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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Topology
This book is an introduction to main methods and principal results in the theory of Co(remark: o is upper index!!)-small perturbations of dynamical systems. It is the first comprehensive treatment of this topic. In particular, Co(upper index!)-generic properties of dynamical systems, topological stability, perturbations of attractors, limit sets of domains are discussed. The book contains some new results (Lipschitz shadowing of pseudotrajectories in structurally stable diffeomorphisms for instance). The aim of the author was to simplify and to "visualize" some basic proofs, so the main part of the book is accessible to graduate students in pure and applied mathematics. The book will also be a basic reference for researchers in various fields of dynamical systems and their applications, especially for those who study attractors or pseudotrajectories generated by numerical methods.
Symmetry has a strong impact on the number and shape of solutions to variational problems. This has been observed, for instance, in the search for periodic solutions of Hamiltonian systems or of the nonlinear wave equation; when one is interested in elliptic equations on symmetric domains or in the corresponding semiflows; and when one is looking for "special" solutions of these problems. This book is concerned with Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory and Morse-Conley theory for group invariant functionals. These topological methods are developed in detail with new calculations of the equivariant Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and versions of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem for very general classes of symmetry groups. The Morse-Conley theory is applied to bifurcation problems, in particular to the bifurcation of steady states and hetero-clinic orbits of O(3)-symmetric flows; and to the existence of periodic solutions nearequilibria of symmetric Hamiltonian systems. Some familiarity with the usualminimax theory and basic algebraic topology is assumed.
The book is devoted to partial differential equations of Hamiltonian form, close to integrable equations. For such equations a KAM-like theorem is proved, stating that solutions of the unperturbed equation that are quasiperiodic in time mostly persist in the perturbed one. The theorem is applied to classical nonlinear PDE's with one-dimensional space variable such as the nonlinear string and nonlinear Schr-dinger equation andshow that the equations have "regular" (=time-quasiperiodic and time-periodic) solutions in rich supply. These results cannot be obtained by other techniques. The book will thus be of interest to mathematicians and physicists working with nonlinear PDE's. An extensivesummary of the results and of related topics is provided in the Introduction. All the nontraditional material used is discussed in the firstpart of the book and in five appendices.
Combinatorial group theory is a loosely defined subject, with close connections to topology and logic. With surprising frequency, problems in a wide variety of disciplines, including differential equations, automorphic functions and geometry, have been distilled into explicit questions about groups, typically of the following kind: Are the groups in a given class finite (e.g., the Burnside problem)? Finitely generated? Finitely presented? What are the conjugates of a given element in a given group? What are the subgroups of that group? Is there an algorithm for deciding for every pair of groups in a given class whether they are isomorphic or not? The objective of combinatorial group theory is the systematic development of algebraic techniques to settle such questions. In view of the scope of the subject and the extraordinary variety of groups involved, it is not surprising that no really general theory exists. These notes, bridging the very beginning of the theory to new results and developments, are devoted to a number of topics in combinatorial group theory and serve as an introduction to the subject on the graduate level.
The volume contains the texts of four courses, given by the authors at a summer school that sought to present the state of the art in the growing field of topological methods in the theory of o.d.e. (in finite and infinitedimension), and to provide a forum for discussion of the wide variety of mathematical tools which are involved. The topics covered range from the extensions of the Lefschetz fixed point and the fixed point index on ANR's, to the theory of parity of one-parameter families of Fredholm operators, and from the theory of coincidence degree for mappings on Banach spaces to homotopy methods for continuation principles. CONTENTS: P. Fitzpatrick: The parity as an invariant for detecting bifurcation of the zeroes of one parameter families of nonlinear Fredholm maps.- M. Martelli: Continuation principles and boundary value problems.- J. Mawhin: Topological degree and boundary value problems for nonlinear differential equations.- R.D. Nussbaum: The fixed point index and fixed point theorems.
Gromov's theory of hyperbolic groups have had a big impact in combinatorial group theory and has deep connections with many branches of mathematics suchdifferential geometry, representation theory, ergodic theory and dynamical systems. This book is an elaboration on some ideas of Gromov on hyperbolic spaces and hyperbolic groups in relation with symbolic dynamics. Particular attention is paid to the dynamical system defined by the action of a hyperbolic group on its boundary. The boundary is most oftenchaotic both as a topological space and as a dynamical system, and a description of this boundary and the action is given in terms of subshifts of finite type. The book is self-contained and includes two introductory chapters, one on Gromov's hyperbolic geometry and the other one on symbolic dynamics. It is intended for students and researchers in geometry and in dynamical systems, and can be used asthe basis for a graduate course on these subjects.
In this volume experts from university and industry are presenting new technologies for solving industrial problems as well as important and practicable impulses for new research. The following topics are treated: - solid modelling - geometry processing - feature modelling - product modelling - surfaces over arbitrary topologies - blending methods - scattered data algorithms - smooting and fairing algorithms - NURBS 21 articles are giving a state-of-the-art survey of the relevant problems and issues in the rapidly growing area of geometric modelling.
Introduction M. Kodaira's vanishing theorem, saying that the inverse of an ample invert ible sheaf on a projective complex manifold X has no cohomology below the dimension of X and its generalization, due to Y. Akizuki and S. Nakano, have been proven originally by methods from differential geometry ([39J and [1]). Even if, due to J.P. Serre's GAGA-theorems [56J and base change for field extensions the algebraic analogue was obtained for projective manifolds over a field k of characteristic p = 0, for a long time no algebraic proof was known and no generalization to p > 0, except for certain lower dimensional manifolds. Worse, counterexamples due to M. Raynaud [52J showed that in characteristic p > 0 some additional assumptions were needed. This was the state of the art until P. Deligne and 1. Illusie [12J proved the degeneration of the Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence for projective manifolds X defined over a field k of characteristic p > 0 and liftable to the second Witt vectors W2(k). Standard degeneration arguments allow to deduce the degeneration of the Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence in characteristic zero, as well, a re sult which again could only be obtained by analytic and differential geometric methods beforehand. As a corollary of their methods M. Raynaud (loc. cit.) gave an easy proof of Kodaira vanishing in all characteristics, provided that X lifts to W2(k).
One way to advance the science of computational geometry is to make a comprehensive study of fundamental operations that are used in many different algorithms. This monograph attempts such an investigation in the case of two basic predicates: the counterclockwise relation pqr, which states that the circle through points (p, q, r) is traversed counterclockwise when we encounter the points in cyclic order p, q, r, p, ...; and the incircle relation pqrs, which states that s lies inside that circle if pqr is true, or outside that circle if pqr is false. The author, Donald Knuth, is one of the greatest computer scientists of our time. A few years ago, he and some of his students were looking at amap that pinpointed the locations of about 100 cities. They asked, "Which ofthese cities are neighbors of each other?" They knew intuitively that some pairs of cities were neighbors and some were not; they wanted to find a formal mathematical characterization that would match their intuition.This monograph is the result.
This volume (a sequel to LNM 1108, 1214, 1334 and 1453) continues the presentation to English speaking readers of the Voronezh University press series on Global Analysis and Its Applications. The papers are selected fromtwo Russian issues entitled "Algebraic questions of Analysis and Topology" and "Nonlinear Operators in Global Analysis." CONTENTS: YuE. Gliklikh: Stochastic analysis, groups of diffeomorphisms and Lagrangian description of viscous incompressible fluid.- A.Ya. Helemskii: From topological homology: algebras with different properties of homological triviality.- V.V. Lychagin, L.V. Zil'bergleit: Duality in stable Spencer cohomologies.- O.R. Musin: On some problems of computational geometry and topology.- V.E. Nazaikinskii, B.Yu. Sternin, V.E.Shatalov: Introduction to Maslov's operational method (non-commutative analysis and differential equations).- Yu.B. Rudyak: The problem of realization of homology classes from Poincare up to the present.- V.G. Zvyagin, N.M. Ratiner: Oriented degree of Fredholm maps of non-negativeindex and its applications to global bifurcation of solutions.- A.A. Bolibruch: Fuchsian systems with reducible monodromy and the Riemann-Hilbert problem.- I.V. Bronstein, A.Ya. Kopanskii: Finitely smooth normal forms of vector fields in the vicinity of a rest point.- B.D. Gel'man: Generalized degree of multi-valued mappings.- G.N. Khimshiashvili: On Fredholmian aspects of linear transmission problems.- A.S. Mishchenko: Stationary solutions of nonlinear stochastic equations.- B.Yu. Sternin, V.E. Shatalov: Continuation of solutions to elliptic equations and localisation of singularities.- V.G. Zvyagin, V.T. Dmitrienko: Properness of nonlinear elliptic differential operators in H-lder spaces.
The papers in this collection, all fully refereed, original papers, reflect many aspects of recent significant advances in homotopy theory and group cohomology. From the Contents: A. Adem: On the geometry and cohomology of finite simple groups.- D.J. Benson: Resolutions and Poincar duality for finite groups.- C. Broto and S. Zarati: On sub-A*-algebras of H*V.- M.J. Hopkins, N.J. Kuhn, D.C. Ravenel: Morava K-theories of classifying spaces and generalized characters for finite groups.- K. Ishiguro: Classifying spaces of compact simple lie groups and p-tori.- A.T. Lundell: Concise tables of James numbers and some homotopyof classical Lie groups and associated homogeneous spaces.- J.R. Martino: Anexample of a stable splitting: the classifying space of the 4-dim unipotent group.- J.E. McClure, L. Smith: On the homotopy uniqueness of BU(2) at the prime 2.- G. Mislin: Cohomologically central elements and fusion in groups.
Geometric Topology can be defined to be the investigation of global properties of a further structure (e.g. differentiable, Riemannian, complex, algebraic etc.) one can impose on a topological manifold. At the C.I.M.E. session in Montecatini, in 1990, three courses of lectures were given onrecent developments in this subject which is nowadays emerging as one of themost fascinating and promising fields of contemporary mathematics. The notesof these courses are collected in this volume and can be described as: 1) the geometry and the rigidity of discrete subgroups in Lie groups especially in the case of lattices in semi-simple groups; 2) the study of the critical points of the distance function and its appication to the understanding of the topology of Riemannian manifolds; 3) the theory of moduli space of instantons as a tool for studying the geometry of low-dimensional manifolds. CONTENTS: J. Cheeger: Critical Points of Distance Functions and Applications to Geometry.- M. Gromov, P. Pansu, Rigidity of Lattices: An Introduction.- Chr. Okonek: Instanton Invariants and Algebraic Surfaces.
With one exception, these papers are original and fully refereed research articles on various applications of Category Theory to Algebraic Topology, Logic and Computer Science. The exception is an outstanding and lengthy survey paper by Joyal/Street (80 pp) on a growing subject: it gives an account of classical Tannaka duality in such a way as to be accessible to the general mathematical reader, and to provide a key for entry to more recent developments and quantum groups. No expertise in either representation theory or category theory is assumed. Topics such as the Fourier cotransform, Tannaka duality for homogeneous spaces, braided tensor categories, Yang-Baxter operators, Knot invariants and quantum groups are introduced and studies. From the Contents: P.J. Freyd: Algebraically complete categories.- J.M.E. Hyland: First steps in synthetic domain theory.- G. Janelidze, W. Tholen: How algebraic is the change-of-base functor?.- A. Joyal, R. Street: An introduction to Tannaka duality and quantum groups.- A. Joyal, M. Tierney: Strong stacks andclassifying spaces.- A. Kock: Algebras for the partial map classifier monad.- F.W. Lawvere: Intrinsic co-Heyting boundaries and the Leibniz rule in certain toposes.- S.H. Schanuel: Negative sets have Euler characteristic and dimension.-
During the Fall Semester of 1987, Stevo Todorcevic gave a series of lectures at the University of Colorado. These notes of the course, taken by the author, give a novel and fast exposition of four chapters of Set Theory. The first two chapters are about the connection between large cardinals and Lebesque measure. The third is on forcing axioms such as Martin's axiom or the Proper Forcing Axiom. The fourth chapter looks at the method of minimal walks and p-functions and their applications. The book is addressed to researchers and graduate students interested in Set Theory, Set-Theoretic Topology and Measure Theory.
The Pontryagin-van Kampen duality theorem and the Bochner theorem on positive-definite functions are known to be true for certain abelian topological groups that are not locally compact. The book sets out to present in a systematic way the existing material. It is based on the original notion of a nuclear group, which includes LCA groups and nuclear locally convex spaces together with their additive subgroups, quotient groups and products. For (metrizable, complete) nuclear groups one obtains analogues of the Pontryagin duality theorem, of the Bochner theorem and of the L vy-Steinitz theorem on rearrangement of series (an answer to an old question of S. Ulam). The book is written in the language of functional analysis. The methods used are taken mainly from geometry of numbers, geometry of Banach spaces and topological algebra. The reader is expected only to know the basics of functional analysis and abstract harmonic analysis.
As part of the scientific activity in connection with the 70th birthday of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, an international conference on algebraic topology was held. In the resulting proceedings volume, the emphasis is on substantial survey papers, some presented at the conference, some written subsequently.
The author presents a topological approach to the problem of robustness of dynamic feedback control. First the gap-topology is introduced as a distance measure between systems. In this topology, stability of the closed loop system is a robust property. Furthermore, it is possible to solve the problem of optimally robust control in this setting. The book can be divided into two parts. The first chapters form an introduction to the topological approach towards robust stabilization. Although of theoretical nature, only general mathematical knowledge is required from the reader. The second part is devoted to compensator design. Several algorithms for computing an optimally robust controller in the gap-topology are presented and worked out. Therefore we hope that the book will not only be of interest to theoreticians, but that also practitioners will benefit from it.
The book is devoted to two natural problems, the existence and unicity of minimal projections in Banach space. Connections are established between the latter and unicity in mathematical programming problems and also with the problem of the characterization of Hilbert spaces. The book also contains a Kolmogorov type criterion for minimal projections and detailed descriptions of the Fourier operators. Presenting both new results and problems for further investigations, this book is addressed to researchers and graduate students interested in geometric functional analysis and to applications.
The theory of surgery on manifolds has been generalized to categories of manifolds with group actions in several different ways. This book discusses some basic properties that such theories have in common. Special emphasis is placed on analogs of the fourfold periodicity theorems in ordinary surgery and the roles of standard general position hypotheses on the strata of manifolds with group actions. The contents of the book presuppose some familiarity with the basic ideas of surgery theory and transformation groups, but no previous knowledge of equivariant surgery is assumed. The book is designed to serve either as an introduction to equivariant surgery theory for advanced graduate students and researchers in related areas, or as an account of the authors' previously unpublished work on periodicity for specialists in surgery theory or transformation groups.
This book demonstrates the lively interaction between algebraic topology, very low dimensional topology and combinatorial group theory. Many of the ideas presented are still in their infancy, and it is hoped that the work here will spur others to new and exciting developments. Among the many techniques disussed are the use of obstruction groups to distinguish certain exact sequences and several graph theoretic techniques with applications to the theory of groups.
A central problem in algebraic topology is the calculation of the values of the stable homotopy groups of spheres +*S. In this book, a new method for this is developed based upon the analysis of the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence. After the tools for this analysis are developed, these methods are applied to compute inductively the first 64 stable stems, a substantial improvement over the previously known 45. Much of this computation is algorithmic and is done by computer. As an application, an element of degree 62 of Kervaire invariant one is shown to have order two. This book will be useful to algebraic topologists and graduate students with a knowledge of basic homotopy theory and Brown-Peterson homology; for its methods, as a reference on the structure of the first 64 stable stems and for the tables depicting the behavior of the Atiyah-Hirzebruch and classical Adams spectral sequences through degree 64.
This book describes the construction and the properties of CW-complexes. These spaces are important because firstly they are the correct framework for homotopy theory, and secondly most spaces that arise in pure mathematics are of this type. The authors discuss the foundations and also developments, for example, the theory of finite CW-complexes, CW-complexes in relation to the theory of fibrations, and Milnor's work on spaces of the type of CW-complexes. They establish very clearly the relationship between CW-complexes and the theory of simplicial complexes, which is developed in great detail. Exercises are provided throughout the book; some are straightforward, others extend the text in a non-trivial way. For the latter; further reference is given for their solution. Each chapter ends with a section sketching the historical development. An appendix gives basic results from topology, homology and homotopy theory. These features will aid graduate students, who can use the work as a course text. As a contemporary reference work it will be essential reading for the more specialized workers in algebraic topology and homotopy theory.
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