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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Numerical analysis
This book provides a comprehensive account of the glowworm swarm optimization (GSO) algorithm, including details of the underlying ideas, theoretical foundations, algorithm development, various applications, and MATLAB programs for the basic GSO algorithm. It also discusses several research problems at different levels of sophistication that can be attempted by interested researchers. The generality of the GSO algorithm is evident in its application to diverse problems ranging from optimization to robotics. Examples include computation of multiple optima, annual crop planning, cooperative exploration, distributed search, multiple source localization, contaminant boundary mapping, wireless sensor networks, clustering, knapsack, numerical integration, solving fixed point equations, solving systems of nonlinear equations, and engineering design optimization. The book is a valuable resource for researchers as well as graduate and undergraduate students in the area of swarm intelligence and computational intelligence and working on these topics.
This book presents papers surrounding the extensive discussions that took place from the 'Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering' workshop held at the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture in 2015. Contributions to this volume focus on advanced mathematical methods in aerospace engineering and industrial engineering such as computational fluid dynamics methods, optimization methods in aerodynamics, optimum controls, dynamic systems, the theory of structures, space missions, flight mechanics, control theory, algebraic geometry for CAD applications, and variational methods and applications. Advanced graduate students, researchers, and professionals in mathematics and engineering will find this volume useful as it illustrates current collaborative research projects in applied mathematics and aerospace engineering.
This volume focuses on contributions from both the mathematics and life science community surrounding the concepts of time and dynamicity of nature, two significant elements which are often overlooked in modeling process to avoid exponential computations. The book is divided into three distinct parts: dynamics of genomes and genetic variation, dynamics of motifs, and dynamics of biological networks. Chapters included in dynamics of genomes and genetic variation analyze the molecular mechanisms and evolutionary processes that shape the structure and function of genomes and those that govern genome dynamics. The dynamics of motifs portion of the volume provides an overview of current methods for motif searching in DNA, RNA and proteins, a key process to discover emergent properties of cells, tissues, and organisms. The part devoted to the dynamics of biological networks covers networks aptly discusses networks in complex biological functions and activities that interpret processes in cells. Moreover, chapters in this section examine several mathematical models and algorithms available for integration, analysis, and characterization. Once life scientists began to produce experimental data at an unprecedented pace, it become clear that mathematical models were necessary to interpret data, to structure information with the aim to unveil biological mechanisms, discover results, and make predictions. The second annual "Bringing Maths to Life" workshop held in Naples, Italy October 2015, enabled a bi-directional flow of ideas from and international group of mathematicians and biologists. The venue allowed mathematicians to introduce novel algorithms, methods, and software that may be useful to model aspects of life science, and life scientists posed new challenges for mathematicians.
The contributions in this volume cover a broad range of topics including maximum cliques, graph coloring, data mining, brain networks, Steiner forest, logistic and supply chain networks. Network algorithms and their applications to market graphs, manufacturing problems, internet networks and social networks are highlighted. The "Fourth International Conference in Network Analysis," held at the Higher School of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod in May 2014, initiated joint research between scientists, engineers and researchers from academia, industry and government; the major results of conference participants have been reviewed and collected in this Work. Researchers and students in mathematics, economics, statistics, computer science and engineering will find this collection a valuable resource filled with the latest research in network analysis.
This volume contains selected papers authored by speakers and participants of the 2013 Arbeitstagung, held at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, Germany, from May 22-28. The 2013 meeting (and this resulting proceedings) was dedicated to the memory of Friedrich Hirzebruch, who passed away on May 27, 2012. Hirzebruch organized the first Arbeitstagung in 1957 with a unique concept that would become its most distinctive feature: the program was not determined beforehand by the organizers, but during the meeting by all participants in an open discussion. This ensured that the talks would be on the latest developments in mathematics and that many important results were presented at the conference for the first time. Written by leading mathematicians, the papers in this volume cover various topics from algebraic geometry, topology, analysis, operator theory, and representation theory and display the breadth and depth of pure mathematics that has always been characteristic of the Arbeitstagung.
This work provides the first classification theory of matrix-valued symmetry breaking operators from principal series representations of a reductive group to those of its subgroup.The study of symmetry breaking operators (intertwining operators for restriction) is an important and very active research area in modern representation theory, which also interacts with various fields in mathematics and theoretical physics ranging from number theory to differential geometry and quantum mechanics.The first author initiated a program of the general study of symmetry breaking operators. The present book pursues the program by introducing new ideas and techniques, giving a systematic and detailed treatment in the case of orthogonal groups of real rank one, which will serve as models for further research in other settings.In connection to automorphic forms, this work includes a proof for a multiplicity conjecture by Gross and Prasad for tempered principal series representations in the case (SO(n + 1, 1), SO(n, 1)). The authors propose a further multiplicity conjecture for nontempered representations.Viewed from differential geometry, this seminal work accomplishes the classification of all conformally covariant operators transforming differential forms on a Riemanniann manifold X to those on a submanifold in the model space (X, Y) = (Sn, Sn-1). Functional equations and explicit formulae of these operators are also established.This book offers a self-contained and inspiring introduction to the analysis of symmetry breaking operators for infinite-dimensional representations of reductive Lie groups. This feature will be helpful for active scientists and accessible to graduate students and young researchers in representation theory, automorphic forms, differential geometry, and theoretical physics.
This new edition offers a comprehensive introduction to the analysis of data using Bayes rule. It generalizes Gaussian error intervals to situations in which the data follow distributions other than Gaussian. This is particularly useful when the observed parameter is barely above the background or the histogram of multiparametric data contains many empty bins, so that the determination of the validity of a theory cannot be based on the chi-squared-criterion. In addition to the solutions of practical problems, this approach provides an epistemic insight: the logic of quantum mechanics is obtained as the logic of unbiased inference from counting data. New sections feature factorizing parameters, commuting parameters, observables in quantum mechanics, the art of fitting with coherent and with incoherent alternatives and fitting with multinomial distribution. Additional problems and examples help deepen the knowledge. Requiring no knowledge of quantum mechanics, the book is written on introductory level, with many examples and exercises, for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the physical sciences, planning to, or working in, fields such as medical physics, nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, and chaos.
This book explores finite element methods for incompressible flow problems: Stokes equations, stationary Navier-Stokes equations and time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations. It focuses on numerical analysis, but also discusses the practical use of these methods and includes numerical illustrations. It also provides a comprehensive overview of analytical results for turbulence models. The proofs are presented step by step, allowing readers to more easily understand the analytical techniques.
This book describes grouping detection and initiation; group initiation algorithm based on geometry center; data association and track continuity; as well as separate-detection and situation cognition for group-target. It specifies the tracking of the target in different quantities and densities. At the same time, it integrates cognition into the application. Group-target Tracking is designed as a book for advanced-level students and researchers in the area of radar systems, information fusion of multi-sensors and electronic countermeasures. It is also a valuable reference resource for professionals working in this field.
This first volume of the proceedings of the 8th conference on "Finite Volumes for Complex Applications" (Lille, June 2017) covers various topics including convergence and stability analysis, as well as investigations of these methods from the point of view of compatibility with physical principles. It collects together the focused invited papers comparing advanced numerical methods for Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations on a benchmark, as well as reviewed contributions from internationally leading researchers in the field of analysis of finite volume and related methods, offering a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in the field. The finite volume method in its various forms is a space discretization technique for partial differential equations based on the fundamental physical principle of conservation, and recent decades have brought significant advances in the theoretical understanding of the method. Many finite volume methods preserve further qualitative or asy mptotic properties, including maximum principles, dissipativity, monotone decay of free energy, and asymptotic stability. Due to these properties, finite volume methods belong to the wider class of compatible discretization methods, which preserve qualitative properties of continuous problems at the discrete level. This structural approach to the discretization of partial differential equations becomes particularly important for multiphysics and multiscale applications. The book is a valuable resource for researchers, PhD and master's level students in numerical analysis, scientific computing and related fields such as partial differential equations, as well as engineers working in numerical modeling and simulations.
This book will help future scientists to become more intelligent users of computing technology in their practice of science. The content is suitable for introductory courses on the foundations of computing and the specific application of computers in different areas of science. The text presents a set of modules for use in existing science courses in order to integrate individual aspects of computational thinking, as well as a set of modules introducing the computer science concepts needed to understand the computing involved. These modules guide science students in their independent learning. The book covers computing applications in such diverse areas as bioinformatics, chemical kinetics, hydrogeological modeling, and mechanics of materials, geographic information systems, flow analysis, the solving of equations, curve fitting, optimization, and scientific data acquisition. The computing topics covered include simulations, errors, data representation, algorithms, XMS, compression, databases, performance, and complexity.
Aimed at the community of mathematicians working on ordinary and partial differential equations, difference equations, and functional equations, this book contains selected papers based on the presentations at the International Conference on Differential & Difference Equations and Applications (ICDDEA) 2015, dedicated to the memory of Professor Georg Sell. Contributions include new trends in the field of differential and difference equations, applications of differential and difference equations, as well as high-level survey results. The main aim of this recurring conference series is to promote, encourage, cooperate, and bring together researchers in the fields of differential & difference equations. All areas of differential and difference equations are represented, with special emphasis on applications.
Since the days of Lev Pontryagin and his associates, the discipline of Optimal Control has enjoyed a tremendous upswing - not only in terms of its mathematical foundations, but also with regard to numerous fields of application, which have given rise to highly active research areas. Few scholars, however, have been able to make contributions to both the mathematical developments and the (socio-)economic applications; Vladimir Veliov is one of them. In the course of his scientific career, he has contributed highly influential research on mathematical aspects of Optimal Control Theory, as well as applications in Economics and Operations Research. One of the hallmarks of his research is its impressive breadth. This volume, published on the occasion of his 65th birthday, accurately reflects that diversity. The mathematical aspects covered include stability theory for difference inclusions, metric regularity, generalized duality theory, the Bolza problem from a functional analytic perspective, and fractional calculus. In turn, the book explores various applications of control theory, such as population dynamics, population economics, epidemiology, optimal growth theory, resource and energy economics, environmental management, and climate change. Further topics include optimal liquidity, dynamics of the firm, and wealth inequality.
This book focuses on the approximation of nonlinear equations using iterative methods. Nine contributions are presented on the construction and analysis of these methods, the coverage encompassing convergence, efficiency, robustness, dynamics, and applications. Many problems are stated in the form of nonlinear equations, using mathematical modeling. In particular, a wide range of problems in Applied Mathematics and in Engineering can be solved by finding the solutions to these equations. The book reveals the importance of studying convergence aspects in iterative methods and shows that selection of the most efficient and robust iterative method for a given problem is crucial to guaranteeing a good approximation. A number of sample criteria for selecting the optimal method are presented, including those regarding the order of convergence, the computational cost, and the stability, including the dynamics. This book will appeal to researchers whose field of interest is related to nonlinear problems and equations, and their approximation.
The Conference on Traffic and Granular Flow brings together international researchers from different fields ranging from physics to computer science and engineering to discuss the latest developments in traffic-related systems. Originally conceived to facilitate new ideas by considering the similarities of traffic and granular flow, TGF'15, organised by Delft University of Technology, now covers a broad range of topics related to driven particle and transport systems. Besides the classical topics of granular flow and highway traffic, its scope includes data transport (Internet traffic), pedestrian and evacuation dynamics, intercellular transport, swarm behaviour and the collective dynamics of other biological systems. Recent advances in modelling, computer simulation and phenomenology are presented, and prospects for applications, for example to traffic control, are discussed. The conference explores the interrelations between the above-mentioned fields and offers the opportunity to stimulate interdisciplinary research, exchange ideas, and meet many experts in these areas of research.
This book offers an up-to-date overview of the recently proposed theory of quantum isometry groups. Written by the founders, it is the first book to present the research on the "quantum isometry group", highlighting the interaction of noncommutative geometry and quantum groups, which is a noncommutative generalization of the notion of group of isometry of a classical Riemannian manifold. The motivation for this generalization is the importance of isometry groups in both mathematics and physics. The framework consists of Alain Connes' "noncommutative geometry" and the operator-algebraic theory of "quantum groups". The authors prove the existence of quantum isometry group for noncommutative manifolds given by spectral triples under mild conditions and discuss a number of methods for computing them. One of the most striking and profound findings is the non-existence of non-classical quantum isometry groups for arbitrary classical connected compact manifolds and, by using this, the authors explicitly describe quantum isometry groups of most of the noncommutative manifolds studied in the literature. Some physical motivations and possible applications are also discussed.
This book is an introduction to the theory, practice, and implementation of the Lattice Boltzmann (LB) method, a powerful computational fluid dynamics method that is steadily gaining attention due to its simplicity, scalability, extensibility, and simple handling of complex geometries. The book contains chapters on the method's background, fundamental theory, advanced extensions, and implementation. To aid beginners, the most essential paragraphs in each chapter are highlighted, and the introductory chapters on various LB topics are front-loaded with special "in a nutshell" sections that condense the chapter's most important practical results. Together, these sections can be used to quickly get up and running with the method. Exercises are integrated throughout the text, and frequently asked questions about the method are dealt with in a special section at the beginning. In the book itself and through its web page, readers can find example codes showing how the LB method can be implemented efficiently on a variety of hardware platforms, including multi-core processors, clusters, and graphics processing units. Students and scientists learning and using the LB method will appreciate the wealth of clearly presented and structured information in this volume.
The book addresses the problem of calculation of d-dimensional integrals (conditional expectations) in filter problems. It develops new methods of deterministic numerical integration, which can be used to speed up and stabilize filter algorithms. With the help of these methods, better estimates and predictions of latent variables are made possible in the fields of economics, engineering and physics. The resulting procedures are tested within four detailed simulation studies.
This highly comprehensive handbook provides a substantial advance in the computation of elementary and special functions of mathematics, extending the function coverage of major programming languages well beyond their international standards, including full support for decimal floating-point arithmetic. Written with clarity and focusing on the C language, the work pays extensive attention to little-understood aspects of floating-point and integer arithmetic, and to software portability, as well as to important historical architectures. It extends support to a future 256-bit, floating-point format offering 70 decimal digits of precision. Select Topics and Features: references an exceptionally useful, author-maintained MathCW website, containing source code for the book's software, compiled libraries for numerous systems, pre-built C compilers, and other related materials; offers a unique approach to covering mathematical-function computation using decimal arithmetic; provides extremely versatile appendices for interfaces to numerous other languages: Ada, C#, C++, Fortran, Java, and Pascal; presupposes only basic familiarity with computer programming in a common language, as well as early level algebra; supplies a library that readily adapts for existing scripting languages, with minimal effort; supports both binary and decimal arithmetic, in up to 10 different floating-point formats; covers a significant portion (with highly accurate implementations) of the U.S National Institute of Standards and Technology's 10-year project to codify mathematical functions. This highly practical text/reference is an invaluable tool for advanced undergraduates, recording many lessons of the intermingled history of computer hardw are and software, numerical algorithms, and mathematics. In addition, professional numerical analysts and others will find the handbook of real interest and utility because it builds on research by the mathematical software community over the last four decades.
The winding number is one of the most basic invariants in topology. It measures the number of times a moving point $P$ goes around a fixed point $Q$, provided that $P$ travels on a path that never goes through $Q$ and that the final position of $P$ is the same as its starting position. This simple idea has far-reaching applications. The reader of this book will learn how the winding number can help us show that every polynomial equation has a root (the fundamental theorem of algebra), guarantee a fair division of three objects in space by a single planar cut (the ham sandwich theorem), explain why every simple closed curve has an inside and an outside (the Jordan curve theorem), relate calculus to curvature and the singularities of vector fields (the Hopf index theorem), allow one to subtract infinity from infinity and get a finite answer (Toeplitz operators), generalize to give a fundamental and beautiful insight into the topology of matrix groups (the Bott periodicity theorem). All these subjects and more are developed starting only from mathematics that is common in final-year undergraduate courses. This book is published in cooperation with Mathematics Advanced Study Semesters.
This work reviews the most important results regarding the use of the -point in Scheduling Theory. It provides a number of different LP-relaxations for scheduling problems and seeks to explain their polyhedral consequences. It also explains the concept of the -point and how the conversion algorithm works, pointing out the relations to the sum of the weighted completion times. Lastly, the book explores the latest techniques used for many scheduling problems with different constraints, such as release dates, precedences, and parallel machines. This reference book is intended for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students who are interested in scheduling theory. It is also inspiring for researchers wanting to learn about sophisticated techniques and open problems of the field.
This volume is dedicated to the eminent Georgian mathematician Roland Duduchava on the occasion of his 70th birthday. It presents recent results on Toeplitz, Wiener-Hopf, and pseudodifferential operators, boundary value problems, operator theory, approximation theory, and reflects the broad spectrum of Roland Duduchava's research. The book is addressed to a wide audience of pure and applied mathematicians.
The book contains recent developments and contemporary research in mathematical analysis and in its application to problems arising from the biological and physical sciences. The book is of interest to readers who wish to learn of new research in such topics as linear and nonlinear analysis, mathematical biology and ecology, dynamical systems, graph theory, variational analysis and inequalities, functional analysis, differential and difference equations, partial differential equations, approximation theory, and chaos. All papers were prepared by participants at the International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Biology, Analysis and Applications (ICMBAA-2015) held during 4-6 June 2015 in Aligarh, India. A focal theme of the conference was the application of mathematics to the biological sciences and on current research in areas of theoretical mathematical analysis that can be used as sophisticated tools for the study of scientific problems. The conference provided researchers, academicians and engineers with a platform that encouraged them to exchange their innovative ideas in mathematical analysis and its applications as well as to form interdisciplinary collaborations. The content of the book is divided into three parts: Part I contains contributions from participants whose topics are related to nonlinear dynamics and its applications in biological sciences. Part II has contributions which concern topics on nonlinear analysis and its applications to a variety of problems in science, engineering and industry. Part III consists of contributions dealing with some problems in applied analysis.
This is the first book to cover GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures), a metaheuristic that has enjoyed wide success in practice with a broad range of applications to real-world combinatorial optimization problems. The state-of-the-art coverage and carefully crafted pedagogical style lends this book highly accessible as an introductory text not only to GRASP, but also to combinatorial optimization, greedy algorithms, local search, and path-relinking, as well as to heuristics and metaheuristics, in general. The focus is on algorithmic and computational aspects of applied optimization with GRASP with emphasis given to the end-user, providing sufficient information on the broad spectrum of advances in applied optimization with GRASP. For the more advanced reader, chapters on hybridization with path-relinking and parallel and continuous GRASP present these topics in a clear and concise fashion. Additionally, the book offers a very complete annotated bibliography of GRASP and combinatorial optimization. For the practitioner who needs to solve combinatorial optimization problems, the book provides a chapter with four case studies and implementable templates for all algorithms covered in the text. This book, with its excellent overview of GRASP, will appeal to researchers and practitioners of combinatorial optimization who have a need to find optimal or near optimal solutions to hard combinatorial optimization problems.
This book provides a comprehensive coverage of hybrid high-order methods for computational mechanics. The first three chapters offer a gentle introduction to the method and its mathematical foundations for the diffusion problem. The next four chapters address applications of increasing complexity in the field of computational mechanics: linear elasticity, hyperelasticity, wave propagation, contact, friction, and plasticity. The last chapter provides an overview of the main implementation aspects including some examples of Matlab code. The book is primarily intended for graduate students, researchers, and engineers working in related fields of application, and it can also be used as a support for graduate and doctoral lectures. |
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