Books > Business & Economics > Industry & industrial studies > Industrial relations & safety > General
In Conflicting Commitments, Shannon Gleeson goes beyond the
debate over federal immigration policy to examine the complicated
terrain of immigrant worker rights. Federal law requires that basic
labor standards apply to all workers, yet this principle clashes
with increasingly restrictive immigration laws and creates a
confusing bureaucratic terrain for local policymakers and labor
advocates. Gleeson examines this issue in two of the largest
immigrant gateways in the country: San Jose, California, and
Houston, Texas.
Conflicting Commitments reveals two cities with very different
approaches to addressing the exploitation of immigrant workers both
involving the strategic coordination of a range of bureaucratic
brokers, but in strikingly different ways. Drawing on the real life
accounts of ordinary workers, federal, state, and local government
officials, community organizers, and consular staff, Gleeson argues
that local political contexts matter for protecting undocumented
workers in particular. Providing a rich description of the
bureaucratic minefields of labor law, and the explosive politics of
immigrant rights, Gleeson shows how the lessons learned from San
Jose and Houston can inform models for upholding labor and human
rights in the United States."
Mixing personal history, interviewee voices, and academic theory
from the fields of care work, the sociology of work, medical
sociology, and nursing, Taking Care of Our Own introduces us to the
hidden world of family caregivers. Using a multidimensional
approach, Sherry N. Mong seeks to understand and analyze the types
of skilled work that family caregivers do, the processes through
which they learn and negotiate new skills, and the meanings that
both caregivers and nurses attach to their care work. Taking Care
of Our Own is based on sixty-two in-depth interviews with family
caregivers, home and community health care nurses, and other expert
observers to provide a lens through which in-home care processes
are analyzed, while also exploring how caregivers learn necessary
procedures. Further, Mong examines the emotional labor of
caregiving, as well as the identities of caregivers and nurses who
are key players in the labor process, and gives attention to the
ways in which the labor is transferred from medical professionals
to family caregivers.
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer
Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags
von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv
Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche
Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext
betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor
1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen
Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Das Interesse fur das Problem "Werksgemeinschaft" ist standig im
Wachsen. Aus allen Erorterungen ist aber erkennbar, dass sowohl
uber die Entstehung der Werksgemeinschafts bewegung als auch uber
den Begriff Werksgemeinschaft noch grosste Unklarheit herrscht. Der
Verfasser des ersten Teils der vorliegeRden Schrift hat sich die
Aufgabe gestellt, die historische Entwicklung des
Werksgemeinschaftsgedankens zu zeigen und gleichzeitig aus dem
Schrifttum uber die Werksgemeinschaft das, was Wesentliches uber
Idee, Wesen und Organisation gesagt wird, zusammenzufassen und
soweit erforderlich kritisch zu beleuchten. Dem Verfasser des
zweiten Teiles dagegen kommt es darauf an, die Idee der
Werksgemeinschaft auf ihren soziologisch-syste matischen Gehalt zu
untersuchen und ihre Fundamentierung und Gestaltung dem
sozialwissenschaftlichen Denken der Gegen- wart naherzubringen. Es
handelt sich in dieser Doppelschrift nicht um eine wirt
schaftspolitische Programmschrift. In aller Sachlichkeit und auf
wissenschaftlicher Grundlage soll das Wesen und Werden der
"Werksgemeinschaft" gezeigt werden, wie es sich uns gegenwartig
darstellt und weitere Ent-wicklungsmoglichkeiten bietet. Berlin, im
Oktober 1928. Vorwel'ck. Dunkmann. Inhaltsverzeichnis. Erster Teil.
Die Werksgemeinschaft in historischer und wirtschafts
wissenschaftlicher Beleuchtung. Von Dr. Karl Vorwerck. Seite 1.
Anfange der Werksgemeinschaftsbewegung . 1 2. Die Idee der
Werksgemeinschaft ... 8 3. Werksgemeinschaft ? . . . . . . . 20 4.
Die Gestaltung der Werksgemeinschaft 26 5. Wege zur
Werksgemeinschaft . 39 6. Die Kritiker .. .. 51
Literaturverzeichnis . . . 58 Zweiter Teil. Werksgemeinschaft als
Organisationsproblem. Von Prof. D. Karl Dunkmann. 1. Die Aufgabe .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 2. Die Notwendigkeit der
Organisation der Industriearbeiter. 66 3. Die Organisation der
Interessenkoalition . 69 4. Kritik der Interessenkoalition . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 76 5. Das Fuhrerproblem . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . 90 . 6. Das Lohnproblem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
97 ."
Seit der Zeit, da das Handwerk Klagen erhoben hat, daB as die
Ausbildung der gelernten Facharbeiter fiir die Industrie allein zu
besorgen habe, hat die Frage des Arbeiternachwuchses fiir die
Industrie in immer weiteren Kreisen an Interesse gewonnen. Hierbei
wurden zunii.chst nur die gelernten Arbeiter beriicksichtigt, erst
spii.ter trat die Sorge ffir die ungelernten Arbeiter, die Meister
und zuletzt fiir die angelernten Arbeiter hinzu. In der
vorliegenden Arbeit sind die Verha.I.tnisse geschildert, wie sie
sich in einem der wichtigsten Zweige der Industrie, der del'
Maschinen, darstellen. FUr Vberlassung von Material bin ich zu Dank
verpflichtet der Maschinenfabrik Thyssen & Co. A. G., Miilheim
(Ruhr), der Maschinen fabrik Augsburg-Niirnberg-A. G., Niirnberg,
der Ludwig Lowe-A. G., Berlin, der Robert Bosch-A. G., Stuttgart,
sowie Herrn FortbiIdungs schuldirektor Feddeler-Miilheim (Ruhr).:
Fiir Anregungen danke ich den Herren Direktor Dr.-Ing. E.
Roser-Miilheim (Ruhr), Betriebs direktor Dipl.-Ing. H.
Roser-Miilheim (Ruhr), Prof. Dr. Fuchs-Tiibingen, Prof. Dr.
Stephinger-Tiibingen. Wiirzburg, September 1919. Seyfert.
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer
Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags
von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv
Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche
Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext
betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor
1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen
Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer
Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags
von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv
Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche
Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext
betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor
1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen
Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
In the early twentieth century, Miami cultivated an image of itself
as a destination for leisure and sunshine free from labor strife.
Thomas A. Castillo unpacks this idea of class harmony and the
language that articulated its presence by delving into the
conflicts, repression, and progressive grassroots politics of the
time. Castillo pays particular attention to how class and race
relations reflected and reinforced the nature of power in Miami.
Class harmony argued against the existence of labor conflict, but
in reality obscured how workers struggled within the city's
service-oriented seasonal economy. Castillo shows how and why such
an ideal thrived in Miami's atmosphere of growth and boosterism and
amidst the political economy of tourism. His analysis also presents
class harmony as a theoretical framework that broadens our
definitions of class conflict and class consciousness.
In response to mounting debt crises and macroeconomic
instability in the 1980s, many countries in the developing world
adopted neoliberal policies promoting the unfettered play of market
forces and deregulation of the economy and attempted large-scale
structural adjustment, including the privatization of public-sector
industries. How much influence did various societal groups have on
this transition to a market economy, and what explains the
variances in interest-group influence across countries?
In this book, Agnieszka Paczyńska explores these questions by
studying the role of organized labor in the transition process in
four countries in different regions--the Czech Republic and Poland
in eastern Europe, Egypt in the Middle East, and Mexico in Latin
America. In Egypt and Poland, she shows, labor had substantial
influence on the process, whereas in the Czech Republic and Mexico
it did not. Her explanation highlights the complex relationship
between institutional structures and the "critical junctures"
provided by economic crises, revealing that the ability of groups
like organized labor to wield influence on reform efforts depends
to a great extent on not only their current resources (such as
financial autonomy and legal prerogatives) but also the historical
legacies of their past ties to the state.
This new edition features an epilogue that analyzes the role of
organized labor uprisings in 2011, the protests in Egypt, the
overthrow of Mubarak, and the post-Mubarak regime.
The author shares lessons that took him over twenty-five years to
learn. As a safety professional he worked from the ground up,
working from government to the private sector. He hopes to shorten
the learning curve for people who are directly responsible for
workplace safety He talks about the future of safety and how it
will continue to impact profitability. He helps leaders develop the
right philosophy that builds profitable teams that are willing to
support a highly regarded safety vision. There are basic safety
programs the author sees as inadequate because they are poorly
managed having little if any positive impact, but, with the mix of
philosophy and leadership skill, these weaknesses can be shored up
to reduce the pain and cost of workplace injuries. There are also
time-tested strategies that will short-cut the learning process to
help anyone achieve greater organizational success Randy Powell
uses 'Safety' and his 20 years of experience as the foundation for
helping organizations become 'Best-In Class' within their
industries. He's a high-energy, motivational speaker, trainer and
consultant who speaks to organizations of all sizes on safety,
leadership and successful attitudes.
Numerous pithy essays on a variety of topics in the fields of
Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE). These essays a perfect
introduction to SHE, interesting, and applicable. Information
contained in the essays can be used to prevent accidents that could
result in injuries, illnesses, and property damage and save
valuable resources.
Written when Engels was 24, and inspired by his time living among
the poor in Manchester, this forceful polemic explores the
staggering human cost of the Industrial Revolution in Victorian
Originally written in 1882, The State in Relation to Labour is a
treatise discussing the rights of workers (specifically blue-collar
or factor workers) and how certain workers or jobs should be
governed, both by factory owners and labor laws. Author W. Stanley
Jevons discusses the principles of factory legislation,
interference in industry by both the government and labor unions,
acts and laws that directly affect laborers, and methods of
cooperation and compromise between laborers and their superiors.
Jevons wrote several books that dealt with issues of the industrial
age, and this would have come at a time when industrial laborers
greatly needed an advocate. Jevons avoids supporting either side,
striving for a neutral conclusion as to how the state and laborers
should interact, resulting in an interesting study of labor
policies for history buffs and political science students. English
economist and logician WILLIAM STANLEY JEVONS (1835-1882) was born
in Liverpool. He studied chemistry and botany at University
College, London, and was later professor of logic and political
economy at Owens College, Manchester. He is also the author of The
Theory of Political Economy (1871) and The State in Relation to
Labour (1882).