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Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Financial, taxation, commercial, industrial law > Employment & labour law

Labour and Employment Compliance in Belgium (Paperback, 6th edition): Chris Van Olmen Labour and Employment Compliance in Belgium (Paperback, 6th edition)
Chris Van Olmen
R1,975 Discovery Miles 19 750 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour and Employment Compliance in Germany (Paperback, 9th edition): Gerlind Wisskirchen, Martin Lutzeler Labour and Employment Compliance in Germany (Paperback, 9th edition)
Gerlind Wisskirchen, Martin Lutzeler
R1,984 Discovery Miles 19 840 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour and Employment Compliance in Israel (Paperback, 8th edition): Pnina Broder-Manor, Helen Raziel, Ilan Winder Labour and Employment Compliance in Israel (Paperback, 8th edition)
Pnina Broder-Manor, Helen Raziel, Ilan Winder
R1,963 Discovery Miles 19 630 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour and Employment Compliance in Mexico (Paperback, 9th edition): Oscar de la Vega Gomez Labour and Employment Compliance in Mexico (Paperback, 9th edition)
Oscar de la Vega Gomez
R1,961 Discovery Miles 19 610 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour and Employment Compliance in Spain (Paperback, 9th edition): Salvador Del Rey, Ana Campos, Sergi Galvez Duran Labour and Employment Compliance in Spain (Paperback, 9th edition)
Salvador Del Rey, Ana Campos, Sergi Galvez Duran
R2,239 Discovery Miles 22 390 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour and Employment Compliance in France (Paperback, 9th edition): Pascale Lagesse Labour and Employment Compliance in France (Paperback, 9th edition)
Pascale Lagesse
R1,970 Discovery Miles 19 700 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour and Employment Compliance in China (Paperback, 6th edition): King & Wood Mallesons Labour and Employment Compliance in China (Paperback, 6th edition)
King & Wood Mallesons
R1,963 Discovery Miles 19 630 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Ratgeber Fur Rentenversicherte - Praktische Erlauterungen Und Hinweise Zur Freiwilligen Rentenversicherung (German, Paperback,... Ratgeber Fur Rentenversicherte - Praktische Erlauterungen Und Hinweise Zur Freiwilligen Rentenversicherung (German, Paperback, 1972 ed.)
Hans-Achim Fritzsche
R1,608 Discovery Miles 16 080 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Dieser "Ratgeber fur Rentenversicherte" will uber alle wesentlichen Bestimmungen der Rentenversicherung einen Uberblick geben. Der Versicherte kann mit Hilfe seiner Versicherungsunterlagen (Versicherungskarten, Aufrechnungsbescheinigungen, Bescheinigungen uber Ersatz- und Ausfallzeiten usw.) und dem Muster zur Selbstberechnung der Rente (Anlage I) seine derzeitige Renten anwartschaft errechnen; es empfiehlt sich, zuvor die Erlauterungen uber die Errech nung der Rente und die Voraussetzungen fur die Gewahrung von Renten zu lesen. Auch die ungefahre Hohe der kunftigen Rente kann - unter Annahme bestimmter Faktoren - geschatzt werden. Der Versicherte hat dann die Moglichkeit zu uber blicken, ob ihm die zu erwartende Gesamtaltersversorgung (gesetzliche Rente und betriebliches Ruhegeld) ausreichend erscheint oder ob er es fur angebracht halt, eine weitere Verbesserung durch zusatzliche Massnahmen (z. B. private .Lebensver sicherung) sicherzustellen. Viele Versicherte werden bei der Prufung und Ordnung ihrer Versicherungsunter lagen feststellen, dass diese noch nicht vollstandig sind. Besonders behandelt wurden deshalb die Fragen, wie noch nicht bescheinigte Versicherungs- und Ausfallzeiten nachzuweisen sind (Anlage VI) und was bei der Rentenantragsstellung alles zu be achten ist (Seite 65 ff). Bestimmte fur die Rentenberechnung massgebende Faktoren andern sich als Folge der vom Gesetz vorgesehenen Anpassung der Renten an das jeweilige Lohnniveau von Jahr zu Jahr; deshalb haben wir den "Ratgeber" in Lose-Blatt-Form herausge geben. Die in Betracht kommenden Seiten werden jeweils neu gefasst und uber die Personaldienststellen verteilt werden."

Blame it on Betty (Paperback): Elaine M Barr Blame it on Betty (Paperback)
Elaine M Barr
R578 Discovery Miles 5 780 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Racism - Discover The History of Racial Inequalty, Forms of Racism, White Fragility And Rules of Engagements, Including... Racism - Discover The History of Racial Inequalty, Forms of Racism, White Fragility And Rules of Engagements, Including Educational and Employee Racism. (Paperback)
George Flipper
R460 Discovery Miles 4 600 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour and Employment Compliance in South Africa (Paperback, 9th edition): Susan Stelzner, Stuart Harrison, Brian Patterson,... Labour and Employment Compliance in South Africa (Paperback, 9th edition)
Susan Stelzner, Stuart Harrison, Brian Patterson, Zahida Ebrahim
R2,241 Discovery Miles 22 410 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour and Employment Compliance in Argentina (Paperback, 9th edition): Julio Cesar Stefanoni Zani, Enrique Alfredo Betemps Labour and Employment Compliance in Argentina (Paperback, 9th edition)
Julio Cesar Stefanoni Zani, Enrique Alfredo Betemps
R1,934 Discovery Miles 19 340 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour and Employment Compliance in Brazil (Paperback, 8th edition): Rodrigo Seizo Takano, Andrea Giamondo Massei Rossi, Murilo... Labour and Employment Compliance in Brazil (Paperback, 8th edition)
Rodrigo Seizo Takano, Andrea Giamondo Massei Rossi, Murilo Caldeira Germiniani
R2,180 Discovery Miles 21 800 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour and Employment Compliance in Chile (Paperback, 9th edition): Gerardo Otero a, Maria Dolores Echeverria F, Maria de los... Labour and Employment Compliance in Chile (Paperback, 9th edition)
Gerardo Otero a, Maria Dolores Echeverria F, Maria de los Angeles Fernandez S., Javier Sabido
R1,797 Discovery Miles 17 970 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour and Employment Compliance in Italy (Paperback, 9th edition): Angelo Zambelli Labour and Employment Compliance in Italy (Paperback, 9th edition)
Angelo Zambelli
R1,935 Discovery Miles 19 350 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour and Employment Compliance in the Republic of Korea (Paperback, 7th edition): Sang Wook Cho, Soo Jung Lee, Christopher... Labour and Employment Compliance in the Republic of Korea (Paperback, 7th edition)
Sang Wook Cho, Soo Jung Lee, Christopher Mandel
R1,934 Discovery Miles 19 340 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour law in Singapore (Paperback): Ravi Chandran Labour law in Singapore (Paperback)
Ravi Chandran
R3,028 Discovery Miles 30 280 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Making Minimum Wage - Elsie Parrish versus the West Coast Hotel Company (Paperback): Helen J. Knowles Making Minimum Wage - Elsie Parrish versus the West Coast Hotel Company (Paperback)
Helen J. Knowles
R791 Discovery Miles 7 910 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The US Supreme Court's 1937 decision in West Coast Hotel v. Parrish, upholding the constitutionality of Washington State's minimum wage law for women, had monumental consequences for all American workers. It also marked a major shift in the Court's response to President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal agenda. In Making Minimum Wage, Helen J. Knowles tells the human story behind this historic case. West Coast Hotel v. Parrish pitted a Washington State hotel against a chambermaid, Elsie Parrish, who claimed that she was owed the state's minimum wage. The hotel argued that under the concept of "freedom of contract," the US Constitution allowed it to pay its female workers whatever low wages they were willing to accept. Knowles unpacks the legal complexities of the case while telling the litigants' stories. Drawing on archival and private materials, including the unpublished memoir of Elsie's lawyer, C. B. Conner, Knowles exposes the profound courage and resolve of the former chambermaid. Her book reveals why Elsie-who, in her mid-thirties was already a grandmother-was fired from her job at the Cascadian Hotel in Wenatchee, and why she undertook the outsized risk of suing the hotel for back wages. Minimum wage laws are "not an academic question or even a legal one," Elinore Morehouse Herrick, the New York director of the National Labor Relations Board, said in 1936. Rather, they are "a human problem." A pioneering analysis that illuminates the life stories behind West Coast Hotel v. Parrish as well as the case's impact on local, state, and national levels, Making Minimum Wage vividly demonstrates the fundamental truth of Morehouse Herrick's statement.

Tarifvertrag Fur Das Private Versicherungsgewerbe - Vom 1. 4. 1959 in Der Fassung Vom 1. 3. 1962 (German, Paperback, Softcover... Tarifvertrag Fur Das Private Versicherungsgewerbe - Vom 1. 4. 1959 in Der Fassung Vom 1. 3. 1962 (German, Paperback, Softcover Reprint of the Original 1st 1962 ed.)
Edgar Mussil
R1,599 Discovery Miles 15 990 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Schon der erste Tarifvertrag, der im Jahre 1919 zwischen Arbeitgebern und Gewerkschaften in der Versicherungswirtschaft geschlossen worden war, wurde unmittelbar nach seinem Inkrafttreten erlautert. Diese Obung setzte sich fort, als der Reichstarifvertrag im Jahre 1939 durch die Tarif ordnung und diese wiederum im Jahre 1949 durch den Tarifvertrag fur das private Versicherungsgewerbe ersetzt wurde. Auch der vorliegende Tarifvertrag, der am 1.4.1959 in Kraft trat, erfuhr vom Verfasser noch im gleichen Jahr eine Kommentierung. Dieser Kommentar, der im Ver sicherungs kaufmann-Taschenbuch 1960 des Betriebswirtschaftlichen Ver lages Dr. Th. Gabler, Wiesbaden, abgedruckt war, ist inzwischen langst vergriffen, so dass ein Neudruck erfolgen musste. Auf Anregungen hin, die vor allem von Personalburos, aber auch von Versicherungskaufleuten und Beziehern des erwahnten Taschenbuchs in den vergangenen Jahren beim Verlag eingingen, ist der Kommentar ver vollstandigt und erweitert worden. Diese Auflage berucksichtigt nunmehr alle mit den tariflichen Arbeitsbedingungen im Zusammenhang stehenden Rechtsprobleme, wobei auf die neueste Meinung in Literatur und Recht sprechung Bezug genommen wird. Obwohl der Tarifvertrag des Versicherungsvermittlergewerbes in wesent lichen Teilen mit dem des privaten Versicherungsgewerbes ubereinstimmt, war die Benutzung des fruheren Kommentars durch die Angehorigen dieses Gewerbes deshalb schwierig, weil Aufbau und Gliederung der beiden Tarifvertrage verschieden sind. In dem vorliegenden Kommentar ist daher auch der Tarifvertrag fur das Versicherungsvermittlergewerbe im Wortlaut abgedruckt und der Text mit Hinweisen auf die einschlagi gen Anmerkungen zum Tarifvertrag fur das private Versicherungsgewerbe versehen. Der Kommentar ist daher nunmehr in allen Bereichen der Ver sicherungswirtschaft ohne Schwierigkeiten verwendbar. E. Mussil I Inhaltsverzeichnis Vorwort ....... ."

Nurse Jack - True Hospital Stories, Hospital Covering up a Rape, Crime, Drug Abuse, Tragic Loss, and Comical Stories... Nurse Jack - True Hospital Stories, Hospital Covering up a Rape, Crime, Drug Abuse, Tragic Loss, and Comical Stories (Paperback)
Jack S Houston
R397 Discovery Miles 3 970 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Genocide, Discrimination and Marginalization of Anglophone Cameroon - A Critical Analyze Under the Ahidjo and Biya Regime.:... Genocide, Discrimination and Marginalization of Anglophone Cameroon - A Critical Analyze Under the Ahidjo and Biya Regime.: What Challenge for Africa Under Gross Violation of Minorities? (Paperback)
Kome Donard Njodzela
R777 Discovery Miles 7 770 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Labour Law in Croatia (Paperback, 2nd edition): Ivana Grgurev Labour Law in Croatia (Paperback, 2nd edition)
Ivana Grgurev
R1,938 Discovery Miles 19 380 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Hospitality Management Law (Paperback): Edward Perez Hospitality Management Law (Paperback)
Edward Perez
R2,985 Discovery Miles 29 850 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Hospitality Management Law introduces students to legal concepts as applied to the hospitality industry. The text provides knowledge of business law concepts for preventative action, when to contact a lawyer, and how to navigate a myriad of legal situations. The text includes an historical overview of the sources of American law complemented with the fundamentals of litigation. Included is an explanation of substantive areas of business law as applied to the hospitality industry. Subsequent chapters explain the procedural components of a lawsuit in more detail. Topical coverage includes contracts, negligence, government regulation, business relations, finance and banking, and international business issues. Hospitality Management Law is ideal for courses in business management and business law. It provides students and industry professionals with a solid knowledge base to compete within the industry.

The Right to Strike in International Law (Paperback): Jeffrey Vogt, Janice Bellace, Lance Compa, K.D. Ewing, John Hendy, Klaus... The Right to Strike in International Law (Paperback)
Jeffrey Vogt, Janice Bellace, Lance Compa, K.D. Ewing, John Hendy, …
R1,422 Discovery Miles 14 220 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This monograph was originally developed as a direct response to the claim made by members of the 'Employers Group' at the 2012 International Labour Conference, namely that the right to strike is not protected in international law, and in particular by ILO Convention 87 on the right to freedom of association. The group's apparent aim was to sow sufficient doubt as to the existence of an internationally protected right so that governments might seek to limit or prohibit the right to strike at the national level while still claiming compliance with their international obligations. In consequence, some governments have seized on the employers' arguments to justify new limitations on that right. The Right to Strike in International Law not merely refutes this claim but is the only complete and exhaustive analysis on this subject. Based on deep legal research, it finds that there is simply no credible basis for the claim that the right to strike does not enjoy the protection of international law; indeed, the authors demonstrate that it has attained the status of customary international law.

Reforming Age Discrimination Law - Beyond Individual Enforcement (Hardcover): Alysia Blackham Reforming Age Discrimination Law - Beyond Individual Enforcement (Hardcover)
Alysia Blackham
R3,277 Discovery Miles 32 770 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Age is a critical issue for labour market policy. Both younger and older workers experience significant challenges at work. Despite the introduction of age discrimination laws, ageism remains prevalent. Reforming Age Discrimination Law offers a roadmap for the future development of age discrimination law in common law countries, to better address workplace ageism. Drawing on theoretical, doctrinal, and empirical legal scholarship, and comparative perspectives from the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada, the book provides a socio-legal critique of existing age discrimination laws and their enforcement and proposes concrete suggestions for legal reform and change. Building on legal and interdisciplinary insights, it examines the challenges and limitations of existing legal frameworks and the individual enforcement model for addressing age discrimination in employment. It also maps the stages of claiming, negotiation, or alternative dispute resolution, and hearing and judgment, using mixed-method case studies of the enforcement of age discrimination law in the United Kingdom and Australia. This volume puts forward a four-fold model of reform which aims to improve the individual enforcement model, strengthen positive equality duties, bolster the roles of statutory equality agencies, and enhance collective enforcement. It goes on to critically consider how these options might address the limits of existing laws, and the practical measures necessary to ensure their success and to move beyond the individual enforcement of age discrimination law.

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