Books > Humanities > Philosophy > Topics in philosophy
The public sphere, be it the Greek agora or the New York Times
op-ed page, is the realm of appearances - not citizenship. Its
central event is spectacle - not dialogue. Public dialogue, the
mantra of many intellectuals and political commentators, is but a
contradiction in terms. Marked by an asymmetry between the few who
act and the many who watch, the public sphere can undermine liberal
democracy, law, and morality. Inauthenticity, superficiality, and
objectification are the very essence of the public sphere. But the
public sphere also liberates us from the bondages of private life
and fosters an existentially vital aesthetic experience. Reign of
Appearances uses a variety of cases to reveal the logic of the
public sphere, including homosexuality in Victorian England, the
2008 crash, antisemitism in Europe, confidence in American
presidents, communications in social media, special prosecutor
investigations, the visibility of African-Americans, violence
during the French Revolution, the Islamic veil, and contemporary
sexual politics. This unconventional account of the public sphere
is critical reading for anyone who wants to understand the effects
of visibility in urban life, politics, and the media.
A thought-provoking contribution to the renaissance of interest in
Bergson, this study brings him to a new generation of readers.
Ansell-Pearson contends that there is a Bergsonian revolution, an
upheaval in philosophy comparable in significance to those that we
are more familiar with, from Kant to Nietzsche and Heidegger, that
make up our intellectual modernity. The focus of the text is on
Bergson's conception of philosophy as the discipline that seeks to
'think beyond the human condition'. Not that we are caught up in an
existential predicament when the appeal is made to think beyond the
human condition; rather that restricting philosophy to the human
condition fails to appreciate the extent to which we are not simply
creatures of habit and automatism, but also organisms involved in a
creative evolution of becoming. Ansell-Pearson introduces the work
of Bergson and core aspects of his innovative modes of thinking;
examines his interest in Epicureanism; explores his interest in the
self and in time and memory; presents Bergson on ethics and on
religion, and illuminates Bergson on the art of life.
The question of humanness requires a philosophical anthropology and
we need a revision of what philosophical anthropology means in
light of contemporary efforts in speculative realism and
object-oriented ontology. This is the main claim of the book which
expands into the smaller supporting claims that 1) contemporary
work in speculative realism indicates that Heidegger's analytic of
Dasein needs to be rethought in consideration of certain Kantian
values 2) recent philosophical anthropology offers an incomplete
look at the central concern of philosophical anthropology, namely,
the question of humanness 3) current ontological models do not
account adequately for humanness, because they do not begin with
humanness. From these considerations, a new ontological model
better suited to account for humanness is proposed, spectral
ontology. Under spectral ontology, Being is treated as a spectrum
consisting of beings, nonbeings, and hyperbeings. Nonbeings, or
nonrelational entities, and hyper-beings, are spectral insofar as
they are like a specter which haunts the being that manifests in
the world. Thus, spectral in this sense refers to both the
nonrelational status of nonbeings and to an ontology which reflects
such a spectrum of Being.
The doctrine of the atonement is the distinctive doctrine of
Christianity. Over the course of many centuries of reflection,
highly diverse interpretations of the doctrine have been proposed.
In the context of this history of interpretation, Eleonore Stump
considers the doctrine afresh with philosophical care. Whatever
exactly the atonement is, it is supposed to include a solution to
the problems of the human condition, especially its guilt and
shame. Stump canvasses the major interpretations of the doctrine
that attempt to explain this solution and argues that all of them
have serious shortcomings. In their place, she argues for an
interpretation that is both novel and yet traditional and that has
significant advantages over other interpretations, including
Anselms well-known account of the doctrine. In the process, she
also discusses love, union, guilt, shame, forgiveness, retribution,
punishment, shared attention, mind-reading, empathy, and various
other issues in moral psychology and ethics.
Marx's early work is well known and widely available, but it
usually interpreted as at best a kind of stepping-stone to the Marx
of Capital. This book offers something completely different; it
reconstructs, from his first writings spanning from 1835 to 1846, a
coherent and well-rounded political philosophy. The influence of
Engels upon the development of that philosophy is discussed. This,
it is argued, was a philosophy that Marx could have presented had
he put the ideas together, as he hinted was his eventual intention.
Had he done so, this first Marx would have made an even greater
contribution to social and political philosophy than is generally
acknowledged today. Arguments regarding revolutionary change,
contradiction and other topics such as production, alienation and
emancipation contribute to a powerful analysis in the early works
of Marx, one which is worthy of discussion on its own merits. This
analysis is distributed among a range of books, papers, letters and
other writings, and is gathered here for the first time. Marx's
work of the period was driven by his commitment to emancipation.
Moreover, as is discussed in the conclusion to this book, his
emancipatory philosophy continues to have resonance today. This new
book presents Marx in a unique, new light and will be indispensable
reading for all studying and following his work.
Addressing Merleau-Ponty's work Phenomenology of Perception, in
dialogue with The Visible and the Invisible, his lectures at the
College de France, and his reading of Proust, this book argues that
at play in his thought is a philosophy of "ontological lateness".
This describes the manner in which philosophical reflection is
fated to lag behind its objects; therefore an absolute grasp on
being remains beyond its reach. Merleau-Ponty articulates this
philosophy against the backdrop of what he calls "cruel thought", a
style of reflecting that seeks resolution by limiting,
circumscribing, and arresting its object. By contrast, the
philosophy of ontological lateness seeks no such finality-no
apocalypsis or unveiling-but is characterized by its ability to
accept the veiling of being and its own constitutive lack of
punctuality. To this extent, his thinking inaugurates a new
relation to the becoming of sense that overcomes cruel thought.
Merleau-Ponty's work gives voice to a wisdom of dispossession that
allows for the withdrawal of being. Never before has anyone engaged
with the theme of Merleau-Ponty's own understanding of philosophy
in such a sustained way as Whitmoyer does in this volume.
Marcus Aurelius
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Obwohl Komik und Behinderung gerade in den Kunsten immer wieder
zusammentreffen, gibt es so gut wie keine theoretisch und
methodisch fundierten Auseinandersetzungen mit dieser Thematik in
den Literatur-, Kultur- oder Sozialwissenschaften. Gerade im
Kontext von Inklusionsdiskussionen jedoch sind Fragen nach dem
Potential des Lachens und der Komik, aber auch nach deren
Ambivalenz im Zusammenhang mit Behinderung von weitreichender
Bedeutung. Der vorliegende Band unternimmt eine Bestandsaufnahme
moeglicher Theorien und Analysekonzepte anhand konkreter
Einzelanalysen. Die Autor:innen vertreten die Sozial-, Erziehungs-,
Literatur-, Kultur-, Medien-, Theater- und Filmwissenschaften.