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An authoritative overview of the management and treatment of major trauma patients In the newly revised, and substantially expanded, Fifth Edition of ABC of Major Trauma, an eminent team of leading trauma specialists delivers a comprehensive, up-to-date, referenced overview of the emergency treatment of patients suffering from major trauma. Covering all aspects of the management of injured patients during the initial, crucial hours after injury, the scope of the book has developed to include imaging appendices for many chapters. The editors have included resources that discuss general considerations for typical trauma cases, as well as the numerous atypical patients including children, the elderly and those who are pregnant. Hyperlinks are now also included throughout the book which enable the reader to refer to continuously updated guidelines. The book also offers: A thorough introduction to the development and organisation of trauma services, including pre-hospital care and major incidents. A guide to the modern trauma team personnel from airway doctor, to trauma nurse, to trauma team leader, while describing the technical and non-technical skills required for the ABCDE of trauma resuscitation, imaging and the subsequent transfer of the patient. Specialist chapters on ballistic trauma, chemical contamination and burns as well as the management of trauma in specialist patient groups including paediatrics, pregnancy, and the elderly. A new and vital chapter on rehabilitation as well an expansion of the measurement of trauma outcomes to include disability and a discussion on how such audits can drive further improvement. Perfect for all those involved in the care of the trauma patient, including nurses, physician associates, hospital doctors, paramedics and pre-hospital teams, the ABC of Major Trauma is a one-stop referenced guide to the care of such patients from the site of injury to maximal recovery. About the ABC series The ABC series has been designed to help you access information quickly and deliver the best patient care, and remains an essential reference tool for GPs, junior doctors, medical students and healthcare professionals. Now offering over 80 titles, this extensive series provides you with a quick and dependable reference on a range of topics in all the major specialties. The ABC series is the essential and dependable source of up-to-date information for all practitioners and students in primary healthcare. To receive automatic updates on books and journals in your specialty, join our email list. Sign up today at www.wiley.com/email
The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse as a Prescriber is an authoritative reference guide designed for students and practicing APRNs alike--delivering the evidence-based information required for informed and ethical prescribing of medication in various clinical settings. It assists the reader to identify and avoid common prescribing mistakes and pitfalls whilst presenting specific strategies to respond appropriately to an array of typical clinical experiences.This revised second edition includes new and expanded chapters with information on authorizing medical marijuana, prescription monitoring programs, electronic prescribing, prescribing globally and issues surrounding controlled substance prescribing and prescribing for opioid use disorder. This leading single-volume resource: Addresses the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities that APRNs face as prescribers Covers the laws, regulations, and professional issues that affect prescribing Discusses global approaches to registered nurse and APRN prescribing such as task sharing, formularies, and independent authority Guides APRNs through difficult clinical situations such as patients seeking controlled substances and requesting inappropriate care Navigates the multiple facets of prescribing controlled substances Examines the role of the APRN in states with medical marijuana laws Serves as a resource to engage in advocacy for fully autonomous prescribing The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse as a Prescriber is essential reading for APRN and pharmacotherapeutics students, registered nurses transitioning to the role of APRN prescriber, and all APRNs including Nurse Practitioners (NP), Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS), and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA).
Here is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary look at current bereavement care practices and key concerns of care providers. Covering a broad spectrum of topics, interests, and perspectives from divergent disciplines and clinical experiences, the contributing authors explore theories and constructs that can clarify and be useful in the provision of bereavement services.Bereavement Care: A New Look at Hospice and Community Based Services addresses important issues related to the delivery of bereavement care and services. Chapters focusing on clinical concerns examine ways to distinguish grief from depression and the use of Jung s theory to expand an understanding of the grief process. Others explore options for community-based group interventions and the role of the volunteer in the provision of hospice bereavement services. Chapters with a research focus highlight effective assessment tools, the applicability of Bugen s model, and the practice and problems involved in hospice bereavement services.This rich and compassionate volume will be helpful to mental health professionals, social workers, chaplains, nursing personnel, and volunteers who work with or provide services to bereaved persons and families.
THE MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING OF HEALTHCARE PRACTITIONERS Explore this innovative new volume covering the growing mental health crisis amongst healthcare practitioners In The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Healthcare Practitioners, accomplished researchers and authors Esther Murray and Jo Brown deliver an insightful exploration of the theoretical and practical aspects of implementing mental health improvement within the healthcare system through a range of practical examples and cases. The book also explores the possibilities available to professionals to talk about their mental health using "borrowed" words and concepts, and uncovers structural and social concerns that prevent practitioners from accessing the time and space they need to address their mental health concerns. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of topics such as: Borrowed words in emergency medicine and how moral injury makes spaces for talking Finding a voice through medical student engagement in creative enquiry Using language and discourse to explore queer identities in medicine Stress and mental wellbeing in emergency medical dispatchers and paramedics Perfect for healthcare students, professionals, and researchers in the fields of medicine, medical education, psychology, and sociology, The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Healthcare Practitioners will also earn a place in the libraries of healthcare management professionals and regulators.
Research has shown that a range of adult psychiatric disorders and mental health problems originate at an early age, yet the psychiatric symptoms of an increasing number of children and adolescents are going unrecognized and untreated--there are simply not enough child psychiatric providers to meet this steadily rising demand. It is vital that advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) and primary care practitioners take active roles in assessing behavioral health presentations and work collaboratively with families and other healthcare professionals to ensure that all children and adolescents receive appropriate treatment. Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health helps APRNs address the mental health needs of this vulnerable population, providing practical guidance on assessment guidelines, intervention and treatment strategies, indications for consultation, collaboration, referral, and more. Now in its second edition, this comprehensive and timely resource has been fully updated to include DSM-5 criteria and the latest guidance on assessing, diagnosing, and treating the most common behavioral health issues facing young people. New and expanded chapters cover topics including eating disorders, bullying and victimization, LGBTQ identity issues, and conducting research with high-risk children and adolescents. Edited and written by a team of accomplished child psychiatric and primary care practitioners, this authoritative volume: Provides state-of-the-art knowledge about specific psychiatric and behavioral health issues in multiple care settings Reviews the clinical manifestation and etiology of behavioral disorders, risk and management issues, and implications for practice, research, and education Offers approaches for interviewing children and adolescents, and strategies for integrating physical and psychiatric screening Discusses special topics such as legal and ethical issues, cultural influences, the needs of immigrant children, and child and adolescent mental health policy Features a new companion website containing clinical case studies to apply concepts from the chapters Designed to specifically address the issues faced by APRNs, Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health is essential reading for nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists, particularly those working in family, pediatric, community health, psychiatric, and mental health settings. *Second Place in the Child Health Category, 2021 American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Awards*
Wellbeing Strategies for Nurses Practical strategies for combating burnout and improving mental health while working as a nurse Wellbeing Strategies for Nurses explores clear, straightforward, and practical techniques for cultivating resilience and positive mental health strategies in the face of a demanding clinical environment. This pocket-sized book is easy to carry during your clinical placement and offers tips, advice, and hard-won words of wisdom from student and qualified nurses to support you through a challenging, yet rewarding, career. You'll find stress-busting tools as well as exercises intended for long-term relief of stress incorporated throughout the book. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to self-care and wellbeing for nurses, as well as discussions of stress and guided meditation practice exercises Comprehensive explorations of breathing, humour, and nature therapy Practical discussions of muscle relaxation and the importance of healthy foods and hydration Treatments of the sense of smell, aromatherapy, guided meditation, mindfulness, and the five senses approach to wellbeing Perfect for pre-registration adult nursing students in their first and second years of the programme, Wellbeing Strategies for Nurses will also benefit nursing associates, health care assistants, assistant practitioners, and professionals returning to the field after a period of absence.
Five years after the publication of Eldercare 101, it's time to update and revise this important toolbox of critical resources and guidance that assists families and eldercare professionals with the navigation of the advanced aging of loved ones and/or clients based on the Six Pillars of Aging WellbeingTM. In this second edition, Mary Jo Saavedra adds salient new content that reflects the ever-changing landscape of aging in today's culturally-shifting, technological, and pandemic world. The book's online resources have been updated and supplemented with many new tech products on the market that support elders, including Saavedra's forthcoming holistic digital platform. Eldercare 101, Updated Edition will include input from six returning collabroators and twenty new contributors, ensuring that this essential content is up-to-date and accurate.
Programa de Educacion Pediatrica Prehospitalaria (Versi n EPC), Tercera Edicion representa una fuente completa de informacion medica prehospitalaria para la atencion de urgencias de los lactantes y los ninos. El PEPP se diseno para proporcionar a los profesionales prehospitalarios la educacion, las habilidades y la confianza que requieren para tratar de manera eficaz a los pacientes pediatricos. Desarrollado por la American Academy of Pediatrics, PEPP exxpresamente ensena a los profesionales prehospitalarios como evaluar y manejar mejor a los ninos enfermos o heridos. PEPP combina contenidos medicos integrales con caracteristicas dinamicas y un curso interactivo para terminar de preparar profesionales prehospitalarios para cuidar a lost ninos en el campo. Lo Nuevo en la Tercera Edicion: El contenido del libro texto se dirige a todas las declaraciones en competencias pedaitricas especificas con los Estandares Nacio.nales de Educacion de SMU. El contenido de shock y reanimacion se cubre en dos capitulos distintos haciendo mayor enfasis en estos temas criticos. Un equpo de autores primera categoria trabajando en conjunto con medicos revisores de la AAP garantizan el contenidomedico excepcional con un enfoque "de calle".
This unique book examines theatre practice that takes place within a range of health and care settings from medical training to advocacy projects for service users. Drawing on a range of case studies, the book provides insights into working practices as well as posing critical questions in relation to the field.
Find the healthcare career that's right for you! Health Careers Today, 7th Edition provides a complete overview of the most popular careers in health care, helping you make an informed decision in choosing a profession. Not only does this book discuss the roles and responsibilities of different occupations, it provides a solid foundation in the skills and competencies that each health career requires. Clear explanations of anatomy and physiology, disease processes, and treatments provide essential knowledge of the human body and show how health concepts apply to the work of various professionals. From experienced educator Judith Gerdin, this edition adds new coverage of skills and the changing healthcare environment; an Evolve website includes anatomy animations, videos of skills and careers, and more. Chapters on health careers focus on allied health professions and careers in high demand, including commonly performed skills, education requirements, and potential earnings of each. Skill Activities provide the opportunity to obtain hands-on experience, with detailed instructions on how to perform crucial tasks. Case studies let you practice critical thinking by solving real-world questions and problems. Health Careers in Practice boxes include profiles of working healthcare professionals and the pros and cons of specific careers. Brain Bytes reinforce concepts with facts and points of interest relating to the chapter content. Review questions in each chapter allow you to assess your understanding of the material. Additional resources include information on professional associations, accreditations, and government agencies for each healthcare profession. NEW! New and updated content covers health care systems, professionals, and patient workflow, including the latest reimbursement models and a discussion of future trends. NEW content on fundamental healthcare skills includes topics such as basic accounting, health insurance, and use of electronic health records. NEW! Expanded content addresses cultural competency, diversity awareness, and bias.
Expand your career opportunities with this concise, all-in-one guide to a dynamic and growing healthcare career! The Complete Medical Scribe: A Guide to Accurate Documentation, 3rd Edition provides the information you need to document patient health records accurately, thoroughly, and efficiently. Coverage includes activities such as creating a note, recording a patient history and review of systems, documenting diagnostic tests and therapeutic procedures, and noting follow-ups for labs or imaging. A strong foundational knowledge of anatomy and body systems is emphasized. Written by two medical doctors in conjunction with the experts at ABC Scribes, this comprehensive resource will prepare you to become an essential member of the healthcare team in a variety of settings. Comprehensive coverage includes everything you need to know to work as a medical scribe, including medical law and ethics, safety and infection control, health record documentation, billing and reimbursement requirements, medical terminology basics, and detailed body system coverage. Clinical scenarios represent common situations and promote real-world application of the scribe's function. Case studies with questions test your comprehension and let you apply your knowledge to the clinical setting. Review questions and exercises within chapters and online provide opportunities for self-quizzing to identify areas of strength and areas of focus. Nearly 200 colorful medical illustrations and photos depict subjects such as anatomy and physiology as well as online charting within the electronic health record (EHR). Detailed instructional videos online simulate medical practice, using real doctor-patient encounters that progress logically through each part of the EHR. Notes boxes emphasize practice dos and don'ts along with on-the-job realities.
Advanced Clinical Practice at a Glance The market-leading at a Glance series is popular among healthcare students and newly qualified practitioners for its concise, simple approach and excellent illustrations. Each bite-sized chapter is covered in a double-page spread with clear, easy-to-follow diagrams, supported by succinct explanatory text. Covering a wide range of topics, books in the at a Glance series are ideal as introductory texts for teaching, learning and revision, and are useful throughout university and beyond. Everything you need to know about Advanced Clinical Practice ... at a Glance! Advanced Clinical Practice at a Glance is an inclusive multi-professional resource that provides essential guidance for healthcare students on a myriad of topics related to advanced clinical practice. This book focuses on NMC and HCPC regulatory body requirements and is also aligned to nationally recognised advanced practitioner training curricula such as the Faculty Intensive Care Medicine (FICM), the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) and the Royal College of Nursing (RCN). Made for the practicing clinician, Advanced Clinical Practice at a Glance is the perfect size for busy healthcare professionals. The snapshot figures and key points make the information highly accessible. Each chapter is written in a format that enables the reader to review and comprehend chapters individually. This valuable text includes: Guidance on undergraduate and postgraduate education programmes to allow students to prepare for more advanced level roles How to achieve transformation in advanced clinical practice via key functions like programme accreditation and recognition of education and training equivalence A directory of practitioners to recognise those working at an advanced level of practice across specialties Containing essential practical and theoretical guidance, Advanced Clinical Practice at a Glance is a must-have modern resource for all healthcare students looking to get involved in the field, plus professionals working in disciplines that intersect with advanced clinical care. For more information on the complete range of Wiley nursing and health publishing, please visit: www.wiley.com To receive automatic updates on Wiley books and journals, join our email list. Sign up today at www.wiley.com/email All content reviewed by students for students Wiley nursing books are designed exactly for their intended audience. All of our books are developed in collaboration with students. This means that our books are always published with you, the student, in mind. If you would like to be one of our student reviewers, go to www.reviewnursingbooks.com to find out more. This new edition is also available as an e-book. For more details, please see www.wiley.com/buy/9781119833284
Learn how to think critically and perform competently in the clinical setting! Correlating to chapters in Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants, 11th Edition, this study guide provides additional activities, review questions, and exercises designed to prepare you to work in a modern medical office. Content aligns to the new 2022 medical assisting educational competencies and provides procedure checklists and video evaluations to help you track your mastery of clinical skills. This essential companion provides the practice you need to prepare for a successful career in the fast-paced world of medical assisting! Critical thinking activities with realistic situations help students analyze and apply what they've learned with games, role-playing situations, crossword puzzles, and independent study questions. Focus on competency mastery includes worksheets to practice key skills and evaluation forms to assess proficiency. Assignment sheets at the beginning of chapters help students stay organized and document their progress. NEW! 2022 CAAHEP medical assisting competencies throughout represent the latest educational standards. NEW! Updated content addresses changes in the medical record, nutritional guidelines, OSHA standards for infection control and prevention, emergency preparedness, and more. REVISED! Self-assessment opportunities allow students to perform quick comprehension checks, including pre-tests, post-tests, and key-term assessments.
Examining the historical context of healthcare whilst focusing on building a more just, equitable world, this book proposes a radical imagination for nursing and presents possibilities for speculative futures embracing queer, feminist, posthuman, and abolitionist frames. Bringing together radical and emancipatory perspectives from an international selection of authors, this book reflects on the realities created by the COVID-19 pandemic, recognizing that our situation is not new but the result of ongoing hegemonies and injustices. The authors attend to the history of nursing and related institutions, examining the assumptions, ideologies, and discourses that shape the discipline and its place within healthcare. They explore the impact of this context on contemporary nursing and look at alternative visions for the future. The final section specifically focuses on ways that we can move forward. Envisioning new possibilities for nursing, this innovative volume is a vital resource for practitioners, scholars and students keen to promote social justice within and without nursing. It is an important contribution to nursing theory, philosophy and history.
Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing A comprehensive and evidence-based manual for orthopaedic and trauma nurses and students In the newly revised second edition of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing: An Evidence-based Approach to Musculoskeletal Care, a team of accomplished practitioners and educators deliver a straightforward and practical textbook for the practice of neonate, infant, child, young person, adult and older person orthopaedic and trauma nursing. The book explores topics of critical importance to those working in acute wards, clinics, community hospitals, nursing homes, and patients' homes. Divided into 5 intuitive sections, this book examines central issues in orthopaedic and musculoskeletal trauma care, specialist practice issues, the care and management of common conditions, and the care of infants, children and young people. Each chapter is based on the latest research and offers practical guidance to practitioners around the world. The book also offers: Practical explorations of topics in specialist practice, including assessment, common musculoskeletal interventions, and complications of musculoskeletal conditions and trauma In-depth discussions of common orthopaedic conditions and their management and care, including elective orthopaedic surgery Holistic musculoskeletal trauma care, including the principles of trauma and fracture management Perfect for pre-registration and qualified adult and children's orthopaedic nurses working in orthopaedic and musculoskeletal trauma units in hospitals and community settings, Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing will also be of use to students seeking post-qualification education in orthopaedic nursing.
NHS support workers, such as nursing Healthcare Assistants, Maternity Support Workers, and Therapy Assistants, often provide the majority of face-to-face care to patients, clients and their families. This accessible guide explores the issues underpinning their recruitment, training, management, development and progression. NHS support workers comprise four out of ten of the clinical workforce, yet despite their importance they have long faced barriers that mean they are not able to fully realise their potential. This is the first book to take a comprehensive look at this workforce, its history, the policy that shapes its recruitment, management and deployment, and explains clearly how their capacity and capability can be safely and effectively enhanced. Structured around the employment cycle, this text covers the introduction of Technical Levels, career changes, apprenticeships, recruitment and selection, informal learning, learning cultures, widening participation, supervision and functional skills. Providing practical, evidence-based guidance and including illustrative case studies, it suggests a range of interventions to overcome the long-standing barriers to the effective development and deployment of healthcare support workers. Drawing on the latest research, and practice, including the author's own experience, this book is an important resource for all those educating, managing or recruiting unregistered healthcare practitioners. It will also provide invaluable guidance to healthcare support workers interested in progressing their careers.
The Textbook of Non-Medical Prescribing is an authoritative and accessible overview of the vital skills, contemporary issues and essential knowledge relevant to both students and healthcare practitioners. Written as a response to the growing emphasis placed on prescribing in the modern health service, this text provides up-to-date information on safe and effective prescribing. This wide-ranging book helps students and trainees develop foundational knowledge of the key areas and prescribing competencies and provides healthcare professionals with a continued source of current information. Now in its third edition, this text has been fully updated and revised to reflect changes in legislation, current practices and new guidelines. New and updated topics include independent prescribing for therapeutic radiologists, supplementary prescribing for dietitians, paramedics working in advanced roles to independently prescribe and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's Competency Framework for all Prescribers. Provides up-to-date information essential to safe and effective prescribing in a clear, easy-to-understand style Discusses current issues and practices in pharmacology, prescribing and therapeutics and medicine management Links to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's Competency Framework for all Prescribers for non-medical prescribers Presents learning objectives, key theme summaries, activities and numerous case studies Offers access to additional online resources including interactive exercises, quizzes, self-assessment tests and web links The Textbook of Non-Medical Prescribing is an essential resource for students, nurses, dieticians, pharmacists, and allied health practitioners pursuing a prescribing qualification or looking for an updated refresher on the subject.
Learn how to plan for and respond to disasters! Preparing Nurses for Disaster Management: A Global Perspective helps you build the skills you need to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergency situations efficiently and effectively. It includes the personal stories of nurses who have experienced disasters, describing the specific incident, the response, what worked or didn't work, and the lessons learned. Case studies show how to apply international response guidelines in providing care for those in need. Written by Joanne Langan, an internationally known expert in disaster preparedness, this reference will help you feel more confident in handling the aftermath of both natural and man-made disasters. Coverage of disaster management includes the stages of disaster response, nursing roles, and personal case studies of actual disasters and public health emergencies around the world, e.g., natural disasters, global earthquakes, radiation disasters, chemical disasters, biologic or infectious disease outbreaks, and man-made disasters. Actual Disasters unit provides a description of each event, preparedness, response, recovery, personal preparedness equipment, legal and ethical issues, special considerations, and lessons learned. Tabletop exercises and drills allow organizations and institutions to assess their readiness, determine community vulnerabilities, and prepare appropriate responses to disaster events such as an active shooter, cyberattacks, and the grid/power going down. Case studies help you learn to apply concepts to practice. User-friendly content includes definitions of key terms and the role expectations for different nurse specialties and levels. Discussions of International Council of Nurses' Core Competencies in Disaster Nursing use this benchmark as an outline for effective nursing practice before, during, and after disasters. Reviews of psychiatric/mental health issues discuss interventions to improve mental health following disasters. Expert contributors share perspectives and experience from a number of different countries.
Lecture Notes discusses the principles of the initial assessment, investigation, diagnosis, and management of adult patients with everyday Acute Internal Medicine (AIM) presentations and conditions. This textbook is wide in scope and covers topics ranging from initial identification of acute medical illness, through to effective discharge planning. Lecture Notes contains the latest developments on the generic professional and specialty specific capabilities needed to manage patients presenting with a wide range of medical symptoms and conditions covered in the UK AIM curriculum (2022). In Lecture Notes, readers can expect to find detailed information on: Generic skills relevant to AIM, such as clinical reasoning, safe prescribing, point of care ultrasound (POCUS), resuscitation, and managing the acute medical take AIM across the various acute care settings - home (telemedicine, virtual wards, Hospital at Home), ambulatory (same day emergency care), and in-hospital (acute medical unit, enhanced care, critical care) AIM presentations and conditions in special populations such as older people, pregnancy, people with HIV, LGBTQ+, inclusion medicine, people with learning disabilities, perioperative medicine, people with mental illness and more Common presentations in AIM Standalone chapters can be read in any sequence, making the text perfect for quick reference With its accessible coverage of a wide range of AIM content, Lecture Notes: Acute Medicine is an essential resource for medical students, physician trainees, consultants, and other members of the multidisciplinary team working in acute care, patient-facing settings.
This book is designed to provide a comprehensive and state-of-the-art resource for clinicians who care for patients with sepsis and research scientist alike, . Patients with severe sepsis requiring ICU admission have very high rates of ICU and overall hospital mortality, with estimates ranging from 18 to 50%. Risk factors for death from sepsis include underlying illness, increased age, and multi-system organ failure. This is compounded by the significant variation in the management of early severe sepsis. Care of these patients and clinical conditions can be quite complex, and materials are collected from the most current, evidence-based resources. Book sections have been structured to review the overall definitions and epidemiology of sepsis as well as current insights into the pathophysiology of sepsis. This review summarizes the evidence for the international consensus guidelines for the identification and management of sepsis. The latter part of this book reviews emerging concepts and approaches in the diagnosis and management of sepsis that may significantly reduce mortality in the future. Sepsis: Pathophysiology, Definitions and the Challenge of Bedside Management represents a collaboration between authors drawn from a variety of disciplines and contributions from basic scientists and highly recognized clinical opinion leaders with expertise in clinical trials.
Master the fundamentals of pathophysiology with this concise, easy-to-understand text! Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions, 7th Edition helps you learn basic concepts of disorders and disease processes. Known for its readability and vivid, full-color illustrations, this text describes disorders by body system and includes case studies applying the material to real-life situations. This edition is updated with the latest research and the newest methods of diagnostic testing and treatment. No matter which healthcare field students may enter, this book provides solid preparation for the conditions commonly encountered in clinical practice. UNIQUE! Apply Your Knowledge questions ask you to use what you've learned to predict What can go wrong with this structure or system?, transitioning you from the body's normal anatomy and physiology into its pathophysiology. UNIQUE! Think About questions relate to the text's facts, potential applications, or the integration of concepts, alerting you to important points and helping with self-evaluation, test preparation, and review. Case studies provide realistic, clinical applications of the book's concepts. Format for discussions of individual disorders follows a "building block" approach, making understanding easier with 1) background, 2) pathophysiology, 3) etiology, 4) signs and symptoms, 5) diagnostic tests, 6) complications, and 7) treatment. Concise and readable approach presents the content in a way that doesn't overwhelm the reader and yet familiarizes you with necessary scientific and medical terminology. Hundreds of illustrations clarify and reinforce pathophysiology concepts with photographs, flow charts, and schematic diagrams. NEW! The Bigger Picture bulleted summaries identify other body systems that might be affected by a particular disease or disorder covered in a body system chapter. NEW coverage of COVID-19 is added, as well as new information on other conditions and diseases. NEW diagnostic methods and treatments are covered, describing how these are impacted by digitalization, information technology, and artificial intelligence. NEW! Updated statistics on diseases and their related pathophysiology are included. NEW photographs and illustrations are added. |
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