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Books > Local Author Showcase > Food & Drink

Jan Braai Junior - Recipes, Techniques And Advice (Hardcover): Jan Braai Jan Braai Junior - Recipes, Techniques And Advice (Hardcover)
Jan Braai
R200 R156 Discovery Miles 1 560 Save R44 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Jan Braai Junior is a book for the next generation of braaiers in South Africa. Filled with a collection of Jan Braai’s very best braai recipes, simplified with easy-to-follow, step-bystep guidance, Jan Braai Junior can be enjoyed by kids and the whole family.

Jan Braai is the most interviewed person in the world on the topic of braai, and therefore a good judge of what people want to know about braaing. As a television presenter and head of the National Braai Day initiative, he has travelled extensively in southern Africa and the world, braaied often and with diverse people, in various beautiful places, using different techniques.

This user-friendly book covers all the fundamental braai knowledge every South African should have, using basic equipment and budget-conscious ingredients. And, with Jan Braai’s tips and advice, Jan Braai Junior will set you on your way to braaing like a champion for the rest of your life!

Dit Proe Soos Huis - Geure Van My Ma Se Kombuis (Afrikaans, Paperback): Herman Lensing Dit Proe Soos Huis - Geure Van My Ma Se Kombuis (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Herman Lensing 2
R440 R378 Discovery Miles 3 780 Save R62 (14%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

In Dit proe soos huis eer Herman Lensing sy ma met sy uitsonderlike talent. Hy weef haar gunstelingresepte, passie vir kos en hul eie stories ineen. Dit is resepte van onthou dié – ’n kosverhaal wat dít wat is, verbind met dít wat was. Kos is liefde en in die kombuis klop die hart van die huis. 

Vegetaries (Afrikaans, Paperback): Jan Braai Vegetaries (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Jan Braai
R465 R399 Discovery Miles 3 990 Save R66 (14%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

'n Versameling van Jan se beste vegetariese resepte en nog baie nuwe kinkels, alles op die vuur. As jy iets soek vir vleislose Maandag, jou nuwe vegetariese skoondogter moet onthaal, of die kleinkinders moet kosgee - is daar geen rede waarom jy nie kan braai nie. Met Jan se liplekker braaibroodtjies, potjies, kerrie, brode, burgers tot poedings sal selfs die vleiseters terugkom vir nog 'n skeppie!

'n Tafel Vir Elke Geleentheid - Tafeluitleg, Fokuspunte, Resepte, Selfdoenprojekte, Blomme (Paperback): Fransie Snyman,... 'n Tafel Vir Elke Geleentheid - Tafeluitleg, Fokuspunte, Resepte, Selfdoenprojekte, Blomme (Paperback)
Fransie Snyman, Katrien van Zyl, Wilsia Metz 1
R120 R94 Discovery Miles 940 Save R26 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Dit bevat volledige planne met tafelversierings, blomme en alles anders wat nodig is om tafels vir 25 verskillende geleenthede te dek, asook meer as 50 watertandlekker resepte en aanwysings om tafelelemente soos servetringe, naamkaartjies, plekmatjies, geskenkboksies en ander dekoratiewe bykomstighede te maak. Praktiese inligting oor basiese beplanning, van die samestelling van inspirasieborde en idees vir ongewone onderborde tot die uitsoek van musiek en die volmaakte gasgeskenk, word aangevul deur uitgebreide fotobyskrifte wat die leser vertel hoe om alles na te doen. Die resepte is in 'n afsonderlike afdeling, gevolg deur aanwysings en patrone vir selfdoenprojekte wat nie volledig in die byskrifte gedek kon word nie. Daar is ook 'n oorvloed wenke en voorstelle vir eenvoudige aanbiedingstegnieke, die skedulering van take sodat jy die geleentheid saam met jou gaste kan geniet, en maniere om jou persoonlike stempel op alles af te druk.

Kaap, Kerrie & Koesisters (Afrikaans, Paperback): Fatima Sydow, Gadija Sydow Noordien Kaap, Kerrie & Koesisters (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Fatima Sydow, Gadija Sydow Noordien 1
R415 R357 Discovery Miles 3 570 Save R58 (14%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

In Kaap, kerrie & koesisters neem die tweelingsusters Fatima en Gadija ons op ’n tradisionele Kaaps-Maleise kosreis wat terselfdertyd ook ’n lewensreis is, want die resepte word saamgesnoer met herinneringe aan hulle grootwordjare op die Kaapse Vlakte en die vroue wat so ’n groot rol gespeel het om ’n liefde vir koskook en bak by hulle te kweek.

Die susters glo aan lekker huiskos en resepte wat vinnig, maklik en bekostigbaar is – soos wat hulle geliefde oorlede moeder se kookstyl ook was. Maar die boek bevat ook uithangresepte vir daardie spesiale geleenthede! Wat is dan nou lekkerder as ’n pot tradisionele gheemakerrie, of Fatima se alombekende kerrievis, akni, dhaltjies en piesangbrood? En probeer gerus Gadija se sambals, smoortjies en bredies met die geurigste speserye.

Met afdelings soos sop, bredies, poedings, vleis, vis, koeke en gebak is die boek beslis ’n moet vir elke Kaaps-Maleise lekkerbek – en elkeen wat nog altyd meer wou weet van die Kaaps-Maleise kookkuns!

Maaltye - Maklike Geregte vir Elke Geleentheid (Afrikaans, Paperback): Christine Capendale Maaltye - Maklike Geregte vir Elke Geleentheid (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Christine Capendale
R415 R357 Discovery Miles 3 570 Save R58 (14%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Die bereiding van lekker en voedsame maaltye vir die gesin is gewoonlik hoog op die lys van uitdagings wat ons elke dag die hoof moet bied. In Maaltye – maklike geregte vir elke dag kan jy slim oplossings kry vir middagetes, aandetes en onthaalmaaltye wat jou familie en vriende sal geniet en weer voor sal vra. Geïnspireer deur mense wat graag interessante en gesonde kos eet maar nie baie tyd het vir koskook nie, het Christine Capendale verleidelike geregte geskep wat nogtans maklik is om te maak en jou nie ure lank in die kombuis besig sal hou nie.

Vuurwarm (Afrikaans, Paperback): Jan Braai Vuurwarm (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Jan Braai 1
R425 R365 Discovery Miles 3 650 Save R60 (14%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Suid-Afrikaners vier elke jaar Nasionale Braaidag op 24 September. ’n Dag vir al die burgers van Suid-Afrika om lekker te ontspan en rondom die braaivleisvure te kuier met hul vriende en familie. Die dryfkrag agter hierdie inisiatief is ’n man bekend as Jan Braai.

In die boek gaan Jan verder as algemene raad oor vuurmaak en die braai van steak, tjops, hoender en wors. Beslis 'n moet vir alle braailiefhebbers!.

Clever Cooking - Plan And Prepare Nutritious Meals That Will Save You Time And Money (Paperback): Vickie de Beer Clever Cooking - Plan And Prepare Nutritious Meals That Will Save You Time And Money (Paperback)
Vickie de Beer
R350 R273 Discovery Miles 2 730 Save R77 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

It never hurts to be prepared. This is also true of cooking for yourself or your family. Clever Cooking shows you how to easily plan and prepare nutritious meals free of harmful preservatives, chemicals and additives, not only to ensure your family eats healthily, but to save you some time and money, too!

In Clever Cooking, Vickie shares her survival strategy for cooking and eating nutritiously when you lead a busy lifestyle – meal prep. She offers some of her family’s favourite dishes, from soups and stews to oven bakes and one-pan dishes, as well as sauces and ‘flavour starters’, that can be prepared ahead of time, so you can quickly prepare a wholesome meal from scratch on busy nights.

What’s more, Vickie knows that all South Africans are faced with the unique challenge of loadshedding, which can disrupt our time in the kitchen. Meal prep is a clever way to work around those annoying blackouts – making wholesome meals in advance, when you have electricity available, is a great way to ensure you and your family can still eat well, even with limited resources.

Whether you want a hearty lamb shank bobotie; creamy fish pie; Moroccan meatballs; or chicken, leek and mushroom pies, your family can enjoy healthy and delicious meals every night. And, you’ll be satisfied knowing that by spending time in the kitchen on one day, you’ll be giving yourself a night off in the future! Vickie includes tips for freezing and defrosting food, batch cooking, as well as a sample seven-day meal plan to show how you can combine advance prep with dishes made from scratch on the night.

Cass Abrahams kook Kaap-Maleis (Afrikaans, Paperback): Cass Abrahams Cass Abrahams kook Kaap-Maleis (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Cass Abrahams
R75 R59 Discovery Miles 590 Save R16 (21%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Elke hoofstuk is steeds gestruktureer rondom een van die vele feeste wat die Kaapse Maleiers gereeld vier, met resepte van die spesiale disse wat vir spesiale geleenthede berei word. 'Nerens op aarde is daar nog 'n gemeenskap wat so graag fees vier as die Kaapse Maleiers nie; nerens op ons planeet 'n groep mense so toegewyd in hul danksegging aan die Almagtige vir die seeninge van die tafel nie ...' skryf dr MC D'arcy in die voorwoord van hierdie titel. Kaap-Maleise kos is lank reeds gewild onder Suid-Afrikaners in alle kringe. Hierdie titel bevat resepte vir die ou gunstelinge, sowel as minder bekende, maar ewe smullekker disse wat tradisioneel op die tafels van die Kaapse Maleiers te vinde is. Cass Abrahams Kook Kaap-Maleis spog met heelwat nuwe resepte, onder andere tradisionele disse van ander groepe in ons multi-kulturele gemeenskap, wat stelselmatig deel geword het van die Kaap-Maleise kostradisie. Daar is uitgebreide opdienwenke buite die Kaap-Maleise kulturele konteks, en die asemrowende nuwe kosfoto's fokus op individuele borde kos, onweerstaanbaar aantreklike voorgesit, liewer as die oorvloed van die tradisionele Kaap-Maleise tafel wat so kenmerkend aan hulle feesviering is. Met hierdie nuwe benadering hoop Cass om die smullekker geregte waarvan die resepte al meer as 300 jaar van geslag tot geslag oorgedra word, van die gesinstafel tot in die beste restaurante te neem sodat almal wat ons pragtige land besoek die unieke geure en smake van Suid-Afrika se eeue-oue kostradisies kan geniet.

Cupcakes With A Kick - More Than 50 Sweet Temptations with a Boozy Twist (Paperback): Simone Balman Cupcakes With A Kick - More Than 50 Sweet Temptations with a Boozy Twist (Paperback)
Simone Balman 1
R95 R75 Discovery Miles 750 Save R20 (21%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

For adults only ...When someone is presented with a plate of seemingly ordinary cupcakes and told that it is in fact a twist on their favourite alcoholic drink, it's amazing to see how their eyes light up. The author and her family spent many years as "expats" during which time she started experimenting with alcohol-infused versions of cupcakes and soon could not keep up with the demand. This collection of recipes has been tested, tweaked and adjusted where necessary to ensure that they are practically flop-proof. Some have liqueur in the icing, some have wine or beer in the cake itself, and others have seductive soft centres oozing with delightful cocktail ingredients. Step-by-step instructions explain clearly how the cupcakes are made, and while this book is not about cake decorating, the author includes fabulous ideas for making the cupcakes reflect something of their special nature. Gorgeous full-page photographs of every cupcake will inspire even the most reluctant cook to try them and helpful hints and tips throughout will help ensure success. There are also lots of suggested alternatives and recommendations for substitutions. Conversion tables and basic facts about alcohol and how it reacts in batter and icing complete the information you need to replicate the scrumptious cupcakes. So whether your favourite tipple is beer stout or pink champagne, your ideal cocktail Pina Colada or a Margarita, you want this book. It will change the nature of high tea forever!

Cook and Enjoy (Hardcover, 2nd Revised Edition): S. J. A. de Villiers Cook and Enjoy (Hardcover, 2nd Revised Edition)
S. J. A. de Villiers 1
R475 R408 Discovery Miles 4 080 Save R67 (14%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

The Afrikaans edition of Cook and Enjoy was first published in 1951. It has firmly established itself as a South African classic and one of the most popular local cookery titles ever. Revised, updated and completely redesigned to echo its original smaller and thicker format, the new edition combines a readable, modern feel with the classic look of the original.

Low Carb Is Lekker Three (Paperback): Ine Reynierse Low Carb Is Lekker Three (Paperback)
Ine Reynierse
R340 R266 Discovery Miles 2 660 Save R74 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Low Carb is Lekker Three continues the journey begun by Inè Reynierse in 2015, when her awardwinning cookbook, Low Carb is Lekker, took the country by storm.

Building on the demand for carb-conscious, sugar-free and grain-free meals, Inè’s recipes put the emphasis on nutritionally upgraded, healthy eating. Her dishes don’t require speciality ingredients or expensive food substitutes.

Living in a small Boland town, she has learnt to be creative with what she has to hand: good quality meat and dairy, and the freshest vegetables and herbs. Her dressings, dips, sauces and gluten-free flour mixes form the basis of a superb selection of recipes that will take you from breakfast to dinner and from weekday family meals to weekend entertaining.

With her focus on improving general health and wellbeing, Inè’s recipes will appeal to anyone who wants to put good food on the table every day of the week.

Delish Sisters - Tasty Food Made With Love (Paperback): Kate Lund, Rebecca Lund Delish Sisters - Tasty Food Made With Love (Paperback)
Kate Lund, Rebecca Lund
R440 R344 Discovery Miles 3 440 Save R96 (22%) In Stock

Rebecca and Kate Lund, aka The Delish Sisters, are constantly inspired by the everchanging food industry and love to create beautiful food experiences for clients, friends and family. They enjoy experimenting with new and exotic spices and ingredients, and encouraging people to be a bit adventurous, and in turn see that it’s so simple to do themselves too! Rebecca and Kate’s recipes are fresh, wholesome, colourful, seasonal and ‘mostly healthy’. There are more indulgent dishes and treats, but they keep the eating experience balanced and as inclusive as possible – there are plenty of sugar-free, glutenfree recipes, delicious vegetarian options and tasty vegan food.

Knowing the origins of our food is important and they have developed recipes that make use of ‘whole foods’ and celebrate the least refi ned versions of ingredients. They love what they do, where they live and the power that food has to bring people together.

Delish Sisters – Tasty Food Made With Love is clear evidence of this and is a must for anyone who enjoys delicious, well-balanced meals shared with friends and family.

Kolwyntjies Met Skop - Meer as 50 Soet Versoekings Met 'N Beskonke Vonk (Paperback): Simone Balman Kolwyntjies Met Skop - Meer as 50 Soet Versoekings Met 'N Beskonke Vonk (Paperback)
Simone Balman
R95 R75 Discovery Miles 750 Save R20 (21%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Slegs volwassenes ... Dis kostelik om te sien hoe iemand wat 'n happie neem van wat op die oog af soos 'n doodgewone kolwyntjie lyk en dan uitvind dat dit eintlik 'n kinkel in die vorm van 'n gewilde drankie bevat, se gesig ophelder. Die skrywer van Kolwyntjies met skop het baie jare in die buiteland deurgebring waar haar man gewerk het, en daar begin eksperimenteer met kolwyntjies wat alkohol in verskeie vorms bevat. Sy kon sommer gou skaars voorbly om in die vraag daarna te voorsien. Hierdie versameling resepte is deeglik getoets, verfyn en waar nodig aangepas om te verseker dat hulle feitlik flatervry is. Sommige kolwyntjies se versiering bevat likeur, by ander is daar wyn of bier in die beslag self, en by verskeie word jou hap na die middel toe beloon met 'n verleidelike, loperige binnekant van die gewildste skemerkelkies. Stap-vir-stap-aanwysings verduidelik presies hoe elke kolwyntjie gemaak word, en hoewel dit in hierdie boek nie gaan oor koekversiering as sodanig nie, sluit die skrywer fantastiese idees in om die kolwyntjies so op te dollie dat dit so 'n ietsie van die ongewone aard daarvan weerspieel. Die lieflike volbladfoto's van elke baksel kolwyntjies sal selfs die traagste bakker aanspoor om die resepte op die proef te stel, en die nuttige wenke wat deurgaans verskyn, sal help om sukses te verseker. Daar is ook heelwat voorstelle vir alternatiewe en aanbevelings vir plaasvervangers as jy nie spesifieke drankies in die drankkabinet het nie. Met omskakeltabelle, basiese inligting oor kolwyntjies en feite oor alkohol en hoe dit in beslag en versiersuiker reageer, het jy toegang tot alles wat jy moet weet om jou eie kolwyntjies met skop te bak. Of jou gunstelingdrankie Pina Colada of blos-vonkelwyn, Mai Tai of chardonnay is, hierdie boek wil jy he - laatmiddagtee sal net nooit weer dieselfde wees nie!

Cape Malay Cooking - My Story, My Heritage (Paperback): Fatima Sydow Cape Malay Cooking - My Story, My Heritage (Paperback)
Fatima Sydow 1
R420 R361 Discovery Miles 3 610 Save R59 (14%) In Stock

In this book Fatima takes us on a nostalgic journey through her memories of the many important feasts celebrated in her Cape Malay culture.

Starting with old-school family recipes from her upbringing on the Cape Flats she shares stories of Ramadaan, Labarang, a wedding in the community and fond recollections of the festive season.

Woven through her memories are recipes for salt and pepper chicken, bean curry, Ramadaan boeka plates, Labarang sweet treats, desserts – and her ultimate braai ideas.

Jan Braai Junior - Resepte, Tegnieke En Raad (Afrikaans, Hardcover): Jan Braai Jan Braai Junior - Resepte, Tegnieke En Raad (Afrikaans, Hardcover)
Jan Braai
R200 R156 Discovery Miles 1 560 Save R44 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Jan Braai Junior is ’n boek vir die volgende geslag braaiers in Suid-Afrika. Gevul met Jan Braai se heel beste braairesepte en vereenvoudig deur maklik-om-te-volg, stap-vir-stap instruksies, kan kinders en die hele gesin Jan Braai Junior geniet. Hierdie gebruikersvriendelike boek dek al die grondliggende braaikennis wat elke Suid-Afrikaner behoort te hê, met basiese toerusting en bekostigbare bestanddele. En met Jan Braai se wenke en raad sal Jan Braai Junior jou die eerste treë laat gee om die res van jou lewe soos ’n kampioen te braai!

Quiet Food - A Recipe For Sanity (Paperback, 2nd Revised edition): John Strydom, Antony Osler, Chrisi van Loon, Angela Shaw,... Quiet Food - A Recipe For Sanity (Paperback, 2nd Revised edition)
John Strydom, Antony Osler, Chrisi van Loon, Angela Shaw, Claire Clark
R340 R266 Discovery Miles 2 660 Save R74 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

This is more than just another recipe book.

It celebrates food and asks us to experience the magic of preparing it. It introduces us to the possibility of making cooking and eating an exquisite, meditative, occasion - an antidote to our fast food junk culture. Ultimately, our enjoyment of things depends on the quality of attention we give them. Cooking and eating are no exception.

To help you do this, the 'Zenecdotes' accompanying the moody pictures in this book will put a Buddha smile on your face as you wait for the bread to rise...

Love Lives Here - Vegan Food From A Farm Sanctuary (Paperback): Rima Geffen Love Lives Here - Vegan Food From A Farm Sanctuary (Paperback)
Rima Geffen
R350 R273 Discovery Miles 2 730 Save R77 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

A collection of vegan recipes from Greyton Animal Sanctuary volunteers compiled by Rima Geffen. A part of the proceeds will be donated to continue the care of the animals.

Just 7 kms outside the village of Greyton in the Western Cape, hides a 40-hectare private animal sanctuary. Greyton Farm has been a leading non-profit animal haven since its founding in 2014 by Nicola Vernon and Rohan Milson. Under their care, Greyton has grown to embrace unique animals and people alike. International volunteers have always flocked to Greyton for this same reason, and so this beautifully curated collection of recipes was born.

The team has been consistently passionate about the quality of life of those on their farms, from not-so-micro pigs, injured dogs and cats, peacocks, sheep, and all sorts of livestock. Around 200 animals have found their way to Greyton in a variety of ways including reported abuse, or simply wandering injured onto the property all by themselves. Greyton Farm Animal Sanctuary continues to connect people across the globe and nourish volunteers with good food and life-changing experiences. Personal recipes from 10 countries across the world add up to a truly unique dinner table experience.

Enjoy some perhaps familiar South African recipes, next to Germany, France, and more.

Jane's Delicious A-Z Of Vegetables - A Guide To Growing Organic Vegetables In South Africa (Paperback): Jane Griffiths Jane's Delicious A-Z Of Vegetables - A Guide To Growing Organic Vegetables In South Africa (Paperback)
Jane Griffiths 1
R360 R288 Discovery Miles 2 880 Save R72 (20%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Jane’s Delicious A–Z of Vegetables is an accessible guide to the most commonly-grown vegetables, plus many new and unusual ones now available, with detailed information on how to sow, plant, feed, water, protect, harvest and eat them, as well as save their seed for future generations. Written in Jane’s quirky, practical style and lavishly illustrated with full-colour photographs for easy reference, this is a one-stop guide to growing any type of vegetable organically.

My Vegetarian Braai - Including 45 Vegan Dishes (Paperback): Adele Maartens My Vegetarian Braai - Including 45 Vegan Dishes (Paperback)
Adele Maartens 1
R390 R305 Discovery Miles 3 050 Save R85 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

My Vegetarian Braai is not about trying to convert carnivores but rather to broaden the horizons of every braaier, the ones who enjoy preparing meals for their families and friends and as well as those who will look at the photographs and say ‘I can make that’. With the growing trend of eating plant-based foods, the chances are that at some stage you will need to cater for a vegetarian or vegan.

This book will give you new ideas and delicious recipes to satisfy the taste buds of every guest that sits at your table. Even meat-eaters will be seduced by these tasty vegetarian and vegan recipes, which make brilliant side dishes to accompany any meal.

Shisanyama - Braai Recipes From South Africa (Paperback): Jan Braai Shisanyama - Braai Recipes From South Africa (Paperback)
Jan Braai
R425 R332 Discovery Miles 3 320 Save R93 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Jan Braai issued a crowdsourcing call in early 2017, and the response from the South African public was overwhelming – from the hundreds of entries received, Jan Braai has curated, tested and included over 80 favourite South African braai recipes. Each entry tells the story of how the recipe came about, why it is special – and of course celebrates the diversity of shisanyama available in South Africa. Shisanyama literally means ‘to burn meat’ in Zulu, and refers to the act of coming together to cook meat on an open fire.

Discover Mzansi favourites such as Bacon Bombs, Baby Back Ribs, Breakfast Pizza, Chakalaka, Brandy & Coke Short Rib, Red Curried Black Mussels, Corn Bread, Mustard Ice-cream with T-Bone Steak, Thokoza Park Chuck, Watermelon Salad and Lamb Jaffles, with loads of other treasured recipes.

Kosbaar - Skep Herinneringe Met 'n Feesmaal (Afrikaans, Paperback): Elmarie Berry Kosbaar - Skep Herinneringe Met 'n Feesmaal (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Elmarie Berry; Photographs by Lindy Kriek
R450 R351 Discovery Miles 3 510 Save R99 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

KOSBAAR is Elmarie Berry se eerste kookboek hoewel sy reeds sedert 2015 ’n bekende kosblogskrywer is. Haar hartsbegeerte is om ’n boek uit te gee wat jou siel sal voed en waarmee jy in jou kombuis met jou nabye vriende en familie herinneringe kan skep.

In haar eie woorde: “Kos is ’n manier en plek om bymekaar te kom, om rustig te raak en om jou hart oop te maak om te deel, lief te hê en lekker te lag. Geniet die reis en samesyn!”

KOSBAAR bevat meer as 100 eg Suid-Afrikaanse resepte. Met ’n Libanese ouma toon haar kosvoorkeure ’n goeie mengsel van boerekos met ’n sterk Libanese invloed. Daar is ou gunstelinge soos roosterkoek en nostalgiese melktert, en party kry ’n nuwe baadjie, soos malvapoeding met ’n pinotagesous, gebakte patat met za’tar-speserye, New York Shake Shack-kaasburgers en stadig geroosterde lamskouer met jogurtplatbrood.

KOSBAAR bevat ook heelwat graanvrye resepte omdat Elmarie onlangs uitgevind het sy is allergies vir graan.

Hunger for freedom (Paperback): Anna Trapido Hunger for freedom (Paperback)
Anna Trapido
R280 R219 Discovery Miles 2 190 Save R61 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Food has provided the backdrop and occasionally the primary cause for momentous personal and political events in the life of Nelson Mandela. This innovative approach to history shows that a great man's life can be measured out in mouthfuls, both bitter and sweet. With this book, the reader can cook and taste Nelson Mandela's journey from the corn grinding stone of his boyhood through wedding cakes and curries to prison hunger strikes, presidential banquets and ultimately into a dotage marked by the sweetest of just desserts. Tales told in sandwiches, sugar and samoosas speak eloquently of intellectual awakenings, emotional longings and always the struggle for racial equality.

Fireworks - Recipes, Techniques, Advice (Paperback): Jan Braai Fireworks - Recipes, Techniques, Advice (Paperback)
Jan Braai 3
R425 R383 Discovery Miles 3 830 Save R42 (10%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

At last! Jan Braai’s first book Fireworks is available in softcover!

If anyone knows how to braai, it is Jan. He has braaied with thousands of South Africans, almost every day since the launch of National Braai Day. And he knows what people want to know about braaing.

This is more than a recipe book – it is an instruction manual for braaing – from steak, to the perfect braaied chicken and lamb chops. For the adventurous you could try rack of lamb or lamb on a spit!

South Africa celebrates National Braai Day on 24 September every year. A day for all the citizens of South Africa to unite around braai fires with family and friends. The driving force behind this initiative is a man known as Jan Braai.

Delectable - Food From Rural France To Urban Cape (Paperback, 2nd ed): Marlene van der Westhuizen Delectable - Food From Rural France To Urban Cape (Paperback, 2nd ed)
Marlene van der Westhuizen
R110 R86 Discovery Miles 860 Save R24 (22%) Ships in 5 - 10 working days

Delectable is more than just a cookery book; it's about good living as much as it is about good food. Author Marlene van der Westhuizen uses her love of France and French country cooking to infuse local dishes with a particularly European flavour. The food she cooks is not haute cuisine – you will not find in this book small portions of foreign dishes with strange ingredients. On the contrary, Marlene cooks South African food (and dishes up enough to satisfy a South African appetite), but with a rural french twist. Delectable contains over 80 recipes and more than twice as many photographs, showcasing the scenery of the french countryside, detail of ancient french villages, the colour and vitality of markets and antique fairs, and, of course, the food! Recipes are interspersed with little-known treasures from the South African wine industry, ensuring that your table is laid with the food and drink of the gods. And just like the recipes, the layout and format of the book are simple, sleek, and easy-to-use, and heavyweight art-coated paper has been used to ensure that the photographs depict the french countryside as vividly as possible.

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