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Books > Business & Economics > Industry & industrial studies > Transport industries > Railway transport industries
This book promotes the use of mathematical optimization and operations research methods in rail transportation. The editors assembled thirteen contributions from leading scholars to present a unified voice, standardize terminology, and assess the state-of-the-art. There are three main clusters of articles, corresponding to the classical stages of the planning process: strategic, tactical, and operational. These three clusters are further subdivided into five parts which correspond to the main phases of the railway network planning process: network assessment, capacity planning, timetabling, resource planning, and operational planning. Individual chapters cover: Simulation Capacity Assessment Network Design Train Routing Robust Timetabling Event Scheduling Track Allocation Blocking Shunting Rolling Stock Crew Scheduling Dispatching Delay Propagation
Between 1970 and 1997, the nation's railroads engaged in corporate mergers in an effort to stem the decline of the industry's market base, increase low return on investments, and counter the deterioration of trackage and equipment. The 73 Class I carriers in existence in 1970 have been consolidated into only 10 today. The recent battle over Conrail is only the most recent and highly publicized example of this trend that resulted from the relaxation of federal regulation. Business scholars, economists, railroad buffs, and anyone interested in transportation and federal regulation will find this book an invaluable tool.
Some vanguard companies have evolved to a higher level of decentralization originating in the enabling-and-autonomy paradigm. A new kind of deep leadership is practiced by these spirit-driven organizations. This book brings together theory and case studies to cover historical origins and developments of both types of decentralization.
These conference proceedings include a collection of articles presented at the RailExchange conference in October 2017 at Newcastle University, UK. They will be useful for researchers in developing countries looking for opportunities of knowledge exchange. The RailExchange project aimed to develop sustainable railway education in Thailand, via international partnerships and industry collaborations based around stakeholders' expertise and experiences. It involved staff exchange (academics and researchers) between Mahidol and Newcastle University for joint research and curriculum development and also organizing railway conferences and workshops in both Thailand and the UK. The papers published here focus on rail-related issues and present a perspective of a widely understood 'exchange' in academia and industry environments. 'Exchange' is perceived as rail knowledge exchange between partners, rail staff exchange between academia and/or industry, research exchange between teams, student-lecturer knowledge exchange, academia-industry collaboration, etc. In addition, more general rail-related papers are also included.
When the American Railway Union went on strike against the Pullman Palace Car Company in 1894, it set into motion a chain of events whose repercussions are still felt today. The strike pitted America's largest industrial union against twenty-four railroads, paralyzed rail traffic in half the country, and in the end was broken up by federal troops and suppressed by the courts, with union leader Eugene Debs incarcerated. But behind the Pullman case lay a conflict of ideologies at a watershed time in our nation's history. David Ray Papke reexamines the events and personalities surrounding the 1894 strike, related proceedings in the Chicago trial courts, and the 1895 Supreme Court decision, In re Debs, which set important standards for labor injunctions. He shows how the Court, by upholding Debs's contempt citation, dealt fatal blows to broad-based unionism in the nation's most important industry and to any hope for a more evenhanded form of judicial involvement in labor disputes-thus setting the stage for labor law in decades to come. The Pullman case was a defining moment in the often violent confrontation between capital and labor. It matched wealthy industrialist George Pullman against Debs and gave a stage to Debs's fledgling attorney Clarence Darrow. Throughout the trial, capital and labor tried to convince the public of the justice of their cause: Debs decrying the company's treatment of workers and Pullman raising fears of radical unionists. Papke provides an analytically concise and highly readable account of these proceedings, offering insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the law at the peak of industrial capitalism, showcasing Debs's passionate commitment to workers' rights, and providing a window on America during a period of rapid industrialization and social transformation. Papke shows that the law was far from neutral in defending corporate interests and suggests what the Pullman case, by raising questions about both the legitimacy of giant corporations and the revolutionary style of industrial unions, can teach us about law and legal institutions in our own time. His book captures the passions of industrial America and tells an important story at the intersection of legal and cultural history.
The British Rail corporate image and its Rail Blue livery was one of the longest-lived colour schemes carried by the trains of Britain in the forty-eight-year life of the nationalised railway network. Launched in 1965, after Beeching, the then new corporate image was an attempt by the BR design panel to raise the profile of the railway system countrywide and to sweep away the dull steam-era image as the swinging sixties got underway. By the mid-1970s, virtually all BR locomotives and multiple units were carrying Rail Blue livery, while most of the passenger coaches were in matching blue/grey. As the British Rail network was sectorised from the late 1980s in preparation for eventual privatisation, new bold, bright livery schemes for the fleet swept away the familiar, but by then somewhat jaded BR image. The BR blue era is now looked upon with affection as a golden age when the system was operated by an immense variety of locomotives and rolling stock, all now part of history in the same way that the steam era was viewed when the BR blue era ruled on Britain's railways.
Strohl examines the evolving network of high speed railway passenger trains in Western Europe. The purpose of the study, in addition to placing high speed train networks in a geographic and economic context, is to introduce the American reader to the evolving system of passenger trains in Europe toward evaluating their feasibility for high-density areas of the U.S. and Canada. Beginning with some general concepts of railway economics, planning, construction, and operation, the author goes on to detail high speed rail networks in France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, and Spain, with additional information on Japan and Scandinavia. This unique work will be of interest to all scholars and professionals in transportation economics and railway systems.
Work Identity at the End of the Line? tells the story of workplace culture and identity in the railway industry before during and after privatization in the mid 1990s. It combines rich interview material from workers and managers involved in the privatisation process with a fascinating background detail of nationalization. The book will be of interest to sociologists, cultural and economic historians as well as those studying culture change in business. MARKET 1: Academics, Researchers and Libraries in Universities and Business and Management Schools, especially in courses on public sector management, and the management of change; Policy makers in the public sector and those interested in privatization
The railways have a long tradition in Europe and the impact that they have on history is as much political as it is social or economic. National governments have traditionally had an active interest in the railways and indeed railways have become synonymous with ideas of state building and intervention. Similarly, on the supra-national level, the EU Commission sees the railways as central to the EU Transport Policy, the Single Market and Sustainable Development. It is perhaps strange then that the creation of an EU Railway Policy has been slow in the making. This book focuses on the role of the Commission in opening national railway markets and creating an EU governance structure for the railways. Indeed, the railway policy discussions and preferences are shaped by the fundamental question of whether the railways are a public service or an economic sector. The book argues that the Commission is constrained by the member states' resistance towards market opening as evident in the implementation process and demonstrates that the Commission's long term commitment has been able to advance its preferred governance system.
High speed rail (HSR) is being touted as a strategic investment for connecting people across regions, while also fostering prosperity and smart urban growth. However, as its popularity increases, its implementation has become contentious with various parties contesting the validity of socioeconomic and environmental objectives put forward as justification for investment. High Speed Rail and Sustainability explores the environmental, economic and social effects of developing a HSR system, presenting new evaluations of the proposed system in California in the US as well as lessons from international experience. Drawing upon the accumulated experience from past HSR system development around the world, leading experts present a diverse set of perspectives as well as diverse contexts of implementation. Assessments of the California case as well as cases from Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Taiwan, China, and the UK show how governments and stakeholders have bridged the gap between the vision and the realities of connecting metropolitan regions through HSR. This is a valuable resource for academics, researchers and policy-makers in the areas of urban planning, civil engineering, transportation and environmental design.
'Masterful.' - The Economist The Congo-Ocean railroad stands as one of the deadliest construction projects in history. It was completed in 1934, when Equatorial Africa was a French colony. African workers were conscripted at gunpoint, separated from their families and subjected to hellish conditions as they hacked their way through dense tropical foliage; excavated by hand thousands of tonnes of earth in order to lay down track; blasted their way through rock to construct tunnels; or risked their lives building bridges over otherwise impassable rivers. In the process, they suffered disease, malnutrition and rampant physical abuse, likely resulting in at least 20,000 deaths. Drawing on exhaustive research in French and Congolese archives, a chilling documentary record and eye-opening photographic evidence, J. P. Daughton tells the epic story of the Congo-Ocean railroad, and in doing so reveals the human costs and contradictions of modern empire.
The idea of a Channel Tunnel has always aroused strong emotions in
Britain. It has been supported by those wanting closer political,
economic and cultural links with Europe but opposed by believers in
Britain's island identity and overseas empire. In contrast, the
French have been almost unanimously in favour. Channel Tunnel
Vision 1850-1950 is an account of attempts over a century to build
a link with France. Early schemes, some owing more to
Heath-Robinson than to sound engineering practice, were succeeded
by serious proposals based on scientific surveys of the sea-bed
carried out in the 1860s. After describing the major entrepreneurs
and their plans, Keith Wilson goes on to show the reactions of
successive British Governments. On several occasions the decision
on whether or not to go ahead was a very close-run thing. He quotes
the views, which make remarkable reading, of Prime Ministers from
Gladstone to Ramsay MacDonald; of Foreign Secretaries including
Grey and Curzon; and of admirals and generals ranging from Fisher
to Wolseley, French and Henry Wilson. Their fears of sabotage,
invasion and a future political rift with France were set against
hopes of economic advantage. They also saw an enhanced ability to
respond quickly to future German aggression. How the existence of a
Channel Tunnel would have affected the 1940 campaign is an
intriguing speculation.
Railroads, our first large corporations, are rapidly adapting to the deregulated climate of the 1990s. As we approach the 21st century, this book tells the story of the changing role of railroads in our economy and how the law has changed to meet the new competitive environment. Topics include abandonment and extension, railway labor law, rail passenger service, short line spinoffs, special problems of railroad employment and parallel deregulatory activity in Canada. The authors deal with the changing railroad environment by describing the rail network of today, which has shrunk in route-miles but is in better shape than at any time since World War II. The changing role of rail employment is discussed, as well as government operation of Amtrak and commuter rail services. What regulation remains with the Interstate Commerce Commission and Federal Railroad Administration is described in detail. Finally, the authors go north of the border to show how Canada is facing rail deregulation and how Canadian railroads are playing a major part in the U.S. transportation scene. The authors close with a look at railroading as we approach the 21st century. Dooley and Thoms have written a comprehensive book for lawyers and rail enthusiasts alike.
From their origins, railways produced an intense competition between the two major continental systems in France and Germany. Fitting a new technology into existing political institutions and social habits, these two nations became inexorably involved in an industrial and commercial rivalry that eventually escalated into the armed conflict of 1914. Based on many years of research in French and German archives, this study examines the adaptation of railroads and steam engines from Britain to the Continent of Europe after the Napoleonic age. A fascinating example of how the same technology, borrowed at the same time from the same source, was assimilated differently by these two continental powers, this book offers a groundbreaking analysis of the crossroads of technology and politics during the First Industrial Revolution.
The Railway Age meant a revolution. Railways, with speed, capacity
to move people and goods, and precision of operation far beyond any
existing means of transport on land, transformed industry, social
life, and whole areas of the countries they served; they changed
politics, diplomacy, military strategy and the map of the world.
First published to great acclaim in the 1960s and with new material
added, this book was welcomed as "a classic of railway literature"
("The Guardian" ). It not only sets out what railways were but
examines what they did. It will throw new light on the history of
recent centuries.
A renaissance in railways and the formal recognition of environmental priorities are both features of the last quarter of the twentieth century, but relatively little has been published about the individual and collective environmental impacts of railways. There is an urgent need to address the subject comprehensively. New railways are being planned in many countries and environmental assessment has become an essential element of planning. Most of the impacts of railways have existed for well over a hundred years and many of these continue to be relevant today. Some new issues, such as the operation of very fast trains or the routeing of tracks to carry them, require special attention. This book brings together the main planning and management issues concerning the way railways, established, newly-constructed, or upgraded, have an impact on the environment. It provides a step-by-step assessment of how the engineer, planner, environmental manager, transport specialist or railway operator should approach the resolution of railway development taking into account environmental priorities and the regulatory framework. Tom Carpenter brings a lifetime of first-hand management and consultancy experience to produce the first modern treatment of this important topic. Contents I. Railways and Planning Introduction Environmental planning Railway planning Passenger traffic Freight II. Impacts on People Social impacts and public perception Noise and vibration Pollution Visual impacts Construction III. Impacts on Resources Resource use and route selection Residential, commercial and productive land Nature conservation Heritage and amenity Railways in scenic landscape Environmental evaluation of land resources IV.Planning for the Twenty-first Century Environmental rail transport solutions
This book presents cutting-edge theories, techniques, and methodologies in the multidisciplinary field of high-speed railways, sharing the revealing insights of elite scholars from China, the UK and Japan. It demonstrates the achievements that have been made regarding high-speed rail technologies in China from all aspects, while also providing a macro-level comparative study of related technologies in different countries. The book offers a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, industrial practitioners, graduate students, and professionals in the fields of Vehicles, Traction Power Supplies, Materials, and Infrastructure.
Railways are frequently promoted as one of the most sustainable modes of transport. However, their impact will in practice be significantly affected by the ways in which they are designed, constructed, and used. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the issues involved in planning, engineering and operating sustainable railway systems. It introduces and examines a wide range of aspects of railway systems and their interrelationships with other human and natural systems. For each of these aspects it considers the key factors that affect the sustainability of the railway. Students, academic researchers and those in rail industry or related fields who are interested in railways or in transport sustainability more generally will find this to be an invaluable guide. It will be particularly helpful to those who are either relatively new to the railway context, or who have a detailed knowledge of one aspect of railways but are seeking to acquire a more holistic understanding of railway systems.
In Logomotive Ian Logan's photographs are assembled into chapters and picture essays recalling the great days of lines such as the Santa Fe, the Union Pacific, and the Kansas City Southern. Some of his journeys are presented as travelogues in which he meets the Fat Controller, gets to sound the horn, and wanders into freight yards to see the last generation of streamline locomotives rusting amid the weeds. Animal motifs, Native American allusions, advertising slogans, names of famous trains such as the Super Chief and the Wabash Cannonball provide the subject matter for other picture features.
"The Orient Express, in the collective imagination, embodies the golden age of travel. The fabrics, the silverware, the woodwork; their evocative fragrance... all contribute to this particular atmosphere, created by the best craftsmen of the time. The experience on board is absolutely unique..." - Sir Kenneth Branagh, from the foreword The first train to connect Paris to Constantinople - the gateway to the Orient and epitome of all its associated desires and fantasies - the Orient Express was an immediate success. Quickly nicknamed 'the king of trains, the train of kings', it had already become a legend in its own time. This unique train and its celebrated passengers (both real and fictional) have become one of the great cultural icons of our times and have helped to create a limitless source of stories and fantasies to feed our imaginations. It's a story told here through fabulous new photographs of the restoration workshops where the historic train carriages are being brought back to life, through archive photos of famous and exotic destinations, and portraits of the most famous passengers who were lucky enough to climb aboard. |
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