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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Relativity physics > General
The Physical World offers a grand vision of the essential unity of physics that will enable the reader to see the world through the eyes of a physicist and understand their thinking. The text follows Einstein's dictum that 'explanations should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler', to give an honest account of how modern physicists understand their subject, including the shortcomings of current theory. The result is an up-to-date and engaging portrait of physics that contains concise derivations of the important results in a style where every step in a derivation is clearly explained, so that anyone with the appropriate mathematical skills will find the text easy to digest. It is over half a century since The Feynman Lectures in Physics were published. A new authoritative account of fundamental physics covering all branches of the subject is now well overdue. The Physical World has been written to satisfy this need. The book concentrates on the conceptual principles of each branch of physics and shows how they fit together to form a coherent whole. Emphasis is placed on the use of variational principles in physics, and in particular the principle of least action, an approach that lies at the heart of modern theoretical physics, but has been neglected in most introductory accounts of the subject.
Time magazine's "Man of the Century", Albert Einstein is the founder of modern physics and his theory of relativity is the most important scientific idea of the modern era. In this short book, Einstein explains, using the minimum of mathematical terms, the basic ideas and principles of the theory that has shaped the world we live in today. Unsurpassed by any subsequent books on relativity, this remains the most popular and useful exposition of Einstein's immense contribution to human knowledge. With a new foreword by Derek Raine.
This book is an elaboration of lecture notes for the graduate course on General Rela tivity given by the author at Boston University in the spring semester of 1972. It is an introduction to the subject only, as the time available for the course was limited. The author of an introduction to General Relativity is faced from the beginning with the difficult task of choosing which material to include. A general criterion as sisting in this choice is provided by the didactic character of the book: Those chapters have to be included in priority, which will be most useful to the reader in enabling him to understand the methods used in General Relativity, the results obtained so far and possibly the problems still to be solved. This criterion is not sufficient to ensure a unique choice. General Relativity has developed to such a degree, that it is impossible to include in an introductory textbook of a reasonable length even a very condensed treatment of all important problems which have been discussed until now and the author is obliged to decide, in a more or less subjective manner, which of the more recent developments to omit. The following lines indicate by means of some examples the kind of choice made in this book."
First published in 1925, Bertrand Russell s ABC of Relativity was considered a masterwork of its time, contributing significantly to the mass popularisation of science. Authoritative and accessible, it provides a remarkable introductory guide to Einstein s theory of Relativity for a general readership. One of the most definitive reference guides of its kind, and written by one of the twentieth century s most influential philosophers, ABC of Relativity continues to be as relevant today as it was on first publication.
This book presents more than 200 problems, with detailed guided solutions, spanning key areas of particle physics and astrophysics. The selected examples enable students to gain a deeper understanding of these fields and also offer valuable support in the preparation for written examinations. The book is an ideal companion to Introduction to Particle and Astroparticle Physics: Multimessenger Astronomy and its Particle Physics Foundations, written by Alessandro De Angelis and Mario Pimenta and published in its second edition in Springer's Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics series in 2018. It can, however, also be used independently. The present book is organized into 11 chapters that match exactly those in the companion textbook, and each of the exercises is given a title to facilitate identification of the subject within that book. Some new exercises have been added because they are considered helpful on the basis of the experience gained by teachers while using the textbook. Beyond students on relevant courses, exercises and solutions in particle and astroparticle physics are of value for physics teachers and to all who seek aid to self-training.
BY W. H. MCCREA, F. R. S. 'THE only justification for our concepts and system of concepts is that they serve to represent the complex of our experiences; beyond this they have no legitimacy. ' So Einstein writes on page 2 of this book. Most present-day physicists would agree, and many before Einstein must have held the same opinion. Einstein, however, put the opinion into practice to better purpose than any physicist before him. And for Einstein it evidently meant what it means for most of us today: a theory is the construction of a theoretical model of the world of physics; all the mathematical discussion applies to the model; the model embodies the 'system of concepts', and it serves 'to represent the complex of our experiences' if the experience of the theoretical observer in the theoretical model can be put into satisfactory correspondence with the experi- ence of the actual observer in the actual physical world. Classical mechanics and classical electromagnetism pro- vide models that are good representations of two sets of actual experiences. As Einstein was the first fully to appreciate, however, it is not possible to combine these into a single self-consistent model. The construction of the simplest possible self-consistent model is the achieve- ment of Einstein's theory of special relativity. The theory is found, in particular, to give a satisfactory representation of the electromagnetic interaction between charged particles through its use of the concept of the electromagnetic field.
Keeping in mind that we can only see the universe from the comfort of our home galaxy, Bascom begins his text by meticulously laying the necessary groundwork to understand the Big Bang's mathematics without using any equations. He then paints a freeze-frame picture of our universe as if we had taken a three-dimensional picture with a giant camera. Within this picture, he traces forces beginning with the smallest (a single atom) to the biggest (the cosmos), keeping in mind that in this frozen moment everything further away from the observer spatially is also further away from the observer in time; that is, older. Soon a very real and very vivid image of the Big Bang appears (especially in things that are loud or hot), echoing down through time and into our everyday lives, reflected in every atom during every measurement. Then, slowly but deliberately, Bascom unfreezes this picture, ratcheting each moment from one to the next, showing us how and why quantum particles are constantly in contact with the Big Bang and why that allows the particles to pop in and out of existence from moment to moment, what a photon is, and what exactly we mean when we say that free space has energy. Whether you're interested in the Big Bang, the weirdness of quantum mechanics, or simply enjoy thinking about the biggest, loudest, and oldest things in our universe, this book will help you question your deepest notions about time and space, while staying firmly rooted in empirical observation. Throughout the text, Bascom sidesteps traditional non-fiction modes, using colorful explanations and vivid imagery to place the reader in simultaneous contact with both the Big Bang and fundamental particles. As a result, Bascom provides the tools and language necessary to contemplate the strangeness of our universe.
Each of this book's 32 essays discusses a chosen topic, at a level that is generally within that of a four-year degree course in Physics. The essays supplement (indeed sometimes correct) treatments usually given, or supplies reasoning that tends to fall through the cracks. The author uses his life long experience of tutorial teaching at Oxford to know what topics often need such discussion, for clarification, or for avoidance of common confusions. The book contains accounts of even-standard topics, accounts that offer an unusual emphasis, or a fresh insight, or more than customary rigour, or a cross-link to apparently unrelated material. The student (and their teachers) who really wants to understand physics will find this book indispensable. Often the outcome of tutorial discussion has been an understanding that lies a little to the side of what is presented in standard texts. Such understanding is presented here in the essays. The topics covered are diverse and have something useful to say across most areas of a physics degree.
Einstein's general theory of relativity requires a curved space for the description of the physical world. If one wishes to go beyond superficial discussions of the physical relations involved, one needs to set up precise equations for handling curved space. The well-established mathematical technique that accomplishes this is clearly described in this classic book by Nobel Laureate P.A.M. Dirac. Based on a series of lectures given by Dirac at Florida State University, and intended for the advanced undergraduate, "General Theory of Relativity" comprises thirty-five compact chapters that take the reader point-by-point through the necessary steps for understanding general relativity.
Applications of quantum field theoretical methods to gravitational physics, both in the semiclassical and the full quantum frameworks, require a careful formulation of the fundamental basis of quantum theory, with special attention to such important issues as renormalization, quantum theory of gauge theories, and especially effective action formalism. The first part of this graduate textbook provides both a conceptual and technical introduction to the theory of quantum fields. The presentation is consistent, starting from elements of group theory, classical fields, and moving on to the effective action formalism in general gauge theories. Compared to other existing books, the general formalism of renormalization in described in more detail, and special attention paid to gauge theories. This part can serve as a textbook for a one-semester introductory course in quantum field theory. In the second part, we discuss basic aspects of quantum field theory in curved space, and perturbative quantum gravity. More than half of Part II is written with a full exposition of details, and includes elaborated examples of simplest calculations. All chapters include exercises ranging from very simple ones to those requiring small original investigations. The selection of material of the second part is done using the "must-know" principle. This means we included detailed expositions of relatively simple techniques and calculations, expecting that the interested reader will be able to learn more advanced issues independently after working through the basic material, and completing the exercises.
As we navigate through life we instinctively model time as having a flowing present that divides a fixed past from open future. This model develops in childhood and is deeply saturated within our language, thought and behavior, affecting our conceptions of the universe, freedom and the self. Yet as central as it is to our lives, physics seems to have no room for this flowing present. What Makes Time Special? demonstrates this claim in detail and then turns to two novel positive tasks. First, by looking at the world "sideways" - in the spatial directions - it shows that physics is not "spatializing time" as is commonly alleged. Even relativity theory makes significant distinctions between the spacelike and timelike directions, often with surprising consequences. Second, if the flowing present is an illusion, it is a deep one worthy of explanation. The author develops a picture whereby the temporal flow arises as an interaction effect between an observer and the physics of the world. Using insights from philosophy, cognitive science, biology, psychology and physics, the theory claims that the flowing present model of time is the natural reaction to the perceptual and evolutionary challenges thrown at us. Modeling time as flowing makes sense even if it misrepresents it.
The idea to hold a workshop on globular clusters in Concepcion emerged during 2005 out of a variety of circumstances. Four years had passed since the IAUSymposium 207 onExtragalactic Globular Clusters inPuc' on, atime span, which we thought to be long enough for justifying a new meeting with theintent toreviewthemostrecentdevelopments inthe?eld of extragalactic stars clusters. Originally intended to be a small-scale workshop, the response from the community was overwhelming so that only a full-scale international conferencewas abletocopewith thenumerousrequestsfortalksandposters. Finally, about 160 participants gathered in Concepci' on on March 6th, 2006. The venue was the university lecture hall located in the facultad de - manidadesyartesoftheUniversidaddeConcepci' on.Posterswereexposedin the lobby of the faculty building. The weather was as good as one can reas- ablyexpectfromalatesummerinConcepci' on.Althoughtheprogrammewas so tight that separate poster sessions other than those during co?ee breaks could not be accomodated, posters received a lot of attention. From the ?rst to the last talk, the atmosphere was inspiring and the conference could keep its tension for ?ve full days. This clearly shows that the attraction which globular clusters exercise on astrophysicists of quite di?erent ?avours, is as strong as ever.
Written by a former Olympiad student, Wang Jinhui, and a Physics Olympiad national trainer, Bernard Ricardo, Competitive Physics delves into the art of solving challenging physics puzzles. This book not only expounds a multitude of physics topics from the basics but also illustrates how these theories can be applied to problems, often in an elegant fashion. With worked examples that depict various problem-solving sleights of hand and interesting exercises to enhance the mastery of such techniques, readers will hopefully be able to develop their own insights and be better prepared for physics competitions. Ultimately, problem-solving is a craft that requires much intuition. Yet this intuition, perhaps, can only be honed by trudging through an arduous but fulfilling journey of enigmas.This is the second part of a two-volume series and will mainly analyze thermodynamics, electromagnetism and special relativity. A brief overview of geometrical optics is also included.
This book is the second edition of an excellent undergraduate-level overview of classical and modern physics, intended for students of physics and related subjects, and also perfectly suited for the education of physics teachers. The twelve-chapter book begins with Newton's laws of motion and subsequently covers topics such as thermodynamics and statistical physics, electrodynamics, special and general relativity, quantum mechanics and cosmology , the standard model and quantum chromodynamics. The writing is lucid, and the theoretical discussions are easy to follow for anyone comfortable with standard mathematics. An important addition in this second edition is a set of exercises and problems, distributed throughout the book. Some of the problems aim to complement the text, others to provide readers with additional useful tools for tackling new or more advanced topics. Furthermore, new topics have been added in several chapters; for example, the discovery of extra-solar planets from the wobble of their mother stars, a discussion of the Landauer principle relating information erasure to an increase of entropy, quantum logic, first order quantum corrections to the ideal gas equation of state due to the Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics. Both gravitational lensing and the time-correction in geo-positioning satellites are explained as theoretical applications of special and general relativity. The discovery of gravitational waves, one of the most important achievements of physical sciences, is presented as well. Professional scientists, teachers, and researchers will also want to have this book on their bookshelves, as it provides an excellent refresher on a wide range of topics and serves as an ideal starting point for expanding one's knowledge of new or unfamiliar fields. Readers of this book will not only learn much about physics, they will also learn to love it.
Einstein's general theory of relativity is introduced in this
advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate level textbook.
Topics include special relativity, in the formalism of Minkowski's
four-dimensional space-time, the principle of equivalence,
Riemannian geometry and tensor analysis, Einstein field equation,
as well as many modern cosmological subjects, from primordial
inflation and cosmic microwave anisotropy to the dark energy that
propels an accelerating universe.
Dieses Buch bietet eine klassische, immer noch aktuelle Einfuhrung in die Probleme und die Entwicklung der Relativitatstheorie anhand von gesammelten Originalarbeiten von Albert Einstein, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Hermann Minkowski und Hermann Weyl. Der 100. Geburtstag der Allgemeinen Relativitatstheorie im November 2015 diente als Anlass zur Herausgabe der um neun weitere Artikel erganzten Neuauflage dieses Klassikers. In der vorliegenden Neuauflage wurden jetzt auch Einsteins fruhe Arbeiten uber Gravitationswellen aufgenommen, deren erster direkter Nachweis 2017 den Nobelpreis fur Physik erhalten hat. Das Werk "Das Relativitatsprinzip" wurde erstmals 1913 von dem Mathematiker Otto Blumenthal herausgegeben. Das Buch erlebte mehrere Auflagen und umfasste die wesentlichen Arbeiten zur Relativitatstheorie bis zum Jahr 1923. Die Absicht ist es, den Gedankengang Albert Einsteins von der Speziellen Relativitatstheorie, uber die Allgemeine Relativitatstheorie, bis hin zu Einsteins Versuch einer Einheitlichen Feldtheorie von Elektromagnetismus und Gravitation, darzustellen. Das Buch liefert somit nicht nur dem an der Entwicklung der Relativitatstheorie interessierten Physiker und Mathematiker, sondern auch dem an Physik, Mathematik und deren historische Entwicklung interessierten Laien eine wertvolle Quellensammlung.
During the last years of his life Einstein tried unsuccessfully to unify electromagnetic force with gravitational force geometrically. The nearest he got was through the ideas of Kaluza and Klein who appended a tiny fifth commuting coordinate to spacetime. Researchers have followed in those footsteps by adding at least six more such minuscule coordinates so as to incorporate the other forces of nature, culminating in string theory - which has unfortunately not met with experimental support. Other proposals have likewise failed or are still waiting to be confirmed experimentally.The author shows that one can successfully unify gravity with electromagnetism geometrically by adding a single complex anticommuting coordinate to spacetime, which can be associated with the property of 'electricity'. By adding extra four anticommuting properties ('chromicity' and 'neutrinicity'), associated with strong and weak interactions, one can get a unified picture of all the natural forces and particles including the 'standard model': The whole construct relies upon the full specification of events and automatically allows for replication of particle families. The monograph traces the history of attempts of unification before explaining the author's 'where-when-what' scheme.
This book consists of contributions from the participants of the Abel Symposium 2019 held in Alesund, Norway. It was centered about applications of the ideas of symmetry and invariance, including equivalence and deformation theory of geometric structures, classification of differential invariants and invariant differential operators, integrability analysis of equations of mathematical physics, progress in parabolic geometry and mathematical aspects of general relativity. The chapters are written by leading international researchers, and consist of both survey and research articles. The book gives the reader an insight into the current research in differential geometry and Lie theory, as well as applications of these topics, in particular to general relativity and string theory.
This textbook fills the gap between the very basic and the highly advanced volumes that are widely available on the subject. It offers a concise but comprehensive overview of a number of topics, like general relativity, fission and fusion, which are otherwise only available with much more detail in other textbooks. Providing a general introduction to the underlying concepts (relativity, fission and fusion, fundamental forces), it allows readers to develop an idea of what these two research fields really involve. The book uses real-world examples to make the subject more attractive and encourage the use of mathematical formulae. Besides short scientists' biographies, diagrams, end-of-chapter problems and worked solutions are also included. Intended mainly for students of scientific disciplines such as physics and chemistry who want to learn about the subject and/or the related techniques, it is also useful to high school teachers wanting to refresh or update their knowledge and to interested non-experts.
This compact guide presents the key features of general relativity, to support and supplement the presentation in mainstream, more comprehensive undergraduate textbooks, or as a re-cap of essentials for graduate students pursuing more advanced studies. It helps students plot a careful path to understanding the core ideas and basics of differential geometry, as applied to general relativity, without overwhelming them. While the guide doesn't shy away from necessary technicalities, it emphasises the essential simplicity of the main physical arguments. Presuming a familiarity with special relativity (with a brief account in an appendix), it describes how general covariance and the equivalence principle motivate Einstein's theory of gravitation. It then introduces differential geometry and the covariant derivative as the mathematical technology which allows us to understand Einstein's equations of general relativity. The book is supported by numerous worked exampled and problems, and important applications of general relativity are described in an appendix.
This brief approaches General Relativity from a planetary navigation perspective, delving into the unconventional mathematical methods required to produce computer software for space missions. It provides a derivation of the Einstein field equations and describes experiments performed on the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous mission, spanning General Relativity Theory from the fundamental assumptions to experimental verification. The software used for planetary missions is derived from mathematics that use matrix notation. An alternative is to use Einstein summation notation, which enables the mathematics to be presented in a compact form but makes the geometry difficult to understand. In this book, the relationship of matrix notation to summation notation is shown. The purpose is to enable the reader to derive the mathematics used in the software in either matrix notation or summation notation. This brief is a useful tool for advanced students and young professionals embarking on careers in planetary navigation. |
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