Books > Social sciences > Sociology, social studies > Anthropology > Social & cultural anthropology > General
This book analyses how children from transnational
Japanese-Singaporean families are educated. The author demonstrates
that the negotiated educational pathways of these children have
significant bearing on the ways in which individual identities of
mixedness may be constructed or contested - where notions of
mixedness are necessarily recognised for their inherent fluidity,
contextuality and contingency. This interdisciplinary book will be
of interest to students and scholars across the fields of
education, neoliberalism, globalization, multiculturalism, mobility
and cross-border migration.
Central to contemporary debates in the United States on migration
and migrant policy is the idea of citizenship, and this issue
remains a focal point of contention. In Disenchanting Citizenship,
Luis F. B. Plascencia examines two interrelated issues: U.S.
citizenship and the Mexican migrants' position in the United
States. The book explores the meaning of U.S. citizenship through
the experience of a unique group of Mexican migrants who were
granted Temporary Status under the ""legalization"" provisions of
the 1986 IRCA, attained Lawful Permanent Residency, and later
became U.S. citizens. Plascencia integrates an extensive and
multifaceted collection of interviews, ethnographic fieldwork,
ethno-historical research, and public policy analysis in examining
efforts that promote the acquisition of citizenship, the teaching
of citizenship classes, and naturalisation ceremonies. He argues
that the acquisition of citizenship can lead to disenchantment with
the very status desired. In the end, Plascencia expands our
understanding of the dynamics of U.S. citizenship as a form of
membership and belonging. |Central to contemporary debates in the
United States on migration and migrant policy is the idea of
citizenship, and this issue remains a focal point of contention. In
Disenchanting Citizenship, Luis F. B. Plascencia examines two
interrelated issues: U.S. citizenship and the Mexican migrants'
position in the United States. The book explores the meaning of
U.S. citizenship through the experience of a unique group of
Mexican migrants who were granted Temporary Status under the
""legalization"" provisions of the 1986 IRCA, attained Lawful
Permanent Residency, and later became U.S. citizens. Plascencia
integrates an extensive and multifaceted collection of interviews,
ethnographic fieldwork, ethno-historical research, and public
policy analysis in examining efforts that promote the acquisition
of citizenship, the teaching of citizenship classes, and
naturalisation ceremonies. He argues that the acquisition of
citizenship can lead to disenchantment with the very status
desired. In the end, Plascencia expands our understanding of the
dynamics of U.S. citizenship as a form of membership and belonging.
An instruction manual for life, love, and relationships by a
brilliant young scientist whose Asperger's syndrome allows her--and
us--to see ourselves in a different way...and to be better at being
human Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the age of eight,
Camilla Pang struggled to understand the world around her.
Desperate for a solution, she asked her mother if there was an
instruction manual for humans that she could consult. With no
blueprint to life, Pang began to create her own, using the language
she understands best: science. That lifelong project eventually
resulted in An Outsider's Guide to Humans, an original and incisive
exploration of human nature and the strangeness of social norms,
written from the outside looking in--which is helpful to even the
most neurotypical thinker. Camilla Pang uses a set of scientific
principles to examine life's everyday interactions: - How machine
learning can help us sift through data and make more rational
decisions - How proteins form strong bonds, and what they teach us
about embracing individual differences to form diverse groups - Why
understanding thermodynamics is the key to seeking balance over
seeking perfection - How prisms refracting light can keep us from
getting overwhelmed by our fears and anxieties, breaking them into
manageable and separate "wavelengths" Pang's unique perspective of
the world tells us so much about ourselves--who we are and why we
do the things we do--and is a fascinating guide to living a happier
and more connected life.
the book is concerned with the linguistic worldview broadly
understood, but it focuses on one particular variant of the idea,
its sources, extensions, its critical assessment, and inspirations
for related research. This approach is the ethnolinguistic
linguistic worldview (LWV) program pursued in Lublin, Poland, and
initiated and headed by Jerzy Bartminski. In its basic design, the
volume emerged from the theme of the conference held in Lublin in
October 2011: "The linguistic worldview or linguistic views of
worlds?" If the latter is the case, then what worlds? Is it a case
of one language/one worldview? Are there literary or poetic
worldviews? Are there auctorial worldviews? Many of the chapters
are based on presentations from that conference, and others have
been written especially for the volume. Generally, there are four
kinds of contributions: (i) a presentation and exemplification of
the "Lublin style" LWV approach; (ii) studies inspired by this
approach but not following it in detail; (iii) independent but
related and compatible research; and (iv) a critical reappraisal of
some specific ideas proposed by Jerzy Bartminski and his
Fifteen years after the end of a protracted civil and regional war,
Beirut broke out in violence once again, forcing residents to
contend with many forms of insecurity, amid an often violent
political and economic landscape. Providing a picture of what
ordinary life is like for urban dwellers surviving sectarian
violence, The Insecure City captures the day-to-day experiences of
citizens of Beirut moving through a war-torn landscape. While
living in Beirut, Kristin Monroe conducted interviews with a
diverse group of residents of the city. She found that when people
spoke about getting around in Beirut, they were also expressing
larger concerns about social, political, and economic life. It was
not only violence that threatened Beirut's ordinary residents, but
also class dynamics that made life even more precarious. For
instance, the installation of checkpoints and the rerouting of
traffic - set up for the security of the elite - forced the less
fortunate to alter their lives in ways that made them more at risk.
Similarly, the ability to pass through security blockades often had
to do with an individual's visible markers of class, such as
clothing, hairstyle, and type of car. Monroe examines how
understandings and practices of spatial mobility in the city
reflect social differences, and how such experiences led residents
to be bitterly critical of their government. In The Insecure City,
Monroe takes urban anthropology in a new and meaningful direction,
discussing traffic in the Middle East to show that when people move
through Beirut they are experiencing the intersection of citizen
and state, of the more and less privileged, and, in general, the
city's politically polarized geography.
Drawing on archaeological findings from the Maya lowlands, War Owl
Falling shows how innovation and creativity led to social change in
ancient societies. Markus Eberl discusses the ways eighth-century
Maya (and Maya commoners in particular) reinvented objects and
signs that were associated with nobility, including scepters,
ceramic vessels, ballgame equipment, and the symbol of the owl.
These inventions, he argues, reflect assertions of independence and
a redistribution of power that contributed to the Maya collapse in
the Late Classic period. Eberl emphasizes that individual
decision-making - the ability to imagine alternate worlds and to
act on that vision - plays a large role in changing social
structure over time. Pinpointing where and when these Maya
inventions emerged, how individuals adopted them and why, War Owl
Falling connects technological and social change in a novel way.
Unique and exciting, this ethnographic study is the first to
address a little-known subculture, which holds a fascination for
many. The first decade of the twenty-first century has displayed an
ever increasing fixation with vampires, from the recent spate of
phenomenally successful books, films, and television programmes, to
the return of vampire-like style on the catwalk. Amidst this hype,
there exists a small, dedicated community that has been celebrating
their interest in the vampire since the early 1990s. The London
vampire subculture is an alternative lifestyle community of people
from all walks of life and all ages, from train drivers to
university lecturers, who organise events such as fang fittings,
gothic belly dancing, late night graveyard walks, and 'carve your
own tombstone'.Mellins presents an extraordinary account of this
fascinating subculture, which is largely unknown to most people.
Through case study analysis of the female participants, "Vampire
Culture" investigates women's longstanding love affair with the
undead, and asks how this fascination impacts on their lives, from
fiction to fashion. "Vampire Culture" includes photography from
community member and professional photographer SoulStealer, and is
an essential read for students and scholars of gender, film,
television, media, fashion, culture, sociology and research
methods, as well as anyone with an interest in vampires, style
subcultures, and the gothic.
This book is an interdisciplinary collection of essays on the
society and cultures of twenty-first century Japanese
transnationals: first-generation migrants (Issei), and their
descendants who were born and grew up outside Japan (Nikkei); and
Japanese nationals who today find themselves living overseas. The
authors-international specialists from anthropology, sociology,
history, and education-explore how individual and community
cultural identities are deeply integrated in ethnic and economic
structures, and how cultural heritage is manifested in various
Japanese transnational communities. These papers use individual
cases to tackle the bigger issues of personal identity, ethnic
community, and economic survival in an internationalized global
world. This book, then, offers new perspectives on the
anthropology, sociology, history, and economics of an important,
though largely under-reported, transnational community. While
previous studies have focused on a few specific and well-known
cases-for example, the World War II internment of Japanese
Americans and their attempts at redress, Japanese agriculture
workers in Brazil, or temporary "returnee" dekasegi workers-this
book examines Japanese transnationalism from a broader perspective,
including Japanese nationals living overseas permanently or
temporarily, and Europeans of Japanese ancestry who have recently
rediscovered their Japanese roots. Besides looking at Japanese and
Nikkei migrants in North and South America, this volume examines
some little-explored venues such as Indonesia, Spain, and Germany.
The connections among all these Japanese transnational
communities-real or imagined are explored ethnographically and
historically. And instead of simply focusing on social problems
resulting from racial discrimination-and the political actions
involved in implementing or fighting it-this volume offers more
nuanced dialogue about the issues involved with Japanese
transnationalism, in particular how ethnic identity is formed and
how Japanese transnational communities have been created, and
re-created, all over the world. Also, while until now less
attention has been paid to fitting the Japanese case into a larger
theoretical framework of globalization and migration studies, the
papers presented here-along with a detailed theoretical
introduction-attempt to rectify this.
Inequities still exist in today's society, and this book advances
awareness, an equitable mindset, and transformative change toward
the goal of eliminating inequities and promoting inclusiveness and
social justice. Racialized inequity is injustice or unfairness and
exists when prejudice or discrimination based on any aspect of
difference precludes access of certain groups to the resources and
benefits of society. This volume takes a new look at the psychology
of inequity today. Have we progressed or regressed since the height
of the civil rights movement of the 1960s? Through an examination
of the motivations and beliefs behind inequities and injustices,
this text aims to answer this question and any others that a
scholar or general reader interested in social inequities and
multiculturalism may have. Chapters address the motives that
sustain inequity and reflect on the beliefs and behaviors linked to
implicit responses to threats of change and loss of privilege posed
by the inclusion of "others." Includes cutting-edge scholarship
addressing racial inequities Provides contemporary examples of
racial inequity viewed through new psychological lenses Reviews the
intersection of racial, economic, and mental health inequity among
BIPOC citizens Addresses contemporary expressions of privilege and
their relationships to social inequities Introduces
transformational approaches to improving education and health care
Combining the conceptual tools of interactionist and social
constructionist positions, this book presents an in-depth
investigation of emotions in digital interactions. Through the
central case study of online bereavement communities for women who
have suffered perinatal loss, this volume highlights the
significance of affective sanctioning as constitutive of group
dynamics and practice. The authors chart the emergence of a new
ethnopsychology of motherhood-the category of 'Angels'
Mothers'-arising from the localized practices of a community whose
experience of grief is otherwise disenfranchised. Through their
detailed theoretical exploration of the centrality of
micro-situational dynamics, alongside the rich empirical
illustration of collectively shared feeling rules and norms,
Rafanell and Sawicka develop a naturalistic approach to the
analysis of empirical data, providing insights for policy-making
Lightning has evoked a numinous response as well as powerful
timeless references and symbols among ancient religions throughout
the world. Thunder and lightning have also taken on various
symbolic manifestations, some representing primary deities, as in
the case of Zeus and Jupiter in the Greco/Roman tradition, and Thor
in Norse myth. Similarly, lightning veneration played an important
role to the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica and Andean South
America. Lightning veneration and the religious cults and their
associated rituals represent to varying degrees a worship of nature
and the forces that shape the natural world. The inter-relatedness
of the cultural and natural environment is related to what may be
called a widespread cultural perception of the natural world as
sacred, a kind of mythic landscape. Comparative analysis of the
Andes and Mesoamerica has been a recurring theme recently in part
because two of the areas of "high civilization" in the Americas
have much in common despite substantial ecological differences, and
in part because there is some evidence, of varying quality, that
some people had migrated from one area to the other. Lightning in
the Andes and Mesoamerica is the first ever study to explore the
symbolic elements surrounding lightning in their associated
Pre-Columbian religious ideologies. Moreover, it extends its
examination to contemporary culture to reveal how cultural
perceptions of the sacred, their symbolic representations and
ritual practices, and architectural representations in the
landscape were conjoined in the ancient past. Ethnographic accounts
and ethnohistoric documents provide insights through first-hand
accounts that broaden our understanding of levels of syncretism
since the European contact. The interdisciplinary research
presented herein also provides a basis for tracing back
Pre-Columbian manifestations of lightning its associated religious
beliefs and ritual practices, as well as its mythological,
symbolic, iconographic, and architectural representations to
earlier civilizations. This unique study will be of great interest
to scholars of Pre-Columbian South and Mesoamerica, and will
stimulate future comparative studies by archaeologists and
Co-published by Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, University
of California, Berkeley & National Taiwan University Press.
Taiwan Since Martial Law epitomizes the reinvigoration of cultural
pluralism, which characterizes the dynamic processes of
democratized Taiwan. With the lifting of martial law in 1987,
people have awakened to their respective cultural identities and
contributed to a sociopolitical renaissance strengthening the
island's sense of national destiny and commitment to
self-determination. Nineteen chapters highlight Taiwan's social and
cultural diversity and the complexities of its politics and
economy. The preface by Bo Tedards depicts the avenues of Taiwan's
democratization with his 'trajectories' of political alternatives.
The opening chapter by the editor David Blundell traces his
personal experiences during the martial law transition and his
reflections on an emerging Taiwan "sense of place." Pro-democracy
activists organized to demand free elections, human rights, respect
for local heritages, and environmental sustainability.
This book examines the making of the Goddess Durga both as an art
and as part of the intangible heritage of Bengal. As the 'original
site of production' of unbaked clay idols of the Hindu Goddess
Durga and other Gods and Goddesses, Kumartuli remains at the centre
of such art and heritage. The art and heritage of Kumartuli have
been facing challenges in a rapidly globalizing world that demands
constant redefinition of 'art' with the invasion of market forces
and migration of idol makers. As such, the book includes chapters
on the evolution of idols, iconographic transformations, popular
culture and how the public is constituted by the production and
consumption of the works of art and heritage and finally the
continuous shaping and reshaping of urban imaginaries and
contestations over public space. It also investigates the caste
group of Kumbhakars (Kumars or the idol makers), reflecting on the
complex relation between inherited skill and artistry. Further, it
explores how the social construction of art as 'art' introduces a
tangled web of power asymmetries between 'art' and 'craft', between
an 'artist' and an 'artisan', and between 'appreciation' and
'consumption', along with their implications for the articulation
of market in particular and social relations in general. Since
little has been written on this heritage hub beyond popular
pamphlets, documents on town planning and travelogues, the book,
written by authors from various fields, opens up cross-disciplinary
conversations, situating itself at the interface between art
history, sociology of aesthetics, politics and government, social
history, cultural studies, social anthropology and archaeology. The
book is aimed at a wide readership, including students, scholars,
town planners, heritage preservationists, lawmakers and readers
interested in heritage in general and Kumartuli in particular.
Based on almost a decade of research in the Kathmandu Valley,
Planning Families in Nepal offers a compelling account of Hindu
Nepali women as they face conflicting global and local ideals
regarding family planning. Promoting a two-child norm, global
family planning programs have disseminated the slogan, ""A small
family is a happy family,"" throughout the global South. Jan
Brunson examines how two generations of Hindu Nepali women
negotiate this global message of a two-child family and a more
local need to produce a son. Brunson explains that while women did
not prefer sons to daughters, they recognized that in the dominant
patrilocal family system, their daughters would eventually marry
and be lost to other households. As a result, despite recent
increases in educational and career opportunities for daughters,
mothers still hoped for a son who would bring a daughter-in-law
into the family and care for his aging parents. Mothers worried
about whether their modern, rebellious sons would fulfill their
filial duties, but ultimately those sons demonstrated an enduring
commitment to living with their aging parents. In the context of
rapid social change related to national politics as well as
globalization - a constant influx of new music, clothes, gadgets,
and even governments - the sons viewed the multigenerational family
as a refuge. Throughout Planning Families in Nepal, Brunson raises
important questions about the notion of ""planning"" when applied
to family formation, arguing that reproduction is better understood
as a set of local and global ideals that involve actors with
desires and actions with constraints, wrought with delays,
stalling, and improvisation.
This book describes the remarkable culture of jeliya, a musical and
verbal art from the Manding region of West Africa. Using an
embodied practice as her methodology, the author reveals how she
and her music teachers live "in between" local and global cultures.
Her journey spans 20 years of fieldwork presented through personal
and intimate stories, first as a student of the balafon instrument,
then as a patron of the music. Tensions build in both the music and
in social relations that require resolutions, underscoring the
differences between two world views. Through balafon lessons, the
author embodies values such as patience, courage, and generosity,
resulting in a transformative practice that leads her to better
understand her position vis-a-vis that of her jeli teachers.
Meanwhile, jeliya itself, despite having been transmitted from
teacher to student for 800 years, is currently in peril. Jelis cite
modern globalized culture and people like the author herself as
both a source of the problem as well as the potential solution.
The twenty-first century has seen the emergence of a new style of
man: the metrosexual. Overwhelmingly straight, white, and wealthy,
these impeccably coiffed urban professionals spend big money on
everything from facials to pedicures, all part of a
multi-billion-dollar male grooming industry. Yet as this innovative
study reveals, even as the industry encourages men to invest more
in their appearance, it still relies on women to do much of the
work. Styling Masculinity investigates how men's beauty salons have
persuaded their clientele to regard them as masculine spaces. To
answer this question, sociologist Kristen Barber goes inside Adonis
and The Executive, two upscale men's salons in Southern California.
Conducting detailed observations and extensive interviews with both
customers and employees, she shows how female salon workers not
only perform the physical labor of snipping, tweezing, waxing, and
exfoliating, but also perform the emotional labor of pampering
their clients and pumping up their masculine egos. Letting salon
employees tell their own stories, Barber not only documents
occasions when these workers are objectified and demeaned, but also
explores how their jobs allow for creativity and confer a degree of
professional dignity. In the process, she traces the vast network
of economic and social relations that undergird the burgeoning male
beauty industry.
This book explores the interrelation between diversity in migrants'
internal relations and their experience of inequality in local and
global contexts. Taking the case of Hamburg-based Iranians, it
traces evaluation processes in ties between professionals - artists
and entrepreneurs - since the 1930s, examining migrants' potential
to act upon hierarchical structures. Building on long-term
ethnographic fieldwork and archival work, the book centers on
differentiation, combining a diversity study with a focus on
locality, with a transnational migration study, analysing
strategies of capital creation and anthropological value theory.
The analysis of migrants' agency tackles questions of independence
and cooperation in kinship, associations, transnational
entrepreneurship and cultural events within the context of the
position of Germany and Iran in the global politico-economic
landscape. This material will be of interest to scholars and
students of anthropology, sociology, migration, urbanism and
Iranian studies, as well as Iranian-Germans and those interested in
the entanglement of global and local power relations.
Moroccan garment design and consumption have experienced major
shifts in recent history, transforming from a traditional
craft-based enterprise to a thriving fashion industry. Influenced
by western fashion, dress has become commoditized and has expanded
from tailoring to designer labels. This book presents the first
detailed ethnographic study of Moroccan fashion. Drawing on
interviews with three generations of designers and the lifestyle
press, the author provides an in-depth analysis of the development
of urban dress, which reveals how traditional dress has not been
threatened but rather produced and consumed in different ways. With
chapters examining themes such as dress and politics, gender,
faith, modernity, and exploring topics from craft to e-fashion,
this book will be essential reading for students and scholars of
fashion, anthropology, material culture, sociology, cultural
studies, gender studies and related fields.
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