Books > Business & Economics > Business & management > Management & management techniques > Quality Assurance (QA) & Total Quality Management (TQM)
This book analyses the methods and outcomes of quality assurance in
different fields. Chapter One reviews the concept of quality and
its applications in forensic science laboratories. Chapter Two
discusses the concepts around quality assurance in safety promotion
to enhance the safety culture as well as practical views to make
the measures taken more visible. Chapter Three identifies and
develops a theoretical model of the internal quality assurance
system of higher education based on a model system that explores
beliefs and values of a university. Chapter Four examines quality
assurance in higher education in Japan. Chapter Five addresses a
new approach in quality assurance for x-ray units in medical
The New and Definitive User's Guide to Lean Six Sigma If you're a
business leader, you already know that Lean Six Sigma is one of the
most popular and powerful business tools in the world today. You
also probably know that implementing the process can be more than a
little challenging. This step-by-step guide shows you how to
customize and apply the principles of Lean Six Sigma to your own
organizational needs, giving you more options, strategies, and
solutions than you'll find in any other book on the subject. With
these simple, proven techniques, you can: * Assess your current
business model and shape your future goals * Plan and prepare a
Lean Six Sigma program that's right for your company * Engage your
leadership and your team throughout the entire process * Align your
LSS efforts with the culture and values of your business * Develop
deeper insights into your customer experience * Master the art of
project selection and pipeline management * Tackle bigger problems
and find better solutions * Become more efficient, more productive,
and more profitable This innovative approach to the Lean Six Sigma
process allows you to mold and shape your strategy as you go,
making small adjustments along the way that can have a big impact.
In this book, you'll discover the most effective methods for
deploying LSS at every level, from the leaders at the top to the
managers in the middle to the very foundation of your company
culture. You'll hear from leading business experts who have guided
companies through the LSS process-and get the inside story on how
they turned those companies around. You'll also learn how to use
the latest, greatest management tools like Enterprise Kaizen,
Customer Journey Maps, and Hoshin Planning. Everything you need to
implement Lean Six Sigma-smoothly and successfully-is right here at
your fingertips. Also included is a special chapter focusing
exclusively on how to implement Lean Six Sigma in healthcare. When
it comes to running a business, there is no better way to improve
efficiency, increase productivity, and escalate profits than Lean
Six Sigma. And there is no better book on how to make it work than
Innovating Lean Six Sigma.
The book is divided into three parts - (1) prerequisite to
regression analysis followed by a discussion on simple regression,
(2) multiple regression analysis with applications, and (3)
regression and modeling including the second order models,
nonlinear regression, and interaction models in regressions. All
these sections provide examples with complete computer analysis and
instructions commonly used in modeling and analyzing these
problems. The book deals with detailed analysis and interpretation
of computer results. This will help readers to appreciate the power
of computer in applying regression models. The readers will find
that the understanding of computer results is critical to
implementing regression and modeling in real world situation. The
book is written for juniors, seniors and graduate students in
business, MBAs, professional MBAs, and working people in business
and industry. Managers, practitioners, professionals, quality
professionals, quality engineers, and anyone involved in data
analysis, business analytics, and quality and six sigma will find
the book to be a valuable resource.
Falar de "Qualidade humana e Gerencial," no inicio do seculo XXI,
cujo primeiro cenario que se vislumbra para as proximas decadas e o
da busca pela manutencao (por meio da vontade politica em escala
planetaria) dos processos de crescimentos auto-sustentaveis e, numa
outra via, no segundo (devido as crises economicas dos paises da
Europa e tambem dos EUA), o de um periodo que se exige e que
exigira constantes reflexoes sobre a economia mundial, e nao
somente um desafio, mas tambem uma necessidade imperativa, pautada
na busca por redefinicoes de valores concernentes com o
desenvolvimento e/ou formacao de novos "perfis Gerenciais," seja
para poderem atuar em organizacoes publicas e/ou privadas. Nesse
sentido, essa obra chamada "PROSPERIDADE E QUALIDADE HUMANA E
GERENCIAL," de uma forma clara e objetiva, alem de bem fundamentada
teoricamente, procurara, partindo-se da definicao dos conceitos de
"prosperidade, qualidade e administracao," discorrer de forma
reflexiva, mas, ao mesmo tempo, teorica-pratica, sobre as
competencias, habilidades e/ou capacidades - sintetizadas numa
especie de "inteligencia e/ou sabedoria gerencial" - que devem
fazer parte da formacao continuada dos Executivos, dos gerentes
e/ou de todos aqueles que - nas mais diferentes organizacoes ou
instancias sociais - ocupam ou pretendem ocupar cargos de lideranca
e/ou relativas ao empreendedorismo. Embora essa obra nao seja
propriamente um livro de receitas, dado que acreditamos tambem que
um lider do seculo XXI deve ser capaz nao somente de aprender
pensamentos, mas tambem de "aprender a aprender," ou seja, de
aprender a pensar; de construir conhecimentos e nao somente de
consumi-los, esperamos, assim, tambem, que ela possa ser de fato
util a todos aqueles que estejam interessados em se desenvolver,
tanto de forma humana, desenvolvendo cada vez mais suas
potencialidades humanas, tanto quanto executivamente, podendo-se a
partir dai gerenciar bem a si, aos seus liderados e tambem a
organizacao (publica ou privada) na qual venha a estar inserido sob
uma dada ou criada missao. O autor."
This book develops a new model for lean management. The intent is
to demonstrate a model framework consisting of four critical
components: leadership, culture, team and tools. The development of
the model and these four components will be built from empirical
theories reported in the research literature and in successful
applications. This framework will offer a path to develop lean
leaders with practical, actionable guidelines. The model framework
is suited to broad applications offering practical guidelines for
manufacturing and service environments alike. The lean model will
develop each of these four components, explaining their relevance
and importance for guiding internal lean initiatives. In developing
the model, the text will chronicle the historical development of
lean noting the significant lean contributions, contributors, and
dates of these contributions. This development will trace
contributions to the practice of lean back hundreds of years, prior
to the contributions of Henry Ford and the contributors from the
Toyota system in the 1950's. The future of Lean will also be
examined with the current topic of sustainability and how it has
extended lean concepts with an external focus towards product life
cycle concerns and social issues. This offering is different from
competing offerings in three fundamental ways. First, it offers and
develops of a comprehensive lean model based on a sound framework.
Second, it examines a comprehensive timeline of significant lean
contributions and their contributors. Third, it extends lean by
looking at the future applications in the area of sustainability.
um romance que comeca baseado num outro romance: "O FAZEDOR DE
PIPAS: UMA HISTORIA REAL DE SUPERACAO," que, por sua vez, narra a
historia de um menino pobre, primogenito de cinco irmaos, criados
somente pela mae, que vivia num barraco de madeira construido a
beira de um rio num suburbio carioca e, que, mesmo assim, lutando
contra todas essas adversidades, finalmente, por meio do exercicio
do seu pensar e agir, dedicando-se tambem aos estudos, consegue
finalmente conquistar o seu lugar ao sol, tornando-se filosofo,
professor universitario, Executivo, escritor com mais de 80 livros
publicados no Brasil, no exterior, sendo muitos deles traduzidos
para outros idiomas. Sendo assim, sintetizaremos, aqui nesse livro,
O FILOSOFO& O EXECUTIVO, essa primeira parte de superacao,
contida na real historia de vida do ainda menino Edu e, a partir
dai, partindo-se dela, fazendo-se uma analise critica, seguiremos
discorrendo sobre a, para nos, necessidade da existencia do dialogo
entre o Filosofo e o Executivo que existiam numa mesma pessoa, na
pessoa do Edu, personagem central, e que tambem precisa existir em
nos, mostrando, de uma maneira didatica, como podemos, por esse
caminho, alcancarmos nossos objetivos e metas, sejam elas pessoais,
profissionais e/ou propriamente corporativas ou organizacionais
(publicas ou privadas). E um livro (romance) que, entre outras
coisas, trata da necessidade do nosso pensamento poder estar em
dialogo/questionamento permanente com as nossas acoes, no sentido
do desenvolvimento da praxis em nosso modo de interagir com o mundo
rumo ao alcance de resultados, de forma deliberada/intencional e,
na mesma via, de forma critica, fraterna e auto-sustentavel. Nesta
obra, descobriremos, partindo-se da analise da historia de
superacao de vida do personagem Edu, que viver e solucionar nossos
problemas socio-existenciais de uma forma nao somente teorica ou
somente pratica, mas "teorica, pratica e avaliativa,"
epistemologicamente substanciada no fato de que a realidade nao se
reduz e/ou nao deve se reduzir a teoria e vice-versa. Ou seja,
seguindo-se o sentido da praxis, da dialetica Marxista, a partir do
desenvolvimento do dialogo entre o Filosofo e o Executivo que cada
ser humano, por ser um ser racional, criativo e avaliador,
naturalmente traz em si. Esperamos, assim, que esse livro possa
contribuir a formacao de uma geracao mais humana e, ao mesmo tempo,
mais eficiente e eficaz pelo uso da razao de forma critica,
adequada a uma pratica consciente e responsavel, dialogicamente.
Quality in a lean healthcare setting has one ultimate goal-to
improve care delivery and value for the patient. The purpose of
this book is to provide a blueprint to hospitals, health care
organizations, leaders, and patient-facing workers with tools,
training, and ideas to address quality within their organization.
Examples from healthcare and other industries are provided to
illustrate lean methodology in lean and their application in
quality. The reader can learn how other organizations improve
quality, what their roles are, and what they do daily. By the end
of the book, you will have leaned actionable concepts and have the
tools and resources to start improving quality.
This book is a concise introduction to the essential concepts and
tools used in the Lean method of improving business processes. It
constitutes a sufficient toolkit to enable practitioners to quickly
start using Lean to improve business processes in their workplace.
Alternatively, it can also serve as a textbook in undergraduate or
master's programs. This book succinctly describes the benefits of
Lean in manufacturing, sales, administration, distribution, health
care, and other industries, as well as providing a step-by-step
description of how Lean is applied.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are
not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or
access to any online entitlements included with the product. A
practical, concise guide to improving business performance by
properly applying quality management methods"Dr. Juran's wisdom on
quality and management is timeless. The tenets of modern quality
that were forged by Dr. Juran in the second half of the 20th
century are made contemporary by Joe DeFeo's practical experience
and application of these principles in hundreds of organizations.
This book belongs in the library of every leader who strives for
world-class performance andwants to understand the concepts,
techniques, and tools that will deliver it." -- PAUL BORAWSKI,
Chief Executive Officer, ASQ - The Global Voice of Quality Dr.
Joseph Juran was the world's foremost thought leader on improving
the financial performance of an organization with "quality
management." In this book, Dr. Juran's successor as CEO of Juran
Institute,Joseph A. DeFeo, uniquely distills Dr. Juran's life'swork
on quality with some of today's latest practicesinto a practical
action plan for creating a strong,successful, globally competitive
enterprise. Juran's Quality Essentials for Leaders offers succinct,
proven methods applicable to any country, company, or industry,
from service to manufacturing. This concise guide explains how
today's leaders can: Embrace quality and not miss an opportunity to
improve performance Lead an organization through sustainable
financial change while fostering a culture of quality Stop useless
initiatives by aligning goals with the strategic plan Challenge new
product or service development methods Create breakthroughs in
baseline performance Ensure repeatable and compliant processes
Simplify macro processes with business process management Execute
benchmarking to sustain market leadership Real-world examples
demonstrate the successful application of the methodologies, tools,
and techniques presented in the book. This results-oriented
resourceprovides you with a detailed roadmap for leading a quality
revolution in your organization.
Como continuacion de "La Quinta Perspectiva" del mismo autor, este
libro desarrolla y amplia las claves para mejorar organizaciones
empresariales y de todo tipo. Este libro formula un cambio de
paradigma en la gestion organizativa, el liderazgo, la innovacion y
la calidad para un mundo globalizado, complejo y cambiante en el
que debemos replantearnos todo lo aprendido. Las organizaciones
empresariales necesitan desarrollar nuevos modelos de direccion y
gestion organizativa, que favorezcan entornos colaborativos en
continuo aprendizaje y asi mejorar y ser mas eficientes en la
creacion de valor socialmente util. El termino "complejidad" del
titulo se refiere a la creciente interrelacion que existe entre las
partes de una organizacion y su entorno, en un mundo globalizado.
Interrelacion entre personas, maquinas, procesos, informacion y
otros agentes. Su importancia es cada dia mayor dada la creciente
velocidad con que se producen. Las organizaciones son sistemas
complejos que como conjunto tienen propiedades y comportamientos
que no son explicables a partir de la suma de las partes
individuales. Por ello, ya solo desde la complejidad pueden
encontrarse explicaciones correctas y mecanismos sencillos que nos
permiten entender y mejorar las organizaciones. Sabes por que
algunos errores graves se repiten una y otra vez? Porque muchas
decisiones erroneas producen "desgraciadamente" resultados
satisfactorios en el corto plazo. Esto, y la vision simplista que
no incorpora el pensamiento complejo, impiden entender las
interrelaciones causas-efectos, repitiendo una y otra vez un mismo
error, incluso empeorandolo cuando se incrementa la eficiencia en
repetirlo. La supervivencia y el exito de la organizacion dependen
de la capacidad directiva de adaptar su forma de pensar para
entender con la optica apropiada las organizaciones en un mundo
cambiante y complejo. Dejar de hacer correctamente las recetas de
siempre para hacer lo que es correcto. Este libro explica por que y
como. Tambien ensena las claves para tomar decisiones en el mundo
interconectado de hoy, en el que muchos paradigmas del pasado
requieren ser cuestionados. Partiendo del sistema de mejora e
innovacion continuada que hoy utilizan las mejores organizaciones,
basado en W. Edwards Deming y sus seguidores, asi como en la
experiencia del autor como director de calidad y mejora en IBM y
otras grandes organizaciones, se desarrollan, unen y actualizan las
perspectivas para entender las organizaciones de hoy como sistemas
organizativos. Interpretaremos el caos de informacion que recibimos
a traves de la perspectiva de la variacion y del ruido sistemico,
para lograr que las organizaciones colaboren para aprender y
mejorar, asi como para entender la influencia del modelo directivo
en los comportamientos, en la implicacion de las personas y en los
resultados. Una empresa para sobrevivir y tener exito necesita
mejorar continuadamente, esto significa dar cada vez mas y mas
valor util con mayor eficiencia. Esta mejora debe estar orientada
al cliente, al consumidor y a la sociedad. Calidad aqui es crear el
maximo valor con el minimo esfuerzo y recursos; significa dar cada
vez productos y servicios mas utiles por menos. Esto solo es
posible si continuamente se genera conocimiento en la propia
organizacion. Un conocimiento que va mas alla de los numeros y los
datos. Un conocimiento que requiere utilizar unas perspectivas poco
comunes. Solo es posible que hoy hagamos las cosas mejor que ayer
si hoy conocemos algo nuevo que ayer no conociamos. Para mejorar
hay que aprender a aprender. Este libro va de esto. En la empresa
de hoy sin estas perspectivas se esta condenado al fracaso, al
corto plazo y a exitos tan efimeros como potentes los desastres que
vienen a continuacion.
Agence immobiliere Regie immobiliere Gerance locative Gestion
immobiliere Locataire Copropriete Coproprietaire Gerance
immobiliere Certification ISO 9001 Organisation interne Besoins
clients Satisfactions clients Proprietaires et locataires
Since the invention of double-entry bookkeeping, managers have
judged a company's worth by sales and profits. Now, Richard J.
Schonberger, the architect of the worldwide Just-In-Time
revolution, reaches beyond "financials" to redefine excellence --
and reveals, with new benchmark data, how pioneers become
Schonberger's pathbreaking new research reveals that, from 1950 to
1995, while "financials" dipped and soared repeatedly, industrial
decline and ascendancy correlated perfectly with inventory turnover
-- one of two key nonfinancial indicators and a bedrock measure,
along with customer satisfaction, of a company's power, strength,
and value. In this immensely readable book, he captures these new
metrics -- the true predictions of future success -- in 16
customer-focused principles created from self-scored reports
supplied by over 100 pioneering manufacturers in nine countries.
Armed with new world-class benchmark data, Schonberger redefines
excellence in terms of competence, capability, and
customer-focused, employee-driven, data-based performance.
For front-tine associates to senior executives, Schonberger has
written manufacturing's action agenda for the next decade. This
book will be indispensable reading for manufacturing and general
managers in all industries, as well as for pension fund managers,
institutional investors, stock analysts, and stockbrokers.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are
not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or
access to any online entitlements included with the product. PROVEN
Co-written by Six Sigma Black Belts and LEED Accredited
Professionals, this pioneering guide reveals how to use the power
of Six Sigma to develop and implement enterprise-wide green
initiatives. Six Sigma Sustainability explains how typical Six
Sigma DMAIC structures such as program governance, project
charters, transfer functions, measurement systems, risk assessment,
and process design support environmentally sound business
practices. Real-world examples demonstrate how specific problems in
areas such as carbon emissions, energy conservation, materials
recycling, water use, and finance can be solved using Six Sigma
tools. The detailed information in this practical resource helps
you to deliver innovative programs that simultaneously reduce
environmental impact and create business value. COVERAGE INCLUDES:
Developing the business case for necessary investments in
sustainability Sustainability leadership and the collaborative
management model Applying the Six Sigma transfer function framework
to identify critical drivers of success Sustainability measurement
and reporting Designing a change management strategy and leveraging
teams using the Six Sigma DMAIC framework Managing corporate real
estate portfolios in compliance with green initiatives Case studies
that show how to use Six Sigma methodologies to improve
sustainability functions Design for Six Sigma--using the House of
Quality and other essential Six Sigma design tools Stakeholder
management--best practices for driving adoption of high quality
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