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Books > Science & Mathematics > Physics > Relativity physics > General
Einstein's Revolution is a textbook on relativity written from a historical-methodological point of view. It can be used as an account of Einstein's physical theory even if the reader has no sympathy with the author's philosophical standpoint, or it can be read for the author's philosophical argument, without the reader having to follow all the details of the physics. The work challenges a distinction made by the Vienna Circle an still influential today: the distinction between "the context of discovery" and "the context of justification." According to the traditional view, the context of discovery calls for no rational reconstruction and belongs, in effect, to psychology, while only latter is subject to a proper logic of appraisal. Against these theses, Zahar shows that there is a logic of discovery and that it plays an important role in the appraisal of theories.
A handsome annotated edition of Einstein's celebrated book on relativity After completing the final version of his general theory of relativity in November 1915, Albert Einstein wrote Relativity. Intended for a popular audience, the book remains one of the most lucid explanations of the special and general theories ever written. This edition of Einstein's celebrated book features an authoritative English translation of the text along with commentaries by Hanoch Gutfreund and Jurgen Renn that examine the evolution of Einstein's thinking and cast his ideas in a modern context. Providing invaluable insight into one of the greatest scientific minds of all time, the book also includes a unique survey of the introductions from past editions, covers from selected early editions, a letter from Walther Rathenau to Einstein discussing the book, and a revealing sample from Einstein's original handwritten manuscript.
Gauge theory of elementary particle physics was first published in 1984 and has become a standard textbook in the subject. This companion volume provides graduate students with problems and solutions, enabling them to learn the calculational techniques necessary to understand the research literature. Several new topics are also included and the presentation is self-contained, making the book suitable even for those not familiar with the main book.
It is not an exaggeration to say that one of the most exciting predictions of Einstein's theory of gravitation is that there may exist "black holes" putative objects whose gravitational fields are so strong that no physical bodies or signals can break free of their pull and escape. The proof that black holes do exist, and an analysis of their properties, would have a significance going far beyond astrophysics. Indeed, what is involved is not just the discovery of yet another even if extremely remarkable, astro physical object, but a test of the correctness of our understanding of the properties of space and time in extremely strong gravitational fields. Theoretical research into the properties of black holes, and into the possible corol laries of the hypothesis that they exist, has been carried out with special vigor since the beginning of the 1970's. In addition to those specific features of black holes that are important for the interpretation of their possible astrophysical manifestations, the theory has revealed a number of unexpected characteristics of physical interactions involving black holes. By the middle of the 1980's a fairly detailed understanding had been achieved of the properties of the black holes, their possible astrophysical manifestations, and the specifics of the various physical processes involved. Even though a completely reliable detection of a black hole had not yet been made at that time, several objects among those scrutinized by astrophysicists were considered as strong candidates to be confirmed as being black holes."
An analysis of one of the three great papers Einstein published in 1905, each of which was to alter forever the field it dealt with. The second of these papers, "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies", established what Einstein sometimes referred to as the "so-called Theory of Relativity". Miller uses the paper to provide a window on the intense intellectual struggles of physicists in the first decade of the 20th century: the interplay between physical theory and empirical data; the fiercely held notions that could not be articulated clearly or verified experimentally; the great intellectual investment in existing theories, data, and interpretations - and associated intellectual inertia - and the drive to the long-sought-for unification of the sciences. Since its original publication, this book has become a standard reference and sourcebook for the history and philosophy of science; however, it can equally well serve as a text on twentieth-century philosophy.
EDWIN TURNER AND RACHEL WEBSTER Co-Chairs, Scientific Organizing Committee lAU Symposium 173, Astrophysical Applications of Gravitational Lenses, was held in Melbourne, Australia from July 9-14, 1995. The Symposium was sponsored by lAU Commissions 47 and 40. With the discovery by Walsh and collaborators of the first instance of a gravitational lens, the multiply imaged quasar 0957+561, the area of grav itational lensing moved from speculative theory to a major astrophysical tool. Since that time, there have been regular, approximately biennial in ternational meetings both in Europe and in North America, which have specifically focussed on gravitational lensing. On this occasion, with the blessing of the lA U, the meeting was held at the University of Melbourne in Australia. It was the first international astronomical meeting to be held at the University of Melbourne, and hope fully has given the astronomical community some enthusiasm for trekking half-way round the globe to Australia to discuss their latest work.
Man kann ohne Obertreibung sagen, daE es die Astronomie seit tiber fUnftausend J ahren als exakte Wissenschaft gibt. In dieser ganzen Zeit beriihrte sie die letzten Fragen der Mensch- heit. Ihre Geschichte niederzuschreiben stellt uns vor zahlIose Probleme. Wir beginnen mit einer Zeit, die wir weitgehend durch Schlu&folgerungen kennen; wir gehen dann zu Zeiten tiber, von denen wir wissen, da& das meiste Indizienmaterial verlorengegangen ist; und wir enden bei den letzten Dekaden eines Jahrhunderts, das den Astronomen Beachtung und wirtschaftliche Mittel in nie dagewesenem Umfang beschert hat. Aus einem typischen Jahrhundert der hellenistischen Ara, einem goldenen Zeitalter der Astronomie, mogen wir eine Handvoll Texte haben. 1m Gegensatz dazu werden heute jedes Jahr mehr als zwanzig- tausend astronomische Artikel veroffentlicht, und, tiber fUnfJahre genommen, ist die Zahl der Astronomen, unter deren Namen diese erscheinen, von der Ordnung vierzigtausend. Wenn diese Geschichte also am Anfang wie eine Skizze anmutet, ist sie notwendiger- weise am Schlu& eine Silhouette, die den Gegenstand ebenso durch das definiert, was sie ausla&t, als dadurch, was sie enthalt. Sie schreitet in einem solchen Ma& immer schneller voran, daE der Raum, der einem Dutzend hochstwichtiger neuer Bticher gewidmet wird, ein kleiner Bruchteil davon ist, was am Anfang einer heute ganz trivial erscheinenden Aussage eingeraumt wird. Das ist kein Zufall.
Based on courses taught at the University of Dublin, Carnegie Mellon University, and mostly at Simon Fraser University, this book presents the special theory of relativity from a mathematical point of view. It begins with the axioms of the Minkowski vector space and the flat spacetime manifold. Then it discusses the kinematics of special relativity in terms of Lorentz tranformations, and treats the group structure of Lorentz transformations. Extending the discussion to spinors, the author shows how a unimodular mapping of spinor (vector) space can induce a proper, orthochronous Lorentz mapping on the Minkowski vector space. The second part begins with a discussion of relativistic particle mechanics from both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian points of view. The book then turns to the relativistic (classical) field theory, including a proof of Noether's theorem and discussions of the Klein-Gordon, electromagnetic, Dirac, and non-abelian gauge fields. The final chapter deals with recent work on classical fields in an eight-dimensional covariant phase space.
Dieses Buch ist bis heute eine der popularsten Darstellungen der Relativitatstheorie geblieben. In der vorliegenden Version haben J. Ehlers und M. Poessel vom Max-Planck-Institut fur Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institut) in Golm/Potsdam den Bornschen Text kommentiert und einen den anschaulichen, aber prazisen Stil Borns wahrendes, umfangreiches Erganzungskapitel hinzugefugt, das die sturmische Entwicklung der Relativiatatstheorie bis hin zu unseren Tagen nachzeichnet. Eingegangen wird auf Gravitationswellen und Schwarze Loecher, auf neuere Entwicklungen der Kosmologie, auf Ansatze zu einer Theorie der Quantengravitation und auf die zahlreichen raffinierten Experimente, welche die Gultigkeit der Einsteinschen Theorie mit immer groesserer Genauigkeit bestatigt haben. Damit bleibt dieses Buch nach wie vor einer der unmittelbarsten Zugange zur Relativitatstheorie fur alle die sich fur eine uber das rein popularwissenschaftliche hinausgehende Einfuhrung interessieren.
The revised and updated 2nd edition of this established textbook provides a self-contained introduction to the general theory of relativity, describing not only the physical principles and applications of the theory, but also the mathematics needed, in particular the calculus of differential forms.Updated throughout, the book contains more detailed explanations and extended discussions of several conceptual points, and strengthened mathematical deductions where required. It includes examples of work conducted in the ten years since the first edition of the book was published, for example the pedagogically helpful concept of a "river of space" and a more detailed discussion of how far the principle of relativity is contained in the general theory of relativity. Also presented is a discussion of the concept of the 'gravitational field' in Einstein's theory, and some new material concerning the 'twin paradox' in the theory of relativity. Finally, the book contains a new section about gravitational waves, exploring the dramatic progress in this field following the LIGO observations. Based on a long-established masters course, the book serves advanced undergraduate and graduate level students, and also provides a useful reference for researchers.
CHOICE Highly Recommended Title, August 2019 Expertly guided by renowned cosmologist Dr. David Lyth, learn about the pioneering scientists whose work provided the foundation for Einstein's formulation of his theories of relativity, and about Einstein's groundbreaking life and work as well. This highly readable and accessible panorama of the field delicately balances history and science as it takes the reader on an adventure through the centuries. Without complex mathematics or scientific formulae, this book will be of interest to all, even those without a scientific background, who are intrigued to find out more about what paved the way for one of our most famous physicists to push the boundaries of physics to new lengths. Features: Written by an internationally renowned physicist and cosmologist Describes the life and times of Einstein and his important predecessors Focuses on one of the most famous areas of science, Einstein's Relativity Theory
Einstein's energy-momentum relation is applicable to particles of all speeds, including the particle at rest and the massless particle moving with the speed of light. If one formula or formalism is applicable to all speeds, we say it is 'Lorentz-covariant.' As for the internal space-time symmetries, there does not appear to be a clear way to approach this problem. For a particle at rest, there are three spin degrees of freedom. For a massless particle, there are helicity and gauge degrees of freedom. The aim of this book is to present one Lorentz-covariant picture of these two different space-time symmetries. Using the same mathematical tool, it is possible to give a Lorentz-covariant picture of Gell-Mann's quark model for the proton at rest and Feynman's parton model for the fast-moving proton. The mathematical formalism for these aspects of the Lorentz covariance is based on two-by-two matrices and harmonic oscillators which serve as two basic scientific languages for many different branches of physics. It is pointed out that the formalism presented in this book is applicable to various aspects of optical sciences of current interest.
Organized by Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay
On their 100th anniversary, the story of the extraordinary scientific expeditions that ushered in the era of relativity In 1919, British scientists led extraordinary expeditions to Brazil and Africa to test Albert Einstein's revolutionary new theory of general relativity in what became the century's most celebrated scientific experiment. The result ushered in a new era and made Einstein a global celebrity by confirming his dramatic prediction that the path of light rays would be bent by gravity. Today, Einstein's theory is scientific fact. Yet the effort to "weigh light" by measuring the gravitational deflection of starlight during the May 29, 1919, solar eclipse has become clouded by myth and skepticism. Could Arthur Eddington and Frank Dyson have gotten the results they claimed? Did the pacifist Eddington falsify evidence to foster peace after a horrific war by validating the theory of a German antiwar campaigner? In No Shadow of a Doubt, Daniel Kennefick provides definitive answers by offering the most comprehensive and authoritative account of how expedition scientists overcame war, bad weather, and equipment problems to make the experiment a triumphant success. The reader follows Eddington on his voyage to Africa through his letters home, and delves with Dyson into how the complex experiment was accomplished, through his notes. Other characters include Howard Grubb, the brilliant Irishman who made the instruments; William Campbell, the American astronomer who confirmed the result; and Erwin Findlay-Freundlich, the German whose attempts to perform the test in Crimea were foiled by clouds and his arrest. By chronicling the expeditions and their enormous impact in greater detail than ever before, No Shadow of a Doubt reveals a story that is even richer and more exciting than previously known.
cB) 114 7. 8 Constant electric and magnetic fields at right angles (8,
Science, philosophy of science, and metaphysics have long been concerned with the question of how order, stability, and novelty are possible and how they happen. How can order come out of disorder? This book introduces a new account, contextual emergence, seeking to answer these questions. The authors offer an alternative picture of the world with an alternative account of how novelty and order arise, and how both are possible. Contextual emergence is grounded primarily in the sciences as opposed to logic or metaphysics. It is both an explanatory and ontological account of emergence that gets beyond the impasse between "weak" and "strong" emergence in the emergence debates. It challenges the "foundationalist" or hierarchical picture of reality and emphasizes the ontological and explanatory fundamentality of multiscale stability conditions and their contextual constraints, often operating globally over interconnected, interdependent, and interacting entities and their multiscale relations. It also focuses on the conditions that make the existence, stability, and persistence of emergent systems and their states and observables possible. These conditions and constraints are irreducibly multiscale relations, so it is not surprising that scientific explanation is often multiscale. Such multiscale conditions act as gatekeepers for systems to access modal possibilities (e.g., reducing or enhancing a system's degrees of freedom). Using examples from across the sciences, ranging from physics to biology to neuroscience and beyond, this book demonstrates that there is an empirically well-grounded, viable alternative to ontological reductionism coupled with explanatory anti-reductionism (weak emergence) and ontological disunity coupled with the impossibility of robust scientific explanation (strong emergence). Central metaphysics of science concerns are also addressed. Emergence in Context: A Treatise in Twenty-First Century Natural Philosophy is written primarily for philosophers of science, but also professional scientists from multiple disciplines who are interested in emergence and particularly in the metaphysics of science.
Einstein said that the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible. But was he right? Can the quantum theory of fields and Einstein's general theory of relativity, the two most accurate and successful theories in all of physics, be united into a single quantum theory of gravity? Can quantum and cosmos ever be combined? In The Nature of Space and Time, two of the world's most famous physicists--Stephen Hawking (A Brief History of Time) and Roger Penrose (The Road to Reality)--debate these questions. The authors outline how their positions have further diverged on a number of key issues, including the spatial geometry of the universe, inflationary versus cyclic theories of the cosmos, and the black-hole information-loss paradox. Though much progress has been made, Hawking and Penrose stress that physicists still have further to go in their quest for a quantum theory of gravity.
Since the first French edition of the book emphasized rather the solid facts of Cosmology than the detailed discussions of controversial results, relatively few revisions were necessary for the English edition. They were made early in 1979 and affected about 5% of the text. The main revisions referred to the distance scale, the dlstribution of galaxies, the X-ray observations of clusters, the cosmic time evolution of quasars and radiogalaxies and the 3 K radiation. A new short bibliography presents the recent articles and the latest proceedings of Symposia; from these the reader can easily trace a more complete list of refer ences. I am happy to thank Professor Beiglbock for suggestions he made to improve Part lIon Spaces of Constant Curvature, and Drs. S. and J. Mitton for translating the manuscript into English. I also thank with pleasure Marie-Ange Sevin for correcting the final version. J. Heidmann March 1980, Meudon, France Preface The aim of this book is to present the fundamentals of cosmology. Its subject is the study of the universe on a grand scale: - on a grand distance scale, since from the start, we shall be escaping the con fines of our own Galaxy to explore space as far as the limits of the observable universe, some ten thousand million light years away; - and on a grand time scale, as we shall look back into the past to the very first moments of the initial expansion, about twelve thousand million years ago."
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