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Books > Local Author Showcase > Fiction - kids & teens
Here comes Thoko again! Thoko is resourceful! Thoko is full of fun! Thoko is kind-hearted! Niki Daly makes reading about life as a kid entertaining and realistic with his delightful new local heroine, Thoko. Thoko skips through life, leaving behind a trail of laughter. With adorable illustrations and four heart-warming easy-to-read stories, Niki Daly has created a second book about Thoko - who is sure to become one of his most beloved characters. Look out for Hooray! Thoko.
Abby, Jasper en Henri het net mooi niks in gemeen nie. Maar wanneer hulle moet saamwerk aan ’n groeptaak en dan die ooggetuies is van ’n moord, word hulle saamgegooi op ’n wilde tuimeltreinrit. Sonder selfone en met niemand wat in hulle onskuld glo nie, moet hulle op mekaar staatmaak om te oorleef. Die vraag is net: Gaan die polisie of die eintlike moordenaar hulle eerste opspoor?
This activity book is the companion book to the Smelly Fish Island storybook and has been created to be used as a tool for teachers, caregivers and parents. The goal of the Smelly Fish Island Activity Book is to help kids develop and improve their English language skills with a variety of fun and creative activities.
Learning to read is fun with Tippie the elephant!
As Spud Milton continues his diabolical stagger through adolescence, he learns one of life’s most important lessons: when dealing with women and cretins, nothing is ever quite as it seems. ‘I’m practically a man in most areas,’ writes Spud confidently on his sixteenth birthday. The year is 1992 and, as always in South Africa, radical change is in the air. The country may be on the bumpy road to an uncomfortable redemption, but Spud Milton is hoping for a smooth ride as he returns to boarding school as a senior, Instead, he discovers that his vindictive arch enemy is back to taunt him and that a garrulous Malawian has taken residence in his dormitory, along with the regular inmates and misfits he calls friends. Spud’s world has never seemed less certain; he attempts to master Shakespeare, wrestles constantly with God and the power of negative thinking, and develops an aversion to fried fish after a shocking discovery about his grandmother, Wombat.
In Julie 2009 het Manser ‘n volgende wêreldrekord gestel toe hy die eerste persoon was wat die wêreld se vierde grootste eiland, Madagaskar, per kajak omseil het - ook alleen en sonder hulp. Hierdie kolossale reis van 5000 km, wat hom elf maande geneem het, was volgens hom aansienlik meer veeleisend, beide fisies en geestelik. Hy moes uiterste eensaamheid oorwin terwyl hy verraderlike toestande verduur het, soos donderende golwe, siklone en ‘n skroeiende son wat, gekombineer met soutwater, hom amper lewendig gepekel het. Tydens sy omseiling het hy baie onvergeetlike noue ontmoetings met Madagaskar se seelewe gehad – boggelrugwalvisse wat meters van sy kajak af deur die oppervlak gebreek het, reuse-leerskilpaaie wat langs hom geswem het, en sy boot wat deur ‘n haai gestamp is. Riaan het in ‘n tydperk van uiterste politieke onrus in Madagaskar rondgereis en hy het 5 keer in die tronk beland, die laaste keer drie nagte op vermoede dat hy huursoldaataktiwiteite uitgevoer het. In April 2010 is Manser se pogings beloon met sy tweede toekenning, “Out There Adventurer of the Year 2009”. “Around Madagascar on my Kayak”, die boek waarin hy van sy wonderlike prestasie vertel, het ook lof ontvang.
Learning to read is fun with Tippie the elephant!
It’s Show & Tell day at school, and one little student is feeling
nervous about introducing their unique family. But as each classmate
takes a turn, from triplets to step-siblings, two moms to dance crews,
they realize that every family is wonderfully different. Show and Tell
is a heartwarming celebration of diverse families, where love and
laughter bring everyone together in delightful chaos. Join the fun and
see how our differences make us special!
In this exciting new children's book, Thembinkosi Kohli's illustrations encourage young readers to connect with the world they live in. His bright and cheerful images, which are accompanied by short bursts of text, explain in an easy to understand visual language not only the importance of water for the world but its uses in our everyday lives. This story is a great read for the whole family, especially children aged 4 - 8 years old.
Mia haat wiskunde. Sy hou nie van optelsomme nie en sy hou nie van aftreksomme nie. Vermenigvuldigsomme gee haar hoofpyn en sy verstaan nie deelsomme nie. Haar aaklige wiskunde-onderwyser, meneer Vermaak, se nie eers More, klas soos die ander onderwysers nie. Hy se net: Vandag maak ek Maalvleis van die een wie se wiskunde nie gedoen is nie! Maar wat meneer Vermaak nie weet nie, is dat Mia besig is om 'n boek oor hipnose te lees... En dat sy selfs onbeskofte wiskunde-onderwysers allerhande toertjies kan laat doen!
Ben gaan in sy heel eerste rugbywedstryd speel. Sy maag gee sommer so
’n wilde draai as hy net aan die wedstryd dink. In die wedstryd druk
Ben ’n uitstekende drie … maar onder die verkeerde pale! Sy hartjie
voel baie skaam oor hierdie fout, maar Pappa lees vir hom in die
Kinderbybel dat hy nie skaam hoef te wees vir foute nie.
Malherbe Albertyn, oftewel Vuur, beplan om sy somer in Kransbos te spandeer om die magiese Ylwoud te vind. Desperaat op soek na die antwoorde, na iets buiten die Bloedskuld wat hy en sy bendebroers steeds in die arena betaal. Desperaatheid dryf ook vir Mieke om te waag om haar drome na te jaag. Kan sy ontsnap deur saam met Malherbe in 'n onvoorspelbare bos te gaan verdwaal? Is Ylwoud die antwoord op Malherbe se suster se verdwyning?
“G’n mens kan so verkeerd verjaar nie!” roep ouma Mollie.
Hierdie gebruikersvriendelik en praktiese gids is perfek vir
klaskamergebruik. Die gids sal leerders help om die roman Wolk se
letterkundige aspekte beter te verstaan en die roman in geheel te
geniet. Dit kan in beide Afrikaans Huistaal en Eerste Addisionele
Taal-klasse gebruik word. Literre aspekte word binne die konteks van
die roman bespreek, daar is kontekstuele vrae met nasienriglyne,
moontlike temas word uitgewys, interessante en moeilik woordeskat word
uitgelig, en besprekingspunte en navorsingsonderwerpe word gegee.
While not much is known about the life and legacy of Anna de Koning, this children’s book aims to make her a household name and have her story taught at schools – of how an enslaved child arrived in the Cape Colony from Bengal and would remarkably become one of the wealthiest and most influential women of her time. Anna lived in a village surrounded by a thick rainforest filled with striped tigers that roared at night. Her mother had grown up in that village, and she would have too until strangers came and sold her family to the captain of a big ship with large white sails. When the ship finally arrived at the shores of the Cape of Good Hope, Anna’s life changed, and she was no longer free. Woman of Freedom brings to life the historically accurate journey of a young enslaved girl who became one of the wealthiest and most respected women in the early Cape Colony. Teaching children about one of South Africa’s matriarchs in an inspiring narrative true to the culture and history of our land.
Die karakter Fanie het reeds in Fanie se veldskooldae en Fanie word grootwildjagter in almal se harte gekruip. In hierdie boek, die derde in die Fanie-trilogie, neem die outeur die leser op nog n boeiende avontuur. Soos in die vorige boeke is daar weer n sterk Afrika mens as vaderfiguur. Die Afrikaans-Engels problematiek kom ook weer ter sprake en die Anglo-Boereoorlog is n belangrike tema in hierdie verhaal. Verder moet Fanie uiteindelik besluit wie die meisie van sy hart is: Die Engelse nooi Jekkie, of die Boerenooi Soekie?
Translated as "The Ghost's Treasure", this is the story of Sgegede who, with the help of a witchdoctor, digs up his late grandfather's buried treasure of Kruger rands. He underhandedly converts them to cash with the help of some clever IT friends, but his family's sudden wealth raises eyebrows in the community, and Sgedede is consumed by a guilty conscience. His luck runs out when it emerges his grandfather might be involved in the murder of his new girlfriend's father. Meanwhile some old "friends" turn up, also in search of the coins...
In his second adventure, George searches to find that one special human to be his forever person. After all, all horses should be loved unconditionally by one person at some stage in their lives.
A famous music group lands at the airport and has to be transported to the concert hall. However, Officer Ant’s vehicle does not have room for The Squiggle Wiggles, their luggage and musical instruments. They have to come up with a brilliant plan to fit in the vehicle in order to be on time for their show. Also features QR-codes, online activities, song and dance.
This colouring-in book is a companion to How Many Ways Can You Say Goodbye? After Sara and her friends had an exciting journey in a hot air balloon to see the country and find out how to say ‘hello’ in How Many Ways Can You Say Hello?, they are making a return trip across South Africa to see more sights and to drop off the friends, one by one. As they do so, they also need to find out how to say ‘goodbye’ to one another in all of the country’s 11 official languages. But just as Sara starts to feel sad, she discovers that ‘goodbye’ can be the start of something new, something wonderful. Join her and find this out for yourself too. This is another delightful story of rhyming verse, accompanied by charming illustrations, and a must for all young South African children. It’s a perfect activity book for children, providing both fun and knowledge, which can also be used as a home-schooling tool.
In this exciting new children's book, Thembinkosi Kohli's illustrations encourage young readers to connect with the world they live in. His bright and cheerful images, which are accompanied by short bursts of text, explain in an easy to understand visual language not only our connection to the earth as human beings but its importance in our everyday lives. This story is a great read for the whole family, especially children aged between 4 - 8 years old.
Uncle Kelly is a drag performer who lives with his nephew Eli. Eli is about to start school and he has a birthmark on his face that he is afraid he will be bullied about. Uncle Kelly helps Eli find his confidence and encourages him to love himself as he is. Eli finds a creative way of owning his insecurity and with his new confidence makes friends and inspires other children to accept their peers, and to even express their own creativity. A book that encourages love and acceptance and embraces otherness, What’s Wrong With Glitter is a rhyming book that is filled with bright illustrations. |
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