Books > Language & Literature > Language teaching & learning (other than ELT) > Specific skills > Speaking / pronunciation skills
Der Fokus der Jugendsprachforschung liegt auf dem
Gesprachsverhalten in weiblichen und mannlichen Peergruppen,
Analysen gemischter Gruppen erfolgten bisher nicht. Diese Studie
schliesst diese Forschungslucke und untersucht die
Sprachhandlungsmuster Lastern, Frotzeln und Bloedeln in
gemischtgeschlechtlichen jugendlichen Kleingruppen zweier
Altersklassen (12-15 Jahre, 16-19 Jahre). Wie werden Laster-,
Frotzel- und Bloedelaktivitaten in getrennt- und
gemischtgeschlechtlichen Situationen sprachlich ausgestaltet?
Welche Funktionen nehmen sie ein? Auf Grundlage des empirischen
Materials werden gendertypische Merkmale des Lasterns, Frotzelns
und Bloedelns sowie verschiedene Konzepte zur Versprachlichung des
Doing Gender unter Jugendlichen herausgearbeitet und diskutiert.
Dieser Band prasentiert die Beitrage der VII. Innsbrucker
Ringvorlesung zur Translationswissenschaft, die im Sommersemester
2013 am Institut fur Translationswissenschaft zu Innsbruck
stattfand. International namhafte Translationswissenschaftler aus
sieben Landern Europas stellten zu der traditionellen
internationalen Innsbrucker Ringvorlesung ihre Forschungen zum
Phanomen Translationskompetenz vor und zur Diskussion.
Translationskompetenz - Woher kommt sie? Was ist das? Wohin geht
sie? Diesen drei programmatischen Fragen lassen sich alle
Vorlesungen dieses Bandes zuordnen, der bewusst den Titel Bausteine
translatorischer Kompetenz tragt, da die Frage, was die
Translationskompetenz ausmacht, bis heute Ratsel aufgibt. Die
Beitrage beleuchten einzelne Kompetenzen, uber die TranslatorInnen
nach Meinung der Ringvorlesenden verfugen (mussen), um
professionell ubersetzen bzw. dolmetschen zu koennen. Die
AutorInnen des Bandes sind: Gyde Hansen (Kopenhagen), Peter
Sandrini (Innsbruck), Pius ten Hacken (Swansea/Innsbruck), Michaela
Albl-Mikasa (Winterthur), Vlasta Kucis (Maribor), Anna Malgorzewicz
(Wroclaw), Sebastian Donat (Innsbruck), Wolfgang Poeckl
(Innsbruck), Laura Santamaria (Barcelona), Lew Zybatow (Innsbruck).
Trotz der allgemeinen Akzeptanz der Konstruktionsgrammatik fur die
Beschreibung sprachlicher Phanomene im englischen und deutschen
Sprachraum hat das Modell der Konstruktionsgrammatik bislang wenig
Interesse in der Romanistik gefunden. Dieser Band bietet zwoelf
konkrete Untersuchungen zu Konstruktionen unterschiedlicher
Komplexitatsgrade aus der Morphologie, der Syntax und der
Textlinguistik und zwar fur die romanischen Sprachen Franzoesisch,
Italienisch, Spanisch, und Katalanisch, sowie fur Latein, und zeigt
dabei den Nutzen konstruktionsgrammatischer Beschreibungsansatze
Dieser thematische Sammelband enthalt Zwischenergebnisse aus
sprechwissenschaftlichen Forschungen und Praxisprojekten zur
Kommunikation zwischen fruhpadagogischen Fachkraften und Kindern in
Kindertageseinrichtungen. Der Fokus liegt dabei sowohl auf der
Analyse des Gesprachsverhaltens von Erzieherinnen und Kindern als
auch auf der Starkung von Sprachbildung und -foerderung. Untersucht
wird, wie authentische Gesprache zwischen Erzieherinnen und Kindern
verlaufen, worin sich Gesprachsfahigkeit von Erzieherinnen zeigt,
welche Bedeutung Sprachstandsfeststellungen haben und anderes mehr.
Aus den Erkenntnissen werden praxistaugliche Schulungsinhalte im
Sinne einer alltagsintegrierten Sprachbildung abgeleitet.
'The thrill is that you're actually figuring it out on your own.
You're engaging with another language, not just parroting it...
It's an excellent way to start, and leaves the listener thinking,
Hey, Ich kann do dis.' - New Yorker, David Sedaris, humorist and
author, on learning Italian with the Michel Thomas Method Looking
for a convenient language course that fits your lifestyle and gets
you speaking a new language in a matter of weeks, not years? The
original no-books, no-homework, no-memorizing method is in tune
with the way the brain prefers to receive, store and retrieve
information. You'll stick with it because you'll love it. This
Taster course is the first hour of the eight-hour Foundation
Italian course. Within this first hour you will learn 50 essential
words of Italian thanks to the Michel Thomas Method, perfected over
50 years by celebrated psycholinguist Michel Thomas. * Pick up
Italian naturally and unforgettably without strain * Learn from
listening and speaking, without the pressure of writing or
memorizing * Build up your Italian in manageable steps by thinking
out answers for yourself * Progress to the full Foundation Italian
course with confidence in the method. WHAT'S NEW? This new edition
includes remastered audio and comes in new, eco-friendly recyclable
packaging. WHY IS THE METHOD SO SUCCESSFUL? 'What you understand,
you know; and what you know, you don't forget.' - Michel Thomas
Before there was machine learning, there was Michel Thomas. For
over 50 years he worked on decoding languages by breaking them down
into their most essential component parts. These 'building blocks'
are introduced to the learner sequentially in such a way that you
reconstruct the language for yourself - to form your own sentences,
to say what you want, when you want. This unique method draws on
the principles of instructional psychology and works with the way
your brain prefers to receive, store and retrieve information.
Knowledge is structured and organized so that you absorb the
language easily and don't forget it. The method is designed to
eliminate the stress which prevents you from relaxing and allowing
the brain to work in the way which accepts learning in a seemingly
painless, very exciting and highly motivating way. HOW DO THE
COURSES WORK? 'All stress inhibits true and effective learning' -
Michel Thomas During the course, you will join Michel Thomas and
two students in a live lesson, learning from both their successes
and their mistakes to keep you motivated and involved throughout
the course. You, as the learner, become the third student and
participate actively in the class. Within the very first hour you
will be able to construct simple phrases by listening and thinking
out answers for yourself without the pressure of writing or stress
of having to memorize. You will learn at your own pace, pausing and
repeating where necessary, and complete the course in about 3-5
hours. WHAT WILL I ACTUALLY ACHIEVE? 'I am the architect who builds
the house. It's up to you to decorate it.' - Michel Thomas The
Michel Thomas Method will help you kick-start, continue, and
flourish in your Italian language learning journey. It is not
intended to get you perfectly fluent, but it will get you speaking
and using Italian, with proper pronunciation, faster than most any
other method. It is designed to give you a strong foundation and
good working knowledge of a language from which you can expand and
later 'add decoration' to. It is a rapid method for learning, but
still requires effort and concentration on the part of the learner.
WHAT'S INCLUDED IN THE COURSE?* Start Italian includes one audio
CD. The booklet is available to download from www.michelthomas.com.
LEARN ANYWHERE AND ANYTIME! Reclaim your pockets of free time to
learn a new language! Don't be tied to chunky books or your
computer, Michel Thomas Method audio courses let you learn whenever
and wherever you want, in as little or as much time as you have.
WHERE DO I GO NEXT? Foundation Italian follows on from the Start
'The thrill is that you're actually figuring it out on your own.
You're engaging with another language, not just parroting it...
It's an excellent way to start, and leaves the listener thinking,
Hey, Ich kann do dis.' - New Yorker, David Sedaris, humorist and
author, on learning German with the Michel Thomas Method Looking
for a convenient language course that fits your lifestyle and gets
you speaking a new language in a matter of weeks, not years? The
original no-books, no-homework, no-memorizing method is in tune
with the way the brain prefers to receive, store and retrieve
information. You'll stick with it because you'll love it. * Improve
your Portuguese naturally and unforgettably without strain or
stress * Learn from listening and speaking, without the pressure of
writing or memorizing * Build up your Portuguese in manageable
steps by thinking out answers for yourself WHY IS THE METHOD SO
SUCCESSFUL? 'What you understand, you know; and what you know, you
don't forget.' - Michel Thomas Before there was machine learning,
there was Michel Thomas. For over 50 years he worked on decoding
languages by breaking them down into their most essential component
parts. These 'building blocks' are introduced to the learner
sequentially in such a way that you reconstruct the language for
yourself - to form your own sentences, to say what you want, when
you want. This unique method draws on the principles of
instructional psychology and works with the way your brain prefers
to receive, store and retrieve information. Knowledge is structured
and organized so that you absorb the language easily and don't
forget it. The method is designed to eliminate the stress which
prevents you from relaxing and allowing the brain to work in the
way which accepts learning in a seemingly painless, very exciting
and highly motivating way. HOW DO THE COURSES WORK? 'All stress
inhibits true and effective learning' - Michel Thomas During the
course, you will join Michel Thomas Method Teachers Virginia Catmur
and two students in a live lesson, learning from both their
successes and their mistakes to keep you motivated and involved
throughout the course. You, as the learner, become the third
student and participate actively in the class. Within the very
first hour you will be able to construct complex phrases by
listening and thinking out answers for yourself without the
pressure of writing or stress of having to memorize. You will learn
at your own pace, pausing and repeating where necessary, and
complete the course in about 15-20 hours. By the end of the course,
you will have a solid working knowledge of Portuguese and be able
to express yourself confidently in a variety of situatio
The book contains papers presented at an international colloquium
which has taken place at regular intervals (since 1985) and which
is devoted to the contrasting study of the French language in
Europe and Canada. In 2007 the focus was on the different varieties
of French that can be observed in France and in Canada. Here
specialists from Canada, France and Germany present their research
results in the fields of phonetics and phonology, vocabulary and
lexicography, word formation, history of the French language and
the history of (French) place names in present-day Canada.
This is the essential guide to the most transferable of all student
skills: delivering a presentation clearly, coherently and
confidently. Written in a friendly and accessible style, it takes
the fear out of public speaking and helps students to acquire the
skills they need to deliver effective presentations at university
and in their future careers. Revised and updated throughout, it
provides readers with practical guidance on controlling their
nerves, creating visual aids and structuring presentations. This is
an invaluable resource for students of all disciplines in further
or higher education who have to give presentations as part of their
course. It is also ideal for recent graduates looking to hone their
presentation skills as they enter the job market. New to this
Edition: - Fully updated to reflect the latest developments in
technology, with new material on making the most of the latest
software, platforms and networking tools - Gives students even more
support with additional exercises and checklists
Argentinien hat eine uber 100-jahrige Erfahrung als
Einwanderungsland. Vom ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert an liessen sich
mehr als sechs Millionen Menschen, vornehmlich aus Europa, in
Argentinien nieder. Heute kommen die meisten Einwanderer dagegen
aus Lateinamerika und Asien. In Politik, Massenmedien und im Alltag
treffen sie auf eine breite Front der Ablehnung. Diese Untersuchung
gibt einen Einblick in den Einwanderungsdiskurs der 1990-er Jahre.
Sie erforscht allgemeine sprachliche und interaktive Verfahren der
Bildung von Gruppen im Gesprach und orientiert sich methodisch an
dem konversationsanalytischen Konzept der Membership
Categorization. Sie zeigt, wie die Konstruktion von Wir- und
Fremdgruppen im Gesprach miteinander verzahnt ist: Wie
konstituieren argentinische Sprecher die Gruppen von Einwanderern
und Einheimischen? Wie arbeiten sie im Gesprach heraus, was diese
Gruppen unterscheidet? Wie definieren sie vor dem Hintergrund der
'neuen' Einwanderung ihre nationale Identitat und welche
Konsequenzen hat dies fur die Formulierung der Ablehnung? Diese
Fragen werden anhand von Alltagsgesprachen detailliert beantwortet.
A discussion of the benefits and pitfalls of citizen
science-scientific undertakings that make use of public
participation and crowd-sourced data collection. James Wynn's
timely investigation highlights scientific studies grounded in
publicly gathered data and probes the rhetoric these studies
employ. Many of these endeavors, such as the widely used SETI@home
project, simply draw on the processing power of participants' home
computers; others, like the protein-folding game FoldIt, ask users
to take a more active role in solving scientific problems. In
Citizen Science in the Digital Age: Rhetoric, Science, and Public
Engagement, Wynn analyzes the discourse that enables these
scientific ventures, as well as the difficulties that arise in
communication between scientists and lay people and the potential
for misuse of publicly gathered data. Wynn puzzles out the
intricacies of these exciting new research developments by focusing
on various case studies. He explores the Safecast project, which
originated from crowd-sourced mapping for Fukushima radiation
dispersal, arguing that evolving technologies enable public
volunteers to make concrete, sound, science-based arguments.
Additionally, he considers the potential use of citizen science as
a method of increasing the public's identification with the
scientific community, and contemplates how more collaborative
rhetoric might deepen these opportunities for interaction and
alignment. Furthermore, he examines ways in which the lived
experience of volunteers may be integrated with expert scientific
knowledge, and also how this same personal involvement can be used
to further policy agendas. Precious few texts explore the
intersection of rhetoric, science, and the Internet. Citizen
Science in the Digital Age fills this gap, offering a clear,
intelligent overview of the topic intended for rhetoric and
communication scholars as well as practitioners and administrators
in a number of science-based disciplines. With the expanded
availability of once inaccessible technologies and computing power
to laypeople, the practice of citizen science will only continue to
grow. This study offers insight into how-given prudent application
and the clear articulation of common goals-citizen science might
strengthen the relationships between scientists and laypeople.
Develop your powers of public persuasion with the ultimate guide to great speeches and business presentations… Do you get tongue-tied at the mere thought of speaking in public? Would you rather swim with sharks or undergo a tax audit than face an audience? Well, you’re not alone. According to the Book of Lists’ list of humans’ greatest fears, the fear of death is our fourth greatest fear, while fear of public speaking commands a solid first place. Now from Roger E. Axtell, one of America’s most accomplished public speakers, here’s a book guaranteed to turn even the most stage-shy mumbler into a great communicator. Geared primarily, but not exclusively, for business people, this amusing and informative guide can show you how to possess the powers of public persuasion you’ve always dreamed of having. Whether it’s making a pitch to the board of directors, or prepping the sales force, stating your case to the town council, or being interviewed on live TV, Do’s and Taboos of Public Speaking can help you to be an intelligent, articulate, confident, and likable presence in front of any audience you’ll ever face. - Surefire techniques for controlling fear, preparing for and organizing a business presentation or speech, using body language and humor, getting the most out of audio and audio/visual equipment, speaking in front of the camera, and much, much more
- Helpful hints from successful business speakers and such greats as Winston Churchill, Lee Iacocca, Red Barber, Roger Ailes, and Charles Osgood
- Special chapters on humor and roasts, speaking internationally, and even how to become a professional speaker