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Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Financial, taxation, commercial, industrial law > Commercial law
This authoritative guide to the Geneva Securities Convention is the
first and only UNIDROIT backed analysis of the content of the
international treaty. It streamlines the otherwise complicated and
numerous transactions of intermediated securities providing easy
access for practitioners and scholars in the field. The Commentary
is written by participants to the negotiations and discussions
which resulted in the final version of the treaty.
In recent years cartel regulation has become a key priority for competition authorities around the globe resulting in a proliferation of immunity and leniency programmes. Competition authorities are constantly developing and revising their approaches to cartel regulation and introducing new mechanisms for businesses to report cartels, seek immunity and gain leniency. The need for businesses and their advisers to be able to identify and manage their global risk exposure is more pressing than ever before. The Global Cartels Handbook addresses this pressing need by providing a comparative analysis of immunity and leniency programmes for legal practitioners and corporate counsel. It consists of a comparative introduction which identifies some of the key features of the main jurisdictions and provides some of the strategic pointers to the most appropriate forums in which to seek leniency. A quick reference guide gives a tabular country-by-country overview of the leniency programmes in place around the world. This is followed by a detailed point-by-point description of each leniency programme, with reference to all key case law throughout, under a set of headings which are templated across each country chapter. This template format allows for ease of reference and consistency of information and provides essential practical information for filing a leniency application.
The Independence Principle of Letters of Credit and Demand Guarantees offers a comprehensive and authoritative analysis of the principle of independence, a fundamental element of Letters of Credit and Demand Guarantees. It examines the key issues involved in the practical application of this principle and the increasing exceptions to it, including a detailed account of the rules in this area. Beginning with an elementary account of the law of Letters of Credit and Demand Guarantees, the following chapters guide practitioners on the parameters of the Independence Principle. It will discuss the limitations of the principle, and assess whether new exceptions should be introduced. With English law and practice as the main focus of the work, comparisons to other major common law jurisdictions (including Australia, Canada, USA and Singapore) will be made where relevant and instructive. The landscape of the law in this area has changed markedly as a result of judicial decisions within the last five years,and revisions of the ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (2007) and ICC Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (2010). The fully updated analysis takes into account all the important developments that have taken place in this field in recent years and will prove a valuable reference tool to practitioners and academics alike.
The current sharing economy suffers from system-wide deficiencies even as it produces distinctive benefits and advantages for some participants. The first generation of sharing markets has left us to question: Will there be any workers in the sharing economy? Can we know enough about these technologies to regulate them? Is there any way to avoid the monopolization of assets, information, and wealth? Using convergent, transdisciplinary perspectives, this volume examines the challenge of reengineering a sharing economy that is more equitable, democratic, sustainable, and just. The volume enhances the reader's capacity for integrating applicable findings and theories in business, law and social science into ethical engineering design and practice. At the same time, the book helps explain how technological innovations in the sharing economy create value for different stakeholders and how they impact society at large. Reengineering the Sharing Economy is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Contract Formation and Parties presents a collection of current
thinking on the central themes of contract formation and parties.
The eighth volume in the Oxford-Norton Rose Law series the chapters
originate from papers presented at the colloquium held in September
2009. The Oxford-Norton Rose Law colloquia bring together
practitioners and academics to examine and discuss an area of
commercial law central to both communities.
This pack includesThe Rome II Regulation and a brand new updating
supplement which brings the main work up to date and incorporates
substantive developments since publication of the book in December
This book is the first to provide an extensive analysis of the
range of defences to payment under letters of credit and demand
This new edition of International Acquisition Finance builds on the
success of the first edition in providing a comprehensive and
comparative analysis of the law and practice of acquisition finance
from the viewpoint of leading lawyers in over 20 different
jurisdictions including the UK, China, France, Germany, the
Netherlands, and the USA. New jurisdictions for this edition
include Hong Kong, India and Poland.
Immobilienmanagement im Lebenszyklus ist fur Immobilien und die offentliche Infrastruktur in Deutschland und international das Gebot der Stunde. Die Immobilienwirtschaft hat massgeblichen Anteil an der Bruttowertschopfung. Fast jeder zehnte Beschaftigte ist in dieser Branche tatig. Sie erfordert jedoch eine kompetenz- und phasenubergreifende Professionalisierung durch das Zusammenwirken von Technik, Wirtschaft, Recht und Offentlicher Verwaltung bzw. von Architekten, Ingenieuren, Kaufleuten, Steuerberatern und Juristen. In diesem Werk wird der Lebenszyklus abgebildet von der Projektentwicklung uber das Projektmanagement fur Planung und Ausfuhrung, das Facility Management und die Gebaudebewirtschaftung bis zur Modernisierung bzw. zum Abbruch als Beginn eines neuen Zyklus. Ferner wird die Immobilienbewertung behandelt, die stets den Massstab der unternehmerischen Entscheidung bildet. Der Band 2 aus der 2. Auflage der Reihe "Fuhrungswissen fur Bau- und Immobilienfachleute" erlautert alle diese Aspekte, veranschaulicht durch zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele. Er richtet sich an Fuhrungs- und Nachwuchskrafte fur Fuhrungspositionen, Studierende der Architektur, des Bauingenieurwesens, der Wirtschaftswissenschaften sowie in Studiengangen fur PE, PM, FM und Immobilienbewertung."
What responsibility, if any, does a corporation have to society? How should corporations balance environmental, social, and governance factors? The Profit Motive addresses these questions of corporate purpose using historical, legal, and economic perspectives. Stephen M. Bainbridge enters the debate around corporate social responsibility to mount an unabashed defense of shareholder capitalism and maximizing shareholder value. The book offers context for the current questions about corporate purpose, and provides a reference going forward. Direct and corrective, The Profit Motive argues that shareholder value maximization is not only required by law, but what the law ought to require.
This book presents the latest findings relating to behavioral economics and the digital tools applied to contract management. There has been a decisive change in the role of contracts in the past decade, with contracts being transformed from purely legal necessities designed to protect against worst-case scenarios into tools for optimizing ongoing and mutually profitable business relationships with customers. There is an increasing emphasis on tight contracts, where time-risk and additional costs are passed on to the prime contractor, who may suffer heavy penalties in the event of non-performance. Contracts shape the behavior of the parties involved and as such have a major impact on project success. The contract manager's goals are to protect the interests of the company and its shareholders by minimizing the company's financial and contractual liabilities and to maximize its profitability while ensuring end-user satisfaction. The contract is usually written before the design is fully developed, and there is often a mismatch between contractual specifications and what the customer actually wants. Good contract management entails preserving the rights of the contractor by ensuring all parties respect their contractual obligations; providing advice to the project managers and engineering team; preparing profitable amendments to contracts or change requests; maintaining good record-keeping in the event that claims arise; filing notices when necessary; and guiding the project to a profitable conclusion. Like the ancient Chinese game of Go, moves made early in the game (notification of events) can shape the nature of a potential conflict one hundred moves later (arbitration threat). Contract management can also smooth the relationship between partners, allowing well-balanced "don't-trade-a-dollar-for-a-penny" contracts to be managed through an established process rather than as sporadic events (we cannot claim to be in control of our business if we are not in control of the contracts on which it depends). Managing a contract with a mix of incomplete manuals, fragmented information, and poor planning can drive companies to "reinvent the wheel." Contract management promotes a three-phase sequence to streamline information flows across the contract lifecycle, from the bid phase to performance, project closeout, and final payments.
Since the financial crisis, one of the key priorities of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) has been individual accountability. This book addresses the regulatory and employment law challenges that arise from the FCA's and PRA's requirements. The expert team of writers examine in depth the provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 which relate to individuals, and the associated requirements of the PRA and FCA. The topics addressed include: The Senior Manager, Certification and Approved Person Regimes Regulatory references and whistleblowing Disciplinary investigations, enforcement and sanctions Notifications, 'Form C', and fitness & propriety Bonus disputes and the Remuneration Code Conduct and Pay in the Financial Services Industry considers the full extent of an individual's employment, from pre-contractual discussions to the post-termination clawback of remuneration. It is a vital reference for lawyers and human resources professionals working within the financial services industry, both in-house and in private practice. It will also be of interest to all academics, regulators and policy-makers involved in this sector.
The separation of the ownership from control of a company is a
hallmark of many large UK companies, and has been so for nearly a
century. Much contemporary debate over corporate governance assumes
that this separation is the norm. However, quoted companies are
much less common outside the UK and quoted companies in other
jurisdictions often have one dominant shareholder, rather than
being widely held.
This book outlines the financial services regulatory framework in
16 countries in the Asia Pacific region. Contributors from leading
commercial law firms across the region provide a clear explanation
of the relevant regulatory bodies and their powers, with
consideration of the effects of each jurisdiction's national
This book outlines the financial services regulatory framework in
11 countries in the Middle East. Contributors from leading
commercial law firms across the region provide a clear explanation
of the relevant regulatory bodies and their powers, with
consideration of the effects of each jurisdiction's national
Security Over Receivables: An International Handbook is a practical
guide to the key issues involved in taking security over
receivables in 39 jurisdictions. Adopting a jurisdiction by
jurisdiction structure, each chapter examines the key matters to
consider when taking security over debts in a particular region.
Jurisdictions covered include: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New York, New Zealand, Poland, Russian Federation, Scotland, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. With contributions from well-respected lawyers from leading international firms in each jurisdiction, this book provides practitioners worldwide with considerable assistance when dealing with cross-border transactions in a number of different jurisdictions.
This book provides updated, full-picture analysis of the laws and practices of cross-border debt finance in the PRC. It is featured by the first-handed experiences of the author's academic research and legal practice in this field over two decades. The author discusses legal and regulatory issues, transaction structures and documentation in relation to two debt finance products: loan and bond, covering the inbound structure (Chinese debtors' raising funds from the international market) and the outbound structure (Chinese creditors' supplying funds to the international market). For cross-border loans, this book thoroughly illustrates the foreign debt regulatory regime in the PRC and approaches the lending by Chinese banks to support exports and overseas investments under the "Belt and Road Initiative" (BRI). For cross-border bonds, it discusses how Chinese issuers, by designing various transaction structures, enter into the international bond market, and then researches the "opening-up" of Chinese bond market to both international issuers (for issuing "Panda Bonds") and investors (for purchasing Chinese bonds). This book is used as an authoritative source for not only students and researchers, but also bankers and legal practitioners, who are interested in the Chinese debt finance market.
Corporate law has traditionally assumed that men organize business, men profit from it, and men bring cases in front of male judges when disputes arise. It overlooks or forgets that women are dealmakers, shareholders, stakeholders, and businesspeople too. This lack of inclusivity in corporate law has profound effects on all of society, not only on women's lives and livelihoods. This volume takes up the challenge to imagine how corporate law might look if we valued not only women and other marginalized groups, but also a feminist perspective emphasizing the importance of power dynamics, equity, community, and diversity in corporate law. Prominent lawyers and legal scholars rewrite foundational corporate law cases, and also provide accompanying commentary that situates each opinion in context, explains the feminist theories applied, and explores the impact the rewritten opinion might have had on the development of corporate law, business, and society.
Im Zuge der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise wird verstarkt diskutiert, welcher Mechanismen es bedarf, um die Interessen "aller "Marktteilnehmer im Wirtschaftsleben zu wahren. Grosse Bedeutung gewonnen hat dabei der Aspekt der " business ethics ." So richten immer mehr Unternehmen sog. Compliance-Abteilungen ein, die die Einhaltung von unternehmensinternen Grundsatzen wie namentlich die der " Corporate Social Responsibility "(CSR) zur Aufgabe haben. Kaum untersucht ist bislang jedoch die "rechtliche Verbindlichkeit "solcher CSR-Standards, obgleich sie zunehmend von Unternehmen auf ihrer Website verkundet oder auf anderem Wege zu Public Relations- und Marketingzwecken bis hin zur Werbung eingesetzt werden. Sind CRS damit nur wohlklingende Absichtserklarungen, oder handelt es sich um rechtlich verbindliche Standards und wenn ja, unter welchen Voraussetzungen entsteht ein Rechtsanspruch gegen Unternehmungen, wenn diese die sich selbst gegebenen Standards nicht einhalten? Anders gefragt: Gibt es ein corporate right to lie, oder setzt das (deutsche, europaische, internationale) Recht Grenzen? Im Fokus steht hierbei das "Recht zur ""Bekampfung unlauteren Wettbewerbs," im deutschen Sprachgebrauch kurz auch Lauterkeitsrecht genannt, das in allen entwickelten Wirtschaftsnationen wenn auch mit unterschiedlichem Ansatz Markthandlungen unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Fairness uberpruft. Die Autoren der Beitrage dieses Buches sind ausgewiesene Fachleute des Europa-, Wirtschafts- und Wettbewerbsrechts. Sie diskutieren auf der Grundlage rechtstatsachlicher Erkenntnisse alle mit der wettbewerbsrechtlichen Beurteilung von CSR zusammenhangenden Fragen, insbesondere unter Berucksichtigung der Rolle, die CSR fur Unternehmen, Abnehmer und die Gesamtwirtschaft spielt. Auch die Vorstellungen anderer Rechtsordnungen und Kulturkreise sind einbezogen. Gefragt wird letztlich, ob es ein U"nternehmerleitbild "gibt, das die Beachtung ethischer Standards einschliesst und das uber das Lauterkeitsrecht auch rechtliche Verbindlichkeit erlangt. Mit Keynote von "Gesine Schwan." "
This book addresses the various sustainability issues that the tourism industry has faced over time like the trend from over-tourism to under-tourism or from tourism in increasingly distant destinations to a new local tourism with new needs. It also highlights how contracts, both between businesses and those with consumers, can represent tools for the financial, ecological and social sustainability of the tourism industry.
Mergers and acquisitions in China are becoming increasingly relevant to practitioners both in and outside of China as a secondary M&A market in China develops and as an increasing number of global M&A deals have a China component. In addition, there are increasing opportunities for private equity and other financial investors. In this new book, Seung Chong gives a full account of practical issues arising in mergers and acquisitions in China as well as providing substantive commentary on relevant legal principles. He draws together overarching issues such as transaction structure and process, merger control and government approvals while giving references to international practice throughout, resulting in a practice-oriented and extremely accessible text.
The European Union Treaty after Lisbon emphasises the overarching objectives of sustainable development and a highly competitive social market economy, aiming at full employment, high levels of environmental protection and social progress. Yet, in 2022, it is clear that these ambitions have not been fully achieved. The ongoing pandemic, the continuing fall-out from Brexit and the resulting economic damage, a Grexit avoided, and potential other exits from the EU, have come to undermine the political consensus of the idea of a European Union. Amidst these challenges, the debates on how to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals have turned towards demanding more sustainable economic policies, financial investments and business actions. The present volume provides a much-needed space for in-depth discussion of the concept of sustainable value creation and how it can be achieved within the ecological limits of our planet, through the prism of an interdisciplinary concept of sustainability.
Subrogation: Law and Practice provides a clear and accessible account of subrogation, explaining when claimants are entitled to the remedy, how they should formulate their claims, and what practical difficulties they might encounter when attempting to enforce their subrogation rights. Although subrogation is a remedy that is frequently claimed in Chancery and commercial practice, the reasons why it is awarded and the way it works can often be misunderstood. In this text authors aim to present the subject in clear and simple terms through a structure that is readily accessible and of benefit to practitioners. Following an introductory overview, and discussion of the rules which determine the discharge of obligations by payment, the book is divided into three parts. Part II considers subrogation to extinguished rights, and explains all the consequences of the House of Lords' finding in Banque Financiere de la Cite v Parc (Battersea) Ltd that this form of subrogation is a remedy for unjust enrichment. The discussion examines the requirements that the defendant has been enriched, and that this enrichment has been gained at the claimant's expense. It also considers the most important reasons why a court might find that a defendant's enrichment is unjust, the defences which can be raised to a claim, the form of the remedy, and additional practical issues. Part III looks at insurers' claims to be subrogated to their insureds' subsisting rights, and carefully analyses the substantial body of case law on this subject which has built up over the past two hundred years. Finally, Part IV concerns the special insolvency rules which entitle claimants to acquire an insolvent party's subsisting indemnity rights against a third party. The discussion takes in claims under the Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 1930 and claims by the creditors of trustees to be indemnified out of the trust estate. This work explains the underlying principles and practical operation of subrogation and is a readily accessible guide for the busy professional. |
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