototypical non-Abelian topological phases of the Pfaffian universality class, give way to an electronic nematic phase. Remarkably, the fractional quantum Hall states involved are due to pairing of emergent particles called composite fermions. The findings reported here, therefore, provide an interesting example of competition of pairing and nematicity. This thesis provides an introduction to quantum Hall physics of the two-dimensional electron gas, contains details of the high pressure experiments, and offers a discussion of the ramifications and of the origins of the newly reported phase transition.
This book helps you understand the basic properties of semiconductor quantum wells and superlattices and describes how they can be utilized for long-wavelength infrared detectors and imaging arrays. Includes 111 illustrations and 237 equations. |
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