Books > Computing & IT > General theory of computing > General
Learn to Program Android Apps - in Only a Day! Android: Programming
Guide: Android App Development - Learn in a Day teaches you
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Programming Guide: Android App Development - Learn in a Day, you'll
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Today's enterprises are increasingly going global by becoming more
distributed, leveraging resource bases in all parts of the world.
Whether through offshore relationships, global support or
application development programs, or linking disparate parts of
organizations, enterprises are reducing costs by managing
applications centrally, boosting security, and assuring network
uptime. The Handbook of Research on Global Information Technology
Management in the Digital Economy provides comprehensive coverage
and definitions of the most important issues, concepts, trends and
technologies in the field of the emerging sub-discipline of global
information technology management, covering topics such as the
technical platform for global IS applications, information systems
projects spanning cultures, managing information technology in
multidomestic/ international/global/transnational corporations, and
global information technology systems and socioeconomic development
in developing countries. With 25 authoratative contributions from
34 of the world's leading experts, this publication is a must-have
for academic and research libraries.
This book offers a holistic framework to study behavior and
evolutionary dynamics in large-scale, decentralized, and
heterogeneous crowd networks. In the emerging crowd
cyber-ecosystems, millions of deeply connected individuals, smart
devices, government agencies, and enterprises actively interact
with each other and influence each other's decisions. It is crucial
to understand such intelligent entities' behaviors and to study
their strategic interactions in order to provide important
guidelines on the design of reliable networks capable of predicting
and preventing detrimental events with negative impacts on our
society and economy. This book reviews the fundamental
methodologies to study user interactions and evolutionary dynamics
in crowd networks and discusses recent advances in this emerging
interdisciplinary research field. Using information diffusion over
social networks as an example, it presents a thorough investigation
of the impact of user behavior on the network evolution process and
demonstrates how this can help improve network performance.
Intended for graduate students and researchers from various
disciplines, including but not limited to, data science,
networking, signal processing, complex systems, and economics, the
book encourages researchers in related research fields to explore
the many untouched areas in this domain, and ultimately to design
crowd networks with efficient, effective, and reliable services.
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Sektion 1: Internet als Business-Plattform.- Elektronische
Koordination interorganisatorischer Geschaftsprozesse zwischen
privaten Haushalten und Versicherungen im Rahmen von
Tele-Insuring.- Internet-Nutzung im Business-to-Business-Bereich:
Stand der Entwicklung, Typologie und Anwendungsbeispiele.- Aufbau
eines Elektronischen Handelsplatzes fur Java-Applets.-
Preisstrategien fur ein integriertes Universal-Internet.- Sektion
2: Optimierung von Geschaftsprozessen.- Value-Based Management of
Inter-Organizational Business Processes.- A Hierarchical Planning
Procedure Supporting the Selection of Service Providers in
Outtasking Decisions.- A Multiagent System-Approach for the Design
of Information Systems in Virtual Organizations.- Office-Automation
in Municipal and County Administration with an Integrated Workflow
Based Information System.- Efficiency and Cost Implications of
Capital Allocation Mechanisms: A Contribution to the
Market-versus-Hierarchy-Discussion.- Sektion 3: Groupware- und
Workflow-Strategien.- Organisatorischer Wandel bei Einfuhrung von
Groupware.- Increased Competitiveness using a Groupware based
Project Controlling System.- Architektur zur
informationstechnologischen Unterstutzung von Kooperationen.-
Enterprise Knowledge Medium (EKM) - Konzeption und Einsatz eines
computergestutzten Planungs- und Kontrollsystems im
prozessorientierten Unternehmen.- Unterstutzung der
Workflow-Entwicklung durch ein unternehmensweites Repository fur
Geschaftsprozessrealisierungen.- Sektion 4: Groupware-Anwendungen.-
New perspectives for higher education processes as a team-based
approach - Back-office information technology for higher education
and training.- Konfiguration des Informationsdienstes in
Groupware.- Sektion 5: Wirtschaftliche Programmerstellung.- Global
Production: The Case of Offshore Programming.- Metriken fur die
IV-Diagnose, Konzept und prototypische Implementierung.-
Produktinformationssysteme in Business Networks.- Sektion 6: SAP
und Client-Server-Integration.- System Migration and System
Integration: Two SAP Cases.- Unternehmensweite Datenkonsistenz
durch Integration bestehender Informationssysteme.- Client/Server
Architecture: what it promises - what it really provides.- IS
Project Risk in Polish Organizations.- Sektion 7: Organisation und
Datenmanagement.- Flexible Organizations Through Object-oriented
and Transaction-oriented Information Systems.- Determinants and
Outcomes of Electronic Data Interchange Integration.-
Referenz-Informationsmodelle fur den Handel: Begriff, Nutzen und
Empfehlungen fur die Gestaltung und unternehmensspezifische
Adaption von Referenzmodellen.- Entwicklung eines Data Warehouse
fur das Produktionscontrolling: Konzepte und Erfahrungen.- Sektion
8: Neue Chancen durch Multimedia.- Der Markt fur interaktive
elektronische Medien aus oekonomischer Sicht.- Sektion 9:
Anwendungen von Internet/Intranet.- Improving Competitiveness of
Direct Banking via IT-Enabled Incentive Schemes.- Die Nutzung von
Internet-Diensten im Rahmen des Elektronischen Datenaustauschs -
Architekturvarianten und ein Anwendungsszenario.- Sektion 10:
Organisation und Workflow.- Neue Organisationsformen und IT:
Herausforderung fur die Unternehmensgestalter.- INCOME/WF - A Petri
Net Based Approach to Workflow Management.- On the Object-Oriented
Modelling of Distributed Workflow Applications.- Sektion 11:
Reorganisation des Unternehmens.- Synthesizing Business and
Information Systems (IS): Towards a Common Business-IS Model based
on Agents.- Planungs- und Kontrollmodelle zur Steuerung
prozessorientierter Organisationen auf der Basis einer
Intranet-Anwendung.- Neue Kernprozesse fur Versicherer mit
Agenturnetz.- Sponsorenverzeichnis.- Autoren- und
A new set of major changes is reshaping the economy and creating
challenges that are testing the mettle and talents of organizations
and their employees. Unless organizations and their employees
develop the requisite skills they need to cope with these
challenges, many will become casualties of their own deficiencies.
"Keys to Employee Success in Coming Decades" seeks to prepare
employees for future success in an increasingly demanding and
competitive global environment. Sims, Veres, and their contributors
are careful to focus on what employees at different levels in the
organization will need to do to be successful in the twenty-first
Mastery of the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors
discussed by the contributors in this book will lead to enhanced
employee performance as the new decade approaches. The requirements
for new employees or the redesigned employees is quickly changing.
The organizations of tomorrow will expect employees who understand
the importance of success; who welcome change and accept it, master
it, and deliberately cause it. They are also employees who are
proactive innovators, who confront constraints and the limitations
on actions that they impose, who take risks and who continue to
develop themselves professionally, technically, and personally.
Written clearly, concisely, and with a minimum of academic jargon,
the book will be important reading for specialists in human
resource management, training and development, and others with
critical responsibilities throughout the organization.
This is an examination of the various technical and organisational
elements that impact services management, business management, risk
management, and customer relationship management.
An introduction to parallel programming with openmpi using C. It is
written so that someone with even a basic understanding of
programming can begin to write mpi based parallel programs.
Ada's Legacy illustrates the depth and diversity of writers,
thinkers, and makers who have been inspired by Ada Lovelace, the
English mathematician and writer. The volume, which commemorates
the bicentennial of Ada's birth in December 1815, celebrates
Lovelace's many achievements as well as the impact of her life and
work, which reverberated widely since the late nineteenth century.
In the 21st century we have seen a resurgence in Lovelace
scholarship, thanks to the growth of interdisciplinary thinking and
the expanding influence of women in science, technology,
engineering and mathematics. Ada's Legacy is a unique contribution
to this scholarship, thanks to its combination of papers on Ada's
collaboration with Charles Babbage, Ada's position in the Victorian
and Steampunk literary genres, Ada's representation in and
inspiration of contemporary art and comics, and Ada's continued
relevance in discussions around gender and technology in the
digital age. With the 200th anniversary of Ada Lovelace's birth on
December 10, 2015, we believe that the timing is perfect to publish
this collection of papers. Because of its broad focus on subjects
that reach far beyond the life and work of Ada herself, Ada's
Legacy will appeal to readers who are curious about Ada's enduring
importance in computing and the wider world.
E-Business covers a broad spectrum of businesses based on the
Internet, including e-commerce, e-healthcare, e-government and e
tailing. While substantial attention is being given to the planning
and development of e-business applications, the efficiency and
effectiveness of e-business systems will largely depend on
management solutions. These management solutions demand a good
grasp of both the technical and business perspectives of an
e-business service. There have been many books on the Internet
based on e-commerce, Internet protocols, distributed components
etc. However, none of these books address the problem of managing e
business as a set of networked services. They do not link
enterprise management with network and systems management. This
book provides an overview of the emerging techniques for IT service
management from a business perspective with case studies from
telecommunication and healthcare sectors. It integrates the
business perspective with relevant technical standards, such as
SNMP, WBEM and DMI. This book presents some concepts and
methodologies that enable the development of effective and
efficient management systems for networked services. The book is
intended to familiarize practicing managers, engineers, and
graduate level students with networked service management concepts,
architectures and methodologies with reference to evolving
standards. It should be useful in a number of disciplines, such as
business management, information systems, computers and networking,
and telecommunications.
Appendix 2 is based on TeleManagement (TM) Forum's documents on
TOM (GB921, GB910 and GB908). While this appendix has explained the
basic management concept of an e-telco, TMForum now recommends the
use of eTOM as explained in www.tmforum.com. An overview of eTOM is
available in the report The TeleManagement Forum's enhanced Telecom
Operations Map (eTOM) by Michael Kelly appearing in the Journal of
Network and Systems Management in March 2003.
This comprehensive and timely publication aims to be an essential
reference source, building on the available literature in the field
of Gamification for the economic and social development of
countries while providing further research opportunities in this
dynamic and growing field. Thus, the book aims to provide the
opportunity for a reflection on this important issue, increasing
the understanding of the importance of Gamification in the context
of organizations' improvements, providing relevant academic work,
empirical research findings and, an overview of this relevant field
of study. This text will provide the resources necessary for
policymakers, technology developers, and managers to adopt and
implement solutions for a more digital era.
The financial meltdown resulting from the subprime mortgage fiasco
culminated in the most dramatic economic slowdown since the Great
Depression. The global economic crisis raised the debate about the
role of financial institutions and the role of regulators in an
increasingly interconnected and rapidly changing world. It also
altered the marketplace's perception of historically trusted
financial institutions. Over the years, geopolitical, economic and
technical trends have had a subtle, but very powerful, impact on
the basic business model for financial institutions worldwide and
on their interactions with accountholders. Add to that increased
margin pressures, regulatory and compliance issues, fraud and
compliance concerns, and competitive threats, and it becomes
obvious that the old business model simply won't work going
forward. At the same time, the financial industry is littered with
some of the oldest technologies of any industry, which contributed
to the poor credit decisions that fueled the crisis. A recognized
entrepreneur and award-winning innovator, Louis Hernandez, Jr.,
using historical examples, points out that the rate of change
impacting the financial services industry is accelerating. The
industry has been slow to respond to change, and the focus on the
recent crisis has uncovered fundamental problems that financial
institutions have been avoiding. Hernandez outlines a process to
map the future direction of individual institutions and the
industry in a way that addresses near-term issues and overarching
global changes, such as a re-emergent Asia and the dynamics of a
knowledge economy. He points out that the "Too Big to Fail" thesis
has given way to the seemingly more prudent, community-based
institutions that largely avoided the subprime crisis. These
institutions have demonstrated that they represent a unique pillar
of economic stability. Now, he says, is the perfect time for the
leaders of these community-based institutions to seize the day and
lead the financial services industry back to the center of economic
vitality and drive global economic growth, one community at a time.
In Too Small to Fail, Hernandez issues the call to action, "Do you
have the extraordinary drive it will take to inspire the industry
and bring financial institutions back to their place as trusted
Business processes are becoming increasingly complex and dynamic as
they seek to cope with a wide range of internal and external
interactions and changes. ""The Handbook of Research on Complex
Dynamic Process Management: Techniques for Adaptability in
Turbulent Environments"" investigates the nature and history of
dynamic processes essential to understanding the need for
flexibility and adaptability as well as the requirements to improve
solutions. This innovative collection covers the development of
various strategies, architectures, and techniques for achieving
adaptive processes in environments.
The acceleration of the Internet and the growing importance of ICT
in the globalized markets have played a vital role in the
progressively difficult standardization of ICT companies. With the
related economic importance of standards, companies and
organizations are bringing their own ideas and technologies into
the Internet's standard settings.Innovations in Organizational IT
Specification and Standards Development provides advancing research
on all current aspects of IT standards and standardization. This
book aims to be useful in gaining knowledge for IT researchers,
scholars, and practitioners alike.
Recent improvements in healthcare delivery due to innovative
technological advancements have redefined fields of biomedical
science now allowing for enhanced information management, resource
allocation, and quality assurance. Biocomputation and Biomedical
Informatics: Case Studies and Applications provides a compendium of
terms, definitions, and explanations of concepts, processes, and
acronyms in this significant medical field of study. Featuring
chapters authored by leading international experts, this
unsurpassed collection provides a defining body of research
indispensible to medical libraries, researchers, and institutions
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