Books > Reference & Interdisciplinary > Encyclopaedias & reference works > General
"Edeh's Model of Peace, responds effectively and efficiently to the
two dimensions of peace - primordial and secondary, and this
response singles it out of other systems or models of peace
promoted by other exponents." AGBO EDMUND PHD "If Edeh has easily
solved these millions of cases in his Centre, thereby adding a
robust value to human community, it is timely then to integrate
this model into the global community in the interest of mankind."
CHUKWU EZECHI CHUKWU PHD "The model of resolving disputes
propounded by Edeh and propagated by his disciples can be
effectively applied in any country, creed or context. In other
words, it has a universal appeal." OLIVER UDAYA FJS
Este libro trata de criar a un ni o. No importa cu l sea, si usted
sigue las reglas y atenerse a ellos, a menos que tengas tus propias
ideas, entonces usted puede agregar a la libreta tambi n.
Roger Williams' guide to the language of the Native American tribes
was the first of its kind ever published; as well as linguistic
instruction, we receive stunning insights into the culture and
customs of the New England tribes. This historic text was written
to accomplish two goals: Firstly, it is a practical, instructional
guidebook written with the colonial society in mind. Particularly
where religious missions are concerned, but also in general, the
author feels that colonialists should have a command of Native
American languages. Williams passionately believed in peaceful
coexistence, and realized that an understanding of the native
speech was crucial for this. Secondly, the book aims to promote
understanding of Native American culture. What customs the tribes
practice, the foods they eat, their marital and social mores, their
methods of communicating knowledge, how they regard the many beasts
of nature, and how trade and commerce is practiced are but some of
the topics Williams discusses.
presenta un estudio realizado sobre fondos documentales proveniente
de los archivos de la Inquisici n espa ola, espec ficamente del
Tribunal del Santo Oficio en Cartagena de Indias, regi n de Nueva
Granada. En l, se identificaron cuarenta y cinco procesos de un
total de ciento setenta y siete causas de fe realizadas durante el
periodo de 1610 a 1632. Los procesos seleccionados buscan presentar
las principales supersticiones desarrolladas en la regi n caribe a
colonizada por la corona espa ola y que a su vez fueron perseguidas
por las autoridades inquisitoriales.El trabajo est dividido en
cinco cap tulos. Los primeros cuatro nos presentan las diversas
problem ticas hist ricas que deben ser estudiadas como pre mbulo al
an lisis de los juicios sobre superstici n en una regi n en espec
fico. Entre estos problemas se puede apreciar el desarrollo del
llamado fen meno inquisitorial; la Inquisici n como instrumento de
control social y econ mico estatal, espec ficamente su uso por los
monarcas espa oles; las supersticiones como problem tica hist rica,
antropol gica y social; y la Inquisici n como parte del proceso de
colonizaci n en Am rica. El quinto cap tulo nos describe y analiza
las diversas creencias supersticiosas desarrolladas en la regi n
caribe a. Zona donde interactuaron una gran cantidad de grupos
tnicos y culturales que aportaron a que esta regi n fuera tierra f
rtil para el surgimiento de este tipo de creencias.
This Recipes & Information cookbook is the result of 50 plus
years of accumulating thousands of recipes and information that
have their roots in everyday and party foods with a diverse
background of American, Italian, Jewish, Oriental, Hispanic,
Eastern and European flavors about everything from soup to nuts.
The book contains about 800 recipes. Included in this cook are a
wealth of tips, information, and historical facts related to
eating, drinking, cooking and baking appetizer, soup, stew, meat,
pasta, noodle, fish, seafood, vegetable, gravy, sauce, dessert and
baking recipes. The cookbook contains 100 pages related to
information on more than 75 subjects.
COVERING YOUR ASSets is not a guide on how to accumulate assets. It
is written specifically for people who have already accumulated
assets, or are on their way to doing so, and wish to preserve and
protect those assets. It is written in a unique format that will
allow you to isolate your specific life situation and read only
material applicable to you. You will learn about what the Wealth
Planning process should actually entail, the Thirteen Wealth
Management Issues (twelve of which that are ignored by many
Financial Planners), the synergy that should come from the
integration of these oft-ignored issues, and how to properly build
a Wealth Planning Team. Twenty-seven complex strategies and
techniques are explained in simple terms and presented in such a
way that they can be easily understood by any layman. COVERING YOUR
ASSets is an informative, enjoyable and easy to read guide for
anyone wishing to Preserve and Protect what they have accumulated.
With over 4, 000 entries, this mythological reference book is but a
stepping stone to the world of mythology. This book is a tool to
provide basic information on a wide spectrum of beings, objects,
and ideas. Rom Greek and Roman myths to the myths of the Inuit and
the Russians - the material is presented to help you enter into the
world of myths; such as "The Iliad," "The Odyssey," and the
Egyptian "Book of the Dead." A quick reference book divided into
sections representing the different parts of the world. Although
the majority of items deal with European mythology, there are ample
references to other parts of our historical past.
Every expert in journalism and politics has jumped into the arena
of thought with a multitude of books on their opinions The Book
FOCUS' is a look at Arrogance and Greed as an American cancer, it
applies analytical engineering skills to humanities problems in
today's world from an engineer's stand point, that of an everyday
citizen; a Joe plumber', whose had all we can take of being told we
are un-American by our politicians, it intends to speak out on
behalf of the everyday citizen who may have serious doubts as to
what is what. It offers solutions which seem to be logical and
somewhat easy to see. Though easy to see they require a major
rethinking of the constitution to fit the modern society's
situation. Simply tired of talk show host and media moguls pointing
out the problems but shy of offering difficult solutions for which
they could be held accountable. Engineers or Plumbers just aren't
satisfied with finding a cause of the problem, but are about fixing
it. That sometimes requires redesign or fix, correcting design
errors. But we do eventually FIX IT. The Lawyer wants arbitration
until either a compromise or settlement occurs. Media Moguls want
to have an endless supply of Sensational Stories. Politics may be
how it sounds, Poly (many) + Ticks (blood suckers). Political (this
or that occupation) well, draw your conclusion.