Books > Arts & Architecture > Art forms, treatments & subjects > Decorative arts & crafts
Dit bevat volledige planne met tafelversierings, blomme en alles
anders wat nodig is om tafels vir 25 verskillende geleenthede te
dek, asook meer as 50 watertandlekker resepte en aanwysings om
tafelelemente soos servetringe, naamkaartjies, plekmatjies,
geskenkboksies en ander dekoratiewe bykomstighede te maak.
Praktiese inligting oor basiese beplanning, van die samestelling
van inspirasieborde en idees vir ongewone onderborde tot die
uitsoek van musiek en die volmaakte gasgeskenk, word aangevul deur
uitgebreide fotobyskrifte wat die leser vertel hoe om alles na te
doen. Die resepte is in 'n afsonderlike afdeling, gevolg deur
aanwysings en patrone vir selfdoenprojekte wat nie volledig in die
byskrifte gedek kon word nie. Daar is ook 'n oorvloed wenke en
voorstelle vir eenvoudige aanbiedingstegnieke, die skedulering van
take sodat jy die geleentheid saam met jou gaste kan geniet, en
maniere om jou persoonlike stempel op alles af te druk.
This fully colour illustrated work covers the most artistically
progressive period for British table cutlery between 1870 and 1940,
and maps its evolution through a series of artistic periods,
including Art Deco and the Arts & Crafts revival, to the
present day. For the humble spoon, the Arts & Craft period
brought in new and exotic styles developed from the changing taste
that sprang from the Great Exhibition of 1851. The artistic styles
were largely based around natural form and many makers turned
against the mass production of the industrial age. The golden age
for Liberty & Company provided a platform for designers such as
Archibald Knox, Oliver Baker, Bernard Cuzner and the Silver Studio
with their bold, and often-colourful, designs for spoons. The rise
of women who rivalled their male counterparts in design and craft,
particularly in the fields of jewellery and small silverware, was
particularly significant at this time.
This is the true story of a robin who lives in my garden among
fences, hedges, shrubs, trees, stacks of pots and bricks and the
vine on my balcony. Lickel Bird or LB, responded to human company
and showed remarkable trust and attachment. During my daily contact
with him I watched him perform many tasks. These observational
snapshots have given me a window into his world and allowed me to
share some of his busy life in all its ups and downs. He watched me
in my garden long before he trusted me enough to see I was on the
side of small birds and that I would be there for him in his hour
of need and what he needed most in his life was food.
Packed with information and tips on materials and techniques, the
book is a visual delight as well as a practical. Best-selling
authors Tracy Boomer and Deborah Morbin said in their first book
that they would decoupage the sky if they could reach it. Since
then it's become even easier to decorate just about anything you
can imagine with decoupage by making use of serviettes and the
variety of special mediums for applying them to different base
materials. With a text once again written with the infectious
enthusiasm and humour that contributed to record sales on both
their earlier books Tracy and Debbie guide you through the basics,
share the results of their extensive experimenting with you by way
of useful hints and tips, and tell you how to complete more than 30
projects using serviette decoupage. Decoupage with serviettes
brings you as close to instant results as can be with some of the
projects in this book taking no more than a couple of hours to
complete. Packed with information and tips on materials and
techniques, the book is a visual delight as well as a practical
craft book with a wealth of innovative and original ideas. Projects
have been carefully selected to cover a variety of base materials;
each project is beautifully illustrated with specially commissioned
photographs; steps are explained with easy to follow instructions;
suggested alternatives help you create unique items; projects
include paper tole and elevated images.
Harsjuwele is baie maklik om te maak en die tegniek is ongelooflik
veelsydig. Sara Naumann, 'n gewilde handwerkskrywer, wys jou hoe om
pragtige harsjuwele met eenvoudige tegnieke en goedkoop materiaal
vir mans en vroue te maak. Die juwele kan in 'n japtrap gemaak word
en jy kan papier, lap, foto's, skulpe, droe blomme, naelpolitoer en
ander materiaal by die hars voeg om unieke harsjuwele met 'n
professionele, stylvolle voorkoms te skep. Meer as 50 projekte sal
jou inspireer om jou eie harsjuwele vir jouself of as geskenke vir
familie en vriende te maak. Dit is ideaal vir beginners en meer
bedrewe handwerkers, maar wees gewaarsku - dit is verslawend! Wat
hierdie boek uniek maak, is dat papier ingesluit word - die
skeppings is dus eintlik papierjuwele. Ou papier soos kaarte en
bladmusiek skep 'n vintage voorkoms terwyl fotoplakwerk- of
origami-papier vars en kontemporer lyk. Die boek sal dus byval vind
by papier- sowel as juweelhandwerkers.
Following the same approach as the runaway bestseller, Jewellery in
a jiffy, this follow up will not disappoint. Once again aimed at
the impatient beader, it contains loads of original jewellery
designs with the focus on crystals, pearls and gemstones. Some
pieces can be completed in a few minutes while many others will
take no more than an hour or two - quick results indeed. Pearls,
crystals and gemstones all come in a dazzling variety of shapes and
colours and were used either singly or in splendid combinations for
necklaces, chokers, bracelets and earrings for every taste and
occasion. Whether you want it glitzy and glamorous, sophisticated
or casual, you will find suitable creative ideas and suggestions in
this titel. Clear step by step instructions and photographs explain
the amazingly simple techniques so anyone can achieve attractive
results quickly and easily. A treasure trove of handcrafted
jewellery, this title also has stunning commissioned photographs of
all finished pieces.
This collection of beautifully crafted decorative and functional
items, from candleholders and wall clocks to fruit bowls and
lampshades, finished with style and panache takes you where other
mosaics books simply never arrived. With six previous best-selling
craft books still in print, Deborah Morbin and Tracy Boomer have
turned their undeniable talents toward the resurgence of the
ancient craft of mosaics, bringing fresh, creative ideas that will
appeal to all hobbyists. They know what works, they know what
doesn't and they share this research and knowledge with you. Using
their trademark humour and less-is-more approach, they take you
through a range of projects that will instantly appeal. Their
detailed instructions and helpful hints virtually guarantee success
in either reproducing the projects in this book or using them as a
basis for your own ideas, irrespective of your level of expertise.
Here are India's best-known beasts -- tiger, elephant, deer,
snake... rendered by a variety of folk and tribal artists. Each of
their artistic traditions conceives of the beast in distinctive
ways, as original in the imagining as it is in the rendering. This
handmade book is a new updated version of our classic Beasts of
India, long out of print. Individually screenprinted on handmade
paper, this wonderful introduction to Indian painting styles is an
art and book lover's dream.