Books > Medicine > General issues > Health systems & services
Leaders in healthcare today face many challenges ranging from
managing interprofessional teams and teamwork, to payment reform,
to tackling issues such as homelessness and the opioid crisis.
Leaders have access to depth of information and resources to help
them solve these complex and real-world problems. However, it is
our belief that given the complexities of healthcare, there is
value in sharing and learning from those who have first-hand
experience with interprofessional leadership in healthcare.
Challenges and Opportunities in Healthcare Leadership: Voices from
the Crowd in Today's Complex and Interprofessional Healthcare
Environment, is a volume in a book series titled, Contemporary
Perspectives in Business Leadership. In this book, authors share
their true, authentic reflections and professional stories
describing the lived experience(s) of the author/leaders and how
the experience changed the author/leaders' approach as an
interprofessional leader. Each chapter includes a (1) story about
the topic and the lived experience, (2) perspectives, and (3)
lessons of the author(s). Additionally, scholarly commentary and
discussion questions included within each chapter create
opportunity for application to leadership theories and strategies
as well as allow for reflection and further dialogue on the topic.
The intended audience is broad, including faculty and students in
institutions of higher education, interprofessional healthcare team
leaders and members, and other healthcare stakeholders who have
experience in interprofessional healthcare leadership. The book is
applicable for leadership growth and development at a personal,
group, or organizational level.
This volume is unique inits systematic approach to these three
pillars of health systems analysis will give readers of various
backgrounds authoritative material about subjects adjacent to their
own specialties. Assembling such comparative materials is usually
an onerous task because so many programs possess their own
vocabularies, goals, and methods. This book will provide common
grounds for people in programs as diverse as economics and finance,
allied health, business and management, and the social sciences,
including psychology.
This volume is unique inits systematic approach to these three
pillars of health systems analysis will give readers of various
backgrounds authoritative material about subjects adjacent to their
own specialties. Assembling such comparative materials is usually
an onerous task because so many programs possess their own
vocabularies, goals, and methods. This book will provide common
grounds for people in programs as diverse as economics and finance,
allied health, business and management, and the social sciences,
including psychology. "
Virtual communities have gained popularity in many growing fields
and have continued to expand into healthcare environments.
Analyzing the impact these communities have can help provide more
effective methods to support patients and community members. Novel
Applications of Virtual Communities in Healthcare Settings is a
crucial scholarly reference source that examines the challenges
virtual communities can face, as well as the advantages they
provide to members of healthcare organizations. Featuring pertinent
topics that include evaluation frameworks, disaster management,
knowledge translation, and user engagement, this book is ideal for
medical practitioners, academicians, students, and healthcare
researchers that are interested in taking part in the latest
discussions of virtual communities within medical fields.
Modern technology has impacted healthcare and interactions between
patients and healthcare providers through a variety of means
including the internet, social media, mobile devices, and the
internet of things. These new technologies have empowered,
frustrated, educated, and confused patients by making educational
materials more widely available and allowing patients to monitor
their own vital signs and self-diagnose. Further analysis of these
and future technologies is needed in order to provide new
approaches to empowerment, reduce mistakes, and improve overall
healthcare. Impacts of Information Technology on Patient Care and
Empowerment is a critical scholarly resource that delves into
patient access to information and the effect that access has on
their relationship with healthcare providers and their health
outcomes. Featuring a range of topics such as gamification, mobile
computing, and risk analysis, this book is ideal for healthcare
practitioners, doctors, nurses, surgeons, hospital staff, medical
administrators, patient advocates, researchers, academicians,
policymakers, and healthcare students.
Because progressive advancements to healthcare practices are
leading to longer lifespans, an increased number of aging
individuals now require constant care from practiced caregivers.
The financial costs of in-home care can be quite high; therefore,
many families are opting to stand in as caregivers, and this can
lead to various impacts on their own social and psychological
wellbeing. The Mental Health Effects of Informal Caregiving:
Emerging Research and Opportunities provides autobiographical
accounts and statistical data associated with the caregiving
experience, as well as the methods to discern the positive
psychological forces that shape the subjective wellbeing of
informal caregivers. Highlighting topics such as institutional vs.
informal caregiving, special healthcare needs, and veteran care,
this book is ideally designed for psychologists, therapists,
researchers, medical institutions, academia, and students seeking
current research on the subjective wellbeing of informal
This book observes that an in-depth study exclusively focusing on
health service trade not only strengthens the overall services
trade capacity of the South Asian region, but also promotes global
as well as regional trade. There is a dearth of analytical research
on estimating barriers to trade in health services, particularly in
the context of South Asia, and as such, this book assesses the
potential benefits and economic costs of barriers to trade in
health services in select South Asian economies. It also analyzes
the impact of liberalization and regulatory reforms on economic
welfare. It broadly addresses issues relating to trade in health
services, the GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services), such
as: Why are the current levels of trade in health services low? How
will the GATS legally affect a country's health policy? What effect
might liberalization have on national health systems? And what are
the likely benefits of greater trade in health services? It also
provides specific answers to the following questions: Does the
substantial role of the government in health - as health service
provider, financial supporter, regulator and promoter - have
implications for the treatment of the sector under the GATS? What
is the impact of liberalization of international trade in health
services on the quality and availability of health services in
developing SAARC countries? Given the importance of consumption
abroad for trade in health services, and the gradual opening of
health markets through Modes 1 and 3 (cross-border supply and
commercial presence), how can problems associated with trade in
these Modes be prevented? And are these problems sufficiently
addressed by GATS disciplines? Answers to these questions will be
of great use to researchers, policy makers as well as practitioners
and NGOs of South Asia.
In this era of healthcare applications predominantly occupy both
individuals as well as the healthcare industries, so the need for
analytical reports becomes an essential component for success.
Especially, the IoT applications employed for healthcare which
generate a huge amount of data that needs to be analyzed to produce
the expected reports. To accomplish this task, a cloud-based
analytical solution will be the right choice by which the reports
can be generated faster compared to the traditional ways. In this
book, the different analytical methods coupled with AI to analyze
the IoT data on the cloud are discussed. This book applies AI in
edge analytics for healthcare applications, analyzes the impact of
tools and techniques in edge analytics for healthcare, and provides
security solutions for edge analytics in healthcare IoT. Each
chapter provides in-depth details on how to apply different
analytical methods and tools for analytics of healthcare
applications devised using IoT. As the IoT devices are generating
huge amounts of data, it is highly essential to do the analytics on
the cloud and this book showcases the mechanisms that are going to
be applied for it. Hence, this book provides a holistic idea on how
to do edge analytics for healthcare IoT using AI.
By relying on private enterprise more than any other developed
nation, American health care has all the appearances of free-market
in action. And for more than a hundred years, attempts to reform
this system (including President Obama's Affordable Care Act) have
been met with opposition from parties warning against the stifling
effect of government intervention. What these warnings about
federal overreach overlook is the fact that the federal government
has long been an indispensible player in guiding and supporting the
current US health care system. Its role is so pervasive and of such
longstanding importance that it is easy to overlook, but it
actually created American health care as we know it today. Seminal
public programs stand behind every segment of America's massive and
hugely profitable health care industry. This is not to deny the
instrumental roles of private entrepreneurship and innovation, but
rather to describe the foundation on which they rest. The
industry's underlying driving force is a massive partnership
between the public and private spheres. The partnership is complex,
and its effects are not always ideal. But for better or worse, it
shapes every aspect of what we in the United States know as health
care. Mother of Invention traces the government's role in building
four key health care sectors into the financial powerhouses they
are today: pharmaceuticals, hospitals, the medical profession, and
private insurance. It traces their history, surveys their growth,
and highlights some of their greatest success stories, which
together reveal the indispensible role of public initiatives in
contemporary private health care. Only by understanding what
actually drives our system can we appreciate possibilities for
meaningful reform or comprehend the true context - historically and
politically - of the Obama plan.
This book explores the development of mental health systems in the
Pacific Island Countries (PICs) of Samoa and Tonga through an
examination of several policy transfer events from the colonial to
the contemporary. Beginning in the 1990s, mental health became an
area of global policy concern as reflected in concerted
international organisation and bilateral aid and development
agendas, most notably those of the World Bank, World Health
Organization, and the governments of Australia and New Zealand.
This book highlights how Tonga and Samoa both reformed their
respective mental health systems during these years, after
relatively long periods of stagnation. Using recent scholarship
concerning public policy transfer, this book explains these policy
outcomes and expands it to include consideration of the historical
institutional dimensions evidenced by contemporary mental health
systems. This book considers three distinct levels of policy
implicated in mental health system transfer processes from
developed to developing nations: colonial authority and influence;
decolonisation processes; and the global development agenda
surrounding health systems. In the process, the author argues that
there are in fact three levels of policy change that must be
accounted for in examining contemporary policy change. These policy
levels include formal policy transfers, which tend to be
prescriptive, involving professional problem construction and the
designation of appropriate state apparatus for curative or
custodial care provision; quasi-formal transfers, which tend to be
aspirational and involve policy instruments developed through
collaborative, participatory processes; and informal transfers that
tend to be normative and include practices by professional actors
in delivering service merged with traditional cultural beliefs as
to disease aetiology as well as reflecting a deep understanding of
the cultural context within which the services will be delivered.
This book argues that a renewed focus on the importance of public
policy and government institutional capacity is necessary to ensure
human rights and justice are secured.
This is a resource for professionals involved in determining the
driving capacity of individuals with neurological involvement and
or trauma. While much work has been completed in this new and
growing field, this is the first attempt to bring together clinical
work on assessing driving capacity for different clinical
populations and conditions. Specific topics include, traumatic
brain injury, stroke, dementia, normal aging, medications,
retraining, interventions, medical conditions, legal issues,
practical issues, assessment instruments, simulators, research and
epidemiology. Each chapter will address clinically relevant issues
specific to the clinical population. This comprehensive compilation
of driving assessment of cognitively compromised populations is the
first of its kind and Dr. Schultheis is regarded as a leader in the
*The first definitive handbook about driving assessment of
cognitively impaired populations, a growing area of research
*Addresses a myriad of clinical populations and conditions such as
brain injured and elderly patients
*Written by nationally recognized leaders in their fields of