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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Mechanical engineering > Engines & power transmission
This book provides an overview of the nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) concept for application to innovative combustion engines. Readers can use this book to become more expert in advanced combustion engine control and to develop and implement their own NMPC algorithms to solve challenging control tasks in the field. The significance of the advantages and relevancy for practice is demonstrated by real-world engine and vehicle application examples. The author provides an overview of fundamental engine control systems, and addresses emerging control problems, showing how they can be solved with NMPC. The implementation of NMPC involves various development steps, including: * reduced-order modeling of the process; * analysis of system dynamics; * formulation of the optimization problem; and * real-time feasible numerical solution of the optimization problem. Readers will see the entire process of these steps, from the fundamentals to several innovative applications. The application examples highlight the actual difficulties and advantages when implementing NMPC for engine control applications. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Combustion Engines targets engineers and researchers in academia and industry working in the field of engine control. The book is laid out in a structured and easy-to-read manner, supported by code examples in MATLAB (R)/Simulink (R), thus expanding its readership to students and academics who would like to understand the fundamental concepts of NMPC. Advances in Industrial Control reports and encourages the transfer of technology in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology has an impact on all areas of the control discipline. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an extended exposition of new work in all aspects of industrial control.
The last two decades have witnessed an intensifying effort in learning how to manage flow turbulence: it has in fact now become one of the most challenging and prized techno logical goals in fluid dynamics. The goal itself is of course not new. More than a hundred years ago, Reynolds already listed factors conducive to laminar and to turbulent flow (including among them curvature and acceleration). Further more, it is in retrospect clear that there were several early instances ot successful turbulence management. Examples are the reduction in drag achieved with a ring-trip placed on the front of a sphere or the insertion of a splitter-plate behind a circular cylinder; by the early 1950s there were numerous exercises at boundary layer control. Although many of these studies were interesting and suggestive, they led . to no spectacularly successful practical application, and the effort petered out in the late 1950s. The revival of interest in these problems in recent years can be attributed to the emergence of several new factors. First of all, fresh scientific insight into the structure of turbulence, in particular the accumulated evidence for the presence of significant order in turbulent flow, has been seen to point to new methods of managing turbulence. A second major reason has been the growing realisation that the rate at which the world is consuming its reserves of fossil fuels is no longer negligible; the economic value of greater energy effi ciency and lower drag has gone up significantly."
The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) initiated and sponsored an International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering Systems held in 1989 in Stuttgart, FRG. The Symposium was intended to bring together scientists working in different fields of dynamics to exchange ideas and to discuss new trends with special emphasis on nonlinear dynamics in engineering systems. A Scientific Committee was appointed by the Bureau of IUTAM with the following members: S. Arimoto (Japan), F.L. Chernousko (USSR), P.J. Holmes (USA), C.S. Hsu (USA), G. looss (France), F.C. Moon (USA), W. Schiehlen (FRG), Chairman, G. Schmidt (GDR), W. Szemplinska-Stupnicka (Poland), J.M.T. Thompson (UK), H. Troger (Austria). This committee selected the participants to be invited and the papers to be presented at the Symposium. As a result of this procedure 78 active scientific participants from 22 countries followed the invitation, and 44 papers were presented in lecture and poster sessions. They are collected in this volume. At the Symposium an exhibition with experiments took place and the movie "An Introduction to the Analysis of Chaotic Dynamics" by E.J. Kreuzer et.al. was presented. The scientific lectures were devoted to the following topics: o Dynamic Structural Engineering Problems, o Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems, o Bifurcation Problems, o Chaotic Dynamics and Control Problems, o Miscellaneous Problems, o Experimental and Theoretical Investigations, o Chaotic Oscillations of Engineering Systems, o Characterization of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems, o Nonlinear Stochastic Systems.
This symposium, held at Innsbruck/lgls on June 21-26, 1987, is the fifth in a series of IUTAM-Symposia on the application of stochastic methods in mechanics. The flrst two meetings in Warwick (1972) and Southhampton (1976) concentrated on the stability of stochastic dynamical systems and stochastic methods in dynamics, respectively. The third meeting in Frankfurt/Oder (1982) added aspects of reliability, while the fourth symposium in Stockholm (1984) dealt mainly with fatigue and fracture problems. The general theme of the present symposium is devoted to nonlinear stochastic dynamics of engineering systems which is believed of great importance for providing the tools for basic development and progress in various fields of mechanical-, structural- and aeronautical engineering, particularly in the areas of vehicle dynamics, multi-storey structural dynamics, systems identiflcation, offshore structural dynamics, nuclear structures under various stochastic loading conditions (i. e. wind-, earthquake-, parametric excitations, etc. ). The contributions collected in this volume cover a wide spectrum of topics ranging from more theoretical, analytical and numerical treatment to practical application in various flelds. The truly international character of the meeting is accomplished by 42 contributions and 86 participants from as many as 19 countries and hence, contributed to the original idea of IUTAM, which is to foster international cooperation. It should be recalled, that, for getting this cooperation started again after the First World War, Theodore von Kanmm and Tullio Levi-Civita called the world's flrst international (IUTAM) conference on hydro- and aerornechanics in 1922 in Innsbruck, Austria.
Parallel Kinematic Machines (PKMs) are one of the most radical innovations in production equipment. They attempt to combine the dexterity of robots with the accuracy of machine tools to respond to several industrial needs. This book contains the proceedings of the first European-American Forum on Parallel Kinematic Machines, held in Milan, Italy from 31 August - 1 September 1998. The Forum was established to provide institutions, technology suppliers and industrial end users with an improved understanding of the real advantages to be gained from using PKMs. This book contributes to a mid-term strategy oriented to reduce time to market and costs, improve production flexibility and minimize environmental impacts to increase worldwide competitiveness. In particular the authors focus on enabling technologies and emerging concepts for future manufacturing applications of PKMs. Topics include: Current status of PKM R&D in Europe, the USA and Asia. Industrial requirements, roadblocks and application opportunities. Research issues and possibilities. Industrial applications and requirements.
Andrew Grant Forsyth's impressive catalogue of previously unpublished photographs portrays the work of locomotives from all parts of the former LNER territories between 1947 and 1958. On trips to sheds and stations across eastern England, he photographed a wide variety of stock, including the former Hull and Barnsley Railway tanks, North Eastern Railway 'Q' Classes, Nigel Gresley's Class A3 and A4, and the Arthur Peppercorn 'Pacifics'. From Newcastle to north London, East and North Eastern Steam is a valuable collection that provides a unique insight into the changing scene of locomotive power in the mid-twentieth century.
Fatigue and wear are the most damaging phenomena affecting machines since they result in some 90% of breakdowns. This tutorial book systematically develops a unified overview, named tribo-fatigue, which aims to address the complex wear-fatigue damages. Tribo-fatigue synthesizes aspects of three disciplines: mechanical fatigue, tribology, and reliability of mechanical systems. Tribo-fatigue opens new perspectives for increasing the durability of machines according to the most important criteria of their serviceability. Detailed damage measurement and wear-fatigue tests that enable engineers to design more durable and reliable systems are developed. The book is intended for advanced students, researchers and engineers.
Presented here are 73 refereed papers given at the 34th MATADOR Conference held at UMIST in July 2004. The MATADOR series of conferences covers the topics of Manufacturing Automation and Systems Technology, Applications, Design, Organisation and Management, and Research. The 34th proceedings contains original papers contributed by researchers from many countries on different continents. The papers cover both the technological aspect of manufacturing processes; and the systems, business and management features of manufacturing enterprise. The papers in this volume reflect: - the importance of manufacturing to international wealth creation; - the necessity of responsiveness and agility of manufacturing companies to meet market-led requirements and international change; - the role of information technology and electronic communications in the growth of global manufacturing enterprises; - the impact of new technologies, new materials and processes, on the ability to produce goods of higher quality, more quickly, to meet markets needs at a lower cost. Some of the major generic developments which have taken place in these areas since the 33rd MATADOR conference was held in 2000 are reported in this volume.
Materials for springs is basically intended for engineers related to spring materials and technologies who graduated from metallurgical or mechanical engineering courses in technical high school, or in other higher engineering schools, as well as those who are related to the purchase or sales of spring materials. The first chapter introduces into the fundamental selection processes of spring materials including the information sources on materials database. It is followed by the basic mechanisms and theories of spring failures such as fatigue fracture, creep/stress relaxation and stress corrosion cracking of metallic materials. The focuses of the second chapter is put on ferrous and non-ferrous metallic materials, including some materials developed in these two decades, such as high strength automobile suspension steels etc. In the third and fourth chapters, polymer materials, FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastics), ceramics and C/C composite materials are the main subject respectively. In the fifth chapter, lists of Japanese spring material manufacturers and their material grades being produced, comparisons of spring materials in the Japanese Industrial Standards with some other foreign standards, etc, are summarized.
The series Advances in Industrial Control aims to report and encourage technology transfer in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology impacts all areas of the control discipline. New theory, new controllers, actuators, sensors, new industrial processes, computer methods, new applications, new philosophies . . . , new challenges. Much of this development work resides in industrial reports, feasibility study papers and the reports of advanced collaborative projects. The series offers an opportunity for researchers to present an extended exposition of such new work in all aspects of industrial control for wider and rapid dissemination. Operating plant as close as possible to constraint boundaries so often brings economic benefits in industrial process control. This is the conundrum at the heart of this monograph by Tommy Gravdahl and Olav Egeland on stall control for compressors. Operation of the compressor closer to the surge line can increase operational efficiency and flexibility The approach taken by the authors follows the modern control system paradigm: -physical understanding, detailed modelling and simulation studies and finally control studies. The thoroughness of the presentation, bibliography and appendices indicates that the volume has all the hallmarks of being a classic for its subject. Despite the monograph's narrow technical content, the techniques and insights presented should appeal to the wider industrial control community as well as the gas turbine/compressor specialist. M. J. Grimble and M. A.
In-fl ight simulation experiments performed in 1967 with a variable-stabil ity aircraft during the author's stay at Princeton University, motivated the study of handl ing characteristics of future transport aircraft with closed-loop fl ight control systems. In 1972, the first experiment took place at the National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, using one of its research aircraft. In anticipation of expected developments in (digital) fl ight control technology, the research programme following the first experiments was aimed at the establ ishment of quantitative handl ing qual ities criteria. An appreciable part of that programme has been sponsored by the Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programs (Nederlands Instituut voor VI iegtuigontwikkel ing en Ruimtevaart) and the Department of Civil Aviation of the Netherlands (Rijksluchtvaartdienst). In 1981, a thorough review of the extensive and valuable data gathered was started. The result, presented in this book, was also included in the author's thesis for a Ph.D. degree of the Delft University of Technology. To introduce the reader to the multi-discipl inary field of handl ing qual ities research, introductory chapters are presented on longitudinal aircraft dynamics, closed-loop fl ight control systems using non-mechanical signal transmission, human pilot dynamics, hand I ing qual ities assessment techniques, and the present status of handl ing qual ity criteria.
Written by the world 's leading researchers on various topics of linear, nonlinear, and stochastic mechanical vibrations, this work gives an authoritative overview of the classic yet still very modern subject of mechanical vibrations. It examines the most important contributions to the field made in the past decade, offering a critical and comprehensive portrait of the subject from various complementary perspectives.
The Japanese original edition of "FEM for Springs" was published in 1997, to com memorate the 50th anniversary of Japan Society for Spring Research (JSSR). While there have been many books published about Finite Element Method (FEM), this book was among the first to address the application of FEM to spring design. When asked about springs, one might imagine a mere shape of helical coil. How ever, there are many more varieties of shapes and functions in the application of springs. Consequently, some are very difficult to calculate by design formula. FEM gives the solutions to those advanced engineering cases. Nowadays, it is strongly desired to have a design method for springs as a com mon base from a global point of view. Under these circumstances, JSSR planned to publish an English version of "FEM for Springs." By improving the contents and adding many examples, this book, FEM for Springs, has been brought to comple tion. It is a truly significant event. I am confident that this book is suitable for engineers in worldwide industrial sectors and for college students as well."
Atthedawnofthenewmillennium, roboticsisundergoingamajortransformation inscopeanddimension.Fromalargelydominantindustrialfocus, roboticsisrapidly expanding into the challenges of unstructured environments. Interacting with, - sisting, serving, and exploring with humans, the emerging robots will increasingly touchpeopleandtheirlives. ThegoalofthenewseriesofSpringerTractsinAdvancedRobotics(STAR)isto bring, in a timely fashion, the latest advances and developments in robotics on the basisoftheirsigni?canceandquality.Itisourhopethatthewiderdisseminationof researchdevelopmentswillstimulatemoreexchangesandcollaborationsamongthe researchcommunityandcontributetofurtheradvancementofthisrapidlygrowing ?eld. Sinceitsinceptionsomefourteenyearsago, ISER, theInternationalSymposium on Experimental Robotics was published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences (LNCIS). With the launching of STAR, a more suitable homeisfoundforthisandotherthematicsymposiadevotedtoexcellenceinrobotics research. TheEightheditionofExperimentalRoboticseditedbyBrunoSicilianoandPaolo Dario offers in its ?fteen-chapter volume a collection of a broad range of topics in robotics.Thecontentsofthesecontributionsrepresentacross-sectionofthecurrent stateofroboticsresearchfromoneparticularaspect: experimentalwork, andhowit re?ectsonthetheoreticalbasisofsubsequentdevelopments.Experimentalvalidation ofalgorithms, designconcepts, ortechniquesisthecommonthreadrunningthrough thislargecollectionofwidelydiversecontributions. From its charming venue to its excellent program, ISER culminates with this unique reference on the current developments and new directions in the ?eld of experimentalrobotics-atributetothecommitmentanddedicationofitshosts California, USA OussamaKhatib November2002 STAREditor Preface The International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER) is a series of - annual meetings, which are organized in a rotating fashion around North Am- ica, EuropeandAsia/Oceania.PreviousvenueswereMontreal(Canada), Toulouse (France), Kyoto (Japan), Stanford (USA), Barcelona (Spain), Sydney (Australia), Honolulu (USA). The goal of these symposia is to provide a forum for research in robotics that focuses on theories and principles that are validated by experiments. Themeetingsareconceivedtobringtogether, inasmallgroupsetting, researchers fromaroundtheworldwhoareintheforefrontofexperimentalroboticsresearch. Thepost-symposiumExperimentalRoboticsproceedingshavetraditionallybeen published by Springer-Verlag. In addition to the proceedings, these symposia have produced compilation of video segments illustrating the reported research, which areavailableasvideoproceedings. The Eight International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER 02) was held in the charming sea village of Sant'Angelo on the island of Ischia in the gulf ofNaples, Italyon8-11July2002.ThesymposiumwaschairedbyBrunoSiciliano andPaol
At the dawn of the new millennium, robotics is undergoing a major transfor- tion in scope and dimension. From a largely dominant industrial focus, robotics is rapidly expanding into the challenges of unstructured environments. Inter- ting with, assisting, serving, and exploring with humans, the emerging robots will increasingly touch people and their lives. The goal of this new series of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics is to bring, inatimelyfashion, thelatestadvancesanddevelopmentsinroboticsonthe basisoftheirsigni?canceandquality.Itisourhopethatthegreaterdissemination of research developments will stimulate more exchanges and collaborations among the research community and contribute to further advancement of this rapidly growing ?eld. As one of robotics pioneering symposia, ISRR, the "International Sym- sium on Robotics Research," has established over the past two decades some of the ?eld's most fundamental and lasting contributions.With the launching of STAR, this and other thematic symposia devoted to excellence in robotics ?nd an important platform for closer links and extended reach within the research community. The Tenth edition of "Robotics Research" edited by Raymond Jarvis and AlexZelinskyoffersinits11-partvolumeacollectionofabroadrangeoftopics in robotics. The content of these contributions provides a wide coverage of the current state of robotics research: the advances and challenges in its theoretical foundation and technology basis, and the developments in its traditional and new areas of applications.
The ECCOMAS Thematic Conference Multibody Dynamics 2005 was held in Madrid, representing the second edition of a series which began in Lisbon 2003. This book contains the revised and extended versions of selected conference communications, representing the state-of-the-art in the advances on computational multibody models, from the most abstract mathematical developments to practical engineering applications.
The present monograph is mainly focused on the behaviour of ductile ma terials at cryogenic temperatures, stability issues concerning application of corrugated shells at cryogenic conditions and reliability oriented parametric optimisation of compensation systems containing the corrugated bellows. As there are relatively few publications on combined material and structural be haviour at very low temperatures, the monograph aims at filling this gap. It is worth pointing out that within the class of publications dedicated to low temperature behaviour of materials and structures the majority is based on testing down to the temperature of liquid nitrogen (77 K). Rare publications deal with the analysis of material and structural response at the temperature of liquid helium (4. 5 K) or superfluid helium (below the point T>., = 2. 17 K). This can be explained by the fact that an (by its nature complex) installation for testing at such low temperatures is very expensive. Only the large research centres and universities, working in the domain of superconductivity, cryogen ics or developing superconducting magnets for particle accelerators, can afford such installations. A significant part of the present monograph is dedicated to the analy sis of the phenomena associated with plastic yielding in stainless steels at cryogenic temperatures. Generally, three phenomena are distinguished: plas tic strain induced phase transformations, serrated yielding and evolution of ductile damage."
Recent Developments of Electrical Drives is composed of the papers which were presented at the XVI International Conference on Electrical Machines - ICEM 2004, which was held in Cracow, Poland on September 5-8, 2004. The contributions selected for the book cover a wide spectrum of theory and practice, thus they are deeply rooted in engineering problems, being simultaneously of high theoretical level. This way the contents of the book is believed to touch the heart of the matter in electrical drives (theory, control systems and applications). The book, stating the recent developments of electrical drives, can be useful for engineers and researchers investigating and designing electrical and electronic devices as well as for students and young researchers dealing with electrical and electronic engineering, computer sciences (advanced computer modelling, sophisticated control systems with artificial intelligence tools applied, optimal design bye use of classical and genetic algorithms employed), applied mathematics and all the topics where electromagnetic, thermal, mechanical phenomena occur. Recent Developments of Electrical Drives covers a wide range of interest of industry engineers, and scientists involved in modelling, control, measurements, new motor structures design, and could be also useful for engineers working in the field of electrical drives implementation. "
A systematic control of mixture formation with modern high-pressure injection systems enables us to achieve considerable improvements of the combustion pr- ess in terms of reduced fuel consumption and engine-out raw emissions. However, because of the growing number of free parameters due to more flexible injection systems, variable valve trains, the application of different combustion concepts within different regions of the engine map, etc., the prediction of spray and m- ture formation becomes increasingly complex. For this reason, the optimization of the in-cylinder processes using 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) becomes increasingly important. In these CFD codes, the detailed modeling of spray and mixture formation is a prerequisite for the correct calculation of the subsequent processes like ignition, combustion and formation of emissions. Although such simulation tools can be viewed as standard tools today, the predictive quality of the sub-models is c- stantly enhanced by a more accurate and detailed modeling of the relevant pr- esses, and by the inclusion of new important mechanisms and effects that come along with the development of new injection systems and have not been cons- ered so far. In this book the most widely used mathematical models for the simulation of spray and mixture formation in 3D CFD calculations are described and discussed. In order to give the reader an introduction into the complex processes, the book starts with a description of the fundamental mechanisms and categories of fuel - jection, spray break-up, and mixture formation in internal combustion engines.
The 5th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics (FSR05) was held in Port Douglas, Australia, on 29th - 31st July 2005, and brought together the worlds' leading experts in field and service automation. The goal of the conference was to report and encourage the latest research and practical results towards the use of field and service robotics in the community with particular focus on proven technology. The conference provided a forum for researchers, professionals and robot manufacturers to exchange up-to-date technical knowledge and experience. Field robots are robots which operate in outdoor, complex, and dynamic environments. Service robots are those that work closely with humans, with particular applications involving indoor and structured environments. There are a wide range of topics presented in this issue on field and service robots including: Agricultural and Forestry Robotics, Mining and Exploration Robots, Robots for Construction, Security & Defence Robots, Cleaning Robots, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and Autonomous Flying Robots. This meeting was the fifth in the series and brings FSR back to Australia where it was first held. FSR has been held every 2 years, starting with Canberra 1997, followed by Pittsburgh 1999, Helsinki 2001 and Lake Yamanaka 2003.
Over the past 30 years, leading experts in turbomachinery unsteady aerodynamics, aer- coustics, and aeroelasticity from around the world have gathered to present and discuss recent advancements in the ?eld. The ?rst International Symposium on Unsteady Aero- namics, Aeroacoustics, and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines (ISUAAAT) was held in Paris, France in 1976. Since then, the symposium has been held in Lausanne, Switzerland (1980), Cambridge, England (1984), Aachen, Germany (1987), Beijing, China (1989), Notre Dame, Indiana(1991), Fukuoka, Japan(1994), Stockholm, Sweden(1997), andLyon, France(2000). The Tenth ISUAAAT was held September 7-11, 2003 at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. This volume contains an archival record of the papers presented at that meeting. The ISUAAAT, held roughly every three years, is the premier meeting of specialists in turbomachinery aeroelasticity and unsteady aerodynamics. The Tenth ISUAAAT, like its predecessors, provided a forum for the presentation of leading-edge work in turbomachinery aeromechanics and aeroacoustics of turbomachinery. Not surprisingly, with the continued development of both computer algorithms and computer hardware, the meeting featured a number of papers detailing computational methods for predicting unsteady ?ows and the resulting aerodynamics loads. In addition, a number of papers describing interesting and very useful experimental studies were presented. In all, 44 papers from the meeting are published in this v
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) controllers are high value-added products counting for over 30% of the price of machine tools. The development of CNC technology depends on the integration of technologies from many different industries, and requires strategic long-term support. Theory and Design of CNC Systems covers the elements of control, the design of control systems, and modern open-architecture control systems. Topics covered include Numerical Control Kernel (NCK) design of CNC, Programmable Logic Control (PLC), and the Man-Machine Interface (MMI), as well as the major modules for the development of conversational programming methods. The concepts and primary elements of STEP-NC are also introduced. A collaboration of several authors with considerable experience in CNC development, education, and research, this highly focused textbook on the principles and development technologies of CNC controllers can also be used as a guide for those working on CNC development in industry.
This book treats cavitation, which is a unique phenomenon in the field of hyd- dynamics, although it can occur in any hydraulic machinery such as pumps, propellers, artificial hearts, and so forth. Cavitation is generated not only in water, but also in any kind of fluid, such as liquid hydrogen. The generation of cavitation can cause severe damage in hydraulic machinery. Therefore, the prevention of cavitation is an important concern for designers of hydraulic machinery. On the contrary, there is great potential to utilize cavitation in various important applications, such as environmental protection. There have been several books published on cavitation, including one by the same authors. This book differs from those previous ones, in that it is both more physical and more theoretical. Any theoretical explanation of the cavitation phenomenon is rather difficult, but the authors have succeeded in explaining it very well, and a reader can follow the equations easily. It is an advantage in reading this book to have some understanding of the physics of cavitation. Therefore, this book is not an introductory text, but a book for more advanced study. However, this does not mean that this book is too difficult for a beginner, because it explains the cavitation phenomenon using many figures. Therefore, even a beginner on cavitation can read and can understand what cavitation is. If the student studies through this book (with patience), he or she can become an expert on the physics of cavitation.
By the dawn of the new millennium, robotics has undergone a major transformation in scope and dimensions. This expansion has been brought about by the maturity of the field and the advances in its related technologies. From a largely dominant industrial focus, robotics has been rapidly expanding into the challenges of the human world. The new generation of robots is expected to safely and dependably co-habitat with humans in homes, workplaces, and communities, providing support in services, entertainment, education, healthcare, manufacturing, and assistance. Beyond its impact on physical robots, the body of knowledge robotics has produced is revealing a much wider range of applications reaching across diverse research areas and scientific disciplines, such as: biomechanics, haptics, neuros- ences, virtual simulation, animation, surgery, and sensor networks among others. In return, the challenges of the new emerging areas are proving an abundant source of stimulation and insights for the field of robotics. It is indeed at the intersection of disciplines that the most striking advances happen. The goal of the series of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR) is to bring, in a timely fashion, the latest advances and developments in robotics on the basis of their significance and quality. It is our hope that the wider dissemination of research developments will stimulate more exchanges and collaborations among the research community and contribute to further advancement of this rapidly growing field.
Algorithms are a fundamental component of robotic systems: they control or reason about motion and perception in the physical world. They receive input from noisy sensors, consider geometric and physical constraints, and operate on the world through imprecise actuators. The design and analysis of robot algorithms therefore raises a unique combination of questions in control theory, computational and differential geometry, and computer science. This book contains the proceedings from the 2006 Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics. This biannual workshop is a highly selective meeting of leading researchers in the field of algorithmic issues related to robotics. The 32 papers in this book span a wide variety of topics: from fundamental motion planning algorithms to applications in medicine and biology, but they have in common a foundation in the algorithmic problems of robotic systems. |
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