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Explore embedded programming, and get hands-on with real-world
embedded projects relating to IoT, low-powered devices, and other
complex systems using TinyGo and WebAssembly Key Features Build
creative embedded apps with TinyGo using low-powered devices and
microcontrollers Understand the practicality involved in
integrating hardware and sensors while programming them using
TinyGo Use TinyGo in modern browsers to display embedded
applications' statistics on WebAssembly dashboards Book
DescriptionWhile often considered a fast and compact programming
language, Go usually creates large executables that are difficult
to run on low-memory or low-powered devices such as
microcontrollers or IoT. TinyGo is a new compiler that allows
developers to compile their programs for such low-powered devices.
As TinyGo supports all the standard features of the Go programming
language, you won't have to tweak the code to fit on the
microcontroller. This book is a hands-on guide packed full of
interesting DIY projects that will show you how to build embedded
applications. You will learn how to program sensors and work with
microcontrollers such as Arduino UNO and Arduino Nano IoT 33. The
chapters that follow will show you how to develop multiple
real-world embedded projects using a variety of popular devices
such as LEDs, 7-segment displays, and timers. Next, you will
progress to build interactive prototypes such as a traffic lights
system, touchless hand wash timer, and more. As you advance, you'll
create an IoT prototype of a weather alert system and display those
alerts on the TinyGo WASM dashboard. Finally, you will build a home
automation project that displays stats on the TinyGo WASM
dashboard. By the end of this microcontroller book, you will be
equipped with the skills you need to build real-world embedded
projects using the power of TinyGo. What you will learn Discover a
variety of TinyGo features and capabilities while programming your
embedded devices Explore how to use display devices to present your
data Focus on how to make TinyGo interact with multiple sensors for
sensing temperature, humidity, and pressure Program hardware
devices such as Arduino Uno and Arduino Nano IoT 33 using TinyGo
Understand how TinyGo works with GPIO, ADC, I2C, SPI, and MQTT
network protocols Build your first TinyGo IoT and home automation
prototypes Integrate TinyGo in modern browsers using WebAssembly
Who this book is forIf you are a Go developer who wants to program
low-powered devices and hardware such as Arduino UNO and Arduino
Nano IoT 33, or if you are a Go developer who wants to extend your
knowledge of using Go with WebAssembly while programming Go in the
browser, then this book is for you. Go hobbyist programmers who are
interested in learning more about TinyGo by working through the DIY
projects covered in the book will also find this hands-on guide
Master data management by effectively utilizing the features of
Azure SQL database. Key Features Learn to automate common
management tasks with PowerShell. Understand different methods to
generate elastic pools and shards to scale Azure SQL databases.
Learn to develop a scalable cloud solution through over 40
practical activities and exercises. Book DescriptionDespite being
the cloud version of SQL Server, Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL
Managed Instance stands out in various aspects when it comes to
management, maintenance, and administration. Updated with the
latest Azure features, Professional Azure SQL Managed Database
Administration continues to be a comprehensive guide for becoming
proficient in data management. The book begins by introducing you
to the Azure SQL managed databases (Azure SQL Database and Azure
SQL Managed Instance), explaining their architecture, and how they
differ from an on-premises SQL server. You will then learn how to
perform common tasks, such as migrating, backing up, and restoring
a SQL Server database to an Azure database. As you progress, you
will study how you can save costs and manage and scale multiple SQL
databases using elastic pools. You will also implement a disaster
recovery solution using standard and active geo-replication.
Finally, you will explore the monitoring and tuning of databases,
the key features of databases, and the phenomenon of app
modernization. By the end of this book, you will have mastered the
key aspects of an Azure SQL database and Azure SQL managed
instance, including migration, backup restorations, performance
optimization, high availability, and disaster recovery. What you
will learn Understanding Azure SQL database configuration and
pricing options Provisioning a new SQL database or migrating an
existing on-premises SQL Server database to an Azure SQL database
Backing up and restoring an Azure SQL database Securing and scaling
an Azure SQL database Monitoring and tuning an Azure SQL database
Implementing high availability and disaster recovery with an Azure
SQL database Managing, maintaining, and securing managed instances
Who this book is forThis book is designed to benefit database
administrators, database developers, or application developers who
are interested in developing new applications or migrating existing
ones with Azure SQL database. Prior experience of working with an
on-premise SQL Server or Azure SQL database along with a basic
understanding of PowerShell scripts and C# code is necessary to
grasp the concepts covered in this book.
Die Absicht, ein Buch iiber Programmieren von Ziffernrechenanlagen
zu schreiben, entstand auf Grund einer Vorlesung gleichen Titels,
die ich seit nunmehr sieben Jahren an der Technischen Hochschule
Wien halte. Ich hatte dabei bemerkt, daB das Interesse fiir die
Programmierung von Ziffernrechnern immer weitere Kreise zieht und
daB es moglich ist, dieses Interesse aus einem einheitlichen
Gesichtswinkel zu befriedigen. Der Zugang zur Kenntnis des
Programmierens erfolgt heute iiblicher- weise mit Hille der
Mathematischen Verfahrenstechnik oder von seiten der
Administrativen Automation, oder schlieBlich iiber die mit tech-
nischen Einzelheiten vermengte Beschreibung spezieller Maschinen.
Ich bin nun der Meinung, daB man ein Buch iiber Programmieren
schreiben kann, ohne auf Einzelheiten der Mathematischen
Verfahrenstechnik und der Biiroautomation oder auf technische
Eigenschaften spezieller Ma- schinen eingehen zu miissen, und ohne
damit jewells einem Tell der Leser das Verstandnis zu erschweren.
Was nach Fortlassung der ge- nannten Gebiete bleibt, ist nicht ein
trockener, unverstandlicher Rest, sondern der Inbegriff aller fiir
das Programmieren wesentlichen Prin- zipien. Sowohl der
Naturwissenschaftler als auch der Verwaltungsfach- mann, der diese
Prinzipien erfaBt hat, wird jederzeit in der Lage sein, sie seinen
besonderen Aufgaben dienstbar zu machen. Kapitel A solI zeigen,
welchen Platz der Rechenautomat unter den technischen
Errungenschaften einnimmt und wie er dorthin gelangt ist.
Besonderes Anliegen ist mir hier der geschichtliche Uberblick, well
einer- seits die deutschsprachigen Biicher auf diesem Gebiet kaum
historische Angaben enthalten und andererseits die
anglo-amerikanische Literatur die kontinentaleuropaische
Entwicklung iibergeht. - Kapitel B enthalt die Beschreibung einer
gedachten Maschine TElCO in allen Einzelheiten.
Manage your Microsoft 365 workloads between SharePoint Server and
SharePoint Online using the SharePoint Hybrid configuration Key
Features Explore the collaborative features of SharePoint Server
technologies using expert techniques Migrate your Microsoft 365
workload and Teamwork services to SharePoint Online using a hybrid
configuration Learn how to map traditional Microsoft services to a
cloud service model Book DescriptionSharePoint Server is an
on-premises collaboration and business productivity platform. It
serves as a content management and web services platform, enabling
users to create, publish, and discover content and applications and
integrate with business systems. This SharePoint book offers
complete, up-to-date coverage of the SharePoint Server 2019
interface to help you configure and deploy confidently from the
start. With the help of clear and succinct explanations and expert
tips, this book covers SharePoint Server and SharePoint Hybrid
configuration as well as the process for migrating to Microsoft
SharePoint Online. As the book takes you through strategies and
techniques for configuring and managing SharePoint on-premises and
hybrid scenarios, you'll get to grips with the concepts essential
for SharePoint deployments, such as authentication, Business
Connectivity Services, and the data gateway. You'll also explore
migration methods and strategies. By the end of this book, you'll
have learned the fundamentals of deploying SharePoint Server 2019
and be able to use this reference guide for your administration
tasks. What you will learn Understand how SharePoint Server
technologies enable you to collaborate Deploy and configure
SharePoint Server 2019 Configure and manage SharePoint site
collections Manage data migration with SharePoint's migration tools
Explore Business Connectivity Services (BCS) for working with
external data sources Get to grips with the different types of
authentication available in the SharePoint ecosystem Who this book
is forMicrosoft SharePoint Server 2019 and SharePoint Hybrid
Administration is targeted at entry-level SharePoint Server
administrators who want to learn how to deploy and manage
SharePoint farms, service applications, and connected data
Die rege Propaganda von Firmen, die Buchungsmaschinen verkaufen,
hat sehr dazu beigetragen, daB, allgemein gesehen, der Ubergang vom
ehrwiirdigen, gebundenen, handschriftlich gefiihrten Buche mit mehr
facher Ubertragungsnotwendigkeit zu wirksameren, zeitsparenden Ver
fahren der Vermogensaufzeichnung unaufhaltsam fortschreitet. In
dieser Entwicklung, deren Richtung durch neue Anschauungen iiber
Geschaftstechnik, neue Aufgaben der Buchhaltung, neue Buchungs
verfahren und neue Buchungsgerate bestimmt wird, sind die Buchungs
maschinen ein Glied. Eine Darstellung der Technik der
Maschinenbuchhaltung kann sich daher nicht auf eine bloBe
Beschreibung der Maschinen beschranken, ja sie kann sie nicht
einmal in den V ordergrund stellen, sie muB vielmehr zeigen, wo
diese Hilfsmittel zweckmaBig in den Arbeitslauf einzugliedern sind,
welche Voraussetzungen fUr ihren Einsatz und fUr ihre giinstigste
Ausnutzung bestehen und welche Ergebnisse von ihrer Anwendung
erwartet werden konnen. Die neuen Arbeitsgerate setzen neue
Verfahren und damit auch neuartige Arbeitslaufgestaltung voraus.
Daher ist es nicht moglich, die Maschinenbuchhaltung auf der
Technik hand schriftlicher Buchhaltung aufzubauen. Man muB dabei
von den unter sten Grundlagen unseres heutigen Rechnungswesens
ausgehen. Die Praxis schopft ihr Wissen von diesen Dingen heute
noch fast ausschlieBlich aus den Prospekten der
Maschinen-Verkaufsfirmen. DaB diese Prospekte nicht das allgemein
Giiltige der Maschinenbuchhaltung hervorheben konnen, auch nicht
objektiv aIle Seiten eines bestimmten Maschinentyps beleuchten und
mit anderen Typen vergleichen, ist klar. Diesem Mangel verdankt
dieses Buch seine Entstehung."
Learn how you can control LEDs, make music, and read sensor data
using popular microcontrollers such as Adafruit Circuit Playground,
ESP8266, and the BBC micro:bit Key Features Load and execute your
first program with MicroPython Program an IoT device to retrieve
weather data using a RESTful API Get to grips with integrating
hardware, programming, and networking concepts with MicroPython
Book DescriptionMicroPython is an open source implementation of
Python 3 that runs in embedded environments. With MicroPython, you
can write clean and simple Python code to control hardware instead
of using complex low-level languages like C and C++. This book
guides you through all the major applications of the MicroPython
platform to build and program projects that use microcontrollers.
The MicroPython book covers recipes that'll help you experiment
with the programming environment and hardware programmed in
MicroPython. You'll find tips and techniques for building a variety
of objects and prototypes that can sense and respond to touch,
sound, position, heat, and light. This book will take you through
the uses of MicroPython with a variety of popular input devices and
sensors. You'll learn techniques for handling time delays and
sensor readings, and apply advanced coding techniques to create
complex projects. As you advance, you'll get to deal with Internet
of Things (IoT) devices and integration with other online web
services. Furthermore, you'll also use MicroPython to make music
with bananas and create portable multiplayer video games that
incorporate sound and light animations into the game play. By the
end of the book, you'll have mastered tips and tricks to
troubleshoot your development problems and push your MicroPython
project to the next level! What you will learn Execute code without
any need for compiling or uploading using REPL
(read-evaluate-print-loop) Program and control LED matrix and
NeoPixel drivers to display patterns and colors Build projects that
make use of light, temperature, and touch sensors Configure devices
to create Wi-Fi access points and use network modules to scan and
connect to existing networks Use Pulse Width Modulation to control
DC motors and servos Build an IoT device to display live weather
data from the Internet at the touch of a button Who this book is
forIf you want to build and program projects that use
microcontrollers, this book will offer you dozens of recipes to
guide you through all the major applications of the MicroPython
platform. Although no knowledge of MicroPython or microcontrollers
is expected, a general understanding of Python is necessary to get
started with this book.