Books > Health, Home & Family > Mind, body & spirit > General
Following on from the success of Wisdom of Flowers, this beautifully illustrated book will share the infinite wisdom of birds, providing inspiration from these small but mighty creatures on how to live bravely and care for the things we love.
Taking sixty of the world’ s most amazing birds, including the great blue heron found on the Galapagos Islands, the sooty tern of the tropical oceans, the black-throated blue warbler and the Acadian flycatcher, this book will share their unique characteristics and strengths that allow them to thrive, inspiring us to build with care and spread our wings.
The masterwork of James Allen, As a Man Thinketh demonstrates the
supreme power of thought to change our outlook, attainments and
destiny. Embarking on an exploration of the mind's powers, James
Allen discusses how thinking influences major facets of action,
both internal and in the world around us. Writing plainly but
profoundly, the author demonstrates the sheer influence that
thinking habits have upon our lives. The author explains his
overarching belief that when a person changes how they think, their
lives will reflect this difference - the attainment of things such
as joy, material or other successes and inner peace represent but a
fraction of the possibilities. Philosophical and motivational, this
book has long occupied the shelves of millions. While short, the
text represents a wellspring of value, useful to refer back to and
understand time and again.
Vir baie uitdagings en vraagstukke van die moderne lewe kon die
skrywer nie al die antwoorde in die Bybel kry nie. Sy besef dat die
wereld waarin ons vandag leef, radikaal anders is as die wereld van
ons oumagrootjies. Tong-in-die-kies vertrek sy op 'n spirituele
reis wat by die Oerknal begin. Sy beleef die vorming van die aarde,
die begin van lewe, evolusie, die ontstaan van Homo sapiens, en die
ontstaan van die spirituele bewussyn van die mens. Op pad kom sy
Zoroaster, die Boeddha, Jesus, Mohammed en Einstein tee. Haar reis
na die dieper betekenis van die lewe is uiteindelik 'n
intellektuele geskiedenis van die mensdom wat eindig by
globalisering, relatiwiteitsteorie en kosmologie. Sy kom tot die
ontdekking dat die simboliek van die Christendom behou moet word
maar dat nuwe betekenis daaraan gegee moet word; en dat dit gedoen
kan word deur onsself te leer ken.