Books > Language & Literature > Language teaching & learning (other than ELT) > Language teaching & learning material & coursework > Readers
Specially designed for students of Arabic, this textbook presents a
selection of authentic Arabian Night stories in simplified language
providing learners of Modern Standard Arabic access to this classic
of Arabic literature. Each story is fully supported by a range of
comprehension, vocabulary-building, grammar reinforcement
activities and exercises as well as an audio version of the story,
which can be accessed at www.routledge.com/9781138948228. Ideal for
class-use or self-study, students will enhance their reading,
listening, and writing skills while developing the ability to
analyze literary texts, reason critically, and broaden their
understanding and appreciation of different layers of Arab culture.
Another fun chapter book from the dynamic duo of Mike Thaler and
Jared Lee -- just in time for Election Day
Mean Mrs. Green is forcing everyone to run for something in the
school election, but everyone just wants to run for their lives
Hubie is running for president against Doris. But he doesn't think
he stands a chance against the free ice cream that she's giving
away to voters. Plus, to stay in the race he has to do crazy stuff
like shaking Coach Kong's paw and Mrs. Green's claw, and kissing a
bunch of babies. Hubie's chances look slim. Will being the
candidate who stands for something---not just who stands on top of
something--be enough to win him the race in the end?
The Routledge Intermediate Brazilian Reader is a comprehensive
reader aimed at intermediate level students of Brazilian
Portuguese. The aim is to provide a structured language teaching
resource that is enjoyable and stimulating for learners, but that
also provides meaningful cultural contexts. This Brazilian Reader
consists of twenty readings graded on the basis of complexity of
vocabulary, grammar and syntax. It presents a range of different
text types which give a good representation of contemporary
Brazilian writing, including fiction and non-fiction by some of
Brazil's most prominent and popular authors. Key features include:
vocabulary lists for quick reference reading comprehension
questions exercises to learn and review important vocabulary focus
on idiomatic expressions full answer key to vocabulary and idiom
exercises Portuguese-English glossary at the back Suitable for both
class use and independent study, The Routledge Intermediate
Brazilian Reader is an essential tool for facilitating vocabulary
learning and increasing reading proficiency.
Optische Instrumente des 17. Jahrhunderts aus Augsburg sind kaum
erhalten. Auch die fruhen Optiker sind nahezu volligem Vergessen
anheimgefallen. Mit ihrer Arbeit uber Johann Wiesel und seine
Nachfolger schliesst die Verfasserin daher nicht nur eine Lucke in
der Handwerksgeschichte Augsburgs, sondern erbringt auch einen
Beitrag zur Fruhgeschichte der optischen Instrumente. Die Autorin,
die als Expertin ihres Forschungsgebietes internationale
Anerkennung geniesst, hat eine aussergewohnliche
Rekonstruktionsleistung vollbracht. Was Inge Keil in ihrer
Monographie erstmals und akribisch untersucht, ist eine bislang
kaum bekannte Verknupfung von Augsburger Leistungen mit der
europaischen Entwicklung. Obwohl die Hauptperson, um die es in der
Darstellung geht, mit der Signatur "Augustanus Opticus" ihre
Stadtzugehorigkeit betonte, handelte es sich um einen
zeitgenossisch europaweit bekannten und vernetzten Erfinder und
Hersteller fortgeschrittener optischer Technologie. Fur eine
bestimmte Phase stellten Gerate aus Augsburger Fertigung weltweit
fuhrende Spitzenprodukte dar, stand also die oberdeutsche
Reichsstadt und Zentrale sudmitteleuropaischen Austausches auch in
dieser Hinsicht im Mittelpunkt der einschlagigen Welt."
Specially designed for students of Arabic, this textbook presents a
selection of authentic Arabian Night stories in simplified language
providing learners of Modern Standard Arabic access to this classic
of Arabic literature. Each story is fully supported by a range of
comprehension, vocabulary-building, grammar reinforcement
activities and exercises as well as an audio version of the story,
which can be accessed at www.routledge.com/9781138948228. Ideal for
class-use or self-study, students will enhance their reading,
listening, and writing skills while developing the ability to
analyze literary texts, reason critically, and broaden their
understanding and appreciation of different layers of Arab culture.
This collection includes stories by established Italian literary figures such as Italo Calvino and Primo Levi as well as a new generation of writers. Aspects of Sicilian and Italian life are explored by Leonardo Sciascia and Goffredo Parise, while Antonio Tabucchi looks at the natures of reality.
A busy day Mr. and Mrs. Rogers leave for the day and give Amelia Bedelia a long list of chores to do. Not one to stand still, Amelia Bedelia gets right to work -- with totally unexpected results!
Although the legends of Arthur have been popular throughout Europe
from the middle ages onwards, the earliest references to Arthur are
to be found in Welsh literature, starting with the Welsh-Latin
Historia Brittonum which dates from the ninth century. By the
twelfth century Arthur was a renowned figure wherever Welsh and its
sister languages were spoken. O. J. Padel provides an overall
survey of medieval Welsh literary references to Arthur and
emphasizes the importance of understanding the character and
purpose of the texts in which allusions to Arthur occur. Texts from
different genres are considered together and shed new light on the
use which different authors make of the multifaceted figure of
Arthur, from the folk legend associated with magic and animals to
the literary hero, soldier and defender of country and faith. Other
figures associated with Arthur, such as Cai, Bedwyr and Gwenhwyfar,
are also discussed. Arthur in Medieval Welsh Literature is an
important and revealing contribution to Arthurian studies and will
appeal to anyone interested in understanding more about the legends
of Arthur and their sources in medieval Welsh tradition.