Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Pharmacology > Medical toxicology
This text focuses on research procedures in toxicology, aiming to
illustrate toxicological concepts and types of toxicity from a
mechanistic point of view. Mechanistic research in toxicology leads
not only to a greater understanding of the biology involved, but
also the means to design substances with selectivity between
species and minimal undesirable side effects. Examples of chemical
intoxicants are used to illustrate mechanisms in each stage of
developing toxicity.
This volume brings together all aspects of TAXOLA(R) research,
development, and clinical use. It provides comprehensive knowledge
of the compound and a perspective of the complex interrelationships
needed for its development and production. Each chapter is written
by an authority in the field. Chapters are carefully coordinated to
maximize information on key topics while avoiding overlap and
duplication. Previously unpublished material is presented along
with thorough reviews of each topic.
Lead Poisoning discusses one of the most critical and preventable
environmentally induced illnesses. The actual toll lead poisoning
takes on society cannot be measured fully due to the "silent"
nature of health effects, such as subtle intellectual deficits and
neurological damage, caused by chronic low-level exposures. This
book covers every major topic on the subject, including lead
poisoning in children, sources of contamination, state-of-the-art
sampling and analytical measurement methods, the newest studies on
low-cost abatement methods, and much more. This reference is the
most comprehensive presentation of issues currently available under
one cover.
The text is divided into three major parts. Part I provides
insights from studies assessing lead exposures from paint, dust,
soil, and lead battery recycling operations. The second part is a
unique collection of strategic federal policy statements from the
U.S. EPA, HUD, and HEW-CDC. It details the National Implementation
Plan as well as a local government's efforts to provide low-cost
effective risk communication and public outreach to the community.
The next part offers seven chapters on analytical issues in the
measurement of lead in blood, paint, dust, and soils. Part IV,
Sampling Methods and Statistical Issues, rounds out the technical
portion of the volume. The relationships among lead levels in
biological and environmental media are investigated and the
interpretive problems discussed. The use of multi-element analysis
of environmental samples as an approach to investigate sources is
The book finishes with its most unique feature-OPPT's Check Our
Kids for Lead Program, one organization's effort to empower its
employees to make a personal difference in confronting the problem
of lead poisoning in children. The Program serves as a model for
other government organizations (federal, state, and local),
university and community organizations, and corporations to educate
them and take personal and corporate responsibility for addressing
this important and environmental health problem.
Highlighting activated charcoal's great effectiveness in treating
drug overdoses and poisonings in both humans and animals, this
comprehensive, single-source reference brings together vital
information from every significant study on the use of activated
charcoal for medical purposes-describing all available charcoal
products and their characteristics.
Details activated charcoal's ability to reduce the systemic
absorption of a vast array of drugs, chemicals, and biochemical
substances-including analgesics, antipyretics, sedatives,
alkaloids, snake venoms, and bacterial and fungal toxins.
The book summarizes and reviews the environmental and human safety
of two classes of nonionic surfactants-alcohol ethoxylates (AE) and
alkylphenol ethoxylates (APE). This unique resource contains
critical data from published sources as well as from unpublished
studies submitted by Soap and Detergent Association member
companies. It reviews information on product chemistry and
analysis, biodegradation, environmental levels (including fate and
distribution), aquatic toxicity, and human safety. Recently
developed analytical techniques for the extraction, separation,
detection, and measurement of nonionic surfactants and their
metabolites in environmental samples are described.
Results of biodegradation studies performed with a variety of test
systems are tabulated, as are results of field studies at
wastewater treatment plants. Reported comparisons of environmental
levels with results of acute and chronic aquatic toxicity tests are
provided. The information on the toxicity and irritation potential
of AE and APE surfactants includes data from in vitro, mammalian,
and human studies.
Genetic disease contributes to a major portion of our health care
costs. While most of the human genetic burden is transmitted from
generation to generation, environmental chemicals capable of
reacting with germ cell DNA could produce new mutations, resulting
in an even greater genetic liability for the next generation. The
potential impact of environmental mutagens on the health and
viability of other living things is important to consider as well.
Methods for Genetic Risk Assessment features contributions from
international experts to provide a comprehensive review of the
current status of genetic risk assessment. You'll learn about
various methods and strategies for when and how to conduct genetic
risk assessments on human populations. You will also learn about
the potential effects of environmental genotoxins on nonhuman
organisms. Topics considered include:
Chemical Intolerance identifies phenolic (aromatic) chemical
compounds present in natural foodstuffs, pollens, certain food
additives, tobacco smoke, perfumes, air pollution, etc., as
nonimmunologic, but pharmacologic activators of allergic reactions
in chemically intolerant individuals. Biochemical pathway
sequences, with supporting scientific literature, are outlined to
elucidate the mechanisms associated with formation of inflammatory
mediators (prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes) upon
activation by phenolic compounds and other chemical stimulants. The
role of these inflammatory agents in respiratory, gastrointestinal,
neurological, cardiovascular, and other disorders is discussed.
Treatment modalities using precise dosages of selected phenolic
compounds are outlined to provide clinicians with an effective
means of therapy. The author also shares his own experience and
personal findings based on 20 years of research, including his
recommendations for therapy.
This resource discusses all aspects of food poisoning and its
sources such as bacteria, plant, and fungus - presenting the
pathogens and food toxins in detail.;Featuring contributions from
over 30 leading authorities in the field, Food Poisoning ...:
describes bacterial food contaminants including staphylococcal,
salmonellae, E. coli, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus,
cholera, and botulism; covers the prevention and treatment of
mushroom and other poisonings from grains and plant-type foods;
explains how to aid allergic reactions resulting from eating
certain foods; identifies which kinds of seafood may cause severe
poisoning; explores teratogenic aspects of food poisoning,
outlining which foods pregnant women should avoid; and shows how
those sensitive to nitrosamines can avoid such food
poisoning.;Extensively referenced with more than 2200 literature
citations, Volume 7: Food Poisoning serves as essential reading for
toxicologists, microbiologists, dietitians and nutritionists,
public health officials, food scientists and technologists,
agricultural chemists and biochemists, bacteriologists, and
graduate-level students in food science and toxicology.
This book is a compilation of experimentally determined solubility
ranges of over 1,700 compounds in the National Toxicology Program's
Chemical Repository. Each compound's solubility was determined in a
consistent manner in one to six solvents. Solvents chosen were
those most commonly used for toxicology studies, spill cleanups,
and chemical synthesis or chemical reaction experiments. These
solvents include acetone, 95% ethanol, water, dimethyl sulfoxide,
methanol, and toluene. Data for many of the research and industrial
chemicals featured in this volume do not exist anywhere else. If
you are a toxicologist, safety professional, industrial hygienist,
or chemist, this book is a valuable reference tool you'll find
yourself using every day.
Human interaction with the environment remains one of the most
pervasive facets of modern society. In a world characterized by
rapid population growth, unprecedented global trade and digital
communications, energy security, natural resource scarcities,
climatic changes and environmental quality, emerging diseases and
public health, biodiversity and habitat modifications are routinely
touted by the popular press as they canvas global political agendas
and scholarly endeavors.
Lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium are major toxic metals. All are
environmental pollutants that can inflict harm on humans and other
living creatures as well as adversely affect our air, water, soil,
and food supply. They can poison not only us but also our progeny
developing in the womb. They can break down the body's basic
functions. This book describes the unique characteristics of each
of the four major toxic metals, identifies the likely sources of
our exposure, and offers in-depth, evidence based information,
methods to test for its presence, and therapies to rid ti from our
This comprehensive treatise offers an in-depth discussion of
natural toxicants in plants, emphasizing their effects as defenses
against herbivory. Coevolution of plants and her-bivores are
covered with a detailed treatment of toxicant metabolism and
systemic effects in mammalian tissues. Con-sideration of the
economic importance of plant toxins, modi-fication by plant
breeding, management of toxico-sis, and toxicant problems in
various geographic areas are in-cluded. Each volume offers an
extensive description of chemistry, biosynthesis, analysis,
distribution in plants, metabolism in mam-mals and insects, and
practical problems in humans and livestock.
Explains how short-term infections from foodborne diseases can lead
to long-term health issues. Details food-processing to agricultural
practices, global warming and imported foods. This book is an
eye-opener for anyone concerned with the safety of our food
In Foodborne Diseases, leading authorities present a broad
overview of the microbial pathogens and toxins associated with
foodborne illness while discussing pathogenicity, clinical
epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment. The chapters of this volume
cover a wide variety of bacterial pathogens, viruses, protozoans,
and parasites, as well as microbial toxins, and also address
alternatives to antibiotics, risk assessment, irradiation and other
sanitation procedures, and molecular techniques for detecting
foodborne pathogens. Additionally, the acclaimed authors discuss
pathogen control strategies and look toward future innovations in
food safety technology.
Covering essential foodborne pathogens, assessment and
treatment, Foodborne Diseases is an essential reference for
infectious disease specialists, microbiologists, and industrial and
research-based scientists in food safety.
When our bodies start accumulating toxins faster than they can be
eliminated, our tissues begin to store them. These stored toxins
initiate degenerative processes that can lead to diseases such as
cancer, heart disease, and arthritis. Chelating agents-substances
that latch on to and carry toxins out of the body-can help free us
of this destructive load. In this book, the authors discuss the
proper use of oral and intravenous chelating agents.
For almost half a century, Dr. Joe Pizzorno has taught tens of
thousands of students and doctors, authored or co-authored 11
books, written over 100 articles in scientific journals, and cared
for tens of thousands of patients either directly or indirectly. As
a leading pioneer of integrative medicine, he's convinced that that
there are two key determinants of whether or not you will enjoy
health today, tomorrow, and lifelong: 1. The extent of your
exposure to toxins and 2. Your ability to process the toxins that
are absorbed into your body. While lifestyle, diet, and genetics
all play a major role in your health, many of the primary symptoms
of declining health and chronic disease start with toxic overload.
The human body has an innate capacity to detoxify; however, we are
exposed today to a level of consumer, agricultural, and industrial
toxins that our bodies never evolved to handle. Over a lifetime,
this toxic overload contributes to diseases once rare that are now
epidemic in people of all ages. The Toxin Solution offers readers
the proven detox and tailored protocols Pizzorno has developed to
release toxic overload and restore health. Readers will also learn
how to avoid toxins (wherever possible) as they progressively
release them from their cells, tissues, fat stores, and liver. In
just eight weeks, The Toxin Solution will: * Teach you to avoid
toxins in food and the products you use. * Help repair your liver,
gut, kidneys, and prepare for detox. * Support your body in
releasing the chemicals. * Repair some of the damage toxins have
caused. Our parents and grandparents undoubtedly faced their own
unique stressors, but they were nothing like the barrage of
chemicals, heavy metals, radiation, electromagnetic frequencies,
and pollution that batter us today. Fortunately, our bodies have a
tremendous capacity to remain vital, bounce back (and even heal
themselves). And as you follow The Toxin Solution, you will
discover how releasing and avoiding toxins will help you to feel
radically better today-and for the rest of your life.
Thresholds of Genotoxic Carcinogens: From Mechanisms to Regulation
brings together current opinion and research activities from Japan,
the US, and Europe on the subject of genotoxic thresholds. In
regulation, it is an adage that genotoxic carcinogens have no
thresholds for action, and that they impose cancer risk on humans
even at very low levels. This policy is frequently called into
question as humans possess a number of defense mechanisms including
detoxication, DNA repair, and apoptosis, meaning there is a
threshold at which these genotoxic carcinogens take action. The
book examines these potential thresholds, describing the potential
cancer risks of daily low-level exposure, the mechanisms involved
(such as DNA repair, detoxication, translesion DNA synthesis),
chemical and statistical methods of analysis, and the ways in which
these may be utilized to inform policy. Thresholds of Genotoxic
Carcinogens: From Mechanisms to Regulation is an essential
reference for any professional researchers in genetic toxicology
and those involved in toxicological regulation.
Hazardous agents are an ongoing concern in the modern workplace,
with many examples of workers being severely affected by chemicals
as a result of both acute and chronic exposure. Occupational
Toxicology, 2nd Edition introduces the basics of toxicology that
underpin the application of toxicological information to the
workplace environment. The book contains chapters on the most
important workplace exposures such as metals, pesticides, solvents,
plastics, gases, and particulate matter, as well as the organs
likely to be affected. The lungs and the skin are given individual
consideration as common sites of injury and disease caused by
exposure to chemicals. Genotoxicity and cancer are also singled out
for particular attention due to ongoing concern about
cancer-related effects of chemicals. Important fields interfacing
with occupational toxicology - hygiene, epidemiology, and
occupational medicine - are also covered to assist the reader in
understanding the necessity of cross-discipline considerations in
dealing with workplace exposures. This practical approach makes
this book particularly valuable to students of toxicology as well
as to occupational health and safety professionals at all levels.
The use of nanoparticles in medicine, industrial, and other
applications has triggered an interest in their potential. This
book explores the use of nanoparticles related to their occurrence
in the environment, their impact on biota in aquatic systems,
application of new methodologies, and changes associated with new
global scenarios. The book also covers the bioaccumulation and
internalization of nanoparticles as key aspects to assess their
uptake and discusses the methodologies for testing ENPs ecotoxicity
at different trophic levels.
Brainstorming Questions in Toxicology is designed to serve as a
comprehensive, quick reference supplement for various examinations
that include sections on toxicology. It reflects the breadth and
multidisciplinary nature of toxicology with an objective approach
to the subject. With 3500 short questions and answers, multiple
choice questions, true/false or correct/incorrect statements, fill
in the blanks, and matching the statements, this book is a helpful
tool for students, teachers and toxicologists preparing for
licensure and certification exams. It is also a resource or
refresher for toxicologists working in pharmacy, medical, clinical
and forensic toxicology, veterinary, and other related fields such
as environment and eco-toxicology. Key Features: Serves as a
refresher for academicians and professionals in the field of
toxicology Provides an essential guide for the student who needs a
study aid for toxicology and the teacher of toxicology who needs
inspiration when composing questions for their students Supplements
in-house training courses in toxicology that exist in some
pharmaceutical and chemical industries
This book provides an overview of historical and contemporary cases
of homicidal poisoning. While homicidal poisoning is sometimes
thought of as a thing of the past, it continues to be a
contemporary problem, and in fact the unknown offender rate for
poisoning cases is 20-30 times that of other homicide types in
contemporary research, and many poisoners commit serial homicides
while going undetected.The author of this important and timely work
explores the theoretical bases for understanding homicidal
poisoning, the nature of poisons used in homicidal cases, the
characteristics of poisoners and their victims, and techniques for
detection and prevention. This unique book will be of particular
interest to: students of criminology (classes dealing with criminal
psychology, and murder investigation); students of the history of
crime; criminal justice professionals: attorneys, homicide
detectives, forensic pathologists, forensic and clinical
toxicologists, and other forensic investigators; and all interested
in poisons, poisoners and the detection of poisoning. It has
relevance to criminology, law and policing, toxicology and forensic
science, the history of crime and detection, and criminal
psychology. Endorsements: "A most welcomed addition to the
important subject of the criminal poisoner. The author has done a
fantastic job of researching the world literature, and distilling
it down for the reader. The work is very well referenced, and
provides critical information for law enforcement, forensic
pathologists, and others, that could be dealing with the criminal
poisoner." John H. Trestrail IIIToxicologistLos Lunas, New Mexico
USA "Dr Michael Farrell has produced a comprehensive and
authoritative work on a most serious but often overlooked aspect of
criminal assault - the act of poisoning. In the Criminology of
Homicidal Poisoning, Farrell seamlessly weaves together the facts
about poisons and their use as an instrument of homicide with the
context of the larger issue of murder. By examining the poisoner
and the victim, the reader is provided a depth of understanding
about how a deadly outcome arose and why the choice was made to
employ poison to get the grisly job done. With criminal homicide by
poisoning making up a small percentage of known crimes, the danger
of insufficient scholarly attention is present. Dr Michael Farrell
makes a significant contribution to ensure against this potential.
As a homicide researcher, I know Criminology of Homicidal Poisoning
will join the works I turn to in understanding the nuances of the
how and why of homicide." Dr Richard M. Hough, Sr., Criminology and
Criminal Justice and Public Administration Program Coordinator,
University of West Florida, US "This comprehensive text links
forensic toxicology with criminology, making a solid contribution
to both fields. Farrell not only describes how homicidal poisoning
fits the most popular criminological theories for why people kill
but also examines the nature and lethality of various poisons,
identifies trends in poisoning, provides a history, and shows
offender traits and victim characteristics. In addition, he
discusses issues for investigators and prosecutors who will be
taking a poisoning case to trial." Katherine Ramsland Professor of
forensic psychology at DeSales University, PennsylvaniaPsychology