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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Engineering skills & trades
Das in vierter Auflage erscheinende Buch widmet sich der Schweissmetallurgie mit ihren Besonderheiten. Die vielfaltigen Probleme der Eisenwerkstoffe und der nichteisenmetallischen Werkstoffe bei ihrer schweisstechnischen Verarbeitung werden ausfuhrlich dargestellt. Um Korrosionsschaden an geschweissten Konstruktionen vorzubeugen, wird die Metallurgie aller technisch bedeutsamen Werkstoffe, wie unlegierte und legierte Stahle, Eisen-Gusswerkstoffe, die wichtigsten NE-Metalle, ausfuhrlich besprochen. An den Kapitelenden findet der interessierte Leser Aufgaben zur Losung und weiteren Vertiefung des Stoffes. Ein Schwerpunkt der Neubearbeitung ist die Anpassung an neue europaische (EURO-Normen) und internationale Normen (bis Marz 2009), soweit sie fur Deutschland Bedeutung haben. Neu hinzugekommen sind u. a. Hinweise zu neueren Stahlnormen (Baustahle nach DIN EN 10025), Vergutungsstahlen nach DIN EN 10025-6 und DIN EN 10083, hochlegierten Stahlen nach DIN EN 10 088 und Zusatzwerkstoffen zum Schweissen von Stahlen nach DIN EN ISO 2560. "
Advanced welding processes provides an excellent introductory
review of the range of welding technologies available to the
structural and mechanical engineer. The book begins by discussing
general topics such power sources, filler materials and gases used
in advanced welding. A central group of chapters then assesses the
main welding techniques: gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), gas metal
arc welding (GMAW), high energy density processes and narrow-gap
welding techniques. Two final chapters review process control,
automation and robotics.
This research report brings together present trends in advanced welding robots, robotic welding, artificial intelligent and automatic welding. It includes important technical subjects on welding robots such as intelligent technologies and systems, and design and analysis. Modeling, identification and control of the welding process are presented, as well as knowledge-based systems for welding and tele-robotic welding. Other topics covered are sensing and data fusion, computer vision and virtual-reality applications of the welding process. An overview of intelligent and flexible manufacturing systems is given in addition to artificial intelligent technologies for industrial processes.
Parallelkinematische Maschinen stellen die spektakulArste Innovation auf dem Gebiet der Maschinenstrukturen im letzten Jahrzehnt dar. Das als Nachschlagewerk konzipierte Buch vereint erstmals das umfangreiche Wissen zu diesem Thema. Der konstruktive Entwicklungsprozess parallelkinematischer Maschinen und der Einsatz in der industriellen Fertigung werden an Beispielen dargestellt. Schwerpunkte bilden die praktischen Anforderungen an parallelkinematische Maschinen, deren strukturelle Konzeption, die richtige Auslegung von Steuerung und Komponenten sowie die messtechnische Bewertung solcher Maschinen. Probleme der Modellbildung werden ebenfalls dargestellt. Einsatzerfahrungen, wie sie mit parallelkinematischen Werkzeugmaschinen und Handhabeeinrichtungen gewonnen wurden, und Felder potenzieller Anwendungen werden genauso beschrieben wie Gesichtspunkte der Programmierung solcher Maschinen. Ein einfA1/4hrender historischer Abriss und ErlAuterungen zur Terminologie runden das Buch inhaltlich ab. Ein Verzeichnis der verwendeten Formeln, ein ausfA1/4hrliches Literaturverzeichnis sowie ein Sachverzeichnis sind Hilfen, die dem Leser das Arbeiten mit dem Buch erleichtern.
This single-source reference is designed for anyone who is responsible for selecting the bestsurface treatment and a compatible adhesive for a particular design.Filled with over 300 photos, figures, and tables, Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Alloyspresents clear analytical methods for examining the adequacy of bonded joints ... methodsfor chemical analysis of an adhesive and primer ... specific instructions on how to anodizealuminum alloys for three different surface treatments .. . recommended primers foranodized alloys ... examples that help you verify fail-safe capacity ... and more.In addition, this guide gives you the latest chemical analysis methods for control, proventest procedures for mechanical durability properties, a wide selection of nondestructive inspectionprocedures, and numerous surface analysis methods.Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Alloys can be of immediate assistance to materials, mechanical,design, process, manufacturing, automotive, aeronautical, corrosion, and maintenanceengineers; designers and manufacturers of primary and secondary aluminum structures;adhesive scientists; testing and material specialists; and upper-division undergraduateand graduate-level researchers in materials, aeronautical design, and adhesive science.
Das Buch widmet sich der Hydro-Umformung, der wohl wichtigsten Verfahrensgruppe auf dem Gebiet der Umformung mit Wirkmedien, wobei das flussige Medium in einem Hohlraum wirkt, der durch Werkstuck und Dichtsystem abgeschlossen ist. Die Monographie ist sowohl Nachschlagewerk fur den in der Praxis tatigen Ingenieur als auch Lehrbuch fur Studierende. Schwerpunkte bilden Verfahrensgrundlagen, Prozessgestaltung, Werkzeugtechnik und Anlagenkomponenten fur die Hydro-Umformung. Dabei werden u.a. Verfahrenskenngrossen, Verfahrensvarianten, Werkzeugfertigung sowie Maschinen und Anlagensteuerung in besonderen Kapiteln behandelt. Fur die betrachteten Verfahrensvarianten werden typische Prozesslosungen und Versagensfalle mit zugehorigen Simulationsergebnissen diskutiert. Schliesslich wird die Bedeutung der FEM-Simulation fur die Prozessoptimierung dargestellt. Ein einfuhrender historischer Abriss und Betrachtungen zum Anwenderpotential sowie abschliessende Planungsbeispiele und Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtungen runden den Inhalt des Buches ab. Angefugt sind Symbol- und Stichwortverzeichnis sowie ein Literaturverzeichnis."
Das Kleben gilt in der industriellen Fertigung als unverzichtbare Alternative zum Schweissen und Loten. Den aktuellen Stand der Klebe-Technologie stellt das bewahrte, in der 6. Auflage erscheinende Fachbuch dar. Die Neuauflage dokumentiert den neuesten Wissensstand auf der Grundlage von zwolf nationalen und internationalen Fachzeitschriften sowie 140 nationalen und europaischen Patentschriften. Mit dem Buch sollen Klebstoffanwender und -hersteller in ihrem Bestreben unterstutzt werden, die Potenziale des Fertigungssystems Kleben nutzbar zu machen."
The book is aimed at those wishing to gain a basic knowledge of the practical aspects of the four most widely used welding processes: manual metal arc (MMA), metal inert/active gas (MIG/AG), tungsten inert gas (TIG) and oxy-acetylene welding and cutting. In addition to a detailed treatment of these four methods, further sections deal with the various angles at which welding can be carried out, the effect of the different materials, and quality assessment. Important safety information is collected into a preliminary section whilst highlighted safety warnings carry the safety theme through the entire text. Features to aid comprehension include a glossary of welding terms and symbols, self-assessment questions and a guide to current welder qualifications in the light of recent European standardisation.
This is the second volume of three designed to give an insight into the current state of CNC technology with a focus on practical applications. Following a brief historical introduction to cutting tool development, chapters 1 and 2 explain why CNC requires a change in cutting tool technology from conventional methods. A presentation is given of the working knowledge of cutting tools and cutt ing fluids which is needed to make optimal use of the productive capacity of CNC machines. Since an important consideration for any machine tool is how one can locate and restrain the workpiece in the correct orientation and with the minimum of set-u p time, chapter 3 is concerned with workholding technology. The author draws on his extensive experience as a practitioner and teacher. The text is thoroughly practical in character and generously illustrated with diagrams and photographs.
The first part of Volume I outlines the origins and development of CNC machine tools. It explains the construction of the equipment and also discusses the various elements necessary to ensure high quality of production. The second part considers how a company justifies the purchase of either cells or systems and illustrates why simulation exercises are essential prior to a full implementation. Communication protocols as well as networking topologies are examined. Finally, the important high-speed machining developments and the drive towards ultra-high precision are mentioned. Following a brief historical introduction to cutting tool development, chapters 1 and 2 of Volume II explain why CNC requires a change in cutting tool technology from conventional methods. A presentation is given of the working knowledge of cutting tools and cutting fluids which is needed to make optimal use of the productive capacity of CNC machines. Since an important consideration for any machine tool is how one can locate and restrain the workpiece in the correct orientation and with the minimum of set-up time, chapter 3 is concerned with workholding technology. Volume III deals with CNC programming. It has been written in conjunction with a major European supplier of controllers in order to give the reader a more consistent and in-depth understanding of the logic used to program such machines. It explains how why and where to program specific features of a part and how to build them up into complete programs. Thus, the reader will learn about the main aspects of the logical structure and compilation of a program. Finally, there is a brief review of so me of the typical controllers currently available from both universal and proprietary builders.
The Science and Practice of Welding, now in its tenth edition and published in two volumes, is an introduction to the theory and practice of welding processes and their applications. Volume 2, The Practice of Welding, is a comprehensive survey of the welding methods in use today and gives up-to-date information on all types of welding methods and tools. Processes described include manual metal arc welding (MMA or SMAW); gas shielded metal arc welding (MIG, MAG or GMAW); tungsten inert gas shielded welding (TIG or GTAW) and plasma arc (PA) and cutting. Resistance, flash butt and oxy-acetylene welding are also included. Cutting processes are given a separate chapter. This new edition has been brought right up-to-date with a new chapter on the welding of plastics, and new sections on the welding of duplex stainless steel and air plasma cutting. The text is illustrated by up-to-date photographs of plant and equipment. As in previous editions, the appendices bring together a wealth of essential information, including British and American welding symbols, tables of conversion, information on proprietary welding gases and mixtures, testing practices, safety features and tables of brazing alloys and fluxes. Both volumes contain numerous questions of the type set at craftsman and technician grade of the City and Guilds of London Institute examinations.
Das Buch bietet Interessenten aus allen Branchen, die mit den
Problemen der Zerstaubungstechnik zu tun haben, ein Grundlagenwerk
uber Dusenauslegung und Sprays. Daruber hinaus dient es
gleichzeitig als Leitfaden zur Auslegung und Analyse von
Zerstaubungssystemen. In der angebotenen Literatur existiert ein
solches Buch bisher noch nicht.
Ganz in der Tradition des bewahrten OEHLER/KAISER steht dieses
aktuelle Werk, das praxisbezogen die neuesten Entwicklungen der
Schneidtechnik darstellt.
This monograph was prepared for the Agency for International Development, Washington D. C. 20523. The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance ofthe following Research Assistants in the Department of Agricultural Engineering: G. Lamorey, E. A. Osman and K. Sachs. J. L. Bumgarner, Draftsman for the Department, did most ofthe ink drawings. The writing of the monograph provided an unique opportunity to collect and study a significant part of the English and some German literature on the subject starting about the year 1900. It may be concluded that, despite renewed worldwide efforts in this field, only in significant advances have been made in the design of gas producer-engine systems. Eschborn, February l3, 1984 Albrecht Kaupp Contents Chapter I: Introduction and Summary 1 Chapter II: History of Small Gas Producer Engine Systems 8 Chemistry of Gasification 25 Chapter III: Gas Producers 46 Chapter IV: Chapter V: Fuel 100 Chapter VI: Conditioning of Producer Gas 142 Chapter VII: Internal Combustion Engines 226 Chapter VIII: Economics 268 Legend 277 CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION Gasification of coal and biomass can be considered to be a century old technology."
Auf dem Gebiet der Ventilatoren ist in jiingster Zeit ein unerwarte- ter Aufschwung eingetreten, der auf die Losung verschiedener stro- mungstechnischer Probleme zuriickzufiihren ist. Die Entwicklung war so rasch, daB plotzlich ein Wirkungsgrad von 90% bei kleiner Bauart er- reieht wurde. Infolgedessen gewann die bis dahin stiefmiitterlich be- handelte Maschinengruppe ganz erheblich an Interesse, was auch durch Dbersetzungen des Buches in mehrere fremde Sprachen zum Ausdruek gekommen ist. Es diirfte nunmehr der geeignete Zeitpunkt sein, das Gesamtgebiet in straffer Form neu darzustellen. Ieh habe vieles umgearbeitet, man- ehes Entbehrliche gestrichen und zahlenmaBige Ergebnisse neuer Ver- suche fUr den Praktiker aufgenommen. Bei Kleinstgeblasen und Quer- stromgeblasen sind wesentliche Erweiterungen erfolgt. Die wichtigen physikalischen GesetzmaBigkeiten wurden ausfiihrlicher gebraeht, die bisherigen Berechnungsverfahren ergiinzt. So erga b sieh eine weit- gehende Neubearbeitung. Mein Manuskript wurde von Prof. Dipl.-Ing. habil. M. PECORNIK (V orstand des Lehrstuhles fUr Stromungslehre und hydraulische Ma- sehinen u. Schiffsbaufalmltat in Rijeka, Universitat Zagreb) sehr ein- gehend durehgesehen. Er hat verschiedene Umstellungen vorgenommen und die Bezeichnungen der vielen Abbildungen systematisch nach den neuesten Vorschriften vereinheitlicht. Dariiber hinaus verdanke ich Prof. PECORNIK viele weitere Ratschlage und Erganzungen sowie seine Hilfe bei der Korrektur, die er mit groBer Umsicht durchfiihrte. Das Kapitel Sehallerzeugung und Schalldampfung wurde wieder von den bekannten Fachleuten Oberingenieur REGENSCHEIT und Dipl.- Ing. GoEHLICH nahezu vollig neu bearbeitet, wofUr ieh ihnen besonders danken mochte.
As a concise yet thorough introduction to the topic, this new edition of Welding Essentials makes welding easy for beginners and is a handy reference for professionals. Its unique, comprehensive question-and-answer format will allow readers to quickly find what they are looking for and fully understand it. Eliminating non-essential items to prevent overloading readers, Welding Essentials addresses safety hazards and required precautions in detail and provides solutions to common problems for each process. Additionally, this valuable reference carefully explains step-by-step setup and shutdown procedures, along with why equipment grounding and GFI's are needed and the way in which they work. Welding tip sizes for differing metal thickness, as well as proper pressure settings for those tips and how to determine what the size is as related the non-standard numbering systems used by manufacturers. New and improved drawings throughout. Discussions on Carbon Arc Cutting with air, Plasma Arc Cutting, and Laser Cutting. More thorough information related to the proper sizing of oxy-fuel cutting tips and pressure charts, and bore drill sizes for the various tips. More thorough explanation of common welding elements. New information on the wire feeding process and more in-depth information related to the use of the tungsten electrodes. Friction stir welding process. Welding tip sizes for differing metal thickness, as well as proper pressure settings for those tips and how to determine what the size is as related the non-standard numbering systems used by manufacturers. New and improved drawings throughout. Discussions on Carbon Arc Cutting with air, Plasma Arc Cutting, and Laser Cutting. More thorough information related to the proper sizing of oxy-fuel cutting tips and pressure charts, and bore drill sizes for the various tips. More thorough explanation of common welding elements. New information on the wire feeding process and more in-depth information related to the use of the tungsten electrodes. Friction stir welding process.
Drawing on state-of-the-art research results, Resistance Welding: Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition systematically presents fundamental aspects of important processes in resistance welding and discusses their implications on real-world welding applications. This updated edition describes progress made in resistance welding research and practice since the publication of the first edition. New to the Second Edition:
The book begins with chapters on the metallurgical processes in resistance spot welding, the basics of welding schedule selection, and cracking in the nugget and heat-affected zone of alloys. The next several chapters discuss commonly conducted mechanical tests, the monitoring and control of a welding process, and the destructive and nondestructive evaluation of weld quality. The authors then analyze the mechanisms of expulsion a process largely responsible for defect formation and other unwanted features and explore an often overlooked topic in resistance welding-related research: the influence of mechanical aspects of welding machines. The final chapters explain how to numerically simulate a resistance welding process and apply statistical design and analysis approaches to welding research. To obtain a broad understanding of this area, readers previously had to scour large quantities of research on resistance welding and essential related subjects, such as statistical analysis. This book collects the necessary information in one source for students, researchers, and practitioners in the sheet metal industry. It thoroughly reviews state-of-the-art results in resistance welding research and gives you a solid foundation for solving practical problems in a scientific and systematic manner.
Das Buch fuhrt in die Problematik der Variantenbeherrschung ein und stellt anschliessend den Grundansatz sowie Schritte zu seiner Umsetzung vor. Es folgt einer konzeptionellen Vorstellung der Gestaltungsfelder Technologie, Logistik, Qualitatsmanagement, Arbeitsorganisation und Qualifizierung. Hieran schliessen sich als Kernbestandteil der Veroffentlichung 12 Praxisbeispiele an, die jeweils von betrieblichen Gestaltern vorgestellt und diskutiert werden. Die meisten Praxisbeispiele behandeln mehrere der Gestaltungsfelder und damit die Produktionsendstufe als ganzheitlichen Ansatz. Den Abschluss bildet eine Bilanzierung der Projektergebnisse sowie ein Anhang, der die im Projekt erarbeiteten praktisch nutzbaren Instrumente dokumentiert. "
Written by three experienced educators and practitioners, Machine Tool Technology Basics is sure to be a useful tool for anyone needing to learn about today's machine tool trade. Logically organized in three sections, it begins with basic metal-removal operations of conventional machines, progresses to CNC machines, and finishes with CAD/CAM. Easy to understand and use, this practical reference keeps operations brief and highlights related information that is not part of the operation. What's more, you will find practical examples on basic operations and discussions on CNC programming and CAD/CAM designing in an easy-to-follow point form. Beginning machine trades students, industrial machine tool training, and practitioners who wish to review topics that they have not used for some time will come to rely on this information-packed guide. Begins each section with a new Section opener collage and includes an introduction, learning objectives, key terms summary, and knowledge review questions. Highlights safety precautions throughout, making them stand out from the text and more visible. Covers 14 key operations, in various sections, using Visutext format where each major step of an operation is illustrated, labeled and explained with minimum text. Includes the latest direct ironmaking and direct steelmaking processes and mini mills. Contains five Modern Technology overviews for some sections that give a brief history of the topic and a look at advanced and future developments. Introduces conventional/programmable lathes, vertical mills, and surface grinders, making the reader aware of the step between conventional and CNC machines. Lists at the start of each programming exercise any codes being used for the first time and their function. Contains a comprehensive machine tool glossary. Offers an overview of Virtual Reality NC. Shows students--in a careers section--the many exciting and rewarding opportunities available in metalworking and manufacturing.
Workshop Processes, Practices and Materials is an ideal introduction for entry level engineers and workshop technicians, as well as engineering university students with little or no practical experience. With detailed illustrations throughout and simple, clear language, this is a practical introduction to what can be a very complex subject. It has been significantly updated and revised to include new material on current Health and Safety legislation, gauging and digital measuring instruments, as well as modern measuring techniques such as laser scan micrometer, co-ordinate and visual measuring systems. A new chapter on an introduction to CNC milling and turning has been added. This book covers all standard workshop topics, including safe practices, measuring equipment, hand and machine tools, metal and plastics materials, joining methods including welding, presswork, primary forming, casting and moving loads, making it an indispensable handbook for use both in class and the workshop. Its broad coverage makes it a useful reference book for many different courses worldwide. Health and Safety chapter covers current best practice and has been checked by a certified health and safety examiner. Addition of modern measuring techniques using laser scan micrometer, co-ordinate and visual measuring systems. Addition of an introduction to CNC milling and turning.
This student friendly and self-explanatory textbook attempts to help readers, engineering students in India, grasp the basic concepts of engineering drawing clearly and easily. Care has been taken to include topics that mesh well with the syllabi of most universities, colleges and polytechnic institutes in India. Important topics, such as projection of solids, auxiliary projections, section of solids, isometric projections, orthographic projections and projection of planes, have been discussed comprehensively. Heavy emphasis has also been put on the actual figures described in the text, both from the first angle and third angle projection methods. A chapter on computer graphics further integrates these concepts with modern manual computer aided design. Finally, hundreds of solved examples, practice problems and objective-type questions with answers have been added to ensure the learning objectives of each chapter have been achieved.
Falls Sie Wissenschaftler oder Praktiker auf dem Gebiet der Umformtechnik sind, so stehen die ersten drei Bande dieser umfassenden und detaillierten Standardreferenz wahrscheinlich schon in Ihrem Regal. Der vierte Band komplettiert das Werk. Auch er wurde von fuhrenden Industriepraktikern und Wissenschaftlern unter der Federfuhrung eines der renommiertesten Fachleute auf diesem Gebiet verfasst."
From the bestselling author of Purple Cow and This is Marketing comes an elegant little book that will inspire artists, writers, and entrepreneurs to stretch and commit to putting their best work out into the world. Creative work doesn't come with a guarantee. But there is a pattern to who succeeds and who doesn't. And engaging in the consistent practice of its pursuit is the best way forward. Based on the breakthrough Akimbo workshop pioneered by legendary author Seth Godin, The Practice will help you get unstuck and find the courage to make and share creative work. Godin insists that writer's block is a myth, that consistency is far more important than authenticity, and that experiencing the imposter syndrome is a sign that you're a well-adjusted human. Most of all, he shows you what it takes to turn your passion from a private distraction to a productive contribution, the one you've been seeking to share all along. With this book as your guide, you'll learn to dance with your fear. To take the risks worth taking. And to embrace the empathy required to make work that contributes with authenticity and joy.
Seit Erscheinen der ersten Auflage dieses Werkes unter dem Titel "Lehrbuch der Umformtechnik" hat sich die Anwendung umformender Fertigungsverfahren in der industriellen Produktion und parallel dazu die Verbreiterung und Vertiefung der technisch-wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Umformtechnik ohne Zweifel weltweit in sich beschleunigendem Tempo fortgesetzt. Antriebskrafte sind dabei der Zwang zu wirtschaftlicherer Verwendung von Energie und Rohstoffen einer- seits sowie die Nutzung der hohen Produktivitat umformender Fertigungsverfah- ren zur Dampfung des Kostenanstiegs in der Produktion andererseits. Eingeschlos- sen hierin ist das Bemiihen um das Erzeugen moglichst einbaufertiger Werkstiicke durch Umformen oder das Absenken nachfolgender Fertigbearbeitung zur Er- zeugung umformend nicht herstellbarer Geometrieelemente, zum Erzielen besserer MaBgenauigkeiten und bestimmter OberfHichenfeinstrukturen. Ziel war und ist dabei die Entwicklung einer "Prazisionsumformtechnik", der auch ein im Jahre 1981 angelaufenes Schwerpunktprogramm der Deutschen Forschungsgemein- schaft gewidmet ist. Voraussetzung hierfiir ist auch die seit Erscheinen der ersten Auflage zu verzeichnende Intensivierung bei der Entwicklung neuer Werkstoffe mit gezielt geziichteten Verarbeitungs- und Gebrauchseigenschaften sowohl fUr Massiv- als auch Blechumformung; hingewiesen sei hier stellvertretend auf die neuen hochfesten tiefziehfahigen Blechqualitaten. Die Technologie der Umformtechnik wurde durch zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in den fUhrenden Industrielandern weiterentwickelt und in ihren Grund- lagen vertieft. Erfahrung wird dadurch zunehmend durch quantitativ gesichertes Wissen ersetzt. Hierzu tragt nicht nur die weiterhin verbesserte MeBtechnik in Verbindung mit leistungsfahigeren Geraten zur Datenverarbeitung bei als auch der zunehmende Einsatz des Rechners zur ProzeB-Analysis und -Simulation. Moderne MeBtechnik hat auch den breiteren Einbezug tribologischer Phanomene in Grundlagenuntersuchungen fUr die Umformtechnik ermoglicht. |
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