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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Topology
Experts from university and industry are presenting new technologies for solving industrial problems and giving many important and practicable impulses for new research. Topics explored include NURBS, product engineering, object oriented modelling, solid modelling, surface interrogation, feature modelling, variational design, scattered data algorithms, geometry processing, blending methods, smoothing and fairing algorithms, spline conversion. This collection of 24 articles gives a state-of-the-art survey of the relevant problems and issues in geometric modelling.
Fractal geometry represents a radical departure from classical geometry, which focuses on smooth objects that ``straighten out'' under magnification. Fractals, which take their name from the shape of fractured objects, can be characterized as retaining their lack of smoothness under magnification. The properties of fractals come to light under repeated magnification, which we refer to informally as ``zooming in''. This zooming-in process has its parallels in dynamics, and the varying ``scenery'' corresponds to the evolution of dynamical variables. The present monograph focuses on applications of one branch of dynamics--ergodic theory--to the geometry of fractals. Much attention is given to the all-important notion of fractal dimension, which is shown to be intimately related to the study of ergodic averages. It has been long known that dynamical systems serve as a rich source of fractal examples. The primary goal in this monograph is to demonstrate how the minute structure of fractals is unfolded when seen in the light of related dynamics.
The purpose of this book is to provide an integrated development of modern analysis and topology through the integrating vehicle of uniform spaces. The reader should have taken an advanced calculus course and an introductory topology course. It is intended that a subset of the book could be used for an upper-level undergraduate course whereas much of the full text would be suitable for a one-year graduate class. An attempt has been made to document the history of all the central ideas and references and historical notes are embedded in the text. These can lead the interested reader to the foundational sources where these ideas emerged.
Bruhat-Tits theory that suffices for the main applications. Part III treats modern topics that have become important in current research. Part IV provides a few sample applications of the theory. The appendices contain further details on the topic of integral models.
"This book is a major treatise in mathematics and is essential in the working library of the modern analyst." (Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society)
This book is a study of combinatorial structures of 3-mani- folds, especially Haken 3-manifolds. Specifically, it is concerned with Heegard graphs in Haken 3-manifolds, i.e., with graphs whose complements have a free fundamental group. These graphs always exist. They fix not only a combinatorial stucture but also a presentation for the fundamental group of the underlying 3-manifold. The starting point of the book is the result that the intersection of Heegard graphs with incompressible surfaces, or hierarchies of such surfaces, is very rigid. A number of finiteness results lead up to a ri- gidity theorem for Heegard graphs. The book is intended for graduate students and researchers in low-dimensional topolo- gy as well as combinatorial theory. It is self-contained and requires only a basic knowledge of the theory of 3-manifolds
This book is devoted to the development of adequate spatial
representations for robot motion planning. Drawing upon advanced
heuristic techniques from AI and computational geometry, the
authors introduce a general model for spatial representation of
physical objects. This model is then applied to two key problems in
intelligent robotics: collision detection and motion planning. In
addition, the application to actual robot arms is kept always in
mind, instead of dealing with simplified models.
A basic problem in differential geometry is to find canonical metrics on manifolds. The best known example of this is the classical uniformization theorem for Riemann surfaces. Extremal metrics were introduced by Calabi as an attempt at finding a higher-dimensional generalization of this result, in the setting of Kahler geometry. This book gives an introduction to the study of extremal Kahler metrics and in particular to the conjectural picture relating the existence of extremal metrics on projective manifolds to the stability of the underlying manifold in the sense of algebraic geometry. The book addresses some of the basic ideas on both the analytic and the algebraic sides of this picture. An overview is given of much of the necessary background material, such as basic Kahler geometry, moment maps, and geometric invariant theory. Beyond the basic definitions and properties of extremal metrics, several highlights of the theory are discussed at a level accessible to graduate students: Yau's theorem on the existence of Kahler-Einstein metrics, the Bergman kernel expansion due to Tian, Donaldson's lower bound for the Calabi energy, and Arezzo-Pacard's existence theorem for constant scalar curvature Kahler metrics on blow-ups.
This volume is an introduction and a monograph about tight polyhedra. The treatment of the 2-dimensional case is self- contained and fairly elementary. It would be suitable also for undergraduate seminars. Particular emphasis is given to the interplay of various special disciplines, such as geometry, elementary topology, combinatorics and convex polytopes in a way not found in other books. A typical result relates tight submanifolds to combinatorial properties of their convex hulls. The chapters on higher dimensions generalize the 2-dimensional case using concepts from combinatorics and topology, such as combinatorial Morse theory. A number of open problems is discussed.
In keeping with the general aim of the "D.M.V.-Seminar" series, this book is princi pally a report on a group of lectures held at Blaubeuren by Professors H. J. Baues, S. Halperin and J.-M. Lemaire, from October 30 to November 7, 1988. These lec tures were devoted to providing an introduction to the theory of models in algebraic homotopy. The three lecturers acted in concert to produce a coherent exposition of the theory. Commencing from a common starting point, each of them then proceeded naturally to his own subject of research. The reader who is already familiar with their scientific work will certainly give the lecturers their due. Having been asked by the speakers to take on the responsibility of writing down the notes, it seemed to me that the material elucidated in the short span of fifteen hours was too dense to appear, unedited, in book form. Some amplification was necessary. Of course I submitted to them the final version of this book, which received their approval. I thank them for this token of confidence. I am also grateful to all three for their help and advice in writing this book. I am particularly indebted to J.-M. Lemaire who was indeed very often consulted. For basic notions (in particular those concerning homotopy groups, CW complexes, (co)homology and homological algebra) the reader is advised to refer to the fundamental books written by E. H. Spanier [47], R. M. Switzer [49] and G. Whitehead [52].
This book presents the main mathematical prerequisites for analysis in metric spaces. It covers abstract measure theory, Hausdorff measures, Lipschitz functions, covering theorums, lower semicontinuity of the one-dimensional Hausdorff measure, Sobolev spaces of maps between metric spaces, and Gromov-Hausdorff theory, all developed ina general metric setting. The existence of geodesics (and more generally of minimal Steiner connections) is discussed on general metric spaces and as an application of the Gromov-Hausdorff theory, even in some cases when the ambient space is not locally compact. A brief and very general description of the theory of integration with respect to non-decreasing set functions is presented following the Di Giorgi method of using the 'cavalieri' formula as the definition of the integral. Based on lecture notes from Scuola Normale, this book presents the main mathematical prerequisites for analysis in metric spaces. Supplemented with exercises of varying difficulty it is ideal for a graduate-level short course for applied mathematicians and engineers.
Springer-Verlag began publishing books in higher mathematics in
1920, when the series "Grundlehren der mathematischen"
"Wissenschaften," initially conceived as a series of advanced
textbooks, was founded by Richard Courant. A few years later, a new
series "Ergebnisse der Mathematik und Ihrer" "Grenzgebiete," survey
reports of recent mathematical research, was added.
In presenting this treatment of homological algebra, it is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and encouragement which I have had from all sides. Homological algebra arose from many sources in algebra and topology. Decisive examples came from the study of group extensions and their factor sets, a subject I learned in joint work with OTTO SCHIL LING. A further development of homological ideas, with a view to their topological applications, came in my long collaboration with SAMUEL ElLENBERG; to both collaborators, especial thanks. For many years the Air Force Office of Scientific Research supported my research projects on various subjects now summarized here; it is a pleasure to acknowledge their lively understanding of basic science. Both REINHOLD BAER and JOSEF SCHMID read and commented on my entire manuscript; their advice has led to many improvements. ANDERS KOCK and JACQUES RIGUET have read the entire galley proof and caught many slips and obscurities. Among the others whose sug gestions have served me well, I note FRANK ADAMS, LOUIS AUSLANDER, WILFRED COCKCROFT, ALBRECHT DOLD, GEOFFREY HORROCKS, FRIED RICH KASCH, JOHANN LEICHT, ARUNAS LIULEVICIUS, JOHN MOORE, DIE TER PUPPE, JOSEPH YAO, and a number of my current students at the University of Chicago - not to m ntion the auditors of my lectures at Chicago, Heidelberg, Bonn, Frankfurt, and Aarhus. My wife, DOROTHY, has cheerfully typed more versions of more chapters than she would like to count. Messrs."
In recent years new topological methods, especially the theory of sheaves founded by J. LERAY, have been applied successfully to algebraic geometry and to the theory of functions of several complex variables. H. CARTAN and J. -P. SERRE have shown how fundamental theorems on holomorphically complete manifolds (STEIN manifolds) can be for mulated in terms of sheaf theory. These theorems imply many facts of function theory because the domains of holomorphy are holomorphically complete. They can also be applied to algebraic geometry because the complement of a hyperplane section of an algebraic manifold is holo morphically complete. J. -P. SERRE has obtained important results on algebraic manifolds by these and other methods. Recently many of his results have been proved for algebraic varieties defined over a field of arbitrary characteristic. K. KODAIRA and D. C. SPENCER have also applied sheaf theory to algebraic geometry with great success. Their methods differ from those of SERRE in that they use techniques from differential geometry (harmonic integrals etc. ) but do not make any use of the theory of STEIN manifolds. M. F. ATIYAH and W. V. D. HODGE have dealt successfully with problems on integrals of the second kind on algebraic manifolds with the help of sheaf theory. I was able to work together with K. KODAIRA and D. C. SPENCER during a stay at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton from 1952 to 1954."
This monograph is devoted to computational morphology, particularly
to the construction of a two-dimensional or a three-dimensional
closed object boundary through a set of points in arbitrary
Difference spaces arise by taking sums of finite or fractional differences. Linear forms which vanish identically on such a space are invariant in a corresponding sense. The difference spaces of L2 (Rn) are Hilbert spaces whose functions are characterized by the behaviour of their Fourier transforms near, e.g., the origin. One aim is to establish connections between these spaces and differential operators, singular integral operators and wavelets. Another aim is to discuss aspects of these ideas which emphasise invariant linear forms on locally compact groups. The work primarily presents new results, but does so from a clear, accessible and unified viewpoint, which emphasises connections with related work.
This monograph is an account of the author's investigations of gradient vector flows on compact manifolds with boundary. Many mathematical structures and constructions in the book fit comfortably in the framework of Morse Theory and, more generally, of the Singularity Theory of smooth maps.The geometric and combinatorial structures, arising from the interactions of vector flows with the boundary of the manifold, are surprisingly rich. This geometric setting leads organically to many encounters with Singularity Theory, Combinatorics, Differential Topology, Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, and especially with the boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations. This diversity of connections animates the book and is the main motivation behind it.The book is divided into two parts. The first part describes the flows in three dimensions. It is more pictorial in nature. The second part deals with the multi-dimensional flows, and thus is more analytical. Each of the nine chapters starts with a description of its purpose and main results. This organization provides the reader with independent entrances into different chapters.
This book brings together experts in the field to explain the ideas involved in the application of the theory of integrable systems to finding harmonic maps and related geometric objects. It had its genesis in a conference with the same title organised by the editors and held at Leeds in May 1992. However, it is not a conference proceedings, but rather a sequence of invited expositions by experts in the field which, we hope, together form a coherent account of the theory. The editors have added cross-references between articles and have written introductory articles in an effort to make the book self-contained. There are articles giving the points of view of both geometry and mathematical physics. Leeds, England A. P. Fordy October 1993 J. e. Wood Authors' addresses J. Bolton, Dept. of Math. Sciences, Univ. of Durham, South Road, Durham, DHI 3LE, UK A. I. Bobenko, FB Math., Tecbnische Univ., Strasse des 17. Juni. 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany M. Bordemann, Falc. fUr Physik, Albert-Ludwigs'Univ., H. -Herder-Str. 3, 79104 Freiburg, Germany F. E. Burstall, Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath, BA 7 7 AY, UK A. P. Fordy, School of Mathematics, Univ. of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK M. Forger, Falc. fUr Physik, Albert-Ludwigs Univ., H. -Herder-Str. 3, 79104 Freiburg, Germany M. A. Guest, Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, USA P. Z. Kobalc, Math. Institute, Univ. of Oxford, 24-29 St.
Etale Cohomology is one of the most important methods in modern Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory. It has, in the last decades, brought fundamental new insights in arithmetic and algebraic geometric problems with many applications and many important results. The book gives a short and easy introduction into the world of Abelian Categories, Derived Functors, Grothendieck Topologies, Sheaves, General Etale Cohomology, and Etale Cohomology of Curves."
This book makes a systematic study of the relations between the etale cohomology of a scheme and the orderings of its residue fields. A major result is that in high degrees, etale cohomology is cohomology of the real spectrum. It also contains new contributions in group cohomology and in topos theory. It is of interest to graduate students and researchers who work in algebraic geometry (not only real) and have some familiarity with the basics of etale cohomology and Grothendieck sites. Independently, it is of interest to people working in the cohomology theory of groups or in topos theory.
Intended for use both as a text and a reference, this book is an exposition of the fundamental ideas of algebraic topology. The first third of the book covers the fundamental group, its definition and its application in the study of covering spaces. The focus then turns to homology theory, including cohomology, cup products, cohomology operations, and topological manifolds. The remaining third of the book is devoted to Homotropy theory, covering basic facts about homotropy groups, applications to obstruction theory, and computations of homotropy groups of spheres. In the later parts, the main emphasis is on the application to geometry of the algebraic tools developed earlier.
The equivariant derived category of sheaves is introduced. All
usual functors on sheaves are extended to the equivariant
situation. Some applications to the equivariant intersection
cohomology are given.
This book grew out of a graduate course on 3-manifolds and is intended for a mathematically experienced audience that is new to low-dimensional topology. The exposition begins with the definition of a manifold, explores possible additional structures on manifolds, discusses the classification of surfaces, introduces key foundational results for 3-manifolds, and provides an overview of knot theory. It then continues with more specialised topics by briefly considering triangulations of 3-manifolds, normal surface theory, and Heegaard splittings. The book finishes with a discussion of topics relevant to viewing 3-manifolds via the curve complex. With about 250 figures and more than 200 exercises, this book can serve as an excellent overview and starting point for the study of 3-manifolds.
From the reviews: "The reading is very easy and pleasant for the non-mathematician, which is really noteworthy. The two chapters enunciate the basic principles of the field, ... indicate connections with other fields of mathematics and sketch the motivation behind the various concepts which are introduced.... What is particularly pleasant is the fact that the authors are quite successful in giving to the reader the feeling behind the demonstrations which are sketched. Another point to notice is the existence of an annotated extended bibliography and a very complete index. This really enhances the value of this book and puts it at the level of a particularly interesting reference tool. I thus strongly recommend to buy this very interesting and stimulating book." "Journal de Physique"
This tract has two purposes: to show what is known about the n-dimensional unit cubes and to demonstrate how Analysis, Algebra, Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Hyperbolic Geometry, Number Theory, can be applied to the study of them. The unit cubes, from any point of view, are among the most important and fascinating objects in an n-dimensional Euclidean space. However, our knowledge about them is still quite limited and many basic problems remain unsolved. In this Tract eight topics about the unit cubes are introduced: cross sections, projections, inscribed simplices, triangulations, 0/1 polytopes, Minkowski's conjecture, Furtwangler's conjecture, and Keller's conjecture. In particular the author demonstrates how deep analysis like log concave measure and the Brascamp-Lieb inequality can deal with the cross section problem, how Hyperbolic Geometry helps with the triangulation problem, how group rings can deal with Minkowski's conjecture and Furtwangler's conjecture, and how Graph Theory handles Keller's conjecture. |
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