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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Mathematical foundations
This edited volume focuses on the work of Professor Larisa Maksimova, providing a comprehensive account of her outstanding contributions to different branches of non-classical logic. The book covers themes ranging from rigorous implication, relevance and algebraic logic, to interpolation, definability and recognizability in superintuitionistic and modal logics. It features both her scientific autobiography and original contributions from experts in the field of non-classical logics. Professor Larisa Maksimova's influential work involved combining methods of algebraic and relational semantics. Readers will be able to trace both influences on her work, and the ways in which her work has influenced other logicians. In the historical part of this book, it is possible to trace important milestones in Maksimova's career. Early on, she developed an algebraic semantics for relevance logics and relational semantics for the logic of entailment. Later, Maksimova discovered that among the continuum of superintuitionisitc logics there are exactly three pretabular logics. She went on to obtain results on the decidability of tabularity and local tabularity problems for superintuitionistic logics and for extensions of S4. Further investigations by Maksimova were aimed at the study of fundamental properties of logical systems (different versions of interpolation and definability, disjunction property, etc.) in big classes of logics, and on decidability and recognizability of such properties. To this end she determined a powerful combination of algebraic and semantic methods, which essentially determine the modern state of investigations in the area, as can be seen in the later chapters of this book authored by leading experts in non-classical logics. These original contributions bring the reader up to date on the very latest work in this field.
Exploring new variations of classical methods as well as recent approaches appearing in the field, Computational Fluid Dynamics demonstrates the extensive use of numerical techniques and mathematical models in fluid mechanics. It presents various numerical methods, including finite volume, finite difference, finite element, spectral, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), mixed-element-volume, and free surface flow. Taking a unified point of view, the book first introduces the basis of finite volume, weighted residual, and spectral approaches. The contributors present the SPH method, a novel approach of computational fluid dynamics based on the mesh-free technique, and then improve the method using an arbitrary Lagrange Euler (ALE) formalism. They also explain how to improve the accuracy of the mesh-free integration procedure, with special emphasis on the finite volume particle method (FVPM). After describing numerical algorithms for compressible computational fluid dynamics, the text discusses the prediction of turbulent complex flows in environmental and engineering problems. The last chapter explores the modeling and numerical simulation of free surface flows, including future behaviors of glaciers. The diverse applications discussed in this book illustrate the importance of numerical methods in fluid mechanics. With research continually evolving in the field, there is no doubt that new techniques and tools will emerge to offer greater accuracy and speed in solving and analyzing even more fluid flow problems.
This book covers work written by leading scholars from different schools within the research area of paraconsistency. The authors critically investigate how contemporary paraconsistent logics can be used to better understand human reasoning in science and mathematics. Offering a variety of perspectives, they shed a new light on the question of whether paraconsistent logics can function as the underlying logics of inconsistent but useful scientific and mathematical theories. The great variety of paraconsistent logics gives rise to various, interrelated questions, such as what are the desiderata a paraconsistent logic should satisfy, is there prospect of a universal approach to paraconsistent reasoning with axiomatic theories, and to what extent is reasoning about sets structurally analogous to reasoning about truth. Furthermore, the authors consider paraconsistent logic's status as either a normative or descriptive discipline (or one which falls in between) and which inconsistent but non-trivial axiomatic theories are well understood by which types of paraconsistent approaches. This volume addresses such questions from different perspectives in order to (i) obtain a representative overview of the state of the art in the philosophical debate on paraconsistency, (ii) come up with fresh ideas for the future of paraconsistency, and most importantly (iii) provide paraconsistent logic with a stronger philosophical foundation, taking into account the developments within the different schools of paraconsistency.
This English edition of Yuri I. Manin's well-received lecture notes provides a concise but extremely lucid exposition of the basics of algebraic geometry and sheaf theory. The lectures were originally held in Moscow in the late 1960s, and the corresponding preprints were widely circulated among Russian mathematicians. This book will be of interest to students majoring in algebraic geometry and theoretical physics (high energy physics, solid body, astrophysics) as well as to researchers and scholars in these areas. "This is an excellent introduction to the basics of Grothendieck's theory of schemes; the very best first reading about the subject that I am aware of. I would heartily recommend every grad student who wants to study algebraic geometry to read it prior to reading more advanced textbooks."- Alexander Beilinson
This text consists of a sequence of problems which develop a variety of aspects in the field of semigroupsof operators. Many of the problems are not found easily in other books. Written in the Socratic/Moore method, this is a problem book without the answers presented. To get the most out of the content requires high motivation from the reader to work out the exercises. The reader is given the opportunity to discover important developments of the subject and to quickly arrive at the point of independent research. The compactness of the volume and the reputation of the author lends this consider set of problems to be a 'classic' in the making. This text is highly recommended for us as supplementary material for 3 graduate level courses.
Iterative Splitting Methods for Differential Equations explains how to solve evolution equations via novel iterative-based splitting methods that efficiently use computational and memory resources. It focuses on systems of parabolic and hyperbolic equations, including convection-diffusion-reaction equations, heat equations, and wave equations. In the theoretical part of the book, the author discusses the main theorems and results of the stability and consistency analysis for ordinary differential equations. He then presents extensions of the iterative splitting methods to partial differential equations and spatial- and time-dependent differential equations. The practical part of the text applies the methods to benchmark and real-life problems, such as waste disposal, elastics wave propagation, and complex flow phenomena. The book also examines the benefits of equation decomposition. It concludes with a discussion on several useful software packages, including r3t and FIDOS. Covering a wide range of theoretical and practical issues in multiphysics and multiscale problems, this book explores the benefits of using iterative splitting schemes to solve physical problems. It illustrates how iterative operator splitting methods are excellent decomposition methods for obtaining higher-order accuracy.
Most papers published in this volume are based on lectures presented at the Chico Conference on Semigroups held on the Chico campus of the Cal ifornia State University on April 10-12, 1986. The conference was spon sored by the California State University, Chico in cooperation with the Engineering Computer Sciences Department of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. The program included seven 50-minute addresses and seventeen 30-minute lectures. Speakers were invited by the organizing committee consisting of S. M. Goberstein and P. M. Higgins. The purpose of the conference was to bring together some of the leading researchers in the area of semigroup theory for a discussion of major recent developments in the field. The algebraic theory of semigroups is growing so rapidly and new important results are being produced at such a rate that the need for another meeting was well justified. It was hoped that the conference would help to disseminate new results more rapidly among those working in semi groups and related areas and that the exchange of ideas would stimulate research in the subject even further. These hopes were realized beyond all expectations."
Domain theory is a rich interdisciplinary area at the intersection of logic, computer science, and mathematics. This volume contains selected papers presented at the International Symposium on Domain Theory which took place in Shanghai in October 1999. Topics of papers range from the encounters between topology and domain theory, sober spaces, Lawson topology, real number computability and continuous functionals to fuzzy modelling, logic programming, and pi-calculi. This book is a valuable reference for researchers and students interested in this rapidly developing area of theoretical computer science.
Per Martin-Loef's work on the development of constructive type theory has been of huge significance in the fields of logic and the foundations of mathematics. It is also of broader philosophical significance, and has important applications in areas such as computing science and linguistics. This volume draws together contributions from researchers whose work builds on the theory developed by Martin-Loef over the last twenty-five years. As well as celebrating the anniversary of the birth of the subject it covers many of the diverse fields which are now influenced by type theory. It is an invaluable record of areas of current activity, but also contains contributions from N. G. de Bruijn and William Tait, both important figures in the early development of the subject. Also published for the first time is one of Per Martin-Loef's earliest papers.
It is known that many control processes are characterized by both quantitative and qualitative complexity. Tbe quantitative complexity is usually expressed in a large number of state variables, respectively high dimensional mathematical model. Tbe qualitative complexity is usually associated with uncertain behaviour, respectively approximately known mathematical model. If the above two aspects of complexity are considered separately, the corresponding control problem can be easily solved. On one hand, large scale systems theory has existed for more than 20 years and has proved its capabilities in solving high dimensional control problems on the basis of decomposition, hierarchy, decentralization and multilayers. On the other hand, the fuzzy linguistic approach is almost at the same age and has shown its advantages in solving approximately formulated control problems on the basis of linguistic reasoning and logical inference. However, if both aspects of complexity are considered together, the corresponding control problem becomes non-trivial and does not have an easy solution. Modem control theory and practice have reacted accordingly to the above mentioned new cballenges of tbe day by utilizing the latest achievements in computer technology and artificial intelligence distributed computation and intelligent operation. In this respect, a new field has emerged in the last decade, called " Distributed intelligent control systems" . However, the majority of the familiar works in this field are still either on an empirical or on a conceptual level and this is a significant drawback.
Problems in decision making and in other areas such as pattern recogni tion, control, structural engineering etc. involve numerous aspects of uncertainty. Additional vagueness is introduced as models become more complex but not necessarily more meaningful by the added details. During the last two decades one has become more and more aware of the fact that not all this uncertainty is of stochastic (random) cha racter and that, therefore, it can not be modelled appropriately by probability theory. This becomes the more obvious the more we want to represent formally human knowledge. As far as uncertain data are concerned, we have neither instru ments nor reasoning at our disposal as well defined and unquestionable as those used in the probability theory. This almost infallible do main is the result of a tremendous work by the whole scientific world. But when measures are dubious, bad or no longer possible and when we really have to make use of the richness of human reasoning in its variety, then the theories dealing with the treatment of uncertainty, some quite new and other ones older, provide the required complement, and fill in the gap left in the field of knowledge representation. Nowadays, various theories are widely used: fuzzy sets, belief function, the convenient associations between probability and fuzzines~ etc *** We are more and more in need of a wide range of instruments and theories to build models that are more and more adapted to the most complex systems.
hiS volume in the Synthese Library Series is the result of a conference T held at the University of Roskilde, Denmark, October 31st-November 1st, 1997. The aim was to provide a forum within which philosophers, math ematicians, logicians and historians of mathematics could exchange ideas pertaining to the historical and philosophical development of proof theory. Hence the conference was called Proof Theory: History and Philosophical Significance. To quote from the conference abstract: Proof theory was developed as part of Hilberts Programme. According to Hilberts Programme one could provide mathematics with a firm and se cure foundation by formalizing all of mathematics and subsequently prove consistency of these formal systems by finitistic means. Hence proof theory was developed as a formal tool through which this goal should be fulfilled. It is well known that Hilbert's Programme in its original form was unfeasible mainly due to Gtldel's incompleteness theorems. Additionally it proved impossible to formalize all of mathematics and impossible to even prove the consistency of relatively simple formalized fragments of mathematics by finitistic methods. In spite of these problems, Gentzen showed that by extending Hilbert's proof theory it would be possible to prove the consistency of interesting formal systems, perhaps not by finitis tic methods but still by methods of minimal strength. This generalization of Hilbert's original programme has fueled modern proof theory which is a rich part of mathematical logic with many significant implications for the philosophy of mathematics."
This impressive volume is dedicated to Mel Nathanson, a leading authoritative expert for several decades in the area of combinatorial and additive number theory. For several decades, Mel Nathanson's seminal ideas and results in combinatorial and additive number theory have influenced graduate students and researchers alike. The invited survey articles in this volume reflect the work of distinguished mathematicians in number theory, and represent a wide range of important topics in current research.
The importance of having ef cient and effective methods for data mining and kn- ledge discovery (DM&KD), to which the present book is devoted, grows every day and numerous such methods have been developed in recent decades. There exists a great variety of different settings for the main problem studied by data mining and knowledge discovery, and it seems that a very popular one is formulated in terms of binary attributes. In this setting, states of nature of the application area under consideration are described by Boolean vectors de ned on some attributes. That is, by data points de ned in the Boolean space of the attributes. It is postulated that there exists a partition of this space into two classes, which should be inferred as patterns on the attributes when only several data points are known, the so-called positive and negative training examples. The main problem in DM&KD is de ned as nding rules for recognizing (cl- sifying) new data points of unknown class, i. e. , deciding which of them are positive and which are negative. In other words, to infer the binary value of one more attribute, called the goal or class attribute. To solve this problem, some methods have been suggested which construct a Boolean function separating the two given sets of positive and negative training data points.
The book presents surveys describing recent developments in most of the primary subfields of General Topology, and its applications to Algebra and Analysis during the last decade, following the previous editions (North Holland, 1992 and 2002). The book was prepared in connection with the Prague Topological Symposium, held in 2011. During the last 10 years the focus in General Topology changed and therefore the selection of topics differs from that chosen in 2002. The following areas experienced significant developments: Fractals, Coarse Geometry/Topology, Dimension Theory, Set Theoretic Topology and Dynamical Systems.
The forms and scope of logic rest on assumptions of how language and reasoning connect to experience. In this volume an analysis of meaning and truth provides a foundation for studying modern propositional and predicate logics. Chapters on propositional logic, parsing propositions, and meaning, truth and reference give a basis for criteria that can be used to judge formalizations of ordinary language arguments. Over 120 worked examples of formalizations of propositions and arguments illustrate the scope and limitations of modern logic, as analyzed in chapters on identity, quantifiers, descriptive names, functions, and second-order logic. The chapter on second-order logic illustrates how different conceptions of predicates and propositions do not lead to a common basis for quantification over predicates, as they do for quantification over things. Notable for its clarity of presentation, and supplemented by many exercises, this volume is suitable for philosophers, linguists, mathematicians, and computer scientists who wish to better understand the tools they use in formalizing reasoning.
Th e vari a t i on al s p li ne t heo ry w h ic h orig i na t es from th e w ell-kn own p ap er b y J. e . Hollid a y ( 1957) i s t od a y a we ll- deve lo pe d fi eld in a p pr o x - mat i o n t he o ry . T he ge ne ra l d efinition of s p l i nes in t he Hilb er t s pace , - i st ence , uniquen e s s , and ch ar a c t eriz a tion t he o re ms w ere obt ain ed a b o ut 35 ye a r s ago b y M . A t t ei a , P . J . Laur en t , a n d P . M. An selon e , bu t in r e cent y e a r s important n e w r esult s h a v e b e en ob t ain ed in th e a bst ract va r i a t i o n a l s p l i ne theor y .
This is the first treatment in book format of proof-theoretic transformations - known as proof interpretations - that focuses on applications to ordinary mathematics. It covers both the necessary logical machinery behind the proof interpretations that are used in recent applications as well as - via extended case studies - carrying out some of these applications in full detail. This subject has historical roots in the 1950s. This book for the first time tells the whole story.
This monograph provides a theoretical treatment of the problems related to the embeddability of graphs. Among these problems are the planarity and planar embeddings of a graph, the Gaussian crossing problem, the isomorphisms of polyhedra, surface embeddability, problems concerning graphic and cographic matroids and the knot problem from topology to combinatorics are discussed. Rectilinear embeddability, and the net-embeddability of a graph, which appears from the VSLI circuit design and has been much improved by the author recently, is also illustrated. Furthermore, some optimization problems related to planar and rectilinear embeddings of graphs, including those of finding the shortest convex embedding with a boundary condition and the shortest triangulation for given points on the plane, the bend and the area minimizations of rectilinear embeddings, and several kinds of graph decompositions are specially described for conditions efficiently solvable. At the end of each chapter, the Notes Section sets out the progress of related problems, the background in theory and practice, and some historical remarks. Some open problems with suggestions for their solutions are mentioned for further research.
From the Introduction: "We shall base our discussion on a set-theoretical foundation like that used in developing analysis, or algebra, or topology. We may consider our task as that of giving a mathematical analysis of the basic concepts of logic and mathematics themselves. Thus we treat mathematical and logical practice as given empirical data and attempt to develop a purely mathematical theory of logic abstracted from these data." There are 31 chapters in 5 parts and approximately 320 exercises marked by difficulty and whether or not they are necessary for further work in the book.
Logic and the Modalities in the Twentieth Century is an
indispensable research tool for anyone interested in the
development of logic, including researchers, graduate and senior
undergraduate students in logic, history of logic, mathematics,
history of mathematics, computer science and artificial
intelligence, linguistics, cognitive science, argumentation theory,
philosophy, and the history of ideas.
This research text addresses the logical aspects of the visualization of information with papers especially commissioned for this book. The authors explore the logical properties of diagrams, charts, maps, and the like, and their use in problem solving and in teaching basic reasoning skills. As computers make visual presentations of information even more commonplace,it becomes increasingly important for the research community to develop an understanding of such tools.
*An emphasis on the art of proof. *Enhanced number theory chapter presents some easily accessible but still-unsolved problems. These include the Goldbach conjecture, the twin-prime conjecture, and so forth. *The discussion of equivalence relations is revised to present reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity before we define equivalence relations. *The discussion of the RSA cryptosystem in Chapter 10 is expanded. *The author introduces groups much earlier, as this is an incisive example of an axiomatic theory. Coverage of group theory, formerly in Chapter 11, has been moved up, this is an incisive example of an axiomatic theory.
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications RANDOM SETS: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS is based on the proceedings of a very successful 1996 three-day Summer Program on "Application and Theory of Random Sets." We would like to thank the scientific organizers: John Goutsias (Johns Hopkins University), Ronald P.S. Mahler (Lockheed Martin), and Hung T. Nguyen (New Mexico State University) for their excellent work as organizers of the meeting and for editing the proceedings. We also take this opportunity to thank the Army Research Office (ARO), the Office ofNaval Research (0NR), and the Eagan, MinnesotaEngineering Center ofLockheed Martin Tactical Defense Systems, whose financial support made the summer program possible. Avner Friedman Robert Gulliver v PREFACE "Later generations will regard set theory as a disease from which one has recovered. " - Henri Poincare Random set theory was independently conceived by D.G. Kendall and G. Matheron in connection with stochastic geometry. It was however G. |
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