Books > Medicine > General issues > Public health & preventive medicine
Consumption was the deadliest, most common disease that mankind has
faced up till now. Three billion people in Europe and North America
died between the fourteenth and the end of the eighteenth century.
It was a death sentence with no known cause which led to the
development of unusual empirical therapies. Lucky Consumptive
patients reached a Sanatorium. Sanatoria were developed to house
sick patients in an environment where they stood the best chance of
recovery from their illness. There was no organised healthcare
system and funding for a Sanatorium depended upon provision
provided by wealthy individuals, or societies. Charles Dunnell Rudd
was a Cape Merchant who had made a fortune in South Africa
successfully prospecting for Gold and Diamonds. His mother had died
from Consumption and he wished to invest some of his money in
building a Sanatorium. It had been shown that Consumptive patients
survived longer if they took vigorous exercise, slept out of doors,
and were nursed on higher land near to forests. Rudd anonymously
purchased raised land at Northwood for this purpose. Helena (later
Princess Christian) was Queen Victoria's third daughter, and had a
marked social awareness, arranging charitable meals for the less
fortunate. She was very hard working and became the Principal
Patron for Mount Vernon Hospital, donating money and attending
annual fundraising Festival Dinners. Contemporary photographs from
this period show female patients walking around the grounds and
occupying designated rest shelters. The male patients had a more
vigorous lifestyle, working in the gardens and sleeping in their
beds out of doors. Those surviving often acquired new skills which
might enhance their future employment prospects. These measures
greatly improved the prognosis for consumptive patients. After Koch
discovered the Tubercle Bacillus effective curative
anti-tuberculous therapy evolved.
From the doctor whose "extraordinary practice is at the vanguard of
a revolutionary way to deliver medical care" "(O, The Oprah
Magazine), " an easy program to restore energy and health.
Fatigue, unexplained back and joint pain, distractibility,
irritability, insomnia, and digestive problems leave many of us
feeling spent -- and there is no pill that reverses the effects.
Many Americans are plagued by this new epidemic, and doctors are
unable to diagnose any single cause.
But Dr. Frank Lipman knows that this profound feeling of general
unwellness is "not" part of the normal aging process. In this
revolutionary book, Dr. Lipman is the first to connect the dots in
a constellation of symptoms, offering a proven solution to combat
the pervasive syndrome he calls Spent. When someone is Spent, the
body is doing everything it can to indicate that it is time to slow
down, rest, detoxify, repair, replenish, and restore. Dr. Lipman
has helped thousands of patients who suffer from Spent to revive
their bodies -- and, in most cases, feel more energized and
healthier than they ever have before.
In "Spent, " Dr. Lipman first identifies the things in modern life
that lead to energy depletion, such as stress, light deprivation,
an erratic sleep schedule, and a diet high in sugar and processed
foods. Next, he creates "Daily Beats," a series of simple actions
-- such as sleep, diet, exercise, nutrition, meditation, and
relaxation -- that readers can take to repair their stressed
systems and nourish their bodies and minds.
As with Dr. Lipman's patients, anyone following his day-by-day
program will feel energized, vibrant, and younger. With a nutrition
plan of tasty recipes photographs of research-based exercises and
stretches, and wisdom from Dr. Lipman's thirty years of medical
practice, "Spent" puts readers back in touch with their bodies'
natural rhythms and introduces them to a lifetime of good health.
* This Revision Workbook delivers hassle-free question practice,
covering one topic per page and avoiding lengthy set up time. *
Build your confidence with guided practice questions, before moving
onto unguided questions and practice tests. * With one-to-one page
correspondence between the Workbook and the Revision Guide, this
hugely popular Revision series offers the best value available for
BTEC learners. * Covers both externally assessed Units for 2012
BTEC First in Health and Social Care (Units 1 and 9).
Antioxidants Effects in Health: The Bright and the Dark Side
examines the role that antioxidants play in a variety of health and
disease situations. The book discusses antioxidants' historical
evolution, their oxidative stress, and contains a detailed approach
of 1) endogenous antioxidants, including endogenous sources,
mechanisms of action, beneficial and detrimental effects on health,
in vitro evidence, animal studies and clinical studies; 2)
synthetic antioxidants, including sources, chemistry,
bioavailability, legal status, mechanisms of action, beneficial and
detrimental effects on health, in vitro evidence, animal studies
and clinical studies; and 3) natural antioxidants, including
sources, chemistry, bioavailability, mechanisms of action, possible
prooxidant activity; beneficial and detrimental effects on health,
in vitro evidence, animal studies and clinical studies. Throughout
the boo, the relationship of antioxidants with different beneficial
and detrimental effects are examined, and the current controversies
and future perspectives are addressed and explored. Antioxidants
Effects in Health: The Bright and the Dark Side evaluates the
current scientific evidence on antioxidant topics, focusing on
endogenous antioxidants, naturally occurring antioxidants and
synthetic antioxidants. It will be a helpful resource for
pharmaceutical scientists, health professionals, those studying
natural chemistry, phytochemistry, pharmacognosy, natural product
synthesis, and experts in formulation of herbal and natural
The last five years saw a significant return of epidemic infectious
disease, culminating in COVID-19. In our new post-COVID-19 world,
how do we prevent future illnesses by expanding scientific and
vaccine diplomacy and cooperation, especially to combat the
problems that humans have brought on ourselves? Modern diseases and
viruses have been spurred anew by war and conflict as well as
shifting poverty, urbanization, climate change, and a new troubling
anti-science/anti-vaccination outlook. From such
twenty-first-century forces, we have seen declines in previous
global health gains, with sharp increases in vaccine-preventable
and neglected diseases on the Arabian Peninsula, in Venezuela, in
parts of Africa, and even on the Gulf Coast of the United States.
In Preventing the Next Pandemic, international vaccine scientist
and tropical disease and coronavirus expert Peter J. Hotez, MD,
PhD, argues that we can-and must-rely on vaccine diplomacy to
address this new world order in disease and global health.
Detailing his years in the lab developing new vaccines, Hotez also
recounts his travels around the world to shape vaccine partnerships
with people in countries both rich and poor in an attempt to head
off major health problems. Building on the legacy of Dr. Albert
Sabin, who developed the oral polio vaccine with Soviet scientists
at the height of the Cold War, he explains how he is still working
to refresh and redirect vaccine diplomacy toward neglected and
newly emerging diseases. Hotez reveals how-during his Obama-era
tenure as the US Science Envoy for the Middle East and North
Africa, which coincided with both the rise in these geopolitical
forces and climate change-he witnessed tropical infectious diseases
and established vaccine partnerships that may still combat them up
close. He explores why, since 2015, we've seen the decline of
global cooperation and cohesion, to the detriment of those programs
that are meant to benefit the most vulnerable people in the world.
Unfortunately, Hotez asserts, these negative global events kick off
a never-ending loop. Problems in a country may lead to disease
outbreaks, but those outbreaks can lead to further problems-such as
the impact of coronavirus on China's society and economy, which has
been felt around the globe. Zeroing in on the sociopolitical and
environmental factors that drive our most controversial and
pressing global health concerns, Hotez proposes historically proven
methods to soothe fraught international relations while preparing
us for a safer, healthier future. He hammers home the importance of
public engagement to communicate the urgency of embracing science
during troubled times. Touching on a range of disease, from
leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, and Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome (MERS) to COVID-19, Preventing the Next Pandemic has
always been a timely goal, but it will be even more important in a
COVID and post-COVID world.
The Paleo diet isn't a fad or another weight loss gimmick. It's the
way humans were meant to eat. The Paleo Cookbook is a comprehensive
collection of recipes from across the globe. Whether you're looking
for Paleo-friendly breakfasts, dinners, desserts, or international
favorites, you'll find dishes for every taste. The Paleo Cookbook
is your guide to a new, healthier way of eating: Enjoy 300 easy
recipes for every meal plan including side dishes, snacks, and
beverages. Find a wide variety of choices for both meat-eaters and
vegetarians. Experience international Paleo dishes such as Curried
Shrimp, Chicken Cacciatore, Beef Stir-Fry, and Caveman Fajitas.
Make the move to gluten-free eating by using the freshest meats,
produce, and spices. Learn helpful tips for cooking with
Paleo-friendly ingredients. Transitioning to the Paleo lifestyle is
the natural way to increased vitality, weight loss, and overall
better health. With The Paleo Cookbook, you'll discover just how
easy, delicious, and nutritious the Paleo diet can be.
Advances in Virus Research, Volume 115, the latest release in this
comprehensive serial that highlights new advances in the field,
includes updates on a variety of timely topics, including Plant
viral nanotools, Mycoviruses, Rift Valley Fever virus entry and
infection, and more.
* The one topic-per-page format provides hassle-free revision for
learners with no lengthy set-up time and no complex revision
concepts. * Written with learners in mind - in an informal voice
that talks directly to them. * Visually engaging pages break the
content down into easily-digestible points, with revision
activities and worked examples that prepare learners for the test.
* Designed to be used alongside the BTEC First Health and Social
Care Revision Workbook with one-to-one page correspondence to make
it easy to use the books together. * Covers both externally
assessed Units for BTEC First in Health and Social Care (Units 1
and 9).
Millions of patients travel abroad every year, and the number of
trips around the world to benefit from health services is
increasing. The high level of global demand for health services has
influenced the rapid development of the tourism industry. Many
destinations providing high-quality healthcare services at low
prices have emerged. Due to these developments in the industry, the
health tourism market, one of the fastest growing markets, has
emerged. Countries operating in the industry are also striving to
increase their market shares. Therefore, it is important to
understand the dynamics of this global phenomenon. Global
Perspectives on the Opportunities and Future Directions of Health
Tourism provides new theoretical, practical, and strategic insights
into the field of health tourism. It discusses in detail the health
tourism industry and its importance for the global economy,
countries, and destinations. Covering topics such as elderly
consumers, historical development, and image and branding, this
premier reference source is an essential resource for government
officials, hospital administrators, policymakers, business managers
and executives, students and educators of higher education,
librarians, researchers, and academicians.
It is generally well-established that the biomedical model is
informed on the assumption that the occurrence of the disease is
the result of biological molecules inside the body. This is seen in
the view of the biopsychosocial model that the biomedical model is
excluding the importance of psychological, social, economic,
environmental, spiritual, and behavioral dimensions of the illness.
It is essential to create better awareness to accelerate the use of
the biopsychosocial model-focusing on the individual as a whole
rather than the illness alone. Acceleration of the Biopsychosocial
Model in Public Health accelerates the inclusion of the
biopsychosocial model in the public health sector in order to
achieve universal health coverage. It provides a better
understanding of the role of various factors, such as
psychological, social, emotional, economic, and behavioral, that
are responsible for the development of diseases in order to develop
comprehensive prevention and intervention measures. Covering topics
such as psychological well-being, public health awareness, and
system dynamics, this premier reference source is an excellent
resource for public health officials, health therapists, health
educators, health psychologists, occupational therapists,
palliative care providers, community healthcare providers, hospital
administrators, health professionals, medical students, medical
libraries, researchers, and academicians.
Exam Board: Pearson BTEC Academic Level: BTEC National Subject:
Health and Social Care First teaching: September 2016 First Exams:
Summer 2017 Our revision resources are the smart choice for those
revising for externally assessed Unit 2 in Health and Social Care
BTEC Nationals. This book contains four full-length practice
assessments, helping you to: Prepare, by familiarising yourself
with the structure and process for completing your assessment
Practise by writing responses straight into the book Perfect your
external assessment skills for this unit, with targeted hints,
guidance and support for every question, along with answers
If you are a student of medicine, nursing, health, and social care,
then this revised edition is an invaluable learning resource for
you. Introduction to Health Psychology, fifth edition, is a
must-read, widely praised textbook that provides the learning
resources you need from theory and research to real-world examples,
helping you develop a better understanding and critical thinking on
the issues explored. This revision provides a comprehensive guide
on essential topics surrounding health, retaining its popular
original structure of three multi-chaptered sections: 'Being and
Staying Healthy', 'Becoming Ill', and 'Being Ill'. It also includes
the useful final section, 'From Theory to Practice', which studies
the need for theory-driven practice applications, making the most
of the evidence available to support their study. The edition
offers you an insightful overview on a range of topics on health
behaviour, from health-risk to health-protective habits, before
exploring applications and health care intervention practices. It
also discusses biological and psychobiological models and theories
and the impact of stress on health, illness, and its progression,
with extensive references on healthy diet and exercise. The text
also considers the role of key epidemiological updates and global
health issues, cultural influences on health and health behaviour,
and issues about health differentials, as seen in the illness
experience. Each chapter opens with a current real-world example
and places the topic into context by introducing the outline and
learning outcomes. Along with the increased use of case studies,
its useful Glossary and list of Further Reading, the content will
offer food for individual reflection and group discussion, helping
you fully engage with this applied area of psychology - an approach
praised by lecturers and students alike!
This title attempts to capture the essence of transformation and
trends in the South African health sector. On the one hand, it
offers an overview of recent and current developments in the South
African health care system; and on the other, of trends in the
health status of the South African population. The title retains a
strong historical thread, but the focus is generally on the nature
of transformation process, gains made and failures encountered.
Viruses and Climate Change, Volume 114 in the Advances in Virus
Research series, highlights new advances in the field, with this
new volume presenting interesting chapters on carbon-cycle and
vector-borne viruses. Chapters in this release cover Viruses in the
carbon cycle and the impacts on climate change and Climate change
and mosquito-borne virus transmission.
Environmental Applications of Microbial Nanotechnology: Emerging
Trends in Environmental Remediation discusses emerging trends and
recent advancements in environmental remediation. The book provides
environmental applications of microbial nanotechnology that helps
readers understand novel microbial systems and take advantage of
recent advances in microbial nanotechnologies. It highlights
established research and technology on microbial nanotechnology's
environmental applications, moves to rapidly emerging aspects and
then discusses future research directions. The book provides
researchers in academia and industry with a high-tech start-up that
will revolutionize the modern environmental applications of
microbial nanotechnology research.
This wide-ranging book takes a person-centred approach to
supporting the person and their families/carers to live with
dementia and challenge the stigma attached to the condition.
Divided into four parts, it starts with the voices of people with
dementia themselves, as they describe their own experience and how
they are living with the disease. It moves on to look at how the
range of caring and support professions can help people living with
dementia and their families plan and prepare for and cope better
with their deteriorating condition. It then turns to practical
aspects of living with dementia - dementia in the workplace,
communication, safety and the role of technology and design in
prolonging independence - and day-to-day considerations, such as
managing insomnia and eating well. It ends with an inspiring
section on the many imaginative ways people with dementia can be
helped to discover and continue to enjoy cultural and creative
activities that celebrate their lives and promote their abilities.
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Bioactive Lipids
Manuela Pintado, Manuel A MacHado, Ana Maria Gomes, Ana Sofia Salsinha, Luis Miguel Rodriguez-Alcala
Discovery Miles 51 260
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
Bioactive Lipids presents the topic of bioactive lipids from a
functional food development perspective. This book explores the
potential of dietary lipids to understand how such bioactive
compounds can be used in the development of functional foods and
nutraceuticals. The book includes case studies to enable readers to
understand the potential of several dietary lipids and the
possibilities regarding their incorporation into several food
matrices. Bioactive Lipids will be a welcome reference for
researchers, lecturers and students from the food science and
nutrition fields.