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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Topology
International authorities from Canada, Denmark, England, Germany,
Russia and South Africa focus on research on fractal geometry and
the best practices in software, theoretical mathematical
algorithms, and analysis. They address the rich panoply of manifold
applications of fractal geometry available for study and research
in science and industry: i.e., remote sensing, mapping, texture
creations, pattern recognition, image compression, aeromechanical
systems, cryptography and financial analysis. Economically priced,
this important and authoritative reference source for research and
study cites over 230 references to the literature, copiously
illustrated with over 320 diagrams and photographs. The book is
published for The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications,
co-sponsored with The Institute of Physics and The Institution of
Electrical Engineers.
Assuming that the reader is familiar with sheaf theory, the book gives a self-contained introduction to the theory of constructible sheaves related to many kinds of singular spaces, such as cell complexes, triangulated spaces, semialgebraic and subanalytic sets, complex algebraic or analytic sets, stratified spaces, and quotient spaces. The relation to the underlying geometrical ideas are worked out in detail, together with many applications to the topology of such spaces. All chapters have their own detailed introduction, containing the main results and definitions, illustrated in simple terms by a number of examples. The technical details of the proof are postponed to later sections, since these are not needed for the applications.
A new foundation of Topology, summarized under the name Convenient Topology, is considered such that several deficiencies of topological and uniform spaces are remedied. This does not mean that these spaces are superfluous. It means exactly that a better framework for handling problems of a topological nature is used. In this setting semiuniform convergence spaces play an essential role. They include not only convergence structures such as topological structures and limit space structures, but also uniform convergence structures such as uniform structures and uniform limit space structures, and they are suitable for studying continuity, Cauchy continuity and uniform continuity as well as convergence structures in function spaces, e.g. simple convergence, continuous convergence and uniform convergence. Various interesting results are presented which cannot be obtained by using topological or uniform spaces in the usual context. The text is self-contained with the exception of the last chapter, where the intuitive concept of nearness is incorporated in Convenient Topology (there exist already excellent expositions on nearness spaces).
Elie Cartan's book Geometry of Riemannian Manifolds (1928) was one of the best introductions to his methods. It was based on lectures given by the author at the Sorbonne in the academic year 1925-26. A modernized and extensively augmented edition appeared in 1946 (2nd printing, 1951, and 3rd printing, 1988). Cartan's lectures in 1926-27 were different -- he introduced exterior forms at the very beginning and used extensively orthonormal frames throughout to investigate the geometry of Riemannian manifolds. In this course he solved a series of problems in Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces, as well as a series of variational problems on geodesics. The lectures were translated into Russian in the book Riemannian Geometry in an Orthogonal Frame (1960). This book has many innovations, such as the notion of intrinsic normal differentiation and the Gaussian torsion of a submanifold in a Euclidean multidimensional space or in a space of constant curvature, an affine connection defined in a normal fiber bundle of a submanifold, etc. The only book of Elie Cartan that was not available in English, it has now been translated into English by Vladislav V Goldberg, the editor of the Russian edition.
Elie Cartan's book Geometry of Riemannian Manifolds (1928) was one of the best introductions to his methods. It was based on lectures given by the author at the Sorbonne in the academic year 1925-26. A modernized and extensively augmented edition appeared in 1946 (2nd printing, 1951, and 3rd printing, 1988). Cartan's lectures in 1926-27 were different -- he introduced exterior forms at the very beginning and used extensively orthonormal frames throughout to investigate the geometry of Riemannian manifolds. In this course he solved a series of problems in Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces, as well as a series of variational problems on geodesics. The lectures were translated into Russian in the book Riemannian Geometry in an Orthogonal Frame (1960). This book has many innovations, such as the notion of intrinsic normal differentiation and the Gaussian torsion of a submanifold in a Euclidean multidimensional space or in a space of constant curvature, an affine connection defined in a normal fiber bundle of a submanifold, etc. The only book of Elie Cartan that was not available in English, it has now been translated into English by Vladislav V Goldberg, the editor of the Russian edition.
This book features state-of-the-art research on singularities in geometry, topology, foliations and dynamics and provides an overview of the current state of singularity theory in these settings. Singularity theory is at the crossroad of various branches of mathematics and science in general. In recent years there have been remarkable developments, both in the theory itself and in its relations with other areas. The contributions in this volume originate from the "Workshop on Singularities in Geometry, Topology, Foliations and Dynamics", held in Merida, Mexico, in December 2014, in celebration of Jose Seade's 60th Birthday. It is intended for researchers and graduate students interested in singularity theory and its impact on other fields.
Shape theory is an extension of homotopy theory from the realm of CW-complexes to arbitrary spaces. Besides applications in topology, it has interesting applications in various other areas of mathematics, especially in dynamical systems and C*-algebras. Strong shape is a refinement of ordinary shape with distinct advantages over the latter. Strong homology generalizes Steenrod homology and is an invariant of strong shape. The book gives a detailed account based on approximation of spaces by polyhedra (ANR's) using the technique of inverse systems. It is intended for researchers and graduate students. Special care is devoted to motivation and bibliographic notes.
This is both a textbook and a monograph. It is partially based on a two-semester course, held by the author for third-year students in physics and mathematics at the University of Salerno, on analytical mechanics, differential geometry, symplectic manifolds and integrable systems.As a textbook, it provides a systematic and self-consistent formulation of Hamiltonian dynamics both in a rigorous coordinate language and in the modern language of differential geometry. It also presents powerful mathematical methods of theoretical physics, especially in gauge theories and general relativity.As a monograph, the book deals with the advanced research topic of completely integrable dynamics, with both finitely and infinitely many degrees of freedom, including geometrical structures of solitonic wave equations.
On the basis of Hua Loo-Kengs results on harmonic analysis on classical groups, the author Gong Sheng develops his subject further, drawing togetherresults of his own research as well as works from other Chinese mathematicians. The book is divided into three parts studying harmonic analysis of various groups. Starting with the discussion on unitary groups in part one, the author moves on to rotation groups and unitary symplectic groups in parts 2 and 3. Thus the book provides a survey of harmonic analysis on characteristic manifold of classical domain of first type for real fields, complex fields and quaternion fields. This study will appeal to a wide range of readers from senior mathematics students up to graduate students and to teachers in this field of mathematics.
This book presents a systematic and comprehensive account of the theory of differentiable manifolds and provides the necessary background for the use of fundamental differential topology tools. The text includes, in particular, the earlier works of Stephen Smale, for which he was awarded the Fields Medal. Explicitly, the topics covered are Thom transversality, Morse theory, theory of handle presentation, h-cobordism theorem and the generalised Poincare conjecture. The material is the outcome of lectures and seminars on various aspects of differentiable manifolds and differential topology given over the years at the Indian Statistical Institute in Calcutta, and at other universities throughout India. The book will appeal to graduate students and researchers interested in these topics. An elementary knowledge of linear algebra, general topology, multivariate calculus, analysis and algebraic topology is recommended.
Elliptic cohomology is an extremely beautiful theory with both geometric and arithmetic aspects. The former is explained by the fact that the theory is a quotient of oriented cobordism localised away from 2, the latter by the fact that the coefficients coincide with a ring of modular forms. The aim of the book is to construct this cohomology theory, and evaluate it on classifying spaces BG of finite groups G. This class of spaces is important, since (using ideas borrowed from Monstrous Moonshine') it is possible to give a bundle-theoretic definition of EU-(BG). Concluding chapters also discuss variants, generalisations and potential applications.
Equivariant cohomology on smooth manifolds is the subject of this book which is part of a collection of volumes edited by J. Bruning and V.W. Guillemin. The point of departure are two relatively short but very remarkable papers be Henry Cartan, published in 1950 in the Proceedings of the "Colloque de Topologie." These papers are reproduced here, together with a modern introduction to the subject, written by two of the leading experts in the field. This "introduction" comes as a textbook of its own, though, presenting the first full treatment of equivariant cohomology in the de Rahm setting. The well known topological approach is linked with the differential form aspect through the equivariant de Rahm theorem. The systematic use of supersymmetry simplifies considerably the ensuing development of the basic technical tools which are then applied to a variety of subjects, leading up to the localization theorems and other very recent results."
"Singular Loci of Schubert Varieties" is a unique work at the crossroads of representation theory, algebraic geometry, and combinatorics. Over the past 20 years, many research articles have been written on the subject in notable journals. In this work, Billey and Lakshmibai have recreated and restructured the various theories and approaches of those articles and present a clearer understanding of this important subdiscipline of Schubert varieties a" namely singular loci. The main focus, therefore, is on the computations for the singular loci of Schubert varieties and corresponding tangent spaces. The methods used include standard monomial theory, the nil Hecke ring, and Kazhdan-Lusztig theory. New results are presented with sufficient examples to emphasize key points. A comprehensive bibliography, index, and tables a" the latter not to be found elsewhere in the mathematics literature a" round out this concise work. After a good introduction giving background material, the topics are presented in a systematic fashion to engage a wide readership of researchers and graduate students.
This work is a continuation of the first volume published by Springer in 2011, entitled "A Cp-Theory Problem Book: Topological and Function Spaces." The first volume provided an introduction from scratch to Cp-theory and general topology, preparing the reader for a professional understanding of Cp-theory in the last section of its main text.This present volume covers a wide variety of topics in Cp-theory and general topology at the professional level bringing the reader to the frontiers of modern research. The volume contains 500 problems and exercises with complete solutions. It can also be used as an introduction to advanced set theory and descriptive set theory. The book presents diverse topics of the theory of function spaces with the topology of pointwise convergence, or Cp-theory which exists at the intersection of topological algebra, functional analysis and general topology. Cp-theory has an important role in the classification and unification of heterogeneous results from these areas of research. Moreover, this book gives a reasonably complete coverage of Cp-theory through 500 carefully selected problems and exercises. By systematically introducing each of the major topics of Cp-theory the book is intended to bring a dedicated reader from basic topological principles to the frontiers of modern research."
This book presents two natural generalizations of continuous mappings, namely usco and quasicontinuous mappings. The first class considers set-valued mappings, the second class relaxes the definition of continuity. Both these topological concepts stem naturally from basic mathematical considerations and have numerous applications that are covered in detail.
This book contains a collection of articles summarizing together the state of knowl- edge in a broad portion of modern homotopy theory. These articles were assembled during 1998 and 1999, on the occasion of an emphasis semester organized by the Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM) and its highlight, the 1998 Barcelona Con- ference on Algebraic Topology (BCAT). First of all, we are indebted to all the authors for submitting their work, and to the referees for their help in the selec- tion and for their generous contribution to the content of the articles. Many talks given during the CRM semester or at the conference focused on aspects of the following topics: abstract stable homotopy, model categories, homotopical localizations and cellular approximations, p-compact groups, mod- ules over the Steenrod algebra, classifying spaces for proper actions of discrete groups, K-theory and other generalized cohomology theories, cohomology of fi- nite and profinite groups, Hochschild homology, configuration spaces, Lusternik- Schnirelmann category, stable and unstable splittings. Other talks treated multi- disciplinary subjects related to quantum field theory, differential geometry, homo- topical dynamics, tilings, and various aspects of group theory. In addition, an advanced course on Classifying Spaces and Cohomology of Groups was organized by the CRM in the days preceding the conference. Lecture notes from this course will be published by Birkhauser Verlag as the first volume of a newly created CRM Advanced Course series.
"La narraci6n literaria es la evocaci6n de las nostalgias. " ("Literary narration is the evocation of nostalgia. ") G. G. Marquez, interview in Puerta del Sol, VII, 4, 1996. A Personal Prehistory In 1972 I started cooperating with members of the Biodynamics Research Unit at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, which was under the direction of Earl H. Wood. At that time, their ambitious (and eventually realized) dream was to build the Dynamic Spatial Reconstructor (DSR), a device capable of collecting data regarding the attenuation of X-rays through the human body fast enough for stop-action imaging the full extent of the beating heart inside the thorax. Such a device can be applied to study the dynamic processes of cardiopulmonary physiology, in a manner similar to the application of an ordinary cr (computerized tomography) scanner to observing stationary anatomy. The standard method of displaying the information produced by a cr scanner consists of showing two-dimensional images, corresponding to maps of the X-ray attenuation coefficient in slices through the body. (Since different tissue types attenuate X-rays differently, such maps provide a good visualization of what is in the body in those slices; bone - which attenuates X-rays a lot - appears white, air appears black, tumors typically appear less dark than the surrounding healthy tissue, etc. ) However, it seemed to me that this display mode would not be appropriate for the DSR.
This is a state-of-the-art introduction to the work of Franz Reidemeister, Meng Taubes, Turaev, and the author on the concept of torsion and its generalizations. Torsion is the oldest topological (but not with respect to homotopy) invariant that in its almost eight decades of existence has been at the center of many important and surprising discoveries. During the past decade, in the work of Vladimir Turaev, new points of view have emerged, which turned out to be the "right ones" as far as gauge theory is concerned. The book features mostly the new aspects of this venerable concept. The theoretical foundations of this subject are presented in a style accessible to those, who wish to learn and understand the main ideas of the theory. Particular emphasis is upon the many and rather diverse concrete examples and techniques which capture the subleties of the theory better than any abstract general result. Many of these examples and techniques never appeared in print before, and their choice is often justified by ongoing current research on the topology of surface singularities. The text is addressed to mathematicians with geometric interests who want to become comfortable users of this versatile invariant.
Presenting the latest findings in topics from across the mathematical spectrum, this volume includes results in pure mathematics along with a range of new advances and novel applications to other fields such as probability, statistics, biology, and computer science. All contributions feature authors who attended the Association for Women in Mathematics Research Symposium in 2015: this conference, the third in a series of biennial conferences organized by the Association, attracted over 330 participants and showcased the research of women mathematicians from academia, industry, and government.
Our book is devoted to the topological fixed point theory both for single-valued and multivalued mappings in locally convex spaces, including its application to boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations (inclusions) and to (multivalued) dynamical systems. It is the first monograph dealing with the topo- logical fixed point theory in non-metric spaces. Although the theoretical material was tendentially selected with respect to ap- plications, we wished to have a self-consistent text (see the scheme below). There- fore, we supplied three appendices concerning almost-periodic and derivo-periodic single-valued {multivalued) functions and (multivalued) fractals. The last topic which is quite new can be also regarded as a contribution to the fixed point theory in hyperspaces. Nevertheless, the reader is assumed to be at least partly famil- iar in some related sections with the notions like the Bochner integral, the Au- mann multivalued integral, the Arzela-Ascoli lemma, the Gronwall inequality, the Brouwer degree, the Leray-Schauder degree, the topological (covering) dimension, the elemens of homological algebra, ...Otherwise, one can use the recommended literature. Hence, in Chapter I, the topological and analytical background is built. Then, in Chapter II (and partly already in Chapter I), topological principles necessary for applications are developed, namely: the fixed point index theory (resp. the topological degree theory), the Lefschetz and the Nielsen theories both in absolute and relative cases, periodic point theorems, topological essentiality, continuation-type theorems.
This classic work has been fundamentally revised to take account of
recent developments in general topology. The first three chapters
remain unchanged except for numerous minor corrections and
additional exercises, but chapters IV-VII and the new chapter VIII
cover the rapid changes that have occurred since 1968 when the
first edition appeared.
This monograph is devoted to monoidal categories and their connections with 3-dimensional topological field theories. Starting with basic definitions, it proceeds to the forefront of current research. Part 1 introduces monoidal categories and several of their classes, including rigid, pivotal, spherical, fusion, braided, and modular categories. It then presents deep theorems of Muger on the center of a pivotal fusion category. These theorems are proved in Part 2 using the theory of Hopf monads. In Part 3 the authors define the notion of a topological quantum field theory (TQFT) and construct a Turaev-Viro-type 3-dimensional state sum TQFT from a spherical fusion category. Lastly, in Part 4 this construction is extended to 3-manifolds with colored ribbon graphs, yielding a so-called graph TQFT (and, consequently, a 3-2-1 extended TQFT). The authors then prove the main result of the monograph: the state sum graph TQFT derived from any spherical fusion category is isomorphic to the Reshetikhin-Turaev surgery graph TQFT derived from the center of that category. The book is of interest to researchers and students studying topological field theory, monoidal categories, Hopf algebras and Hopf monads.
This research-level book presents up-to-date information concerning
recent developments in convex functions and partial orderings and
some applications in mathematics, statistics, and reliability
theory. The book will serve researchers in mathematical and
statistical theory and theoretical and applied reliabilists.
"Categorical Perspectives" consists of introductory surveys as well as articles containing original research and complete proofs devoted mainly to the theoretical and foundational developments of category theory and its applications to other fields. A number of articles in the areas of topology, algebra and computer science reflect the varied interests of George Strecker to whom this work is dedicated. Notable also are an exposition of the contributions and importance of George Strecker's research and a survey chapter on general category theory. This work is an excellent reference text for researchers and graduate students in category theory and related areas. Contributors: H.L. Bentley * G. Castellini * R. El Bashir * H. Herrlich * M. Husek * L. Janos * J. Koslowski * V.A. Lemin * A. Melton * G. Preua * Y.T. Rhineghost * B.S.W. Schroeder * L. Schr"der * G.E. Strecker * A. Zmrzlina"
The material and references in this extended second edition of "The Topology of Torus Actions on Symplectic Manifolds," published as Volume 93 in this series in 1991, have been updated. Symplectic manifolds and torus actions are investigated, with numerous examples of torus actions, for instance on some moduli spaces. Although the book is still centered on convexity results, it contains much more material, in particular lots of new examples and exercises. |
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