Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Topology
A central problem in algebraic topology is the calculation of the
values of the stable homotopy groups of spheres +*S. In this book,
a new method for this is developed based upon the analysis of the
Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence. After the tools for this
analysis are developed, these methods are applied to compute
inductively the first 64 stable stems, a substantial improvement
over the previously known 45. Much of this computation is
algorithmic and is done by computer. As an application, an element
of degree 62 of Kervaire invariant one is shown to have order two.
This book will be useful to algebraic topologists and graduate
students with a knowledge of basic homotopy theory and
Brown-Peterson homology; for its methods, as a reference on the
structure of the first 64 stable stems and for the tables depicting
the behavior of the Atiyah-Hirzebruch and classical Adams spectral
sequences through degree 64.
This book provides the first extensive and systematic treatment of
the theory of commutative coherent rings. It blends, and provides a
link, between the two sometimes disjoint approaches available in
the literature, the ring theoretic approach, and the homological
algebra approach. The book covers most results in commutative
coherent ring theory known to date, as well as a number of results
never published before. Starting with elementary results, the book
advances to topics such as: uniform coherence, regular rings, rings
of small homological dimensions, polynomial and power series rings,
group rings and symmetric algebra over coherent rings. The subject
of coherence is brought to the frontiers of research, exposing the
open problems in the field. Most topics are treated in their fully
generality, deriving the results on coherent rings as conclusions
of the general theory. Thus, the book develops many of the tools of
modern research in commutative algebra with a variety of examples
and counterexamples. Although the book is essentially
self-contained, basic knowledge of commutative and homological
algebra is recommended. It addresses graduate students and
This selection of papers from the Beijing conference gives a
cross-section of the current trends in the field of fixed point
theory as seen by topologists and analysts. Apart from one survey
article, they are all original research articles, on topics
including equivariant theory, extensions of Nielsen theory,
periodic orbits of discrete and continuous dynamical systems, and
new invariants and techniques in topological approaches to analytic
This volume collects six related articles. The first is the notes
(written by J.S. Milne) of a major part of the seminar "Periodes
des Int grales Abeliennes" given by P. Deligne at I'.B.E.S.,
1978-79. The second article was written for this volume (by P.
Deligne and J.S. Milne) and is largely based on: N Saavedra Rivano,
Categories tannakiennes, Lecture Notes in Math. 265, Springer,
Heidelberg 1972. The third article is a slight expansion of part
of: J.S. Milne and Kuang-yen Shih, Sh ura varieties: conjugates and
the action of complex conjugation 154 pp. (Unpublished manuscript,
October 1979). The fourth article is based on a letter from P.
De1igne to R. Langlands, dated 10th April, 1979, and was revised
and completed (by De1igne) in July, 1981. The fifth article is a
slight revision of another section of the manuscript of Milne and
Shih referred to above. The sixth article, by A. Ogus, dates from
July, 1980.
The Motivation. With intensified use of mathematical ideas, the
methods and techniques of the various sciences and those for the
solution of practical problems demand of the mathematician not only
greater readi ness for extra-mathematical applications but also
more comprehensive orientations within mathematics. In
applications, it is frequently less important to draw the most
far-reaching conclusions from a single mathe matical idea than to
cover a subject or problem area tentatively by a proper "variety"
of mathematical theories. To do this the mathematician must be
familiar with the shared as weIl as specific features of differ ent
mathematical approaches, and must have experience with their inter
connections. The Atiyah-Singer Index Formula, "one of the deepest
and hardest results in mathematics," "probably has wider
ramifications in topology and analysis than any other single
result" (F. Hirzebruch) and offers perhaps a particularly fitting
example for such an introduction to "Mathematics" In spi te of i ts
difficulty and immensely rich interrela tions, the realm of the
Index Formula can be delimited, and thus its ideas and methods can
be made accessible to students in their middle * semesters. In
fact, the Atiyah-Singer Index Formula has become progressively
"easier" and "more transparent" over the years. The discovery of
deeper and more comprehensive applications (see Chapter 111. 4)
brought with it, not only a vigorous exploration of its methods
particularly in the many facetted and always new presentations of
the material by M. F."
During the academic year 1987-1988 the University of Wisconsin in
Madison hosted a Special Year of Lie Algebras. A Workshop on Lie
Algebras, of which these are the proceedings, inaugurated the
special year. The principal focus of the year and of the workshop
was the long-standing problem of classifying the simple
finite-dimensional Lie algebras over algebraically closed field of
prime characteristic. However, other lectures at the workshop dealt
with the related areas of algebraic groups, representation theory,
and Kac-Moody Lie algebras. Fourteen papers were presented and nine
of these (eight research articles and one expository article) make
up this volume.
These are proceedings of an International Conference on Algebraic
Topology, held 28 July through 1 August, 1986, at Arcata,
California. The conference served in part to mark the 25th
anniversary of the journal "Topology" and 60th birthday of Edgar H.
Brown. It preceded ICM 86 in Berkeley, and was conceived as a
successor to the Aarhus conferences of 1978 and 1982. Some thirty
papers are included in this volume, mostly at a research level.
Subjects include cyclic homology, H-spaces, transformation groups,
real and rational homotopy theory, acyclic manifolds, the homotopy
theory of classifying spaces, instantons and loop spaces, and
complex bordism.
This is an introduction to some geometrie aspects of G-function
theory. Most of the results presented here appear in print for the
flrst time; hence this text is something intermediate between a
standard monograph and a research artic1e; it is not a complete
survey of the topic. Except for geometrie chapters (I.3.3, II, IX,
X), I have tried to keep it reasonably self contained; for
instance, the second part may be used as an introduction to p-adic
analysis, starting from a few basic facts wh ich are recalled in
IV.l.l. I have inc1uded about forty exercises, most of them giving
some complements to the main text. Acknowledgements This book was
written during a stay at the Max-Planck-Institut in Bonn. I should
like here to express my special gratitude to this institute and its
director, F. Hirzebruch, for their generous hospitality. G.
Wustholz has suggested the whole project and made its realization
possible, and this book would not exist without his help; I thank
him heartily. I also thank D. Bertrand, E. Bombieri, K. Diederich,
and S. Lang for their encouragements, and D. Bertrand, G. Christo I
and H Esnault for stimulating conversations and their help in
removing some inaccuracies after a careful reading of parts of the
text (any remaining error is however my sole responsibility)."
The book is the second part of an intended three-volume treatise on
semialgebraic topology over an arbitrary real closed field R. In
the first volume (LNM 1173) the category LSA(R) or regular
paracompact locally semialgebraic spaces over R was studied. The
category WSA(R) of weakly semialgebraic spaces over R - the focus
of this new volume - contains LSA(R) as a full subcategory. The
book provides ample evidence that WSA(R) is "the" right cadre to
understand homotopy and homology of semialgebraic sets, while
LSA(R) seems to be more natural and beautiful from a geometric
angle. The semialgebraic sets appear in LSA(R) and WSA(R) as the
full subcategory SA(R) of affine semialgebraic spaces. The theory
is new although it borrows from algebraic topology. A highlight is
the proof that every generalized topological (co)homology theory
has a counterpart in WSA(R) with in some sense "the same," or even
better, properties as the topological theory. Thus we may speak of
ordinary (=singular) homology groups, orthogonal, unitary or
symplectic K-groups, and various sorts of cobordism groups of a
semialgebraic set over R. If R is not archimedean then it seems
difficult to develop a satisfactory theory of these groups within
the category of semialgebraic sets over R: with weakly
semialgebraic spaces this becomes easy. It remains for us to
interpret the elements of these groups in geometric terms: this is
done here for ordinary (co)homology.
The contributions in this volume summarize parts of a seminar on
conformal geometry which was held at the Max-Planck-Institut fur
Mathematik in Bonn during the academic year 1985/86. The intention
of this seminar was to study conformal structures on mani folds
from various viewpoints. The motivation to publish seminar notes
grew out of the fact that in spite of the basic importance of this
field to many topics of current interest (low-dimensional topology,
analysis on manifolds . . . ) there seems to be no coherent
introduction to conformal geometry in the literature. We have tried
to make the material presented in this book self-contained, so it
should be accessible to students with some background in
differential geometry. Moreover, we hope that it will be useful as
a reference and as a source of inspiration for further research.
Ravi Kulkarni/Ulrich Pinkall Conformal Structures and Mobius
Structures Ravi S. Kulkarni* Contents 0 Introduction 2 1 Conformal
Structures 4 2 Conformal Change of a Metric, Mobius Structures 8 3
Liouville's Theorem 12 n 4 The GroupsM(n) andM(E ) 13 5 Connection
with Hyperbol ic Geometry 16 6 Constructions of Mobius Manifolds 21
7 Development and Holonomy 31 8 Ideal Boundary, Classification of
Mobius Structures 35 * Partially supported by the
Max-Planck-Institut fur Mathematik, Bonn, and an NSF grant. 2 O
Introduction (0. 1) Historically, the stereographic projection and
the Mercator projection must have appeared to mathematicians very
The International Workshop CG '88 on "Computational Geometry" was
held at the University of WA1/4rzburg, FRG, March 24-25, 1988. As
the interest in the fascinating field of Computational Geometry and
its Applications has grown very quickly in recent years the
organizers felt the need to have a workshop, where a suitable
number of invited participants could concentrate their efforts in
this field to cover a broad spectrum of topics and to communicate
in a stimulating atmosphere. This workshop was attended by some
fifty invited scientists. The scientific program consisted of 22
contributions, of which 18 papers with one additional paper (M.
Reichling) are contained in the present volume. The contributions
covered important areas not only of fundamental aspects of
Computational Geometry but a lot of interesting and most promising
applications: Algorithmic Aspects of Geometry, Arrangements,
Nearest-Neighbor-Problems and Abstract Voronoi-Diagrams, Data
Structures for Geometric Objects, Geo-Relational Algebra, Geometric
Modeling, Clustering and Visualizing Geometric Objects, Finite
Element Methods, Triangulating in Parallel, Animation and Ray
Tracing, Robotics: Motion Planning, Collision Avoidance,
Visibility, Smooth Surfaces, Basic Models of Geometric
Computations, Automatizing Geometric Proofs and Constructions.
These notes give a fairly elementary introduction to the local
theory of differentiable mappings. Sard's Theorem and the
Preparation Theorem of Malgrange and Mather are the basic tools and
these are proved first. There follows a number of illustrations
including: the local part of Whitney's Theorem on mappings of the
plane into the plane, quadratic differentials, the Instability
Theorem of Thom, one of Mather's theorems on finite determinacy and
a glimpse of the theory of Toujeron. The later part of the book
develops Mather's theory of unfoldings of singularities. Its
application to Catastrophe theory is explained and the Elementary
Catastrophes are illustrated by many pictures. The book is suitable
as a text for courses to graduates and advanced undergraduates but
may also be of interest to mathematical biologists and economists.
The first part of this research monograph discusses general
properties of "G"-ENRBs - Euclidean Neighbourhood Retracts over "B"
with action of a compact Lie group "G" - and their relations with
fibrations, continuous submersions, and fibre bundles. It thus
addresses equivariant point set topology as well as equivariant
homotopy theory. Notable tools are vertical Jaworowski criterion
and an equivariant transversality theorem. The second part presents
equivariant cohomology theory showing that equivariant fixed point
theory is isomorphic to equivariant stable cohomotopy theory. A
crucial result is the sum decomposition of the equivariant fixed
point index which provides an insight into the structure of the
theory's coefficient group. Among the consequences of the sum
formula are some Borsuk-Ulam theorems as well as some folklore
results on compact Lie-groups. The final section investigates the
fixed point index in equivariant "K"-theory. The book is intended
to be a thorough and comprehensive presentation of its subject. The
reader should be familiar with the basics of the theory of compact
transformation groups. Good knowledge of algebraic topology - both
homotopy and homology theory - is assumed. For the advanced reader,
the book may serve as a base for further research. The student will
be introduced into equivariant fixed point theory; he may find it
helpful for further orientation.
Categorical algebra and its applications contain several
fundamental papers on general category theory, by the top
specialists in the field, and many interesting papers on the
applications of category theory in functional analysis, algebraic
topology, algebraic geometry, general topology, ring theory,
cohomology, differential geometry, group theory, mathematical logic
and computer sciences. The volume contains 28 carefully selected
and refereed papers, out of 96 talks delivered, and illustrates the
usefulness of category theory today as a powerful tool of
investigation in many other areas.
This volume is a collection of papers dedicated to the memory of V.
A. Rohlin (1919-1984) - an outstanding mathematician and the
founder of the Leningrad topological school. It includes survey and
research papers on topology of manifolds, topological aspects of
the theory of complex and real algebraic varieties, topology of
projective configuration spaces and spaces of convex polytopes.
The contributions making up this volume are expanded versions of
the courses given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School on the Theory of
Several recent investigations have focused attention on spaces and
manifolds which are non-compact but where the problems studied have
some kind of "control near infinity." This monograph introduces the
category of spaces that are "boundedly controlled" over the
(usually non-compact) metric space Z. It sets out to develop the
algebraic and geometric tools needed to formulate and to prove
boundedly controlled analogues of many of the standard results of
algebraic topology and simple homotopy theory. One of the themes of
the book is to show that in many cases the proof of a standard
result can be easily adapted to prove the boundedly controlled
analogue and to provide the details, often omitted in other
treatments, of this adaptation. For this reason, the book does not
require of the reader an extensive background. In the last chapter
it is shown that special cases of the boundedly controlled
Whitehead group are strongly related to lower K-theoretic groups,
and the boundedly controlled theory is compared to Siebenmann's
proper simple homotopy theory when Z = IR or IR2.
A small conference was held in September 1986 to discuss new
applications of elliptic functions and modular forms in algebraic
topology, which had led to the introduction of elliptic genera and
elliptic cohomology. The resulting papers range, fom these topics
through to quantum field theory, with considerable attention to
formal groups, homology and cohomology theories, and circle actions
on spin manifolds. Ed. Witten's rich article on the index of the
Dirac operator in loop space presents a mathematical treatment of
his interpretation of elliptic genera in terms of quantum field
theory. A short introductory article gives an account of the growth
of this area prior to the conference.
This book brings together into a general setting various techniques
in the study of the topological properties of spaces of continuous
functions. The two major classes of function space topologies
studied are the set-open topologies and the uniform topologies.
Where appropriate, the analogous theorems for the two major classes
of topologies are studied together, so that a comparison can be
made. A chapter on cardinal functions puts characterizations of a
number of topological properties of function spaces into a more
general setting: some of these results are new, others are
generalizations of known theorems. Excercises are included at the
end of each chapter, covering other kinds of function space
topologies. Thus the book should be appropriate for use in a
classroom setting as well as for functional analysis and general
topology. The only background needed is some basic knowledge of
general topology.
This proceedings volume centers on new developments in rational
homotopy and on their influence on algebra and algebraic topology.
Most of the papers are original research papers dealing with
rational homotopy and tame homotopy, cyclic homology, Moore
conjectures on the exponents of the homotopy groups of a finite
CW-c-complex and homology of loop spaces. Of particular interest
for specialists are papers on construction of the minimal model in
tame theory and computation of the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category
by means articles on Moore conjectures, on tame homotopy and on the
properties of Poincare series of loop spaces.