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A groundbreaking, evidence-based text to the growing field of
evolutionary medicine Evidence-Based Evolutionary Medicine offers a
comprehensive review of the burgeoning field of evolutionary
medicine and explores vital topics such as evolution, ecology, and
aging as they relate to mainstream medicine. The text integrates
Darwinian principles and evidence-based medicine in order to offer
a clear picture of the underlying principles that reflect how and
why organisms have evolved on a cellular level. The authors--noted
authorities in their respective fields--address evolutionary
medicine from a developmental cell-molecular perspective. They
explore the first principles of physiology that explain the
generation of existing tissues, organs, and organ systems. The text
offers an understanding of the overall biology as a vertically
integrated whole, from unicellular to multicellular organisms. In
addition, it addresses clinical diagnostic and therapeutic
approaches, both traditional and cell-homeostatic. This
groundbreaking text: - Offers a much-needed, logical, and
fundamental approach to biology and medicine - Provides a clear
explanation of complex physiology and pathophysiology - Integrates
topics like evolution, ecology and aging into mainstream medicine,
making them more relevant - Contains the first evidence-based text
on evolutionary medicine Written for medical and graduate students
in biology, physiology, anatomy, endocrinology, reproductive
biology, medicine, pathology, systems biology, this vital resource
offers a unique text of both biology as an integrated whole with
universal properties; and of medicine seeing the individual as a
whole, not an inventory of parts and diseases.
Das vorliegende Buch umfaBt die Vortrage eines Symposiums, das von
der Sektion Klinische Geriatrie der Deutschen Gesellschaft fUr
Gerontologie im Oktober 1981 in Frankfurt unter dem Thema"
Tagesklinische Behandlung im A Iter" ausgerichtet wurde. Diese Form
der klinischen Behandlung alter Menschen stellt eine
Herausforderung an das herkommliche Konzept der vollstationaren
Versorgung im Krankenhaus und in anderen Institutionen dar. Die
negativen Auswirkungen der Hospitalisierung und In-
stitutionalisierung auf alte Menschen sind bekannt. Das Krankenbett
bedeutet haufig Verlust der Eigenstandigkeit, zunehmende
Abhangigkeit sowie Verlust familiarer und sozialer Bindungen. Dazu
kommt die vollstandige Obertragung der Verantwortlich- keiten fUr
den alten Patienten von Angehorigen auf die Institutionen. Die
Tagesklinik kann fUr einen bestimmten Patientenkreis die
vollstationare Behand- lung abktirzen oder ganz vermeiden und
gleichzeitig medizinische Diagnostik und Therapie nach klinischen
Gesichtspunkten anbieten. Wir haben aufgrund unserer Er- fahrungen
in Frankfurt gelernt, daB der fUr die tagesklinische Behandlung
geeignete Patientenkreis wesentlich groBer ist, als wir zu Beginn
unserer Arbeit vermutet haben. In unserem Behandlungskonzept steht
die Tagesklinik gleichberechtigt neb en der voll- stationaren
Behandlung im Krankenhaus und ist keinesfalls ein untergeordnetes
An- hangsel. Daruber hinaus mtissen angesichts der standig
steigenden Kosten im Krankenhauswe- sen und der demoskopischen
Verschiebungen in der Altersstruktur der Bevolkerung al- ternative
Wege beschritten werden, urn den in Zukunft noch steigenden Bedarf
an ma- teriellem und personellem Aufwand fUr die medizinische
Versorgung alter Menschen bewaltigen zu konnen. Die tagesklinische
Behandlung ist eine solche Alternative.
Im seit 1985 jährlich als Buch erscheinenden
Arzneiverordnungs-Report werden die Rezepte für die Patienten der
gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV) mit Methoden der
evidenzbasierten Medizin analysiert.Seit dieser Zeit bietet der
Report eine unabhängige Informationsmöglichkeit über die
verschiedenen Komponenten der Arzneimittelverordnung und trägt
damit zur Transparenz des Arzneimittelmarkts, zur Bewertung von
Arzneimitteln und zu einer sowohl zweckmäßigen und sicheren
evidenzbasierten als auch wirtschaftlichen Arzneitherapie bei.
Pravention lasst sich am besten mit vorausschauender
Problemvermeidung ubersetzen. Seit der Ottawa-Charta der
Weltgesundheitsorganisation gelten Pravention und
Gesundheitsforderung als die geeignetsten Instrumente, dem
Kostenanstieg im Gesundheitswesen durch Vermeidung des
Sozialversicherungsfalls entgegenzuwirken; mit andern Worten: durch
Vermeidung von Bedarf an Behandlung, Rehabilitation und Pflege. Die
lange politische Missachtung des Praventionsansatzes und seine kaum
mehr nennenswerte offentliche Forderung haben zu einer volligen
Unterentwicklung hierzulande beigetragen. Der 1. Nationale
Praventionskongress will einen Neuanfang in Sachen Pravention und
Gesundheitsforderung, und er will in diesem Zusammenhang eine
zukunftig starkere Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis
The last thirty years have seen an unprecedented increase in the
discovery of new drugs, and moreover, these drugs, unlike many of
the nostra of former times, have varied and powerful
pharmacological actions. The occurrence of one or two "drug
disasters," together with a change in public attitudes, has made it
necessary for governments to introduce legislation to control the
intro duction and release of new therapeutic agents, and most
countries in the Western World have some form of drug licensing
agency. Whole series of regulations have appeared which aim at
discovering and defining the toxicity of new drugs. Many of these
regulations rely heavily on testing drugs in animals before they
are used in man, and at present very extensive and prolonged animal
studies are required by most licensing authorities. It is most
opportune that Professor Folb has decided to review the present
position in this monograph. It is not only inhumane but also
wasteful of time and money if extensive animal experiments which
have little or no relevance to the human situation are carried out;
furthermore, such results may even be dangerously misleading. There
is little doubt that some preliminary animal investigations are
necessary, but it is essential to keep their relevance under
continuous review and to adopt a critical and flexible approach
rather than heap regulation upon regulation."
Coronary heart disease is the principal cause of death in all
Western countries. Abnormalities in the serum lipids are one of the
major risk factors widely recognised as leading to this epidemic of
heart disease. These abnormalities occur very com monly in the
general community and in general practice, and practitioners are
pre vailed upon daily to provide specific advice about diet and
cholesterol and to interpret chemical estimations. This is a very
emotive area of medicine, one where often the patients most active
in seeking advice have the least to gain. On the other hand, there
may be young people carrying a severe coronary risk, knowingly or
not, who prefer to avoid risk factor in tervention. There are
strong vested interests in the commercial world who would prefer to
overlook any therapeutic value of dietary modification for selected
in dividuals, and others who see great merit in a particular diet.
The pharmaceutical in dustry has a vested interest in the
cholesterol story as well. The individual doctor needs to decide
for himself whether the cholesterol issue requires action or not,
and for this he needs access to up to date and relevant data. This
is one of the purposes of this book. The use of lipid-lowering
therapy is usually quite a straightforward exercise for any medical
practitioner, once the decision has been taken to initiate it.
Gas Bubble Dynamics in the Human Body provides a broad range of
professionals, from physicians working in a clinic, hospital or
hyperbaric facility, to physical scientists trying to understand
and predict the dynamics of gas bubble behavior in the body, with
an interdisciplinary perspective on gas-bubble disease. Both
iatrogenic and decompression-induced gas bubbles are considered.
The basic medical and physiological aspects are described first, in
plain language, with numerous illustrations that facilitate an
intuitive grasp of the basic underlying medicine and physiology.
Current issues in the field, particularly microbubbles and
microparticles, and their possible role in gas-bubble disease are
included. The physical and mathematical material is given at
several levels of sophistication, with the "hard-core" math
separated out in sections labelled "For the Math Mavens", so that
the basic concepts can be grasped at a descriptive level. The field
is large and multi-disciplinary, so that some of the discussion
that is at a greater depth is given separately in sections labelled
"In Greater Detail". Skipping these sections for whatever reason,
shouldn't materially hamper acquiring an overall appreciation of
the field.
Wahrend uber die Moglichkeiten und Grenzen bildgebender Verfahren
in der Detektion und Diagnostik von Raumforderungen der
Oberbauchorgane, insbesondere der Leber, eine Vielzahl von
Publikationen existieren, sind Veroffentlichungen uber die
Wertigkeit, die klinische Relevanz und den differenzierten Einsatz
von bildgebenden diagnostischen Untersuchungsverfahren zur
Abklarung von Milzveranderungen rar. Zudem wurden in der
Vergangenheit meist nur einzelne Kasuistiken veroffentlicht. Der
Grund hierfur liegt in der Seltenheit umschriebener Milzprozesse.
In der vorliegenden klinischen Studie wurden retrospektiv die im
Zeitraum von Januar 1996 bis Dezember 2003 am Institut fur
Pathologie der Universitatsklinik Regensburg erhobenen
makroskopischen histologischen Diagnosen von fokalen und diffusen
Lasionen der Milz gesammelt, kategorisiert und analysiert. Durch
anschliessenden Vergleich der Detektions- und diagnostischen
Ergebnisse der bildgebenden Befunde aus den
Ultraschalluntersuchungen (konventionell-native B-Mode- und
kontrastmittelunterstutzte Sonographie), den Schnittbildverfahren
(Computer- und Magnetresonanztomographie) sowie der
nuklearmedizinischen bildgebenden Diagnostik
(Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie) mit dem durch radikale oder
partielle Milzexstirpation oder Probebiopsie gewonnenen
histologischen Material und den daraus abgeleiteten
Validitatsparametern lassen sich der klinische Stellenwert und die
Grenzen dieser bildgebenden Verfahren in der Milzdiagnostik
verdeutlichen. Besondere Bedeutung kommt dabei der Beantwortung der
Frage nach einem moglichst effizienten und effektiven Einsatz der
trennscharfsten bildgebenden Untersuchungsverfahren sowie der
Entscheidung fur deren seriellen oder parallelen Einsatz in der
Primar- und weiterfuhrenden Diagnostik zu
The new edition of this best-selling title from the popular 100
cases series explores common scenarios that will be encountered by
the medical student and junior doctor when working in the community
setting, and which are likely to feature in qualifying
examinations. The book covers a comprehensive range of
presentations from tiredness to tremor. Comprehensive answers
highlight key take home points from each case and provide practical
advice on how to deal with the challenges that occur in general
practice at all levels.
This work provides new editions with introduction and commentary of
five odes from Pindar's Nemeans. Three celebrate victories won by
Aeginetans at the Nemean games (Nemeans 4, 6, and 8). The remaining
two are drawn from the appendix to the book: Nemean 10, for the
Argive wrestler Theaeus and his family, including the famous myth
of the Dioscuri, and Nemean 11, for the installation of a prytanis
on the island of Tenedos. The commentaries elucidate problems of
metre, text, and interpretation, and provide up-to-date treatment
of the language and subject-matter of the poems.
This very important work laid the foundation for my subsequent
dissertation and for my research work and publications on
colorectal cancer. For the first time, several authors
systematically summarized one disease exclusively as to its
origins, pathology, diagnostics and therapy. This novel concept
made a lasting impression on me in my scientific work. Manfred
Georg Krukemeyer, MD, Department of Surgical Research, Westphalian
Wilhelm University, Munster"
Autism Spectrum Disorders from Theory to Practice Apply the latest
ASD theory to assessment and intervention in real-world clinical
environments In Autism Spectrum Disorders from Theory to Practice,
a team of experienced interventionists deliver a practical
application of modern theory regarding autism spectrum disorders
(ASDs) to common, real-world clinical situations. Hands-on guidance
is paired with advice on culturally appropriate and responsive
practices informed by professionals who collectively have over 40
years of combined speech pathology experience. The work of special
contributors like Dr. Pamela Wiley, who is the Founder and
President of the Los Angeles Speech and Language Therapy Center,
appears alongside evidence-based ASD intervention instruction that
draws from the latest studies and from the authors' assessments and
interventions with clients from a diverse range of backgrounds.
When combined with the reader's own professional competence,
clinical experiences, and continuing education, this book is a
powerful resource that will improve patient outcomes. Autism
Spectrum Disorders readers will also find: Personal anecdotes from
the authors' clinical practices to help illustrate the application
of the concepts discussed within Active Learning Tasks that
educators can use to promote learning activities that encourage
direct engagement with the material Helpful and illustrative
diagrams included throughout the text to help elucidate points and
clarify information in each chapter Goal Spotlights that provide
sample intervention goals practitioners can use with actual clients
with autism Reflection Letters in which individuals from various
perspectives and backgrounds--from autism researchers to
developmental psychologists, advocates such as Holly Robinson
Peete, and adults thriving with autism--describe their experiences
Autism Spectrum Disorders from Theory to Practice is a useful
reference for new and experienced practitioners in the field of
autism research, speech-language pathologists, developmental
psychologists, adapted physical education teachers, professors, and
those affected by ASD in their everyday life.
Physiology is the study of the normal working of the body. It is
essential that its principles should be understood by nurses and
doctors, for only if you know how the body works normally can you
understand what is happening during disease. This first chapter
covers the whole of physiology in outline, so that as later you
read the chapters devoted to giving details of the various systems,
you will be able to see where each system fits into the scheme of
things. THE CELL You can learn a great deal about physiology by
considering the requirements of a simple, single-celled organism
such as the amoeba. These requirements may be summarized as
follows: 1. Supplies. All living organisms require a supply of
energy if they are to survive. Plants can obtain their energy
directly from the sun and by using very simple inorganic materials
they can manu facture all the substances they need. But animals
must obtain their energy from the complex materials which they take
in as food. The energy is released by the process known as
oxidation (burning), in which food is broken down and combined with
oxygen to release all the energy which is required. Animals
therefore obviously need a supply of food and a supply of oxygen.
Since the animal body is largely made up of water, they need a
supply of water as well. The amoeba finds it easy to obtain all
these materials from the water which surrounds it."
In nearly all parts of the world, the consumption of alcohol is
increasing, and the morbidity and mortality of diseases induced by
alcohol are rising correspondingly. It has been stated that alcohol
is consumed because it pro duces intoxication. This effect is due
to its toxicological influence on the central nervous system with
the resulting functional disturbances. For many years, the concept
that alcoholic liver disease was of nutritional origin and only
indirectly related to alcohol consumption and metabolism was
accepted. Opinion has changed gradually in recent years and tends
now to regard alcohol itself through its combustion, as responsible
for many metabolic disorders. Interest in this problem has
increased during the past decade, and numerous papers bearing on
this subject have appeared. It seems that the oxidation of alcohol
in the liver interferes in many ways with the intermediary
metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins, including enzymes
and hormones, and exerts damaging influence on the liver, the
musculature, the heart, the brain and the kidneys. The "Workshop
Symposium" brought together a limited number of the scientists
involved in the new development, biochemists, physiologists,
pharmacologists, pathologists and clinicians from eight European
countries and from the United States and allowed a very lively and
informal exchange. The symposium was honored by the presence of Sir
Hans Krebs, whose vast experience stimulated the discussion. It is
a great pleasure to dedicate this volume to Sir Hans on the
occasion of his 70th birthday on August 25th."
**Finalist, PROSE Award in Clinical Medicine** A rich examination
of the history of trans medicine and current day practice Surfacing
in the mid-twentieth century, yet shrouded in social stigma,
transgender medicine is now a rapidly growing medical field. In
Trans Medicine, stef shuster makes an important intervention in how
we understand the development of this field and how it is being
used to "treat" gender identity today. Drawing on interviews with
medical providers as well as ethnographic and archival research,
shuster examines how health professionals approach patients who
seek gender-affirming care. From genital reconstructions to hormone
injections, the practice of trans medicine charts new medical
ground, compelling medical professionals to plan treatments without
widescale clinical trials to back them up. Relying on cultural
norms and gut instincts to inform their treatment plans, shuster
shows how medical providers' lack of clinical experience and
scientific research undermines their ability to interact with
patients, craft treatment plans, and make medical decisions. This
situation defies how providers are trained to work with patients
and creates uncertainty. As providers navigate the developing
knowledge surrounding the medical care of trans folk, Trans
Medicine offers a rare opportunity to understand how providers make
decisions while facing challenges to their expertise and, in the
process, have acquired authority not only over clinical outcomes,
but over gender itself.