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About this book— In recent years, a number of different spectroscopic techniques have been applied to the study of a wide range of biomedical topics. Biomedical investigations in fields as diverse as eye lens research, the study of cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases, and the study of oxidative stress in disease can now be carried out by spectroscopic means. The nine chapters in Biomedical Applications of Spectroscopy present an authoritative overview of the current status of the field, with each chapter written by acknowledged experts. A wide range of techniques is considered, including optical microspectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, NMR and EPR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. This highly topical volume will stimulate interest in this expanding field, and point the way towards future directions in research. The major objectives of this established series are to integrate theory and practice and to bring together different branches of both academic and industrial research through the presentation of critical review articles in fundamental and applied spectroscopy. The policy of the editors is to commission authoritative reviews by acknowledged leaders in the various fields of spectroscopy. Thus each volume presents a carefully composed picture of the ‘state of the art’ for a particular area. For each volume the subject matter is presented in a manner which is Comprehensible to the non-expert, for whom the series will continue to provide a valuable introduction, and a timely overview of topics in spectroscopy which are of current interest and importance. At the same time the involved expert will find much to engage his or her attention. The series is of interest to research scientists and technologists, to teachers and both graduate and undergraduate students.
Society-sanctioned guidelines are valuable tools, but accessing key
information can be a daunting task. This book illuminates a clear
path to successful application of the American Heart
Association/American Stroke Association guidelines. Organized for
fast reference, this new volume helps practitioners improve patient
It has never been easy to introduce new concepts and therapeutic
in-terventions into surgical practice. When attempting to do so,
one is faced with the interagency of traditional dogma, which still
in this era of evidence-based medicine tends to dominate the
surgical thought pr- ess. This is particularly so in the area of
coloproctology, where prejudice and personal opinion often
influence objective analysis whenever tradition is challenged. A
large body of literature on anorectal prolapse has accumulated over
the years; although much is based on personal viewpoint rather than
scientific evidence, it has nevertheless been passed down through
the generations as ac-cepted wisdom and practice. As a consequence,
it is a challenge to change the mindset of a generation of surgeons
and to introduce new concepts and novel techniques which at first
might appear to be a radical departure from conventional teaching.
It is obviously not possible to present the basis for the
develop-ment of transanal stapling techniques for anorectal
prolapse in this Foreword; this is dealt with in detail elsewhere
in this book. The in-terested reader will have the opportunity to
share in the new and emerging concepts surrounding anorectal
prolapse and to deepen their understanding of the pat- physiology
and basis for surgical correction. Although hemorrhoidal disease
and external rectal prolapse have been known about for centuries,
the understanding of internal rectal prolapse (intussusception) and
rectocele has only really advanced with the emergence of
radiological imaging tech-niques, such as defecography.
Our increased understanding of health and disease coupled with
major technologic advances has resulted in rapid and significant
changes in the practice of medicine. How we prepare physicians for
clinical practice 20, 30, or 40 years from now is of paramount
importance to medical educators, to the future professionals, and
to society at large. Implementing Biomedical Innovations into
Health, Education, and Practice delves into this important
question, discussing the effects of precision medicine,
bioinformatics, biologic and environmental forces, and societal
shifts on the physician's approach to diagnosis and therapy. The
author interviewed world-renowned physicians, medical educators,
healthcare leaders, and research professionals-their insights and
quotes are woven throughout the narrative. Professionally
illustrated, this relevant resource is a must-have for all medical
professionals who incorporate technology and biomedical innovations
in their research and clinical practice. It encourages thoughtful
analysis on adapting and developing the foundational knowledge,
skills, and aptitudes of future physicians and other healthcare
professionals, and it belongs in your library. "Having completed
deanship at one of America's leading medical schools, Jim
Woolliscroft produces an insightful, contemplative projection of
the likely skill and behavioral needs of the physician workforce
for the mid-21st century...The result is a playbook for physician
training that responds effectively to the daunting challenges faced
in the coming transformation of the role of physicians in
protecting the health of our nation." James L. Madara, MD, CEO,
American Medical Association "Dr. Woolliscroft's provocative new
book will become must reading for all who are serious about
educating the next generation of physicians and health care
leaders. Leveraging his own experience as a consummate educator and
interviews with numerous thought leaders, he identifies the
uncertainties, challenges and disruptions to the practice of
medicine in the decades ahead. The implications and imperatives for
the coming generations of physicians are compelling and of critical
importance for care givers, policy makers, and most pointedly
educators in the U.S. and around the world." Gary S. Kaplan MD,
Chairman and CEO, Virginia Mason Health System "This ambitious
masterpiece, by one of the leading medical educators of our time,
fully captures the ongoing changes and disruptions in medicine
today, and how they will influence the care of patients and the
training of young physicians in the future." Eric Topol, MD,
Executive Vice President, Scripps Research, Author of Deep Medicine
This work brings together a selection of Clinical Forum features
from the journal "Aphasiology". The fora are designed to cover
issues in clinical aphasiology which are central, topical and
controversial. Each forum concerns a main article and a number of
In der Intensivmedizin ist es oft notwendig, rasch erste
therapeutische Massnahmen ohne Fehler und Unsicherheiten
vorzunehmen. Dieses Buch bietet den Arzten wahrend ihrer
intensivmedizinischen Ausbildung eine schnelle und ubersichtliche
Hilfe in der kompetenten Betreuung eines breiten Patientenspektrums
an einer chirurgischen Intensivstation. Haufige Krankheitsbilder
aus Abdominalchirurgie, Thoraxchirurgie, Herzchirurgie,
Traumatologie, Geburtshilfe und Innerer Medizin werden behandelt
und die pathophysiologischen Vorstellungen erlautert. Daruber
hinaus werden grundlegende Kenntnisse in Bezug auf kunstliche
Beatmung sowie alternative Techniken vermittelt und die Thematik
der parenteralen und enteralen Ernahrung ubersichtlich und
praxisnah dargelegt. Krankheitsbildern wie Sepsis mit ihrer
Pathophysiologie und damit verbundener Verzahnung von Gerinnung und
Inflammation wurde besonderes Augenmerk gewidmet, so dass neue und
teils noch in Entwicklung befindliche Therapieansatze beurteilt
werden konnen."
Integrated Medical Sciences: The Essentials is a concise,
accessible, problem-based approach to the subject using case
scenarios to facilitate students taking their pre-clinical or basic
sciences examinations.Using a family of characters in each case
scenario, the aim of the text is to reflect the current changes in
medical and biomedical science curriculum that is increasingly
moving towards a more integrated approach through problem-based
learning. The characters, all members of an extended family, will
appear in several scenarios and the student will become familiar
with their personalities and their disease processes. Each case
study will therefore cover the relevant anatomy, physiology,
pathology, pharmacology, microbiology, immunology and biochemistry
and enable the reader to grasp the key concepts of basic medical
sciences in an integrated fashion.
Takes an integrated approach to the subject to reflect recent
changes in medical and biomedical science curriculum Further Study
sections to enhance understanding and enable the student to read
around the subject Intended learning outcomes included at the
beginning of each chapter Trigger Boxes containing key facts and
revision questions included throughout to ensure key concepts are
fully understood
An essential text for first and second year undergraduates
taking medical or biomedical sciences (during the pre-clinical
phase for medical students.). The book will also be invaluable to
nursing degree students and allied health students taking courses
in dentistry, physiotherapy and pharmacy. In addition, the book
will be ideal for US and International medical students preparing
for the USMLE Step 1 examination.
Despite what you might have been told, we're not inherently
selfish. The truth is we're inherently kind.Scientific evidence has
proven that kindness changes the brain, impacts the heart and
immune system, is an antidote to depression and even slows the
ageing process. We're actually genetically wired to be kind. In The
Five Side Effects of Kindness, David Hamilton shows that the
effects of kindness are felt daily throughout our nervous system.
When we're kind we feel happier and our bodies are healthiest.In
his down-to-earth and accessible style, David shares how: *Kindness
makes us happier *Kindness is good for the heart *Kindness slows
ageing *Kindness improves relationships *Kindness is contagious
This comprehensive book thoroughly addresses all aspects of health
care transition of adolescents and young adults with chronic
illness or disability; and includes the framework, tools and
case-based examples needed to develop and evaluate a Health Care
Transition (HCT) planning program that can be implemented
regardless of a patient's disease or disability. Health Care
Transition: Building a Program for Adolescents and Young Adults
with Chronic Illness and Disability is a uniquely inclusive
resource, incorporating youth/young adult, caregiver, and pediatric
and adult provider voices and perspectives. Part I of the book
opens by defining Health Care Transition, describing the urgent
need for comprehensive transition planning, barriers to HCT and
then offering a framework for developing and evaluating health care
transition programs. Part II focuses on the anatomic and
neuro-chemical changes that occur in the brain during adolescence
and young adulthood, and how they affect function and behavior.
Part III covers the perspectives of important participants in the
HCT transition process - youth and young adults, caregivers, and
both pediatric and adult providers. Each chapter in Part IV
addresses a unique aspect of developing HCT programs. Part V
explores various examples of successful transition from the
perspective of five key participants in the transition process -
patients, caregivers, pediatric providers, adult providers and
third party payers. Related financial matters are covered in part
VI, while Part VII explores special issues such as HCT and the
medical home, international perspectives, and potential legal
issues. Models of HCT programs are presented in Part VIII,
utilizing an example case study. Representing perspectives from
over 75 authors and more than 100 medical centers in North America
and Europe, Health Care Transition: Building a Program for
Adolescents and Young Adults with Chronic Illness and Disability is
an ideal resource for any clinician, policy maker, caregiver, or
hospitalist working with youth in transition.
The continuous progress in the understanding of molecular processes
of disease formation and progression attributes an increasing
importance to biomedical molecular imaging methods. The purpose of
this workshop was to discuss and overview multiple applications and
emerging technologies in the area of diagnostic imaging including
its fundamental capabilities in preclinical research, the
opportunities for medical care, and the options involving
therapeutic concepts. The book provides the reader with
state-of-the-art information on the different aspects of diagnostic
imaging, illuminating new developments in molecular biology,
imaging agents and molecular probe design, and therapeutic
Die akute Appendizitis gilt in der heutigen Zeit als die haufigste
operationsbedurftige Erkrankung des Bauchraums und als die
Hauptursache des akuten Abdomen. Seit Anfang des 20. Jh.s ist die
Appendektomie als Therapiemassnahme bei akuter Appendizitis eine
der am meisten durchgefuhrten chirurgischen Eingriffe, sodass sie
mittlerweile zur Routine gezahlt wird. Jedoch weit weniger bekannt
ist die Tatsache, dass die Existenz des Wurmfortsatzes erst am Ende
des 15. Jh.s durch Leonardo da Vinci erkannt wurde und das
Krankheitsbild einer entzundeten Appendix vermiformis erst viel
spater im 19. Jh. unter den Medizinern etabliert war. Vor diesem
Hintergrund untersucht die Autorin, wie sich der Weg hin bis zur
Entdeckung der Appendix vermiformis und die Etablierung des
Krankheitsbildes und dessen Therapie im klinischen Alltag
gestaltete und welche Grunde diesen Weg zu einem langwierigen
I wrote this book urged by the overwhelming desire that arises
towards the end of life to recapitulate the past. My goal was to
summarize my experience of practicing science at the end of the
20th and early 21st centuries in Argentina, a country located far
away from the world's leading scientific centers. In the book, I
summarize the intricacies of the pineal gland ("the stone of
madness") as historical, mystical and medical entity and its entry
in contemporary medicine with the description of melatonin. I also
reflect on how being associated with an unexplored subject at the
beginning of his scientific career impacts the life of a scientist
throughout their entire life. Today we know that in humans pineal
melatonin is released every day late in the evening, and there is
evidence that it is the trigger for the sleep process. But the most
exciting aspect of melatonin is that it is a substance that is
present in all living creatures, from unicellular organisms to
plants and higher mammals, a fact that evinces its importance for
life. Further, the neuroprotective action of melatonin promises to
be crucial for the control of neurodegenerative diseases we face as
a pandemic in this century. The discoverer of melatonin, Aaron
Lerner, based its name on melano, the Greek word for black, because
of its effect on the pigment cells of the skin. As in "La vie en
rose", the immortal Edith Piaf song written in 1946, my lifelong
work with melatonin could well be called "Ma vie en noir".
Advances in Clinical Chemistry, Volume 88, the latest installment
in this internationally acclaimed series, contains chapters
authored by world-renowned clinical laboratory scientists,
physicians and research scientists. The serial discusses the latest
and most up-to-date technologies related to the field of clinical
chemistry, and is the benchmark for novel analytical approaches in
the clinical laboratory.
This issue of Medical Clinics, Guest Edited by Dr. Kerry B. Dunbar,
is devoted to Gastroenterology. Articles in this issue include:
Proton Pump Inhibitors: What the Internist Needs to Know;
Management of Refractory GERD; Colonoscopy, Polypectomy, and the
Risk of Bleeding; Pancreatic Cysts: Sinister Findings or
'Incidentalomas'?; The Future of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Treatment; Effective Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome; The
Revolution in Treatment of Hepatitis C; Diet and the Role of Food
in GI Symptoms; Eosinophilic Esophagitis; Colorectal Cancer
Screening: Is Colonoscopy the Best Option?; Celiac Disease and
Gluten Sensitivity; Management of Chronic Pancreatitis; and Helping
Patients with Gastroparesis.