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Books > Local Author Showcase > Fiction - adults > Drama
“Ek het vir prof ʼn storie om te skryf.” Só begin Drie vroue en ’n meisie toe die mooie Katryn een middag ná klas ongenooid voor die skryfkunsprofessor se lessenaar kom staan om hom in te lig dat hy haar familiegeskiedenis gaan skryf. Die ellendige saga en lotgevalle van drie generasies vroue wat by Katryn se grootjie in die miserabelheid van die delwerye van Miersehoop wat byna reeds uitgewerk is, begin. Almal wat kom soek het na ’n diamant so groot soos ’n skaapkop, weet teen hierdie tyd die droom is aan ’t sterwe. Maar die hoop bly, die hoop bly ... En alles wat goed en sleg is, word soos die aarde uitgewerk onder dié wat volhard. Nypende armoede en hoogmoed, onnoselheid en opregtheid vermeng op die harde Noordwes-Hoëveld en verdring só alles wat goed kon wees. Hieruit groei die verhaal van ’n weeskind wat nie kos of menswaardigheid gegun word nie, laat staan keuses. Daaruit ontvou nog ’n verhaal en daaruit nog een. En uiteindelik keer dit terug na waar dit begin het. Só word die verlede oopgebreek om in die hede lig vir die liefde te maak. Toe skryf die professor oor Katryn se ma, haar ouma en oumagrootjie, sonder dat hy of sy kon voorsien dat hulle self deel van dié saga van dooie drome, armoede en vernedering sou word. Selfs die liefde is onvoorspelbaar op ʼn delwery tussen die mielielande van die wispelturige Hoëveld. Durf ons droom van ’n beter lewe waarin minagting nie langer verduur hoef te word nie? Hans du Plessis is ’n geliefde naam in die Afrikaanse letterkunde. Sy historiese romans staan stewig in die hede gewortel en hy is bekend vir die bedrieglike eenvoud in sy verhale wat dieper waarhede dra – hy ken die mense oor wie hy skryf en dié waarvoor hy skryf. Du Plessis is ook bekend as digter, dramaturg en taalkundige.
The focal point of the novel is the small town of Soutbek. Its troubles, hardships and corruption, but also its kindness, strong community and friendships, are introduced to us in a series of stories about intriguingly interlinked relationships. Contemporary Soutbek is still a divided town - the upper town destitute, and the lower town rich, largely ignorant - and through a series of vivid scenes, the troubled relationship between Pieter Fortuin, the town's first coloured mayor, and his wife Anna is revealed. In so many ways the past casts a long shadow over the present, not in the least through the unreliable diaries of Pieter Meerman promoted by Pieter Fortuin and Professor Pearson, a retired white historian. They give us a unique insight into the lives of the seventeenth-century Dutch explorers, and hint at a utopian society, suggesting that Soutbek is the birthplace of assimilation and integration. The blossoming friendship between Anna, Sara, a foundling, and Willem, Pieter Fortuin's nephew, is unsettled by David, Anna's and Pieter's son. His father has bought David a bright future, but when he comes back from boarding school David appears alienated from his father and from his old friend, the former gardener Charles Geduld, just as Anna starts to accept him as her son. Is there hope, or are we left with Willem's conclusion that 'he would spend the rest of his life working off the debt of his family's poverty'? A moving story that paints a thought-provoking picture of life in contemporary South Africa.
Niemand mag haar sien sonder haar mantel nie.
‘You would not think it to look at you, but your voice, when you use it: akin to a god’s. You must be careful what you do with it.’ Exiled Jacob Kitara takes in injured compatriots and nurses them in a boarded-up building. Social unrest has emptied the streets of London, movement into and out of the country has been suspended, and those who remain are in hiding. When a young man makes his appearance, insisting that he is Jacob’s son – a man presumed dead, torn from Jacob’s life by war and guilt over the fate of the boy’s mother – Jacob is driven to anger. But can this stranger offer Jacob a chance to reach back to a different continent, to the foot of Africa from where he has been banished, to atone for the past? The Weight of Skin is a poignant tale of personal and political responsibility, and of the intricate narratives of family and nationality that bind us.
Internationally acclaimed, prize-winning thriller writer Deon Meyer has been heralded as the King of South African Crime. In Thirteen Hours, morning dawns in Cape Town, and for homicide detective Benny Griessel it promises to be a very trying day. A teenage girl's body has been found on the street, her throat cut. She was an American--a PR nightmare in the #1 tourist destination in South Africa. And she wasn't alone. Somewhere in Cape Town her friend, Rachel Anderson, an innocent American, is hopefully still alive. On the run from the first page of Thirteen Hours, Rachel is terrified, unsure where to turn in the unknown city. Detective Griessel races against the clock, trying to bring her home safe and solve the murder of her friend in a single day. Meanwhile, he gets pulled into a second case, the murder of a South African music executive. Griessel's been sober for nearly six months--156 days. But day 157 is going to be tough. A #1 best seller in South Africa and a finalist for the CWA International Dagger, Thirteen Hours is an atmospheric, intensely gripping novel from a master storyteller.
Jan Wentzel, verhaleredakteur van Die voorpunt, kry te make met Marié Hurter, ’n aspirant-skrywer wat maar net nie wíl aanvaar dat haar liefdesverhaal afgekeur is nie. Jan het hoë ideale en neem sy werk ernstig op, maar ’n probleem ontstaan. Hoe gemaak as hy nou ook ’n ogie op Marié het? Of voer dié ondeunde rooikop iets in die mou? In Die rooikop en die redakteur en ander stories bring H&R vroeë verhale deur een van Afrikaans se belangrikste skrywers in een band byeen. Vóór die Sestiger-beweging, etlike literêre pryse en internasionale aansien het André Brink sy loopbaan begin as skrywer van humoristiese stories en spannings- en liefdesverhale in gesinstydskrifte. Die vermaaklike stories in dié bundel het gedurende die 50's in die tydskrifte Die huisgenoot en Die brandwag verskyn. Dié bundel kombineer Brink se eiesoortige sin vir humor met ’n tikkie nostalgie – perfek vir ’n ouer én nuwe geslag lesers. Saamgestel deur Cecilia van Zyl, voormalige verhaleredakteur van Die huisgenoot.
Grace Hendriks has led a pretty sheltered life. So when her sister Natalie begs her to take her place as a Rihanna impersonator at a club in Amsterdam, no alarm bells go off … until she finds herself onstage with only a pole for support and her knickers in a knot. Thrown into strip-club life, and forced to share an apartment with an exotic troupe of impersonating divas with Lady Gaga-sized egos, Grace has to learn some hard lessons fast. One: living with Marilyn Monroe and Madonna isn’t easy. And two: transformations don’t happen overnight – especially when your bra is determined to sabotage your dance routine.
Ignatius Smit sterf by geboorte op Woensdag, 3 Maart 1982 op Katima Mulilo in Namibie se Kaprivistrook. Omdat Ignatius se ouers die sendingpaar is, word hy begrawe op 'n afgelee plek in 'n bos, naby die graf van magistraat Trollop wat aan koors in Barotsiland gesterf het. Sy ma sukkel om sy dood te verwerk, omdat sy as geestelike leier verantwoordelik voel vir die vertroosting van die dorpsmense, wat net so platgeslaan is deur sy onverwagte dood. Jare later haal sy onverwekte dood haar in. Hierdie is haar, Leonette, se verhaal. Dis 'n verhaal van verlies en die verwerking daarvan, wat grootliks afspeel binne die militêre milieu - waarvan grenslewe 'n groot komponent is. Baie jare later kry sy vertroosting deur berading en musiekterapie van 'n orrelsimfonie van Saint-Saens. Dit gee vir haar 'n visualisering van Ignatius se lewe na die dood. So kry sy volkome bevryding vir haar pynlike smart.
Aan die einde van elke jaar word daar op Gatlek, Dawid Fourie se plaas, feesgevier. ʼn Soort danksegging, kan jy sê. Dawid beloon sy werkers vir hul harde werk, en hulle betoon hul dankbaarheid op ʼn manier waaroor daar ná die tyd nie veel uitgewei word nie. Dit was tydens die nag van die laaste groot vleisbraai dat dinge vir Dawid en Gatlek begin skeefloop het. Jan-Vlok, Dawid se seun, sit nou verbitterd sonder ʼn erfplaas. Sy pa swyg oor Gatlek terwyl hy sy dae vul met grafstene maak in sy agterplaas. Totdat sy mal oom Outa oor die verlede begin praat en niemand hom meer kan ignoreer nie. Dan is daar Bettie Rondganger. ’n Alleenloper. ’n Vrou wat wil voorthol om van haar verlede te vergeet. Sy gee haar lyf vir Jan-Vlok, maar ook vir Klippies, sy jeugvriend wat aan die werkerskant van die plaas grootgeword het. Sy en Klippies ken immers die etiek van die vullishope waar hulle nou ʼn bestaan moet maak. Maar wat het werklik daardie aand op Gatlek gebeur? Dinge van ’n hond is ’n roman oor vergeet, maar ook oor onthou. En die besef dat ’n mens jou nooit rêrig van jou verlede kan losmaak nie.
The Woman in the Blue Cloak is a brilliant novella which will thrill and entertain fans of Deon Meyer's much-loved detective Benny Griessel. Benny Griessel is a cop on a mission: he plans to ask Alexa Bernard to marry him. That means he needs to buy an engagement ring - and that means he needs a loan. So Benny has a lot on his mind when he is called to a top-priority murder case. A woman's body is discovered, naked and washed in bleach, draped on a wall beside a picturesque road above Cape Town. The identity of the victim is a mystery, as is the reason for her killing. Gradually, Benny and his colleague Vaughn Cupido begin to work out the roots of the story, which reach as far away as England and Holland... and as far back as the seventeenth century.
Shadow Play is a powerful novel of subterfuge, betrayal, risk and deep bonds of friendship formed during a time of struggle and pain while a new nation, determined to rise, faces seemingly insurmountable obstacles. When confronted with his call-up papers for the apartheid army, with his fellow student activists either scattered or in jail, Matthew chooses exile in Europe. In Amsterdam, he reconnects with his friend Oliver, who is studying music there. As he falls into a different rhythm of life, as contented as he is in a loving relationship and a job in a music store, the pull of his homeland never leaves him. When he receives an unexpected call from a former activist comrade, he makes a decision that will put at risk everything he has built in his new life. And when he meets Mandla for the first time, he knows there will be no going back. For Matthew, the reality of living as a refugee and an immigrant in Europe begins to intrude and with it a new and sometimes disquieting understanding of protest politics and the liberal ideal. For Mandla, directions to a liberated country that were once clear to him and untainted by self-interest and the seduction of power, become blurred at times and increasingly uncomfortable. Both men have to search deep in their hearts when they are asked to make choices that challenge them morally, personally and politically. (Author Gerald Kraak passed away in 2014. Kraak was in the process of writing Shadow Play when he died, leaving an unfinished draft in the care of his literary executor with the novel evenutally being completed by Alison Lowry).
Een plaas. Een familie. Een bloedlyn. Sewe geslagte. In 1838 vlug Pieter de Witt uit die Oos-Kaap na Natal om ná maande van uiterste ontbering op die walle van die Tugelarivier ’n hoekpaal in te kap en sy plaas af te tree. Hy noem die plaas Donkerland. Dit is hier waar sewe geslagte De Witts die wel en wee van ’n ontluikende volk beleef: die Groot Trek, die stryd teen die Zoeloes, die Anglo-Boereoorlog, Groot Depressie, 1948-verkiesing, Grensoorlog, Soweto-opstande en die oorgang tot ’n demokratiese Suid-Afrika. Vir honderd agt-en-vyftig jaar leef die De Witts die triomf en die smaad van die geskiedenis op ’n enkele stuk grond uit; ná sewe geslagte begin dit deurskemer wat dit beteken om in hierdie aarde ’n hoekpaal in te slaan en ’n plaas af te tree. Donkerland is die eerste aflewering in Deon Opperman se Afrikaner-trilogie.
Elkeen wat vra, ontvang, elkeen wat soek, vind, en vir elkeen wat klop
sal oopgemaak word.
Stifled by the torpor of colonial South Africa and trapped in a web of reciprocal oppression, a lonely sheep farmer seeks comfort in the arms of a black concubine. But when his embittered spinster daughter Magda feels shamed, this lurch across the racial divide marks the end of a tenuous feudal peace. As she dreams madly of bloody revenge, Magda's consciousness starts to drift and the line between fact and the workings of her excited imagination becomes blurred. What follows is the fable of a woman's passionate, obsessed and violent response to an Africa that will not heed her.
Klara Francke het ’n donker geheim. Sy is vasgekeer in ’n giftige huwelik met die sadistiese Johan. Sy leef in konstante vrees vir haar eie lewe en dié van haar tienerjarige seun. Wanneer Johan die nuwe ingenieur wat by die sonkragaanleg buite die dorp begin werk het vir ’n braai nooi, is daar onmiddellik ’n wedersydse aangetrokkenheid tussen Klara en haar man se kollega. Terwyl Klara worstel met haar onverklaarbare – en ontoelaatbare – gevoelens, spook speurder Basie Snyman en sy kollega om die moorde op twee jong meisies op te los. Hulle weet hulle werk teen tyd wanneer ’n derde meisie verdwyn. Kort voor lank ontdek die speurders ’n skakel tussen die drie slagoffers: Klara Francke ...
Die middeljarigedoktor Tertius Pelser is ʼn gefrustreerde Geskiedenis dosent aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Sy vervelige lewe verander hand om keer wanneer hy op ’n aand homself oorgee aan drank en by ’n jongstudent, Carina, slaap. ’n Paar dae later is daar foto’s van Tertius en Carina se sekseskapades op sosialemedia. In ʼn poging om sy sukkelende loopbaan en huwelik te red, gaan konfronteer Tertius vir Carina by haar studentehuis. ʼn Struweling ontstaan en Carina val vanaf die oopplan-dakvertrek na die sitkamer op die grondvloer. Tertius besluit om dadelik land uittevlug. Sonderom enigiets aan sy vrou te verklap, bevind Tertius om binne enkeleure op ʼn vliegtuig na Patagonië in Argentinië–op pad om die familielede wat hy daar het, en nog nooit ontmoet het nie, te gaan opspoor.
Liewe Here, ek verstaan nie. Help my.
This is a trilogy of Olive Schreiner's farm novels, Undine, The Story of an African Farm and From Man to Man. The author was pitch-forked into prominence by the publication in 1883 of The Story of an African Farm, originally published under the pseudonym 'Ralph Iron'. The other two novels were published posthumously. Undine was in fact completed before The Story of an African Farm, and many consider From Man to Man, the book she cherished most, to be her best novel. Karoo Moon is classic Africana by South Africa's first internationally recognised author; and each of the novels has strongly autobiographical elements, helping the reader to understand a remarkable woman who went on to become an outspoken anti-colonial, pro-Boer campaigner during the Anglo-Boer War, South Africa's first feminist, and a prescient supporter of her disfranchised fellow citizens.
UVusumuzi noNathi bakhule ndawonye eNquthu, eNondweni. UVusumuzi uthathwa umngani wakhe osekade asebenzela eGoli ukuba naye ezozama amatoho. UPuleng uyadideka ngoVusumuzi osala naye emini lapha endlini.Umsiza kukho konke;izitsha,izimbali phandle; ukupheka, njll. UThobile uyehluleka ukuziba impunyela enguMthokozisi efuna ukumshada ngokuphazima kweso. ULerato uhlezi eqasha esaluni yakhe abasazozama impilo lapha kwaNdongaziyaduma. UNonhlanhla uyehluleka ukulinda uVusumuzi akhulelwe emakhaya.UDiliza umthobanhliziyo kaNathi emsebenzini.
A group of women at a specific period in the history of Southern Africa find their family life under the pressures of capitalist modernity and apartheid. These ordinary, 'private' stories are anchored to the more powerful public stories of Penelope of ancient Greek mythology, who waited eighteen years while her husband Odysseus was away, and Winnie Mandela who waited for twenty-seven years. The life story of Winnie Mandela remains one of the great unfolding dramas of our times; a tale of triumphs and tragedies that is only just beginning to be examined.
David shares a close bond with his eight-year-old son, Chris, but their family is destroyed when David dies. In the afterlife, he is given an opportunity. He is told that he may be granted three viewings by which to look in on his son. The terms are strict: he cannot help his boy. He cannot reach him, or teach him, or in any way change the course of his life. David agrees, and on three separate occasions observes his son’s unfolding story. The first viewing takes place one year after his own death. The second shows him his son at the age of nineteen. David’s final viewing shows him the final days of Chris’s life. What David sees will not leave him. He has a simple but impassioned request: ‘Let me take his place’.
Nuwe plek, nuwe skool, nuwe mense. Ek het my eenkant gehou, net in die
middae pinball gespeel by die Griek se kafee op die hoek. Pinball was
my ding. My nuwe klasmaats het gesien hoe ek speel.
A young English biographer is working on a book about the late writer, John Coetzee. He plans to focus on a period in the seventies when, the biographer senses, Coetzee was 'finding his feet as a writer'. He embarks on a series of interviews with people who were important to Coetzee - a married woman with whom he had an affair, his favourite cousin Margot, a Brazilian dancer whose daughter had English lessons with him, former friends and colleagues. Thus emerges a portrait of the young Coetzee as an awkward, bookish individual, regarded as an outsider within the family. His insistence on doing manual work, his long hair and beard, and rumours that he writes poetry evoke nothing but suspicion in the South Africa of the time.
Hoe gemaak as jy vastrapplek moet kry tussen die Hemel en die Hel? Kliek. En jou lewe verander. Onomkeerbaar. So sal Markus Meyer en Regardt Muller, twee avontuurlustige vriende wat ná matriek by die Britse Weermag aansluit en as lede van die gerespekteerde 3 Valskermregiment in Afghanistan diens doen, weldra leer. Dit is egter eers wanneer stilte oor die slagveld neersif en die gevolge van konflik beredder moet word, dat die wáre vegters na vore sal tree. En daardie slagveld is nie noodwendig in ʼn oorlogsgeteisterde gebied waar die droë hitte iets lewendigs is nie; soms lê dit ook tussen kamerade, gesinslede en verál midde-in die liefde. Want selfs ʼn soen is by tye ʼn landmyn wat afgetrap word ... Vegters is die merkwaardige verhaal van uitdaging, lojaliteit en deursettingsvermoë. ʼn Verhaal wat die leser deur drie valleie sal neem: van die Gamtoosvallei in die Oos-Kaap na die Sanginvallei langs die Helmandrivier in Afghanistan, tot die Vallei van ʼn Duisend Heuwels in KwaZulu-Natal waar die wêreldbekende Dusi-kanomarathon die twee vriende tot die uiterste sal beproef. Wees gereed om oorbluf te word. Hierdie boek is nie 'n Sondagmiddagpiekniek nie - dis `n ontsnappingsroete deur `n slagplaas. Vegters moet nie verwar word met 'n hedendaagse oorlogboek nie. Die kontraste tussen die drie wêrelde in die teks is hemelsbreed. Die leser word gelawe met die idiliese Gamtoosvallei, net om weer om sy gemaksone geruk te word na die hel van 'n oorloggeteisterde Afghanistan. Nog min het twee werelde so baie verskil waar die skrywer dit regkry om beide te versoen. 'n Nuwe blik word gegee oor die oorlog in Afganistan, uit die oogpunt van twee Afrikaanse soldate in die Britse leer. Dis'n verhaal van hoop en versoening. Dis mooi. Dis bitter. Dis `n emosionele wipplankrit. Daar is oomblikke van teerheid,maar voor jy te gemaklik raak, word jy aan die bek geruk deur die twee hoofkarakters se ervarings in Afghanistan. Maar dat dit jou gaan by bly en uit jou gemaksone ruk, is gewis. Redigeerder Louis Esterhuizen - ”Hierdie werk is by verre een van die mees indrukwekkende tekste wat ek tot nog toe die voorreg gehad het om te hanteer.”
A collection of new and critically acclaimed stories by award-winning South African author Ken Barris. Here, Barris's work combines everyday events with the surreal and fantastical: the title story centres on a dog called Worm; in another, husband and wife quarrel over a plugless lamp; and in another, a man encounters a speaking baboon in his kitchen. Poised, lyrical and humorous, the stories in this collection concretise the human condition via the author's characteristically unfettered style. |
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