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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Applied mathematics > General
This book features a selection of articles based on the XXXV Bialowieza Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, 2016. The series of Bialowieza workshops, attended by a community of experts at the crossroads of mathematics and physics, is a major annual event in the field. The works in this book, based on presentations given at the workshop, are previously unpublished, at the cutting edge of current research, typically grounded in geometry and analysis, and with applications to classical and quantum physics. In 2016 the special session "Integrability and Geometry" in particular attracted pioneers and leading specialists in the field. Traditionally, the Bialowieza Workshop is followed by a School on Geometry and Physics, for advanced graduate students and early-career researchers, and the book also includes extended abstracts of the lecture series.
The book employs oscillatory dynamical systems to represent the Universe mathematically via constructing classical and quantum theory of damped oscillators. It further discusses isotropic and homogeneous metrics in the Friedman-Robertson-Walker Universe and shows their equivalence to non-stationary oscillators. The wide class of exactly solvable damped oscillator models with variable parameters is associated with classical special functions of mathematical physics. Combining principles with observations in an easy to follow way, it inspires further thinking for mathematicians and physicists. Contents Part I: Dissipative geometry and general relativity theory Pseudo-Riemannian geometry and general relativity Dynamics of universe models Anisotropic and homogeneous universe models Metric waves in a nonstationary universe and dissipative oscillator Bosonic and fermionic models of a Friedman-Robertson-Walker universe Time dependent constants in an oscillatory universe Part II: Variational principle for time dependent oscillations and dissipations Lagrangian and Hamilton descriptions Damped oscillator: classical and quantum theory Sturm-Liouville problem as a damped oscillator with time dependent damping and frequency Riccati representation of time dependent damped oscillators Quantization of the harmonic oscillator with time dependent parameters
"Difference Equations, Second Edition," presents a practical introduction to this important field of solutions for engineering and the physical sciences. Topic coverage includes numerical analysis, numerical methods, differential equations, combinatorics and discrete modeling. A hallmark of this revision is the diverse application to many subfields of mathematics. * Phase plane analysis for systems of two linear equations
This book offers a didactic and a self-contained treatment of the physics of liquid and flowing matter with a statistical mechanics approach. Experimental and theoretical methods that were developed to study fluids are now frequently applied to a number of more complex systems generically referred to as soft matter. As for simple liquids, also for complex fluids it is important to understand how their macroscopic behavior is determined by the interactions between the component units. Moreover, in recent years new and relevant insights have emerged from the study of anomalous phases and metastable states of matter. In addition to the traditional topics concerning fluids in normal conditions, the authors of this book discuss recent developments in the field of disordered systems in condensed and soft matter. In particular they emphasize computer simulation techniques that are used in the study of soft matter and the theories and study of slow glassy dynamics. For these reasons the book includes a specific chapter about metastability, supercooled liquids and glass transition. The book is written for graduate students and active researchers in the field.
This book is a collection of articles written in memory of Boris Dubrovin (1950-2019). The authors express their admiration for his remarkable personality and for the contributions he made to mathematical physics. For many of the authors, Dubrovin was a friend, colleague, inspiring mentor, and teacher. The contributions to this collection of papers are split into two parts: ``Integrable Systems'' and ``Quantum Theories and Algebraic Geometry'', reflecting the areas of main scientific interests of Dubrovin. Chronologically, these interests may be divided into several parts: integrable systems, integrable systems of hydrodynamic type, WDVV equations (Frobenius manifolds), isomonodromy equations (flat connections), and quantum cohomology. The articles included in the first part are more or less directly devoted to these areas (primarily with the first three listed above). The second part contains articles on quantum theories and algebraic geometry and is less directly connected with Dubrovin's early interests.
Conventional methods of financial modeling are often overly exact, to the point that their purpose--to aid in financial decision making--is easily lost. Tarrazo's approach, the use of approximation, gives professionals in finance, economics, and portfolio management a sound and sophisticated way to improve their decision making, particularly in such tasks as economic prediction, financial planning, and portfolio management. Tarrazo reviews how to build models, especially those with simultaneous equation systems, then provides a simple way to use approximate equation systems to solve them. Down to earth, readable, and meticulously explained throughout, the book is not only an important tool in practical problem solving situations, but it also provides valuable methods and guidance for upper level students and their instructors. Among the book's important contributions is its chapter on portfolio optimization. Tarrazo helps clarify the theory and application of modern portfolio theory, especially in regard to its implementation with commonly available information management tools (such as EXCEL). He also provides innovative ways to optimize portfolios under realistic conditions and a method to obtain optimal weights in interval form that does not rely on probability; instead, it relies on the mathematical quality of the matrix in the optimization. Another chapter shows that approximate equations are a general-purpose optimization tool, one that subsumes all other known optimization tools such as classical and mathematical programming. Tarrazo closes with an unusually full bibliography, containing more than 200 references spanning several areas of analysis and various disciplines.
The book presents selected papers at the 8th Conference on Sound and Music Technology (CSMT) held in November 2020, at Taiyuan, Shanxi, China. CSMT is a multidisciplinary conference focusing on audio processing and understanding with bias on music and acoustic signals. The primary aim of the conference is to promote the collaboration between art society and technical society in China. In this proceeding, the paper included covers a wide range topic from speech, signal processing, music understanding, machine learning and signal processing for advanced medical diagnosis and treatment applications; which demonstrates the target of CSMT merging arts and science research together.its content caters to scholars, researchers, engineers, artists, and education practitioners not only from academia but also industry, who are interested in audio/acoustics analysis signal processing, music, sound, and artificial intelligence (AI).
This open access book presents theoretical framework and sample applications of variant construction. The first part includes the components variant logic, variant measurements, and variant maps, while the second part covers sample applications such as variation with functions, variant stream ciphers, quantum interference, classical/quantum random sequences, whole DNA sequences, and multiple-valued pulse sequences. Addressing topics ranging from logic and measuring foundation to typical applications and including various illustrated maps, it is a valuable guide for theoretical researchers in discrete mathematics; computing-, quantum- and communication scientists; big data engineers; as well as graduate and upper undergraduate students.
An increasing complexity of models used to predict real-world systems leads to the need for algorithms to replace complex models with far simpler ones, while preserving the accuracy of the predictions. This two-volume handbook covers methods as well as applications. This first volume focuses on real-time control theory, data assimilation, real-time visualization, high-dimensional state spaces and interaction of different reduction techniques.
Ulam Stability of Operators presents a modern, unified, and systematic approach to the field. Focusing on the stability of functional equations across single variable, difference equations, differential equations, and integral equations, the book collects, compares, unifies, complements, generalizes, and updates key results. Whenever suitable, open problems are stated in corresponding areas. The book is of interest to researchers in operator theory, difference and functional equations and inequalities, differential and integral equations.
Beyond Pseudo-Rotations in Pseudo-Euclidean Spaces presents for the first time a unified study of the Lorentz transformation group SO(m, n) of signature (m, n), m, n ? N, which is fully analogous to the Lorentz group SO(1, 3) of Einstein's special theory of relativity. It is based on a novel parametric realization of pseudo-rotations by a vector-like parameter with two orientation parameters. The book is of interest to specialized researchers in the areas of algebra, geometry and mathematical physics, containing new results that suggest further exploration in these areas.
This thesis focuses on an unresolved problem in particle and nuclear physics: the relation between two important non-perturbative phenomena in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) - quark confinement and chiral symmetry breaking. The author develops a new analysis method in the lattice QCD, and derives a number of analytical formulae to express the order parameters for quark confinement, such as the Polyakov loop, its fluctuations, and the Wilson loop in terms of the Dirac eigenmodes closely related to chiral symmetry breaking. Based on the analytical formulae, the author analytically as well as numerically shows that at finite temperatures there is no direct one-to-one correspondence between them. The thesis describes this extraordinary achievement using the first-principle analysis, and proposes a possible new phase in which quarks are confined and chiral symmetry is restored.
An instant New York Times Bestseller! "Unreasonably entertaining . . . reveals how geometric thinking can allow for everything from fairer American elections to better pandemic planning." -The New York Times From the New York Times-bestselling author of How Not to Be Wrong-himself a world-class geometer-a far-ranging exploration of the power of geometry, which turns out to help us think better about practically everything. How should a democracy choose its representatives? How can you stop a pandemic from sweeping the world? How do computers learn to play Go, and why is learning Go so much easier for them than learning to read a sentence? Can ancient Greek proportions predict the stock market? (Sorry, no.) What should your kids learn in school if they really want to learn to think? All these are questions about geometry. For real. If you're like most people, geometry is a sterile and dimly remembered exercise you gladly left behind in the dust of ninth grade, along with your braces and active romantic interest in pop singers. If you recall any of it, it's plodding through a series of miniscule steps only to prove some fact about triangles that was obvious to you in the first place. That's not geometry. Okay, it is geometry, but only a tiny part, which has as much to do with geometry in all its flush modern richness as conjugating a verb has to do with a great novel. Shape reveals the geometry underneath some of the most important scientific, political, and philosophical problems we face. Geometry asks: Where are things? Which things are near each other? How can you get from one thing to another thing? Those are important questions. The word "geometry"comes from the Greek for "measuring the world." If anything, that's an undersell. Geometry doesn't just measure the world-it explains it. Shape shows us how.
The Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics is a compendium of essays that provides a survey of the major topics in the subject. Each article traces developments, surveys the results of the past decade, discusses the current state of knowledge and presents major future directions and open problems. Extensive bibliographic material is provided. The book is intended to be useful both to experts in the field and to mathematicians and other scientists who wish to learn about or begin research in mathematical fluid dynamics. The Handbook illuminates an exciting subject that involves rigorous mathematical theory applied to an important physical problem, namely the motion of fluids.
This is an introduction to basic music technology, including acoustics for sound production and analysis, Fourier, frequency modulation, wavelets, and physical modeling and a classification of musical instruments and sound spaces for tuning and counterpoint. The acoustical theory is applied to its implementation in analogue and digital technology, including a detailed discussion of Fast Fourier Transform and MP3 compression. Beyond acoustics, the book discusses important symbolic sound event representation and software as typically realized by MIDI and denotator formalisms. The concluding chapters deal with globalization of music on the Internet, referring to iTunes, Spotify and similar environments. The book will be valuable for students of music, music informatics, and sound engineering.
This book is a collection of articles written in memory of Boris Dubrovin (1950-2019). The authors express their admiration for his remarkable personality and for the contributions he made to mathematical physics. For many of the authors, Dubrovin was a friend, colleague, inspiring mentor, and teacher. The contributions to this collection of papers are split into two parts: ``Integrable Systems'' and ``Quantum Theories and Algebraic Geometry'', reflecting the areas of main scientific interests of Dubrovin. Chronologically, these interests may be divided into several parts: integrable systems, integrable systems of hydrodynamic type, WDVV equations (Frobenius manifolds), isomonodromy equations (flat connections), and quantum cohomology. The articles included in the first part are more or less directly devoted to these areas (primarily with the first three listed above). The second part contains articles on quantum theories and algebraic geometry and is less directly connected with Dubrovin's early interests.
This book is devoted to recent developments concerning linear operators, covering topics such as the Cauchy problem, Riesz basis, frames, spectral theory and applications to the Gribov operator in Bargmann space. Also, integral and integro-differential equations as well as applications to problems in mathematical physics and mechanics are discussed. Contents Introduction Linear operators Basic notations and results Bases Semi-groups Discrete operator and denseness of the generalized eigenvectors Frames in Hilbert spaces Summability of series -convergence operators -hypercyclic set of linear operators Analytic operators in Bela Szoekefalvi-Nagy's sense Bases of the perturbed operator T( ) Frame of the perturbed operator T( ) Perturbation method for sound radiation by a vibrating plate in a light fluid Applications to mathematical models Reggeon field theory
This book presents the better understanding of infrared structures of particle scattering processes in quantum electrodynamics (QED) in four-dimensional spacetime. An S-matrix is the fundamental quantity in scattering theory. However, if a theory involves massless particles, such as QED and gravity, the conventional S-matrix has not been well defined due to the infrared divergence, and infrared dynamics thus needs to be understood in-depth to figure out the S-matrix. The book begins with introducing fundamental nature of the charge conservation law associated with asymptotic symmetry, and explaining its relations to soft theorems and memory effect. Subsequently it looks into an appropriate asymptotic state of the S-matrix without infrared divergences. The Faddeev-Kulish dressed state is known as a candidate of such a state, and its gauge invariant condition and its relation to the asymptotic symmetry are discussed. It offers an important building blocks for constructing the S-matrix without infrared divergences.
This book offers detailed insights into new methods for high-fidelity CFD, and their industrially relevant applications in aeronautics. It reports on the H2020 TILDA project, funded by the European Union in 2015-2018. The respective chapters demonstrate the potential of high-order methods for enabling more accurate predictions of non-linear, unsteady flows, ensuring enhanced reliability in CFD predictions. The book highlights industrially relevant findings and representative test cases on the development of high-order methods for unsteady turbulence simulations on unstructured grids; on the development of the LES/DNS methodology by means of multilevel, adaptive, fractal and similar approaches for applications on unstructured grids; and on leveraging existent large-scale HPC networks to facilitate the industrial applications of LES/DNS in daily practice. Furthermore, the book discusses multidisciplinary applications of high-order methods in the area of aero-acoustics. All in all, it offers timely insights into the application and performance of high-order methods for CFD, and an extensive reference guide for researchers, graduate students, and industrial engineers whose work involves CFD and turbulence modeling.
This monograph is centered on mathematical modeling, innovative numerical algorithms and adaptive concepts to deal with fracture phenomena in multiphysics. State-of-the-art phase-field fracture models are complemented with prototype explanations and rigorous numerical analysis. These developments are embedded into a carefully designed balance between scientific computing aspects and numerical modeling of nonstationary coupled variational inequality systems. Therein, a focus is on nonlinear solvers, goal-oriented error estimation, predictor-corrector adaptivity, and interface conditions. Engineering applications show the potential for tackling practical problems within the fields of solid mechanics, porous media, and fluidstructure interaction.
This book sets out to give a rigorous mathematical description of the greenhouse effect through the theory of infrared atmospheric emission. In contrast to traditional climatological analysis, this approach eschews empirical relations in favour of a strict thermodynamical derivation, based on data from NASA and from the HITRAN spectroscopy database. The results highlight new aspects of the role of clouds in the greenhouse effect.
This book explores the question of whether and how meme theory or "memetics" can be fruitfully utilized in evolutionary economics and proposes an approach known as "economemetics" which is a combination of meme theory and complexity theory that has the potential to combat the fragmentation of evolutionary economics while re-connecting the field with cultural evolutionary theory. By studying the intersection of cultural and economic evolution, complexity economics, computational economics, and network science, the authors establish a connection between memetics and evolutionary economics at different levels of investigation. The book first demonstrates how a memetic approach to economic evolution can help to reveal links and build bridges between different but complementary concepts in evolutionary economics. Secondly, it shows how organizational memetics can help to capture the complexity of organizational culture using meme mapping. Thirdly, it presents an agent-based simulation model of knowledge diffusion and assimilation in innovation networks from a memetic perspective. The authors then use agent-based modeling and social network analysis to evaluate the diffusion pattern of the Ice Bucket Challenge as an example of a "viral meme." Lastly, the book discusses the central issues of agency, creativity, and normativity in the context of economemetics and suggests promising avenues for further research.
This book consists of selected peer-reviewed papers presented at the NAFEMS India Regional Conference (NIRC 2018). It covers current topics related to advances in computer aided design and manufacturing. The book focuses on the latest developments in engineering modelling and simulation, and its application to various complex engineering systems. Finite element method/finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, and additive manufacturing are some of the key topics covered in this book. The book aims to provide a better understanding of contemporary product design and analyses, and hence will be useful for researchers, academicians, and professionals. |
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