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Books > Local Author Showcase > Fiction - kids & teens
Brown girls are risk takers, move makers and planet shakers. We can be scientists, artists, engineers or any other kind of pioneer. Brown girls are brave, we follow the example of others. Women who came before us - our sisters and mothers. Empowering and inspiring, Wonderfully made is a book of positive affirmations for brown girls of all shades, sizes and shapes. This book teaches girls to not only embrace, but to truly celebrate their unique appearance and talents while encouraging them to dream big and to be creative. Build confidence and resilience from a young age with easy-to-follow rhyming text and bright inclusive illustrations that reflect proudly South African children.
Die Bitterbosbende besluit om in die skoolkoor te sing. Maar meneer Louw is nie die vriendelikste nie en boonop is daar nuwe koorlede wat Kurt nog nooit in die skool opgemerk het nie en wat blykbaar vir die res van die bende onsigbaar is. Dan ontdek Nieke 'n stuk papier met snaakse simbole, amper soos bladmusiek, in haar geskiedenisboek. Nieke en Kurt besef hulle droom albei oor onaardse aaklige musiek, en 'n koor van kinders geklee in swart, met aardige groot koppe . . .
Die Bitterbosbende kamp langs die rivier. Toe Zia en Nieke een aand badkamer toe loop, begin 'n hond verwoed blaf. Toe is daar die geluid van 'n trein wat kwaai rem aanslaan en dan 'n harde botsing. Dis eers toe Zia gil dat Nieke sien wat in haar hand is . . . 'n been? En so begin die soeke na die geheimsinnige stoomlokomotief wat passasiers in die sewentigerjare vervoer het, wat daar naby ontspoor het. Wat het van die slagoffers, wat kinders en 'n hond ingesluit het, geword?
This is the story of love, commitment and the flowering of the human spirit against the background of South Africa's apartheid. Frightened that their baby sister Dineo will die, thirteen-year-old Naledi and her younger brother Tiro run away from their grandmother to Johannesburg to find their mother, who works there as a maid. Their journey illustrates at every turn the grim realities of apartheid - the pass laws, bantustans, racism, the breakdown of family life. The opulence of the white "Madam's" house contrasts starkly with the reality that Naledi and Tiro face - that their baby sister is suffering from starvation, not an incurable disease.
Brown girls are risk takers, move makers and planet shakers. We can be scientists, artists, engineers or any other kind of pioneer. Brown girls are brave, we follow the example of others. Women who came before us - our sisters and mothers. Empowering and inspiring, Wonderfully made is a book of positive affirmations for brown girls of all shades, sizes and shapes. This book teaches girls to not only embrace, but to truly celebrate their unique appearance and talents while encouraging them to dream big and to be creative. Build confidence and resilience from a young age with easy-to-follow rhyming text and bright inclusive illustrations that reflect proudly South African children.
Can she raise a sibling and finish school? When her beloved grandmother dies, 17-year-old Khosi must learn to survive on her own. She has to take care of her little sister, Zi, while making a living as a traditional healer, and somehow try to finish school. When violence flares up again in Imbali, the township near Pietermaritzburg, Khosi finds herself at the centre of the storm. A taxi war threatens the safety of every person in Imbali, including Khosi's best friend and boyfriend, Little Man. The body of a murdered man is dumped on her doorstep. Accusations of witchcraft swirl around her, despite her every effort to keep her healing practice above board. When Little Man chooses the wrong path, Khosi builds a new romance, but her past might catch up with her. This is the sequel to Powers' award-winning novel This Thing Called the Future. In Under Water, we meet Khosi three years after the end of the first book. Can Khosi be a part of change in her community? And can she raise her sister while finishing school? There are few young-adult books that deal with raising a sibling. This one tackles that situation head on. Under Water is the sequel to This Thing Called the Future, a multiple-award-winning young-adult book that is being published in South Africa at the same time as Under Water. In the first book Khosi hears about, and experiences, feelings of being trapped under water while the ancestors try to speak to her. The sequel explains her journey into the future.
Die tingerige Wian is baie opgewonde wanneer hy uiteindelik in pleegsorg geplaas word en van die weeshuis kan ontsnap. Net jammer dat die oorgewig boelie, Pierre, saam met hom by dieselfde gesin gaan woon. Maar Wian se nuwe ouers is glad nie gaaf en ordentlik soos hy hom voorgestel het nie. Inteendeel, hulle maak hom doodbenoud. Veral toe hulle hom voorstel aan sy nuwe "suster", Cornelia - 'n massiewe, mak krokodil wat in die agterplaas woon.
Alles wat op Aarde lewe, is ‘ruimteskip’ Aarde se bemanning en nie passasiers wat net kan saamry nie... Ons leer dat plante en diere en mense elkeen, hoe klein of hoe groot ookal, 'n spesifieke nis ('n plek en 'n werkie) het om die aarde meer leefbaar te maak vir alles wat moet lewe. Die Flixies leer ook die lewensiklus van vleiseters, planteters en ontbinders!
Using the colours of the rainbow to beautifully illustrate different emotions, I’m going to be a BIG SISTER, helps children understand the range of emotions they may feel when experiencing change to their family unit. With brilliant rhythmic verse, fun, bright and distinctive illustrations - this is a firm favourite with children and parents alike!
Khanyisile is devastated when his mother dies unexpectedly. When his father takes him from their Eastern Cape village to Cape Town, his life is turned upside down even more. At his new school, Harmony High, Khanyisile meets Given, who invites him to join the amaVura gang. But how far is he prepared to go to be part of them? And how does Given know Matchstix, the mysterious stranger his father takes him to meet in prison? When Khanyisile finds out the truth, it is almost too late for him to turn back from the dangerous path he has chosen …
Die opwindende avonture van Keegan en Samier.
In this exciting new children’s addition to the series, Thembinkosi Kohli’s illustrations encourage young readers to connect with themselves and with the world in which they live. The bright and cheerful images, which are accompanied by short bursts of text, explain in an easy-to-understand visual language, not only our connection to the earth as human beings but its importance in our everyday lives. This story is a great read for the whole family, especially children aged between 4– 6 years old.
In this story the Flixies Learn about the winning recipe of the vertebrates – a skeleton of bones and cartilage inside the body, to which muscles could be attached. Vertebrates had unique features that enabled them to adapt to living on land. In this way many niches were filled, thereby opening up the land even further for the other forms of life!
Danika ontmoet uiteindelik die man wat sy net van 'n ou foto af ken: haar pa, bewaarder op 'n eiland in die Seychelles! Die heel eerste aand op die eiland hoor sy toevallig van 'n ryk sjeik wat sy oog op die eiland het. Wat daarvan as hy nie werklik belang stel in ekotoerisme nie, maar in die finansiële gewin uit 'n painiet-myn? Uit die bloute kom nog bekendes uit Kaapstad op Cousin aan . . . So word dit elf dae wat Danika nooit sal vergeet nie!
The beads jingle and jangle and sparkle. The girls giggle with glee! Mpumi and her friends discover magic in her hair and what begins as an ordinary school day in Joburg is suddenly full of adventure everywhere! Mpumi’s Magic Beads is a delightful story about friendship, self-esteem, discovery and beautiful hair in the big city of Joburg. It follows the sudden adventures of Mpumi, Asante and Tshiamo as they see the world around them from new heights and realise all of the fun waiting to be discovered outside of their classroom. This story is a great read for the whole family, especially children aged between 5 – 10 years old.
Why do we need water? What do we use it for? Water keeps us alive. We are water, and water is us. In this exciting new children’s book, Thembinkosi Kohli’s illustrations encourage young readers to connect with the world they live in. His bright and cheerful images, which are accompanied by short bursts of text, explain in an easy to understand visual language not only the importance of water for the world but its uses in our everyday lives. This story is a great read for the whole family, especially children aged 4 – 8 years old.
Peet Rautenbach is Algoa Hoër se hoofseun: hoogs intelligent en met baie talent in musiek, kuns en redenaars. Daar word sewe A's van hom verwag. Daarby is Peet 'n toegewyde, voorbeeldige seun in die oë van sy pastoor-ouers. Maar Peet het 'n swakte: sy obsessie met die blonde onderwyseres Scarlett Rose Reynolds. Dit maak die deur oop vir talle aanslae op hom, en wat hom uiteindelik amper sy lewe kan kos.
The South African Alphabet is not your typical ‘ABC’ book for children. It has been splendidly illustrated by Alex Latimer with illustrations on subjects unique to South Africa.
Here comes Thoko again! Thoko is resourceful! Thoko is full of fun! Thoko is kind-hearted! Niki Daly makes reading about life as a kid entertaining and realistic with his delightful new local heroine, Thoko. Thoko skips through life, leaving behind a trail of laughter. With adorable illustrations and four heart-warming easy-to-read stories, Niki Daly has created a second book about Thoko - who is sure to become one of his most beloved characters. Look out for Hooray! Thoko.
Abby, Jasper en Henri het net mooi niks in gemeen nie. Maar wanneer hulle moet saamwerk aan ’n groeptaak en dan die ooggetuies is van ’n moord, word hulle saamgegooi op ’n wilde tuimeltreinrit. Sonder selfone en met niemand wat in hulle onskuld glo nie, moet hulle op mekaar staatmaak om te oorleef. Die vraag is net: Gaan die polisie of die eintlike moordenaar hulle eerste opspoor?
This activity book is the companion book to the Smelly Fish Island storybook and has been created to be used as a tool for teachers, caregivers and parents. The goal of the Smelly Fish Island Activity Book is to help kids develop and improve their English language skills with a variety of fun and creative activities.
Learning to read is fun with Tippie the elephant!
As Spud Milton continues his diabolical stagger through adolescence, he learns one of life’s most important lessons: when dealing with women and cretins, nothing is ever quite as it seems. ‘I’m practically a man in most areas,’ writes Spud confidently on his sixteenth birthday. The year is 1992 and, as always in South Africa, radical change is in the air. The country may be on the bumpy road to an uncomfortable redemption, but Spud Milton is hoping for a smooth ride as he returns to boarding school as a senior, Instead, he discovers that his vindictive arch enemy is back to taunt him and that a garrulous Malawian has taken residence in his dormitory, along with the regular inmates and misfits he calls friends. Spud’s world has never seemed less certain; he attempts to master Shakespeare, wrestles constantly with God and the power of negative thinking, and develops an aversion to fried fish after a shocking discovery about his grandmother, Wombat. |
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