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Books > Professional & Technical > Civil engineering, surveying & building
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Construction (COST Action NORM4Building) discusses the depletion of energy resources and raw materials and its huge impact not only on the building market, but also in the development of new synthetic building materials, whereby the reuse of various (waste) residue streams becomes a necessity. It is based on the outcome of COST Action TU 1301, where scientists, regulators, and representatives from industry have come together to present new findings, sharing knowledge, experiences, and technologies to stimulate research on the reuse of residues containing enhanced concentrates of natural radionuclides (NORM) in tailor-made building materials. Chapters address legislative issues, measurement, and assessment of building materials, physical and chemical aspects, from raw materials, to residues with enhanced concentrations of natural radionuclides (NORM), processes, building products containing NORM, and end-of-life and reuse requirements.
Fire Pump Arrangements at Industrial Facilities, Third Edition delivers a practical reference from an author with a successful professional career in fire protection and loss prevention engineering in the oil and gas industry. While most regulatory standards are left to interpretation and try to cover multiple industries in one location, this book focuses on the equipment, standards and operations specific to the petroleum industry, covering quality controls, pump drivers and scheduled maintenance and audits so the equipment remains in safety compliance. Enhanced with new sections on human factors, case studies for modeling fire accidents and a look at recent events that have further shaped the safety and testing of fire pumps, the book provides the engineer and manager with a critical oil and gas resource for every aspect of firewater pumps.
Although the problem of stability and bifurcation is well
understood in Mechanics, very few treatises have been devoted to
stability and bifurcation analysis in dissipative media, in
particular with regard to present and fundamental problems in Solid
Mechanics such as plasticity, fracture and contact mechanics.
Stability and Nonlinear Solid Mechanics addresses this lack of
material, and proposes to the reader not only a unified
presentation of nonlinear problems in Solid Mechanics, but also a
complete and unitary analysis on stability and bifurcation problems
arising within this framework. Main themes include:
Porous Rock Failure Mechanics: Hydraulic Fracturing, Drilling and Structural Engineering focuses on the fracture mechanics of porous rocks and modern simulation techniques for progressive quasi-static and dynamic fractures. The topics covered in this volume include a wide range of academic and industrial applications, including petroleum, mining, and civil engineering. Chapters focus on advanced topics in the field of rock's fracture mechanics and address theoretical concepts, experimental characterization, numerical simulation techniques, and their applications as appropriate. Each chapter reflects the current state-of-the-art in terms of the modern use of fracture simulation in industrial and academic sectors. Some of the major contributions in this volume include, but are not limited to: anisotropic elasto-plastic deformation mechanisms in fluid saturated porous rocks, dynamics of fluids transport in fractured rocks and simulation techniques, fracture mechanics and simulation techniques in porous rocks, fluid-structure interaction in hydraulic driven fractures, advanced numerical techniques for simulation of progressive fracture, including multiscale modeling, and micromechanical approaches for porous rocks, and quasi-static versus dynamic fractures in porous rocks. This book will serve as an important resource for petroleum, geomechanics, drilling and structural engineers, R&D managers in industry and academia.
This monograph is concerned with free-boundary problems of partial differential equations arising in the physical sciences and in engineering. The existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Hele-Shaw problem are derived and techniques to deal with the Muskat problem are discussed. Based on these, mathematical models for the dynamics of cracks in underground rocks and in-situ leaching are developed. Contents Introduction The Hele-Shaw problem A joint motion of two immiscible viscous fluids Mathematical models of in-situ leaching Dynamics of cracks in rocks Elements of continuum mechanics
This is the third book in a series on Computational Methods in Earthquake Engineering. The purpose of this volume is to bring together the scientific communities of Computational Mechanics and Structural Dynamics, offering a wide coverage of timely issues on contemporary Earthquake Engineering. This volume will facilitate the exchange of ideas in topics of mutual interest and can serve as a platform for establishing links between research groups with complementary activities. The computational aspects are emphasized in order to address difficult engineering problems of great social and economic importance.
This book examines energy efficiency in the Australian built environment and presents current developments with a particular focus on the temperate setting of Victoria state. It is divided into four main parts discussing policies, climate, and carbon footprint and presenting case studies on the energy performance and indoor environmental quality of various building types. The book is intended for readers wanting to understand the various policies related to different buildings types and their energy performance.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is critical for those dealing with toxic, infectious, and radioactive materials. An easily accessible guide for professionals and researchers in all PPE fields, this book takes a fresh look at how PPE is designed, selected, and used in today's emergency response environment where users may need to be protected against deliberately used chemical, biological, or radiological agents in terrorism or warfare scenarios as well as more traditional hazards. Covering the physics, chemistry, and physiology of these hazards, the book explains how PPE protects from various forms of hazards as well as how to use this information to select PPE against these highly hazardous substances for first responder or military users. The design of PPE and components plus relevant performance and evaluation standards are also discussed.
These proceedings present the latest information on intelligent- transportation technologies and their applications in real-world cases. The Second International Conference on Intelligent Transportation was held in Chengdu, China on November 25-27, 2015, to present the latest research in the field, including intelligent-transportation management, intelligent vehicles, rail transportation systems, traffic transportation networks, as well as road traffic element simulations and their industrial development. The aim of conference was to bring together academics, researchers, engineers and students from across the world to discuss state-of-the-art technologies related to intelligent transportation.
This book investigates and reviews recent advanced techniques and important applications in vehicular communications and networking (VCN) from a novel perspective of the combination and integration of VCN and connected vehicles, which provides a significant scientific and technical support for future 5G-based VCN. 5G-Enabled Vehicular Communications and Networking introduces vehicular channel characteristics, reviews current channel modeling approaches, and then provides a new generic geometry-based stochastic modeling approach for vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications. The investigation of vehicular channel measurements and modeling provides fundamental supports for the VCN system design. Then, this book investigates VCN-vehicle combination from PHY and MAC layers, respectively. As for the PHY layer, many advanced techniques that can be effectively applied in VCN to counter the PHY challenges are introduced, including novel ICI cancellation methods, index modulated OFDM, differential spatial modulation, and energy harvesting relaying. As for the MAC layer, distributed and centralized MAC designs are analyzed and compared in terms of feasibility and availability. Specifically, distributed congestion control, D2D-enabled vehicular communications, and centralized data dissemination scheduling are elaborated, which can significantly improve the network performance in vehicular networks. Finally, considering VCN-vehicle integration, this book introduces several hot-topic applications in vehicular networks, including electric vehicles, distributed data storage, unmanned aerial vehicles, and security and privacy, which indicates the significance and development value of VCN-vehicle integration in future vehicular networks and our daily life. The primary audience for this book includes professionals and researchers working in the field of vehicular communications, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and Internet of vehicles (IoV). Advanced level students studying electrical engineering will also find this book useful as a secondary textbook for related courses.
Granular Geomechanics provides a comprehensive exploration of soils as granular materials and the manner in which a soil's engineering properties form grain-scale mechanics. The book focuses on granular composition and packing, grain interactions, discrete granular modeling and continuum constitutive modeling.
These proceedings of the EPS 2018: 5th International Conference on Geofoam Blocks in Construction Applications, held in Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus on May 9 to 11, 2018, present a collection of contributions on the state-of-the-art of research and applications relating to geofoam. Geofoam researchers, consultants, molders, contractors and practitioners from all around the globe discuss the recent developments and future trends of expanded polystyrene (EPS)-block geofoam technology and its construction applications. EPS'18 contributes to the development of geofoam applications, following on from successful conferences in Oslo (1985), Tokyo (1996), Salt Lake City (2001) and Oslo (2011). The book discusses topics including, but not limited to, current use of geofoam, design specifications, applications, new concepts, material properties, modeling and specific topics in geofoam blocks in construction applications.
1. Der UEbergang zur Informationsgesellschaft als sozio-oekonomischer Prozess.- 1.1 Das Ende der Industriegesellschaft.- 1.2 Die Informationsgesellschaft und der Wandel der Arbeit.- 1.3 Der charakteristische Arbeitsplatz der Informationsgesellschaft.- 1.4 Resumee.- 2. Raumliche Strukturen in der Informationsgesellschaft.- 2.1 Anthropologische Voraussetzungen und Bedurfnisse.- 2.2 Global Cities/Global Village?.- 2.3 Das "ortlose Buro", die vergessene Kommunikation versus "Mediatektur".- 2.4 Resumee.- 3. Der Industriebau - ein Gebaudetyp im Wandel.- 3.1 Begriff, Arten und Funktion der Gebaudetypologie.- 3.2 Die funktionale oder Zwecktypologie.- 3.3 Corporate Process Architecture - von der Fabrik zum Unternehmensgebaude.- 3.4 Industriebau und Konversion.- 3.5 Resumee.- 4. Der Perspektivenwechsel bei der Betrachtung von Gebauden in der Informationsgesellschaft.- 4.1 Die wirtschaftliche Aufwertung der Gebaude.- 4.2 Corporate Real Estate Management und Facility Management - rein quantitative Instrumente?.- 4.3 Resumee.- 5. Informationstechnologie in der Planung und Bewirtschaftung von Gebauden.- 5.1 Planung unter den Bedingungen der Ungewissheit - die Beschleunigung der Prozesse.- 5.2 "Digitales" Bauen.- 5.3 Informationstechnologie und OEkologie.- 5.4 Resumee.- 6. Von der isolierten zur holistischen Gebaudekonzeption.- 6.1 Die Synthese von Informationstechnologie und Humanitat in Gebauden.- 6.2 Integrales Infrastrukturmanagement.- 6.3 Kompetenz im Wandel: das kunftige Profil des Planers und Architekten.- 6.4 Resumee.- 7. Ergebnis: Zur Programmatik der Corporate Process Architecture.
This book describes how, given the global challenge of a shortage of natural resources in the 21st century, the recycling of waste concrete is one of the most important means of implementing sustainable construction development strategies. Firstly, the book presents key findings on the micro- and meso-structure of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC), while the second part focuses on the mechanical properties of RAC: the strength, elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, stress-strain curve, etc. The third part of the book explores research on the durability of RAC: carbonization, chloride penetration, shrinkage and creep. It then presents key information on the mechanical behavior and seismic performance of RAC elements and structures: beams, columns, slabs, beam-column joints, and frames. Lastly, the book puts forward design guidelines for recycled aggregate concrete structures. Taken as a whole, the research results - based on a series of investigations the author has condu cted on the mechanical properties, durability and structural performance of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) over the past 10 years - demonstrate that, with proper design and construction, it is safe and feasible to utilize RAC structures in civil engineering applications. The book will greatly benefit researchers, postgraduates, and engineers in civil engineering with an interest in this field.
This book gathers the peer-reviewed contributions presented at two parallel, closely interconnected events on advanced construction materials and processes, namely the 2nd International RILEM Conference on Rheology and Processing of Construction Materials (RheoCon2) and the 9th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC9), held in Dresden, Germany on 8-11 September 2019. The papers discuss various aspects of research on the development, testing, and applications of cement-based and other building materials together with their specific rheological properties. Furthermore, the papers cover the latest findings in the fast-growing field of self-compacting concrete, addressing topics including components' properties and characterization; chemical admixtures, effect of binders (incl. geopolymers, calcined clay, etc.) and mixture design; laboratory and in-situ rheological testing; constitutive models and flow modelling; numerical simulations; mixing, processing and casting processes; and additive manufacturing / 3D-printing. Also presenting case studies, the book is of interest to researchers, graduate students, and industry specialists, such as material suppliers, consultants and construction experts.
This book presents an approach to energy-efficient building design, which takes into account the most important challenges in climate change mitigation and adaptation in Southern Europe. It outlines a specific approach related to residential buildings and their intergenerational and vulnerable occupants, such as ageing population and users in fuel poverty. It also focuses on the use of passive energy measures throughout the year, and on pursuing a realistic and affordable approach to the efficient rehabilitation of resilient residential buildings. In addition, the book presents case studies that include surveys, monitoring, and simulation of residential buildings in Spain and other Southern European representative locations, in order to go further on the study of this challenging topic.
There are numerous engineering applications for high-speed rotating
structures which rotate about their symmetric axes. For example,
free-flight sub-munition projectiles rotate at high speeds in order
to achieve an aerodynamically-stable flight.
This book focuses on the latest emerging technologies in electric vehicles (EV), and their economic and environmental impact. The topics covered include different types of EV such as hybrid electrical vehicle (HEV), battery electrical vehicle (BEV), fuel cell electrical vehicle (FCEV), plug-in hybrid electrical vehicle (PHEV). Theoretical background and practical examples of conventional electrical machines, advanced electrical machines, battery energy sources, on-board charging and off-board charging techniques, and optimization methods are presented here. This book can be useful for students, researchers and practitioners interested in different problems and challenges associated with electric vehicles.
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