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Books > Professional & Technical > Mechanical engineering & materials > Mechanical engineering > Engines & power transmission
This booklet is mainly meant for students at universities and colleges to solve problems in the field of power and chemical engineering, where water and steam are serving as working or process medium. Tables and diagrams will support engineers in research work and industrial practice too. All tabulated values given were recalculated; the thermodynamical properties have been calculated according to the 1984 IAPS formulation, the remaining properties result from IAPSs current releases. The increments for temperature and pressure for the saturation tables were decreased. In addition ten properties were added. Three new h,s-diagrams for compressed water will be useful in geographical and in jet cutting applications.
Packed with evocative colour images, this book celebrates the steam revival on every surviving route in the Highlands.
Fundiert und methodisch sauber fuhrt dieses Buch in die mathematischen und geometrischen Grundlagen der ebenen Kinematik sowie der Raum- und der Roboterkinematik ein. Anhand von zahlreichen Beispielen und einer Vielzahl von Illustrationen werden die hier verwendeten Verfahren erlautert. Die sehr allgemeine Darstellung versetzt den Leser in die Lage, neuartige Problemstellungen mit diesen Methoden zu bewaltigen. Insbesondere wird die UEbertragung auf den Computer erleichtert. Auch die klassischen Ergebnisse der ebenen und der Raumkinematik wurden so modern aufbereitet, dass ein nahtloser UEbergang zu neuesten Forschungsergebnissen der Roboterkinematik geschaffen wird. Die Autoren sind namhafte Hochschullehrer aus Technik und angewandter Mathematik.
This book is a result of teaching courses in the areas of Computer Methods in Power Systems, Digital Simulation of Power Systems, Power System Dynamics and Advanced Protective Relaying to undergraduate and graduate students in electrical engineering. The present edition includes a sub-section on solution procedure to include transmission losses using dynamic programming in the chapter on Economic Load Scheduling of Power System. In this edition an additional chapter on Load Forecasting has also been included. The present book deals with almost all the aspects of modern power system analysis such as network equations and its formulations, graph theory, symmetries inherent in power system components and its formulations, symmetries inherent in power system components and development of transformation matrices based solely upon symmetries, feasibility analysis and modelling of multi-phase systems, power system modelling including detailed analysis of synchronous machines, induction machines and composite loads, sparsity techniques, economic operation of power systems including derivation of transmission loss equation from the fundamental, solution of algebraic and differential equations and power system studies such as load flow, fault analysis and transient stability studies of a large scale power system including modern and related topics such as advanced protective relaying, digital protection and load forecasting. The book contains solved examples in these areas and also flow diagrams which will help on one hand to understand the theory and on the other hand, it will help the simulation of large scale power systems on the digital computer. The book will be easy to read and understand and will be useful to both undergraduate and graduate students in electrical engineering as well as to the engineers working in electricity boards and utilities etc.
This book deals with two key aspects of the history of steam engines, a cornerstone of the Industrial Revolution, specifically the road that led to its discovery and the process of diffusion of the early steam engines. The first part of the volume outlines the technological and scientific developments which took place between the 16th and 18th centuries, proving critical for the invention of this strategic technology. The most important question addressed is why did England come up with this innovation first as opposed to other countries (e.g., France, Italy), which were more advanced in terms of knowledge pertinent to it. The second part of the volume traces the process of diffusion of the early steam engines, the Newcomen model, through to 1773, the year prior to the first commercial application of the second generation of steam engines (the Watt model). The process of diffusion is quantified on the basis of a novel method before proceeding with a discussion of the main determinants of this process. Kitsikopoulos pulls together a large amount of relevant evidence found in primary sources and more technically oriented literature which is often ignored by economic historians. This book will be of interest to economic historians and historians of technology.
When the First Edition of this book was written in 1951, the gas turbine was just becoming established as a powerplant for military aircraft. It took another decade before the gas turbine was introduced to civil aircraft, and this market developed so rapidly that the passenger liner was rendered obsolete. Other markets like naval propulsion, pipeline compression and electrical power applications grew steadily. In recent years the gas turbine, in combination with the steam turbine, has played an ever-increasing role in power generation. Despite the rapid advances in both output and efficiency, the basic theory of the gas turbine has remained unchanged. The layout of this new edition is broadly similar to the original, but greatly expanded and updated, comprising an outline of the basic theory, aerodynamic design of individual components, and the prediction of off-design performance. The addition of a chapter devoted to the mechanical design of gas turbines greatly enhances the scope of the book. Descriptions of engine developments and current markets make this book useful to both students and practising engineers.
Das eingefuhrte Standardwerk erscheint in der 3. Auflage in voellig neubearbeiteter und erweiterter Ausgabe. Es befasst sich mit allen wichtigen Einzelelementen zur Konstruktion verfahrens- und chemietechnischer Apparate und Anlagen. Entsprechend ihrer Bedeutung in der industriellen Anwendung behandeln die Autoren Details von Warmeaustauschern, Ruhrbehaltern, Trennkolonnen, Behaltern, Silos und Trocknern, jeweils unter dem Aspekt verschiedener Werkstoffe und Konstruktionsvarianten. Die besondere Anordnung von Bildern und Tabellen ermoeglicht den Industriepraktikern einen schnellen Zugriff auf das gerade benoetigte Element. Der Student des konstruktiven Maschinenbaus erhalt ein Nachschlagewerk zur Apparate- und Anlagengestaltung.
The Jet Engine provides a complete, accessible description of the working and underlying principles of the gas turbine. * Accessible, non-technical approach explaining the workings of jet engines, for readers of all levels * Full colour diagrams, cutaways and photographs throughout * Written by RR specialists in all the respective fields * Hugely popular and well-reviewed book, originally published in 2005 under Rolls Royce s own imprint
Der Transrapid bietet im Hochgeschwindigkeitsbereich eine sehr interessante Alternative. Die Autoren zeigen in einem Systemvergleich Vor- und Nachteile des Transrapid im Vergleich mit konventionellen Rad-Schiene-Systemen, im Hochgeschwindigkeitsbereich auf Strecken zwischen 150 und 800 Kilometern und als peer-to-peer-Verbindung im Kurzstreckenbereich. Berucksichtigt werden alle wichtigen technischen, wirtschaftlichen und okologischen Faktoren. Damit kann die Frage der okonomischen wie okologischen Bewertung des Systems Transrapid neu diskutiert werden. Dieses Buch wendet sich an Entscheidungstrager sowie an Ingenieure und Wissenschaftler, die uber Fakten Zugang zu neuen technischen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Entscheidungen suchen."
Introduction to Rocket Science and Engineering, Second Edition, presents the history and basics of rocket science, and examines design, experimentation, testing, and applications. Exploring how rockets work, the book covers the concepts of thrust, momentum, impulse, and the rocket equation, along with the rocket engine, its components, and the physics involved in the generation of the propulsive force. The text also presents several different types of rocket engines and discusses the testing of rocket components, subsystems, systems, and complete products. The final chapter stresses the importance for rocket scientists and engineers to creatively deal with the complexities of rocketry.
This textbook is intended for post-graduate students in mechanical and allied engineering disciplines. It will also be helpful to scientists and engineers working in the areas of combustion to recapitulate the fundamental and generally applied aspects of combustion. This textbook comprehensively covers the fundamental aspects of combustion. It includes physical descriptions of premixed and non-premixed flames. It provides a detailed analysis of the basic ideas and design characteristics of burners for gaseous, liquid and solid fuels. A chapter on alternative renewable fuels has also been included to bring out the need, characteristics and usage of alternative fuels. Review questions have been provided at the end of each chapter which will help the students to evaluate their understanding of the important concepts covered in that chapter. Several standard text books have been cited in the chapters and are listed towards the end, as suggested reading, to enable the readers to refer them when required. The textbook will be useful for students in mechanical, aerospace and related fields of engineering. It will also be a good resource for professionals and researchers working in the areas of combustion technology.
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Conveniently gathering formulas, analytical methods, and graphs for
the design and selection of a wide variety of brakes and clutches
in the automotive, aircraft, farming, and manufacturing industries,
Clutches and Brakes: Design and Selection, Second Edition
simplifies calculations, acquaints engineers with an expansive
range of application, and assists in the selection of parameters
for specific design challenges.
This exciting new text deals with the history and future of the closed cycle gas turbine, supplying detailed information on plant installations and design experience in order to give a comprehensive picture of how the technology has progressed over the years. It discusses problems encountered and how they were solved, and includes background theory that will be invaluable to designers developing the technology in the future. This unique text offers a unified and comprehensive resource of material that is otherwise widely dispersed and difficult to access; there is currently no comparable book available that covers both the history and future potential applications of closed-cycle gas turbines. Features: Key topic for future power generation. Provides a comprehensive resource of information that is otherwise widely dispersed and difficult to access. Examines both the future and the history of the closed cycle gas turbine, providing a thorough and exhaustive coverage of the topic. Features copious illustrations to supplement the written material. Focuses solely on the topic of closed-cycle gas turbines. Closed cycle gas turbines have a key role to play in burning low-grade fuel and reducing CO2 gas emissions.
This book presents the design methodology and electrical diagrams of symmetrical six-phase windings, the main elements of the six-phase that are being developed to help meet the demand for high power electric drive systems that are resilient and energy efficient. Chapters are fully illustrated and include detailed tables that provide a comprehensive analysis of energy exchange processes ranging from electrical to magnetic and reveal the advantages of such windings against analogical three-phase windings.
In 1710 an obscure Devon ironmonger Thomas Newcomen invented a machine with a pump driven by coal, used to extract water from mines. Over the next two hundred years the steam engine would be at the heart of the industrial revolution that changed the fortunes of nations. Passionately written and insightful, A Brief History of the Age of Steam reveals not just the lives of the great inventors such as Watts, Stephenson and Brunel, but also tells a narrative that reaches from the US to the expansion of China, India and South America. Crump shows how the steam engine changed the world.
Ohne grossen mathematischen Aufwand, unter Nutzung der Kennlinien (Black-box-Prinzip) vermittelt dieser UEberblick das physikalische Verstandnis fur die zahlreichen Bauarten und Varianten. Mit Hilfe des Buches, das viele praktische Einbaubeispiele enthalt, findet der Anwender aus der Menge der Moeglichkeiten die beste Loesung fur sein Problem.
This book contains the research report of the DFG Research Unit FOR 1845 (2014-2020) of the Universities of Bremen and Hannover. The thematic focus lies on speeding up ultra-precision machining technology by following a holistic approach to high-performance cutting. This includes ultra-precision milling at high spindle speeds (>10000 rpm), precision tool setting mechanisms for multi-cutting-edge diamond milling tools, magnetic levitation technology for high velocity feed axes, and dedicated control strategies for error identification and compensation at high speeds. Furthermore, automation and measurement aspects of the machine setup process especially for precision balancing of the spindle rotors are presented. Finally, it is demonstrated that how the developed technologies may be integrated into a common machine tool setup. The target audience primarily comprises research experts and practitioners in production engineering, but the book may also be of interest to graduate students alike.
This professional book deals with belt drying of sewage sludge, mainly of municipal but also of industrial origin. The wastewater treatment resulting in sludge production is briefly described. The types of sludge and their degree of stabilization is treated in depth as they have a high impact on their suitability for belt drying and the necessary exhaust air treatment. Different belt drying systems with or without condensing units and with extruding of dewatered sludge or partial recirculation of dried sludge are presented. Specific water evaporation and energy demand are tabulated for each dryer system on basis of indications of dryer manufacturers, measurements or information of dryer operators. Different sources for thermal energy are stipulated and complete systems of energy supply with internal or external usage of exhaust energy described. Occurring gas compounds in dryer exhaust air and their special features are mentioned in depth. The components and complete systems for exhaust air cleaning are discussed also in their efficiency of removal of individual odorous gas components or of total amount of volatile organic compounds. Conveying systems and storage of dewatered sludge as well as of dried sludge are described together with the related safety issues. Dryer control as well as ATEX, SIL and HAZOP issues and economic aspects are discussed briefly in individual chapters. The book will be useful for engineering enterprises and consultants designing belt drying systems for sludge, but will also transfer useful information to operators. Also authorities dealing with the permission of sludge drying plants will find important aspects with regard to environmental protection and reasonable economic and continuous operation under safe conditions.
Seit der ersten Auflage dieses Buches hat der Computer Einzug gehalten und die Auslegung und Konstruktion auch der Umlaufgetriebe weitgehend erleichtert. Da- bei erwies sich das damals gewahlte System der einheitlichen Bezeichnungen der Wellen als optimal, weil es die Berechnung der Betriebsdaten gegebener oder ge- suchter einfacher oder zusammengesetzter Planetengetriebe unabhangig von deren Bauart mit ein und demselben Rechenprogramm ermoeglicht. Auch die Zusammenfassung verschiedener Getriebe mit der gleichen speziellen Funktion zu einheitlich berechenbaren Typen hat sich bewahrt, denn diese koennen nun mit einheitlichen Rechenprogrammen analysiert oder ausgelegt werden. In der vorliegenden neu bearbeiteten und erweiterten zweiten deutschen Aufla- ge wurde die leichte Programmierbarkeit durch ubersichtlich dargestellte Berech- nung mit einfachen Formeln besonders beachtet. Dabei werden bei der Auslegung von Getrieben -z. B. fur variable UEbersetzungen -zuerst nur die erforderliche oder gegebenenfalls mehrere geeignete, kennzeichnenden UEbersetzungen" ermittelt und erst dann aus den vielen moeglichen, kinematisch gleichwertigen Getrieben" das konstruktiv gunstigste ausgewahlt. Die Reihe der dargestellten Varianten praktisch ausgefuhrter alterer und neue- rer Anwendungen von Planetengetrieben wurde erweitert, um die Vielfalt der An- wendungsmoeglichkeiten zu zeigen und Inspirationen fur neue Anwendungen zu fordern. Statt des Index 0 (io, 110) fur Standgetriebe werden jetzt zur sicheren Unter- scheidung der Leistungsflusse, z.B. bei Selbsthemmung, stets die Indizes 12 bzw. 21 (i12, i2lo 1112, 1121) benutzt. Dagegen konnte auf die besondere Bezeichnung m statt n fur die Drehzahlen mehrlaufiger Getriebe ohne Nachteil verzichtet werden. Die strenge Unterscheidung von Drehzahlverhaltnissen k zwangloser Getriebe von der UEbersetzung i zwanglaufiger Getriebe ist jedoch weiterhin unverzichtbar.
Die abnehmenden sachleistungsorientierten Wettbewerbsdifferenzierungen fuhren im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau zum verstarkten Ausbau produktbezogener Dienstleistungen. Zum einen werden die Sachguter durch deren steigende K- plexitat immer dienstleistungsintensiver, zum anderen werden Dienstleistungen nicht langer als add-on zum Sachgut betrachtet, sondern erobern zunehmend die fuhrende Rolle im Systemgeschaft. Es gilt somit, die Primarprodukte des Masc- nenbaus durch vor- und nachgelagerte Dienstleistungen abzusichern. Dabei taucht immer haufiger die Forderung nach sogenannten Full-Service Angeboten auf, die neben Planung, Finanzierung, Inbetriebnahme und Rucknahme auch Verfugb- keitsgarantien durch die UEbernahme der Instandhaltung und Wartung sowie den Anlagenbetrieb umfassen koennen. Diese kundenseitigen Forderungen erklaren sich aus der wirtschaftlichen Notwendigkeit, nicht wertschoepfungsrelevante P- zesse auszulagern bzw. sich auf Kernkompetenzen zu fokussieren. Daruber hinaus eroeffnet die Nutzung multimedialer Internet-Techniken die globale Erschliessung dieser Dienstleistungspotentiale. Zukunftig wird man dem Kundenwunsch entsprechen mussen, pro produzierter Einheit oder pro Produktionsstunde der Maschine abzurechnen. Dabei definiert der Kunde nur noch die Kosten, Stuckzahlen und die Qualitatsstandards der auf der Anlage zu produzierenden Guter. Die technologische Maschinenauslegung verbleibt vollstandig in der Hand des Maschinenlieferanten ohne kundenseitige Auflagen. Dieses Geschaftsmodell kann bis zu einer dynamischen Aktualisierung der Produktionseinrichtungen zur kontinuierlichen Produktivitatssteigerung r- chen.
This book will assess and compare several options for ammonia co-fueling of diesel locomotives with integrated heat recovery, multigeneration (including on-board hydrogen fuel production from ammonia), and emission reduction subsystems from energy, exergy, and environmental perspectives. Economic considerations will be presented to compare the cost of the proposed systems for different scenarios such as carbon-tax rates, diesel fuel cost and ammonia cost. Fossil fuel consumption and the associated negative environmental impact of their combustion is a significant global concern that requires effective, practical, and sustainable solutions. From a Canadian perspective, the Transportation Sector contributes more than 25% of national greenhouse gas emissions due to fossil fuel combustion, largely due to road vehicles (cars, light and heavy duty trucks). This is a complex and critical challenge to address, particularly in urban areas with high population density. There is a need to develop alternative energy solutions for mass passenger and freight transportation systems that will reduce both the traffic-volume of road vehicles as well as the emissions from the mass transportation systems. The book will be helpful to students in senior-level undergraduate and graduate level courses related to energy, thermodynamics, thermal sciences, combustion, HVAC&R, etc. The quantitative comparative assessment of such alternative energy systems provided by this book will be useful for researchers and professionals interested sustainable development.
Gas Turbines Modeling, Simulation, and Control: Using Artificial Neural Networks provides new approaches and novel solutions to the modeling, simulation, and control of gas turbines (GTs) using artificial neural networks (ANNs). After delivering a brief introduction to GT performance and classification, the book: Outlines important criteria to consider at the beginning of the GT modeling process, such as GT types and configurations, control system types and configurations, and modeling methods and objectives Highlights research in the fields of white-box and black-box modeling, simulation, and control of GTs, exploring models of low-power GTs, industrial power plant gas turbines (IPGTs), and aero GTs Discusses the structure of ANNs and the ANN-based model-building process, including system analysis, data acquisition and preparation, network architecture, and network training and validation Presents a noteworthy ANN-based methodology for offline system identification of GTs, complete with validated models using both simulated and real operational data Covers the modeling of GT transient behavior and start-up operation, and the design of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) and neural network-based controllers Gas Turbines Modeling, Simulation, and Control: Using Artificial Neural Networks not only offers a comprehensive review of the state of the art of gas turbine modeling and intelligent techniques, but also demonstrates how artificial intelligence can be used to solve complicated industrial problems, specifically in the area of GTs.
Dieses bekannte und bewahrte Fachbuch zur Festigkeitsberechnung fuhrt die im Maschinenbaustudium gelehrten Grundlagen uber Werkstoffkunde, Mechanik und Maschinenelemente zusammen. Es ist frei von unnoetigem Ballast, klar aufgebaut und gibt in ubersichtlicher Form die wesentlichen Festigkeitsprobleme im Dampfkessel-, Behalter- und Rohrleitungsbau wieder. Der Autor der Neuauflage brachte das Werk auf den neuesten Stand der Technik und erweiterte es um ein Kapitel uber Explosionsfestigkeit von Apparaten und Rohrleitungen und um ein Kapitel uber Spannungsbewertung explosionsdruckstossfesten Bauteilen. Das Buch berucksichtigt die seit 1990 neu erschienenen AD-Merkblatter, insbesondere zur Spannungsbewertung. Es ist sowohl fur den in der Praxis tatigen Ingenieur als auch fur Studierende eine wertvolle Hilfe und Anleitung bei der Loesung von Festigkeitsfragen. |
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