Books > Health, Home & Family > Family & health > Fitness & diet > Diets & dieting
Say good-bye to the pain and suffering of traditional dieting. With
"Donate Your Weight," you will healthfully arrive at your ideal
weight with ease. There are no food plans and no crash diets.
Instead, you focus on your attitudes about weight and self-talk as
well as a healthy lifestyle. These changes allow you to eat
anything in moderation, take good care of yourself, and feel great.
"Donate Your Weight" is packed with the motivation to move from
food obsession to food freedom. In a sensible, supportive way,
Sheri O. Zampelli walks you through the challenges and obstacles to
weight loss and shows how a change of attitude will set you on the
right path. Zampelli outlines seven stress-free slimming strategies
and shifts the focus away from weight loss to positive steps for
creating a thinner, healthier you. Each time you use one of the
slimming strategies, you celebrate your success by donating a small
amount of money into a charity jar, which you ll eventually donate
to a worthy cause. This radically successful approach to permanent
weight loss will help you build healthy, lifelong habits, achieve
your weight-reduction goals, and know all along that as you help
yourself, you re also helping others.
FlavCity Five Ingredient Meals For Easy Weeknight Dinners and More!
#1 Bestseller in Slow Cooker Recipes, Heart Healthy Cooking, Diets
& Weight Loss, Gluten-Free Diets, Budget Cooking, Green
Housekeeping, and Allergies, Special Conditions, Cooking Methods,
Regional & International, Soul Food, and Quick & Easy You
don't have to be a chef to create delicious food. In fact, it only
takes a handful of ingredients to make mouthwatering and easy
weeknight dinners. This cookbook by Bobby and Dessi Parrish is
packed full of simple, healthy dinner ideas that even newbie cooks
find easy to make. An introduction to easy meals and cooking.
Cooking doesn't have to be complicated. Food Network champion Bobby
Parrish shares the ins and outs of their 5-ingredient meals and
assures us his quick and easy dinner recipes are doable for all. By
keeping the recipes to five ingredients, Bobby demonstrates just
how easy cooking can be. From savory snacks to easy weeknight
dinners packed with flavor, this easy (and healthy!) recipe book is
just what your kitchen needs. But Bobby and Dessi's tips don't stop
there they know that a key aspect of these simple healthy recipes
is the prep work at the grocery store beforehand. Hacks for smarter
grocery shopping. Going to the grocery store can be a bit
overwhelming, especially if your list is long! Fortunately, these
five-ingredient recipes make grocery shopping and picking the right
ingredients for easy weeknight dinners far less daunting. But
smarter grocery shopping is about more than what's on your list.
It's about knowing how to pick the "best in class" products. Inside
find: 50 easy healthy meals that only take five ingredients Advice
for cooking with a combination of store-bought and fresh items
Essential insight into smarter grocery shopping If you enjoyed
books like Keto Meal Prep by FlavCity, 5 Ingredients, The Well
Plated Cookbook, or The Easy 5-Ingredient Healthy Cookbook, you'll
love FlavCity's 5 Ingredient Meals.
El programa de adelgazamiento para la gente que no tiene tiempo!
Imaginese bajando de peso, moldeando su cuerpo y desarrollando su
autoestima, en solo 8 minutos por la manana! Los resultados estan
comprobados, pues el programa de adelgazamiento de Jorge Cruise, "8
Minutos por la Manana," les ha ayudado ya a miles de personas a
tener un cuerpo delgado y llenarse de vitalidad. Ahora le toca a
Quedara sorprendido de lo sencillo y agradable que es el programa
de Jorge, el cual se basa en las ultimas investigaciones
cientificas asi como en la experiencia de los millones de clientes
que el mismo Jorge ha atendido por Internet. Lo unico que tendra
que hacer al levantarse por la manana seran dos ejercicios de
fortalecimiento superrapidos. Nada mas. Si a eso le agrega el
adelantadisimo programa de alimentacion, que le ensenara a comer
las grasas correctas para saciar su hambre e incluso reducir las
calorias que ingiera, asi como una buena dosis de motivacion, solo
tardara 28 dias en sentirse mas ligero y lleno de vida que nunca!