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Edexcel's own Student Book for the new 2009 Edexcel International
GCSE Mathematics specification. Provides complete coverage of the
2009 Edexcel International GCSE Mathematics specification.
Attractive, full-colour design and engaging features makes the
title accessible for every student. Contains exam practice
throughout, with revision questions and practice exam questions.
Linked to additional online material for students and teachers,
provided by Edexcel, ensuring that you have as much support as
possible. Full answers to the Student Book questions are available
to teachers and parents by emailing [email protected]
(for UK teachers and parents) or [email protected] (for all
other teachers and parents).
Comprehensive coverage of the specification with a real focus on
both process skills and practice. Suitable for use at either Key
Stage 3 or 4, so teachers can teach the way they want to. Maths
topic-based chapters build confidence with Functional questions and
link to the GCSE. Packed with sources and graphics to bring maths
into the real world.
Number Book is a series of graded activity books designed to help
children learn basic calculation skills including addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division. Number Book 5 is suitable
for children making the transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2
and includes: multiplication and division by 4 and 5, vertical
addition and subtraction (involving borrowing and carrying),
recognition of coins to 50p, counting money to GBP1.00, giving
change, 'snake sums' (5-step number problems).
Comprehensive coverage of the specification with a real focus on
both process skills and practice. Suitable for use at either Key
Stage 3 or 4, so teachers can teach the way they want to. Maths
topic-based chapters build confidence with Functional questions and
link to the GCSE. Packed with sources and graphics to bring maths
into the real world.
The workbook has been was developed in compliance with the requirements
of the curriculum (CAPS).
This workbook pays attention to the vocabulary that the child must
repeat aloud to ensure that the child can speak English fluently by the
end of the Foundation Phase and can read graded reading material.
The written activities that the child has to complete in accordance
with the oral work provide valuable opportunity for practice and
inculcation. The workbook clearly indicates during which week the
worksheet, practise page and vocabulary game should be used to learn
the systematic progression of skills.
This thematic workbook contains:
- worksheets.
- practise pages that instils the learner’s knowledge of new
vocabulary and the phonic activities done orally.
- fun games to practice thematic vocabulary.
- sound cards needed in the third term for discrimination of
sounds and word building.
- footnotes that provide guidance to the educator on how to
tackle each activity or game with the child.
KS3 Maths Progression Workbooks offer extra practice of key
content, along with progression checkers at the end of each Unit
and plenty of dynamic student support. * Hundreds of extra practice
questions at different levels of difficulty: Mastery, Strengthen
and Extend * Guided questions with partially worked solutions,
hints and QR codes linking to worked example videos give students
crucial support * Progression checkers at the end of each Unit
encourage students to take ownership of their learning, and allows
them to track their progress as they work through the bookIf you're
an institution you can get the answers for this book as a free
download. If you are a parent or tutor please contact customer
services at [email protected] who will send you the
download directly.
Mental Arithmetic provides rich and varied practice to develop
pupils' essential maths skills and prepare them for all aspects of
the Key Stage 2 national tests. It may also be used as preparation
for the 11+, and with older students for consolidation and
recovery. Tailored to meet the requirements of the National
Curriculum for primary mathematics, each book contains 36 one-page
tests. Each test is presented in a unique three-part format
comprising: questions where use of language is kept to a minimum;
questions using number vocabulary; questions focusing on one- and
two-step word problems. Structured according to ability rather than
age, the series allows children to work at their own pace, building
confidence and fluency. Two Entry Tests are available in the Mental
Arithmetic Teacher's Guide and on the Schofield & Sims website,
enabling teachers, parents and tutors to select the appropriate
book for each child. All the books can be used flexibly for
individual, paired, group or whole-class maths practice, as well as
for homework and one-to-one intervention.Mental Arithmetic 5 is
aimed at pupils in upper Key Stage 2 and covers the key subject
areas of number, measurement, geometry, statistics, ratio and
proportion, and algebra. Topics include negative numbers, composite
numbers, BODMAS, simple formulae, converting units of measurement,
finding unknown angles, unequal sharing and solving problems using
line graphs. Three Progress Charts, together with four topic-based
Check-up Tests, are provided to monitor learning and identify any
gaps in understanding. A separate accompanying answer book, Mental
Arithmetic 5 Answers (ISBN 9780721708096), contains correct answers
to all the questions, making marking quick and easy.
Tried and tested over many years throughout South Africa, Oxford
successful English is a content-rich First Additional Language
programme that makes provision for learners of mixed ability.
Teaching all the skills required of learners in the foundation
phase, including phonics and spelling, the course ensures accurate
and comprehensive National CAPS coverage and adequately prepares
learners for the Annual National Assessment in Grade 3. Features:
in Grade 2 the reading books contain simplified versions of the
texts from the big books, ideal for supporting group guided reading
as well as paired and independent reading; the rich texts in the
reading books develop and extend reading and listening skills.
Covering grades D to A*, our Higher sets Student Book provides
complete support. * Includes clear grading of examples and
questions on the page so you are aware of the level you are working
at. * Contains support for the new assessment objectives and
Functional Maths with clear labelling on each page.
This book shows how the practice of script writing can be used both
as a pedagogical approach and as a research tool in mathematics
education. It provides an opportunity for script-writers to
articulate their mathematical arguments and/or their pedagogical
approaches. It further provides researchers with a corpus of
narratives that can be analyzed using a variety of theoretical
perspectives.Various chapters argue for the use of dialogical
method and highlight its benefits and special features. The
chapters examine both "low tech" implementations as well as the use
of a technological platform, LessonSketch. The chapters present
results of and insights from several recent studies, which utilized
scripting in mathematics education research and practice.
This evergreen series still creates a buzz. Book level 1 to 3 are
suitable for Grade 1, levels 4 to 6 for Grade 2, and levels 7 to 9
for Grade 3. Within each 'Book' level, there is a Basic, an
Approach and a Supplementary reader.
This evergreen series still creates a buzz. Book level 1 to 3 are
suitable for Grade 1, levels 4 to 6 for Grade 2, and levels 7 to 9
for Grade 3. Within each 'Book' level, there is a Basic, an
Approach and a Supplementary reader.