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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Topology
A consistent and near complete survey of the important progress made in the field over the last few years, with the main emphasis on the rigidity method and its applications. Among others, this monograph presents the most successful existence theorems known and construction methods for Galois extensions as well as solutions for embedding problems combined with a collection of the existing Galois realizations.
The purpose of this monograph is to show that, in the radiation regime, there exists a Hamiltonian description of the dynamics of a massless scalar field, as well as of the dynamics of the gravitational field. The authors construct such a framework extending the previous work of Kijowski and Tulczyjew. They start by reviewing some elementary facts concerning Hamiltonian dynamical systems and then describe the geometric Hamiltonian framework, adequate for both the usual asymptotically flat-at-spatial-infinity regime and for the radiation regime. The text then gives a detailed description of the application of the new formalism to the case of the massless scalar field. Finally, the formalism is applied to the case of Einstein gravity. The Hamiltonian role of the Trautman--Bondi mass is exhibited. A Hamiltonian definition of angular momentum at null infinity is derived and analysed.
Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Geometric Mechanics provides a comprehensive tour of two fields that are intimately entwined: dynamical systems is the study of the behavior of physical systems that may be described by a set of nonlinear first-order ordinary differential equations in Euclidean space, whereas geometric mechanics explore similar systems that instead evolve on differentiable manifolds. The first part discusses the linearization and stability of trajectories and fixed points, invariant manifold theory, periodic orbits, Poincare maps, Floquet theory, the Poincare-Bendixson theorem, bifurcations, and chaos. The second part of the book begins with a self-contained chapter on differential geometry that introduces notions of manifolds, mappings, vector fields, the Jacobi-Lie bracket, and differential forms.
The Foundations of Geometry and the Non-Euclidean Plane is a self-contained text for junior, senior, and first-year graduate courses. Historical material is interwoven with a rigorous ruler- and protractor axiomatic development of the Euclidean and hyperbolic planes. Additional topics include the classical axiomatic systems of Euclid and Hilbert, axiom systems for three and four dimensional absolute geometry, and Pieri's system based on rigid motions. Models, such as Taxicab Geometry, are used extensively to illustrate theory.
This volume contains the proceedings of the CRM Workshops on Probabilistic Methods in Spectral Geometry and PDE, held from August 22-26, 2016 and Probabilistic Methods in Topology, held from November 14-18, 2016 at the Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Probabilistic methods have played an increasingly important role in many areas of mathematics, from the study of random groups and random simplicial complexes in topology, to the theory of random Schrodinger operators in mathematical physics. The workshop on Probabilistic Methods in Spectral Geometry and PDE brought together some of the leading researchers in quantum chaos, semi-classical theory, ergodic theory and dynamical systems, partial differential equations, probability, random matrix theory, mathematical physics, conformal field theory, and random graph theory. Its emphasis was on the use of ideas and methods from probability in different areas, such as quantum chaos (study of spectra and eigenstates of chaotic systems at high energy); geometry of random metrics and related problems in quantum gravity; solutions of partial differential equations with random initial conditions. The workshop Probabilistic Methods in Topology brought together researchers working on random simplicial complexes and geometry of spaces of triangulations (with connections to manifold learning); topological statistics, and geometric probability; theory of random groups and their properties; random knots; and other problems. This volume covers recent developments in several active research areas at the interface of Probability, Semiclassical Analysis, Mathematical Physics, Theory of Automorphic Forms and Graph Theory.
These 25 papers from a conference held in August 1998 at Pusan National U. provide a broad overview of contemporary group theory, with a particular emphasis on geometric and topological methods. Topics covered include: deformations and rigidity, combinatorial group theory and wild metric complexes, generalized triangle groups, HNN extensions, Eilenberg-Ganea Conjecture, cyclically presented groups, Takahashi manifolds, wreath products, reduction formulae, group actions on graphs and designs, Grushko-Neumann theorem, and variations on a theme of Higman and Conder. Includes a list of the authors and participants with contact information. Conference sponsors included the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation and International Mathematical Union Commission on Development and Exchange. Lacks an index.
gentle introduction to the subject, leading the reader to understand the notion of what is important in topology with regard to geometry. Divided into three sections - The line and the plane, Metric spaces and Topological spaces -, the book eases the move into higher levels of abstraction. Students are thereby informally assisted in learning new ideas while remaining on familiar territory. The authors do not assume previous knowledge of axiomatic approach or set theory. Similarly, they have restricted the mathematical vocabulary in the book so as to avoid overwhelming the reader, and the concept of convergence is employed to allow students to focus on a central theme while moving to a natural understanding of the notion of topology. The pace of the book is relaxed with gradual acceleration: the first nine sections form a balanced course in metric spaces for undergraduates while also containing ample material for a two-semester graduate course. Finally, the book illustrates the many connections between topology and other subjects, such as analysis and set theory, via the inclusion of "Extras" at the end of each chapter presenting a brief foray outside topology.
This reference work deals with important topics in general topology and their role in functional analysis and axiomatic set theory, for graduate students and researchers working in topology, functional analysis, set theory and probability theory. It provides a guide to recent research findings, with three contributions by Arhangel'skii and Choban.
The aim of the Expositions is to present new and important developments in pure and applied mathematics. Well established in the community over more than two decades, the series offers a large library of mathematical works, including several important classics. The volumes supply thorough and detailed expositions of the methods and ideas essential to the topics in question. In addition, they convey their relationships to other parts of mathematics. The series is addressed to advanced readers interested in a thorough study of the subject. Editorial Board Lev Birbrair, Universidade Federal do Ceara, Fortaleza, Brasil Walter D. Neumann, Columbia University, New York, USA Markus J. Pflaum, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA Dierk Schleicher, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany Katrin Wendland, University of Freiburg, Germany Honorary Editor Victor P. Maslov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia Titles in planning include Yuri A. Bahturin, Identical Relations in Lie Algebras (2019) Yakov G. Berkovich, Lev G. Kazarin, and Emmanuel M. Zhmud', Characters of Finite Groups, Volume 2 (2019) Jorge Herbert Soares de Lira, Variational Problems for Hypersurfaces in Riemannian Manifolds (2019) Volker Mayer, Mariusz Urbanski, and Anna Zdunik, Random and Conformal Dynamical Systems (2021) Ioannis Diamantis, Bostjan Gabrovsek, Sofia Lambropoulou, and Maciej Mroczkowski, Knot Theory of Lens Spaces (2021)
Topology as a subject, in our opinion, plays a central role in university education. It is not really possible to design courses in differential geometry, mathematical analysis, differential equations, mechanics, functional analysis that correspond to the temporary state of these disciplines without involving topological concepts. Therefore, it is essential to acquaint students with topo logical research methods already in the first university courses. This textbook is one possible version of an introductory course in topo logy and elements of differential geometry, and it absolutely reflects both the authors' personal preferences and experience as lecturers and researchers. It deals with those areas of topology and geometry that are most closely related to fundamental courses in general mathematics. The educational material leaves a lecturer a free choice in designing his own course or his own seminar. We draw attention to a number of particularities in our book. The first chap ter, according to the authors' intention, should acquaint readers with topolo gical problems and concepts which arise from problems in geometry, analysis, and physics. Here, general topology (Ch. 2) is presented by introducing con structions, for example, related to the concept of quotient spaces, much earlier than various other notions of general topology thus making it possible for students to study important examples of manifolds (two-dimensional surfaces, projective spaces, orbit spaces, etc.) as topological spaces, immediately."
This volume, dedicated to the eminent mathematician Vladimir Arnold, presents a collection of research and survey papers written on a large spectrum of theories and problems that have been studied or introduced by Arnold himself. Emphasis is given to topics relating to dynamical systems, stability of integrable systems, algebraic and differential topology, global analysis, singularity theory and classical mechanics. A number of applications of Arnold's groundbreaking work are presented. This publication will assist graduate students and research mathematicians in acquiring an in-depth understanding and insight into a wide domain of research of an interdisciplinary nature.
Written by one of the founding fathers of Quantum Information, this book gives an accessible (albeit mathematically rigorous), self-contained introduction to quantum information theory. The central role is played by the concept of quantum channel and its entropic and information characteristics. In this revised edition, the main results have been updated to reflect the most recent developments in this very active field of research.
This book offers an essential introduction to the theory of Hilbert space, a fundamental tool for non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Linear, topological, metric, and normed spaces are all addressed in detail, in a rigorous but reader-friendly fashion. The rationale for providing an introduction to the theory of Hilbert space, rather than a detailed study of Hilbert space theory itself, lies in the strenuous mathematics demands that even the simplest physical cases entail. Graduate courses in physics rarely offer enough time to cover the theory of Hilbert space and operators, as well as distribution theory, with sufficient mathematical rigor. Accordingly, compromises must be found between full rigor and the practical use of the instruments. Based on one of the authors's lectures on functional analysis for graduate students in physics, the book will equip readers to approach Hilbert space and, subsequently, rigged Hilbert space, with a more practical attitude. It also includes a brief introduction to topological groups, and to other mathematical structures akin to Hilbert space. Exercises and solved problems accompany the main text, offering readers opportunities to deepen their understanding. The topics and their presentation have been chosen with the goal of quickly, yet rigorously and effectively, preparing readers for the intricacies of Hilbert space. Consequently, some topics, e.g., the Lebesgue integral, are treated in a somewhat unorthodox manner. The book is ideally suited for use in upper undergraduate and lower graduate courses, both in Physics and in Mathematics.
Compactness in topology and finite generation in algebra are nice properties to start with. However, the study of compact spaces leads naturally to non-compact spaces and infinitely generated chain complexes; a classical example is the theory of covering spaces. In handling non-compact spaces we must take into account the infinity behaviour of such spaces. This necessitates modifying the usual topological and algebraic cate gories to obtain "proper" categories in which objects are equipped with a "topologized infinity" and in which morphisms are compatible with the topology at infinity. The origins of proper (topological) category theory go back to 1923, when Kere kjart6 [VT] established the classification of non-compact surfaces by adding to orien tability and genus a new invariant, consisting of a set of "ideal points" at infinity. Later, Freudenthal [ETR] gave a rigorous treatment of the topology of "ideal points" by introducing the space of "ends" of a non-compact space. In spite of its early ap pearance, proper category theory was not recognized as a distinct area of topology until the late 1960's with the work of Siebenmann [OFB], [IS], [DES] on non-compact manifolds.
High-dimensional knot theory is the study of the embeddings of n-dimensional manifolds in (n+2)-dimensional manifolds, generalizing the traditional study of knots in the case n=1. The main theme is the application of the author's algebraic theory of surgery to provide a unified treatment of the invariants of codimension 2 embeddings, generalizing the Alexander polynomials and Seifert forms of classical knot theory. Many results in the research literature are thus brought into a single framework, and new results are obtained. The treatment is particularly effective in dealing with open books, which are manifolds with codimension 2 submanifolds such that the complement fibres over a circle. The book concludes with an appendix by E. Winkelnkemper on the history of open books.
The series is aimed specifically at publishing peer reviewed reviews and contributions presented at workshops and conferences. Each volume is associated with a particular conference, symposium or workshop. These events cover various topics within pure and applied mathematics and provide up-to-date coverage of new developments, methods and applications.
We have tried to design this book for both instructional and reference use, during and after a first course in algebraic topology aimed at users rather than developers; indeed, the book arose from such courses taught by the authors. We start gently, with numerous pictures to illustrate the fundamental ideas and constructions in homotopy theory that are needed in later chapters. A certain amount of redundancy is built in for the reader's convenience: we hope to minimize: fiipping back and forth, and we have provided some appendices for reference. The first three are concerned with background material in algebra, general topology, manifolds, geometry and bundles. Another gives tables of homo topy groups that should prove useful in computations, and the last outlines the use of a computer algebra package for exterior calculus. Our approach has been that whenever a construction from a proof is needed, we have explicitly noted and referenced this. In general, wehavenot given a proof unless it yields something useful for computations. As always, the only way to un derstand mathematics is to do it and use it. To encourage this, Ex denotes either an example or an exercise. The choice is usually up to you the reader, depending on the amount of work you wish to do; however, some are explicitly stated as ( unanswered) questions. In such cases, our implicit claim is that you will greatly benefit from at least thinking about how to answer them."
This book contains essential material that every graduate student must know. Written with Serge Lang's inimitable wit and clarity, the volume introduces the reader to manifolds, differential forms, Darboux's theorem, Frobenius, and all the central features of the foundations of differential geometry. Lang lays the basis for further study in geometric analysis, and provides a solid resource in the techniques of differential topology. The book will have a key position on my shelf. -Steven Krantz, Washington University in St. Louis This is an elementary, finite dimensional version of the author's classic monograph, Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds (1962), which served as the standard reference for infinite dimensional manifolds. It provides a firm foundation for a beginner's entry into geometry, topology, and global analysis. The exposition is unencumbered by unnecessary formalism, notational or otherwise, which is a pitfall few writers of introductory texts of the subject manage to avoid. The author's hallmark characteristics of directness, conciseness, and structural clarity are everywhere in evidence. A nice touch is the inclusion of more advanced topics at the end of the book, including the computation of the top cohomology group of a manifolds, a generalized divergence theorem of Gauss, and an elementary residue theorem of several complex variables. If getting to the main point of an argument or having the key ideas of a subject laid bare is important to you, then you would find the reading of this book a satisfying experience.
Like any books on a subject as vast as this, this book has to have a point-of-view to guide the selection of topics. Naber takes the view that the rekindled interest that mathematics and physics have shown in each other of late should be fostered, and that this is best accomplished by allowing them to cohabit. The book weaves together rudimentary notions from the classical gauge theory of physics with the topological and geometrical concepts that became the mathematical models of these notions. The reader is asked to join the author on some vague notion of what an electromagnetic field might be, to be willing to accept a few of the more elementary pronouncements of quantum mechanics, and to have a solid background in real analysis and linear algebra and some of the vocabulary of modern algebra. In return, the book offers an excursion that begins with the definition of a topological space and finds its way eventually to the moduli space of anti-self-dual SU(2) connections on S4 with instanton number -1.
This book examines and explores Jacques Lacan's controversial topologisation of psychoanalysis, and seeks to persuade the reader that this enterprise was necessary and important. In providing both an introduction to a fundamental component of Lacan's theories, as well as readings of texts that have been largely ignored, it provides a thorough critical interpretation of his work. Will Greenshields argues that Lacan achieved his most pedagogically clear and successful presentations of his most essential and notoriously complex concepts - such as structure, the subject and the real - through the deployment of topology. The book will help readers to better understand Lacan, and also those concepts that have become prevalent in various intellectual discourses such as contemporary continental philosophy, politics and the study of ideology, and literary or cultural criticism.
This volume brings together recent, original research and survey articles by leading experts in several fields that include singularity theory, algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. The motivation for this collection comes from the wide-ranging research of the distinguished mathematician, Antonio Campillo, in these and related fields. Besides his influence in the mathematical community stemming from his research, Campillo has also endeavored to promote mathematics and mathematicians' networking everywhere, especially in Spain, Latin America and Europe. Because of his impressive achievements throughout his career, we dedicate this book to Campillo in honor of his 65th birthday. Researchers and students from the world-wide, and in particular Latin American and European, communities in singularities, algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, coding theory, and other fields covered in the volume, will have interest in this book.
This text brings the reader to the frontiers of current research in topological rings. The exercises illustrate many results and theorems while a comprehensive bibliography is also included. The book is aimed at those readers acquainted with some very basic point-set topology and algebra, as normally presented in semester courses at the beginning graduate level or even at the advanced undergraduate level. Familiarity with Hausdorff, metric, compact and locally compact spaces and basic properties of continuous functions, also with groups, rings, fields, vector spaces and modules, and with Zorn's Lemma, is also expected.
This marvelous book of pictures illustrates the fundamental concepts of geometric topology in a way that is very friendly to the reader. The first chapter discusses the meaning of surface and space and gives the classification of orientable surfaces. In the second chapter we are introduced to the Moebius band and surfaces that can be constructed from this non-orientable piece of fabric. In chapter 3, we see how curves can fit in surfaces and how surfaces can fit into spaces with these curves on their boundary. Basic applications to knot theory are discussed and four-dimensional space is introduced.In Chapter 4 we learn about some 3-dimensional spaces and surfaces that sit inside them. These surfaces help us imagine the structures of the larger space.Chapter 5 is completely new! It contains recent results of Cromwell, Izumiya and Marar. One of these results is a formula relating the rank of a surface to the number of triple points. The other major result is a collection of examples of surfaces in 3-space that have one triple point and 6 branch points. These are beautiful generalizations of the Steiner Roman surface.Chapter 6 reviews the movie technique for examining surfaces in 4-dimensional space. Various movies of the Klein bottle are presented, and the Carter-Saito movie move theorem is explained. The author shows us how to turn the 2-sphere inside out by means of these movie moves and this illustration alone is well worth the price of the book!In the last chapter higher dimensional spaces are examined from an elementary point of view.This is a guide book to a wide variety of topics. It will be of value to anyone who wants to understand the subject by way of examples. Undergraduates, beginning graduate students, and non-professionals will profit from reading the book and from just looking at the pictures.
The aim of this monograph is to give a unified account fo the classical topics in fixed point theory that lie on the border-line of topology and non-linear functional analysis, emphasizing the topological developments related to the Leray-Schauder theory. The first part of this book is based on "Fixed Point Theory I" which was published by PWN, Warsaw in 1982. The second part follows the outline conceived by Andrzej Granas and the late James Dugunji. The completionof this work has been awaited for many years by researchers in this area. "If the authors do equally well with the second volume they will have produced the best monograph in this particular field."Math Reviews
This volume is the first comprehensive treatment of combinatorial algebraic topology in book form. The first part of the book constitutes a swift walk through the main tools of algebraic topology. Readers - graduate students and working mathematicians alike - will probably find particularly useful the second part, which contains an in-depth discussion of the major research techniques of combinatorial algebraic topology. Although applications are sprinkled throughout the second part, they are principal focus of the third part, which is entirely devoted to developing the topological structure theory for graph homomorphisms. |
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