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Books > Medicine > Pre-clinical medicine: basic sciences > Anatomy
Mit Beitragen zahlreicher Fachwissenschaftler
1,9 Millionen Deutsche sind vom Morbus Dupuytren betroffen. Eine Rezidivrate von uber 50% nach chirurgischen Therapieversuchen zeigt, dass die Erkrankung nicht ausschliesslich chirurgisch behandelbar ist. In diesem Werk werden daher zwei Wege eingeschlagen: Einerseits wird durch eine Beschreibung der biochemischen und molekularbiologischen Veranderungen des erkrankten Bindegewebes der systemische Charakter des Morbus Dupuytren im Kontext mit anderen Bindegewebserkrankungen hervorgehoben. Andererseits werden die unterschiedlichen therapeutischen Ansatze aus einer differenzierten Darstellung der anatomischen Gegebenheiten hergeleitet. Neben den Grundzugen konservativer Therapie werden alle gangigen chirurgischen Verfahren inklusive verfahrensspezifischer Komplikationen beschrieben sowie zeichnerisch in ihren wesentlichen Zugen vorgestellt. Das Buch wendet sich an alle, die eine aktuelle UEbersicht zum Morbus Dupuytren wunschen und uber die etablierten Therapiekonzepte instruktiv unterrichtet werden wollen.
This hands-on workbook provides and easy and enjoyable means of learning and reviewing the fundamentals of human neuroanatomy through the acclaimed directed-coloring method. Because the text deals with only key concepts and progresses in small, logical, easy-to-learn increments, it is ideal for the nonexpert-students, professionals and lay people alike. There are other introductions to human brain anatomy, but this is a book with a difference. A Colorful Introduction to the Anatomy of the Human Brain: A Brain and Psychology Coloring Book was written by John Pinel and illustrated by Maggie Edwards, a team renowned for their ability to engage and fascinate the reader with their simple, cutting edge portrayals of the body's most complex organ and its psychological functions.
Dieses Buch liefert einen Beitrag zur Integration von Informationen
aus verschiedenen Datenquellen. Ein Algorithmus wird vorgestellt,
mit dem gleiche Objekte in verschiedenen Datenbanken identifiziert
werden konnen. Dieses Verfahren erlaubt es viele grosse Datenbanken
schnell zu analysieren und im Folgenden die enthaltenen
Informationen beinahe automatisiert zu integrieren. Verteilte Daten
werden dadurch handhabbar und ermoglichen neue, tiefergehende
Netter's Advanced Head & Neck Anatomy Flash Cards are the perfect portable study tool for quizzing yourself on key anatomic structures and clinical conditions of the head and neck. They accentuate the clinically relevant anatomy through beautiful Netter illustrations and new artwork in the Netter tradition, making for a fast and fun review at any stage of your healthcare career. Cards are cross-referenced to the parent text, Netter's Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry, 3rd Edition, and include much of the new art from the textbook. Beautiful, well-known Netter illustrations accentuate the clinically relevant anatomy. Feature an image and numbered labels on one side, and label answers and comments on clinical and anatomic relevance on the other. Set includes additional Imaging, New Art, and Clinical Correlate cards. Perfect for quick, portable study for head and neck and dental anatomy courses. Allow you to quiz yourself on key anatomy terms and test your knowledge of classic presentations of disease. Pre-punched holes make it easy to carry selected groups of cards with you.
Comprehensive and practical, the freshly updated Anatomical Chart Company Atlas of Pathophysiology, 4th Edition , offers nearly 450 illustrations that demonstrate the causes, symptoms, and progression of more than 200 disorders. Clear and simple explanations of each disorder are followed by rationales for proven clinical interventions. This backup to classroom texts is also a handy on-the-unit reference for nurses and other healthcare professionals, and support for patient education. At-a-glance answers—and the right interventions—for more than 200 disorders in a quick-read format … NEW includes a free eBook download see details below NEWand updated content illustrating and explaining the most common conditions, with topics presented alphabetically: Central concepts—cells, cancer, infection, genetics, and fluids and electrolytes Disorders affecting each body system—respiratory, neurologic, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, hematologic, immunologic, endocrine, and reproductive—as well as renal, skin, and sensory disorders Each disease entry presents an introduction, causes, pathophysiology, complications, signs and symptoms, diagnostic test results, and treatment, with facing page showing a detailed illustration to help you visualize the disease process Easy-to-locate content in an easy-read template that tackles numerous topics found in daily practice, such as: Diseases and disorders that need immediate attention, such as pulmonary embolism, depression, and glaucoma The differences between prehypertension and Stage 1 hypertension Which parts of the brain are affected by generalized seizures, as opposed to partial seizures Lifestyle changes to recommend to a patient with high plasma glucose The causes of carpel tunnel syndrome 450 large, detailed, full-color illustrations from Anatomical Chart Company to help you differentiate among symptoms and disorders that appear similar Icons that offer important tips, including: Age Alert – how pathophysiologic processes—incidence, onset, and clinical appearance—appear in different age groups, such as aortic aneurysm, atypical myocardial infarction, and Parkinson’s disease Clinical Tips – advice on areas such as improving auscultation in myocarditis, evaluating diagnostic test results in suspected spinal injuries, early recognition of life-threatening symptoms in myasthenia gravis, respiration changes in peritonitis, and more Complications – identifies common progressions of untreated or worsening conditions Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks Multiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click About the Clinical Editor Julie Stewart, DNP, MPH, MSN, FNP-BC, AAHIVS, is an Associate Professor and Director of the Family Nurse Practitioner and Doctor of Nursing Practice Programs at Sacred Heart University, College of Nursing, in Fairfield, Connecticut.
Praktischer Leitfaden fur die Informationssuche: Die Autorin berucksichtigt insbesondere die Datenbanken und Ressourcen des National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), mit dem sie eng zusammenarbeitete. Beispiele und Ubungen aus dem Laboralltag veranschaulichen den sicheren Umgang mit biowissenschaftlichen Datenbanken und Sequenzanalyse-Programmen. Eine praktische Orientierungshilfe fur alle, die effizient recherchieren wollen."
Unique among neuroanatomical texts ... This is no dry compilation of facts but an attention-rivetting discussion of neurological organization.' Annals of Internal Medicine on the 2nd edition.
Applied Radiological Anatomy for Medical Students, first published in 2007, is the definitive atlas of human anatomy, utilizing the complete range of imaging modalities to describe normal anatomy and radiological findings. Initial chapters describe all imaging techniques and introduce the principles of image interpretation. These are followed by comprehensive sections on each anatomical region. Hundreds of high-quality radiographs, MRI, CT and ultrasound images are included, complemented by concise, focussed text. Many images are accompanied by detailed, fully labelled line illustrations to aid interpretation. Written by leading experts and experienced teachers in imaging and anatomy, Applied Radiological Anatomy for Medical Students is an invaluable resource for all students s of anatomy and radiology.
The intimate relationship between form and function inherent in the design of animals is perhaps nowhere more evident than in the musculoskeletal system. In the bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and muscles of all vertebrates there is a graceful and efficient physical order. This book is about how function determines form. It addresses the role of mechanical factors in the development, adaptation, maintenance, ageing and repair of skeletal tissues. The authors refer to this process as mechanobiology and develop their theme within an evolutionary framework. They show how the normal development of skeletal tissues is influenced by mechanical stimulation beginning in the embryo and continuing throughout life into old age. They also show how degenerative disorders such as arthritis and osteoporosis are regulated by the same mechanical processes that influence development and growth. Skeletal Function and Form bridges important gaps among disciplines, providing a common ground for understanding, and will appeal to a wide audience of bioengineers, zoologists, anthropologists, palaeontologists and orthopaedists.
Systematics has developed rapidly during the past two decades. A
multitude of new methods and contributions from a diversity of
biological fields including molecular genetics and developmental
biology have provided a wealth of phylogenetic hypotheses, some
confirming traditional views others contradicting them. Despite
such inconsistencies, it is now possible to recognize robust
regions of a 'tree of life' and also to identify problematic areas
which have yet to be resolved. This is the first book to apply the
current state of phylogeny to an evolutionary interpretation of
animal organ systems and body architecture, providing alternative
theories in those cases of continuing controversy.
This compilation arises from contributions made to the seventh postgraduate course in paediatric neurology held in Pavia, Italy under the auspices of the Mariani Foundation in co-operation with the National Neurologic Institute of Milan. The course concentrated on three main areas: the impact of molecular biology and molecular genetics on aetiology, advances in our understanding pathogenesis, and finally therapy. The choice of the subject was suggested by the remarkable progress has been made in this field during the last decade, mostly due to the recent advances in genetics which now enable a new nosographic approach as well as different diagnostic strategies. Part of this work is dedicated to the rehabilitation of patients affected by neuromuscular diseases.
An avalanche of recent newspapers, weekly newsmagazines, scholarly journals, and academic books has helped to spark a heated debate by publishing warnings of a "boy crisis" in which male students at all academic levels have begun falling behind their female peers. In Learning the Hard Way, Edward W. Morris explores and analyzes detailed ethnographic data on this purported gender gap between boys and girls in educational achievement at two low-income high schools-one rural and predominantly white, the other urban and mostly African American. Crucial questions arose from his study of gender at these two schools. Why did boys tend to show less interest in and more defiance toward school? Why did girls significantly outperform boys at both schools? Why did people at the schools still describe boys as especially "smart"? Morris examines these questions and, in the process, illuminates connections of gender to race, class, and place. This book is not simply about the educational troubles of boys, but the troubled and complex experience of gender in school. It reveals how particular race, class, and geographical experiences shape masculinity and femininity in ways that affect academic performance. His findings add a new perspective to the "gender gap" in achievement.
In recent years, cytology has played an increasingly important role in the diagnosis of disease, particularly those of neoplastic origin. It is not unusual for cytologic specimens to be the only diagnostic samples available from patients with cancer. Many ancillary tests traditionally performed on histologic material are now being performed on cytologic specimens. One such technique, immunocytochemistry (ICC), has already proved to be important in diagnostic tumor pathology. This atlas examines the value of ICC as well as its limitations in contemporary cytology. Methods have been refined and high-quality reagents are now available. As a result, technical problems no longer present a major concern in this field. This volume will briefly will address the technical aspects of ICC by providing practical advice for the users and analytical aspects of ICC, including correct selection of markers for specific differential diagnoses and incorporation of results in final cytologic interpretation; illustrate the utilization of ICC in the resolution of some common diagnostic problems in fine needle aspiration and body cavity fluid cytology. and most importantly its utilization in specific differential diagnoses that are based on cytomorpholoy and patient's clinical history is also discussed. Finally, the value and limitations of ICC in the detection of predictive markers of cancer and potential treatment targets will be reviewed. This practical handbook will allow for quick reference in the selection and interpretation of markers in specific differential diagnostic in the daily practice of diagnostic cytology.
Culture of Specialized Cells Culture of Immortalized Cells Edited by R. Ian Freshney and Mary G. Freshney The ability to develop immortalized cells in vitro is a powerful tool for the biological investigator. Most cells can only be reproduced unchanged for a limited number of cell generations before the initial cell lines die. The immortalization of cells establishes continuous cell lines, playing an important role in the study of the biology of cell growth, differentiation, and senescence. It also increases our understanding of aberrations in proliferative and positional control in malignant cells. Culture of Immortalized Cells provides the most up-to-date in vitro methods and safety procedures for the immortalization of primary cultures of various cell types. Coedited by one of the leading figures in the field, R. Ian Freshney, author of Culture of Animal Cells, Third Edition, Culture of Immortalized Cells is the latest volume in the critically acclaimed Culture of Specialized Cells Series. Preceding volumes in the series include Culture of Epithelial Cells and Culture of Hematopoietic Cells. In this comprehensive handbook, leading experts offer the most current methods for the immortalization of cells, as well as specific guidelines for the immortalization of kidney, and thyroid epithelia, hepatocytes, fibroblasts, chondrocytes, lymphocytes, astrocytes, and human umbilical vein endothelium. Each method is accompanied by:
This concise bench-top manual is essential for any laboratory involved in establishing continuous cell lines from primary cultures. Investigators, laboratory technical staff, and students in cell biology, immunology, hematology, cancer biology, toxicology, and molecular biology, will find this contemporary guide indispensable to their research.
Dieses Skriptum gibt einen umfassenden Ein- und Uberblick uber die pathophysiologischen Prinzipien als Basis fur Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapien von Erkrankungen des Gastrointestinaltraktes. Zudem geht die Autorin ausfuhrlich auf die Beteiligung des mukosalen Immunsystems ein, wobei auch basale Prinzipien der Allergologie und Immunologie verstandlich prasentiert werden. Besonderer Wert wurde auf die anschaulichen Illustrationen gelegt, die fast selbsterklarend, durch weiter ausfuhrende Texte erganzt sind. Das Skriptum ist abgestimmt auf die Vorlesungs- und Prufungsinhalte des Faches "Funktionelle Pathologie." Daruber hinaus stellt es eine nutzliche Erganzung zum "Block 13: Ernahrung und Verdauung" des neuen Medizincurriculums dar, sowie fur die Dr.med.sci und Ph.D. Studienprogramme der Medizinischen Universitat Wien. Aber auch StudentInnen anderer Disziplinen, wie etwa Biologie oder Ernahrungswissenschaften, sowie DiatassistentInnen werden darin fundig werden."
Our faces play essential roles in defining us as individuals. They
are the most immediately identifiable parts of our bodies. We use
our faces to communicate emotions and to interact socially.
Sometimes, despite our intentions, our faces reveal our thoughts
even when we do not speak. In several medical conditions, the
facial aspect confirms diagnosis, and while surgical alteration of
craniofacial anomalies can do much to normalize appearance,
patients are always confronted with the question of what is normal,
and with the fact that beauty itself may be nothing more than a
culturally determined concept.
Cranial nerves are involved in head and neck function, and processes such as eating, speech and facial expression. This clinically oriented survey of cranial nerve anatomy and function was written for students of medicine, dentistry and speech therapy, but will also be useful for postgraduate physicians and GPs, and specialists in head and neck healthcare (surgeons, dentists, speech therapists etc.). After an introductory section surveying cranial nerve organisation and tricky basics such as ganglia, nuclei and brain stem pathways, the nerves are considered in functional groups: (1) for chewing and facial sensation; (2) for pharynx and larynx, swallowing and phonation; (3) autonomic components, taste and smell; (4) vision and eye movements; and (5) hearing and balance. In each chapter, the main anatomical features of each nerve are followed by clinical aspects and details of clinical testing. Simple line diagrams accompany the text. Detailed anatomy is not given. |
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